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Abrams  Burton A.  Settle  Russell F. 《Public Choice》2004,120(3-4):379-400
The Federal Election Campaign Act as passed in 1971 and amended in 1974represented landmark federal legislation. It