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干部教育培训中的项目管理,就是对培训中连续性的工作、大量的细节问题进行系统管理,以实现干部教育培训全过程的动态管理、综合协调和全面优化。通过项目管理建立健全相关程序和标准,加强培训工作环境变化预测,充分整合运用各种资源,增强培训工作的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

Abstract: Human resource management, directly linked to operational and environmental forecasts, is a critical tool for public administrators as they respond to current difficult economic conditions. This paper describes new developments within the public service of Canada to improve the quality of human resource planning and to ensure its complete integration into the corporate planning system. Planning for human resources must start at the top when the major objectives of the organization are set. These objectives establish the framework within which the strategic plan and the operational plans must fit. The author describes the factors which contribute to the complexity of developing and administering human resource planning in the public service and the principal elements of the Policy and Expenditure Management System (PEMS). Then, a new system is described which is proposed to be introduced in the federal public service in 1985. Its purpose is the integration of human resource planning, including career planning, training and development, hiring and action to redress under-representation, with operational and strategic planning. Its tools include attrition forecasting, environmental scanning, models of the organization under varying circumstances, occupational analysis and job definition, and it must be supported by data bases of considerable quality. In the Canadian public service it has become evident that the roles of the manager and personnel specialist must change if human resource planning is to work. Managers must be trained and able to foresee the human resource implications of their strategic and operational plans. The specialist must be able to provide information and analytical support needed to turn implications into valid, realistic long- and short-term plans for the achievement of corporate goals through development and appointment of appropriate resources. Human resource plans must emanate from the basic objective of the organization set by the Chief Executive Officer and the executive team; they will succeed in direct proportion to the level of commitment and support awarded to them by Chief Executive Officers and the extent to which managers are held accountable for them.  相似文献   

自1999年至今已实施20年的退耕还林工程,不仅提升了我国生态环境的含绿量,而且推动了特困地区脱贫致富。然而,这个过程中也伴生了贪污贿赂、渎职侵权、利益输送、毁林掘地等违法犯罪。基层林业、财政等部门的个别工作人员单独或合谋,利用微权力弄虚作假,长期蚕食国家退耕还林资金是该领域呈现的犯罪特点。当前乃至今后,国家应当采取个人预防、制度预防以及监察预防等三个功能来禺合的预防路径,特别是加强纪检监察机关对退耕还林资金分配的廉政性防控,为打造青山常在、绿水长流、空气常新的美丽中国提供法治保障。  相似文献   

Abstract. The article briefly examines organization and systems theory, Planning, Programming and Budgeting system, management and planning theory, Nadler's system design matrix and the scientific research design, and derives a ‘form’ or a format to describe and express human activities from a managerial point of view. This format is the Program Design Guidelines. A program is defined as a set of human activities and their requirements which can be described (for evaluation purposes) or formulated (for planning purposes) according to twelve aspects: title, introduction, needs/problems/concerns, objective, target population, operations, schedule, authority and responsibility, resources required, budget, evaluation and implications. A series of advantages could follow the wide use of such guidelines in government operations.  相似文献   

从公共政策过程看,城市规划是城市政府、官员、规划师、开发商、普通市民等多元利益主体相互博弈的结果。为了保证城市规划的公平性和正义性,需要加强制度建设,推进信息公开和公众参与,完善城市规划委员会制度,加强对规划机构的监督,在多元利益诉求之间进行利益协调,维护多元利益平衡并保证公共利益。  相似文献   

“员工帮助计划”在科技型企业的应用实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"员工帮助计划"(EAP)是企业为员工设置的一套系统的、长期的福利与支持项目,它通过专业人员提供的专业指导、培训和咨询,提高员工在企业中的工作绩效。东方地球物理公司研究院从2007年开始引入EAP,经过几年的实践,使这一项目日益成为企业思想政治工作的重要组成部分,在企业人才培养、稳定职工队伍、激发员工的积极性方面发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines the introduction and operation of integrated resource planning management in the Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Government of Alberta, during the period 1976-86. In government planning, systems are introduced to increase task interdependencies, create common purposes and establish performance monitoring. Such a system forces the organizational units concerned to confront their differences. This is because planning systems change task interdependence from pooled to reciprocal. This change means that the differences between organizational units in terms of values, status, organizational processes and power are brought into the open. As a result conflict occurs, not so much because planning in uSis context represented an organizational change, but because reciprocal interdependence is inherently conflictual. This case shows that the planning systems are about both policy-making and organizational structure and processes. Changes in ways of making policy are changes in organizational operation. Outcomes such as incrementalism and political behaviour are derived from the pre-existing pattern of organizational differentiation and the way in which an innovative technical system, in this case integrated resource planning, interacts with that differentiation by changing task interdependence between resource agencies. Sommaire: Cet article traite de la mise sur pied et du mode de fonctionnement d'un service intégré de planification des ressources au ministére de l'Énergie et des Res-sources naturelles de l'Alberta entre 1976-86. Les gouvernements conçoivent des systémes de planification pour accroître l'interdépendance des tâches, fixer des objec-tifs communs et surveiller le rendement. Un systéme de ce genre fait ressortir les divergences qui existent entre les unités organisationnelles car l'interdépendance des tâches y est réciproque au lieu d'y être collective. Ceci met en lumiére les différences qui opposent les unités organisationnelles sur le plan de leurs valeurs, de leur statut, de leurs procédés organisationnels et de leurs pouvoirs. Il en découle un conflit, non pas tant parce que dans ce contexte la planification représente un changement organisational, mais parce que l'interdépendance réciproque est conflictuelle par essence. L'étude démontre que les systémes de planification touchent à la fois l'élaboration des politiques, la structure et les procécdés organisationnels. Modifier la façon d'élaborer les politiques débouche sur un changement du fonctionnement organisationnel. La comportimentation et le comportement politique qui en résultent proviennent du modéle organisationnel pré-existant, des divergences qu'il comporte et de la maniére dont un systéme technique novateur, en l'occurrence la planification intégrée des ressources, répose sur ces divergences pour modifier l'interdépendance des tâches entre les organismes ressources.  相似文献   

关于研究生教学管理中若干问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李争 《理论前沿》2005,(20):41-42
本文针对高校研究生教学管理中存在的问题进行分析,并提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

通过研究国内及国外安防教学体系,借鉴澳大利亚ECU大学计算机与安全科学学院的课程设置,对比总结出高职安防专科教育的专业需求及高职安防专业的教学体系特点。分析安防行业发展需求及安防高职生源现状,归纳出教学改革重点。  相似文献   

由国家外专局与教育部共同举办的“高校领导赴澳培训考察团” ,于2 0 0 3年 1 1月 1 5日— 1 2月 2 0日赴澳大利亚就高校战略规划问题进行了考察。通过考察 ,深入了解了澳大利亚战略规划的特点及其成因 ;并为我国高校制定战略规划提供了一些有益的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

本文初步解读和简要概述了《共同纲领》中新民主主义经济方针的基本内容和历史针对性。《共同纲领》是中国共产党长期探索新民主主义经济理论的思想结晶。从理论属性说,它不是社会主义的,而是新民主主义的。从实践方面说,它成功引导了国民经济恢复时期的国家经济活动。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的人才培养目标及其定位决定了产学合作是其人才培养的基本途径。举办高等职业教育伴随着专业设置与调整的必然过程。产学结合是高职教育专业职业性原则的本质要求。实践教学体系的建立,体现的正是举办高等职业教育所必然伴随的专业设置与调整的过程。专业设置与调整是产学合作深度发展的过程。  相似文献   

项目教学作为干部教育培训中的一种有效的教学新方式,具有整体性、集中性、多样性的特点,在干部教育中能有效发挥适应培训新要求,整合教学资源,促进教研一体化的作用。项目教学的核心在于建构合理的教学模式,在实践中根据培训需要可构建小班项目教学、单元项目教学、异地培训项目教学和能力训练项目教学等多种形式。梳理众多的影响因素,提升项目教学成效的路径关键在于注重调研、加强协调、运用评估三要素。  相似文献   

近年来,我国违法用地的现象严重,土地规划的编制缺乏科学性是导致人为随意修改规划造成违法用地的重要原因之一。目前我国土地规划的现状、土地规划机构的规划能力和水平对规划质量的提高有一定影响,构建我国土地规划资格制度具有重要的理论和现实意义,建立我国专业化的土地规划队伍即土地规划资格制度应参考城市规划师执业资格的模式。  相似文献   

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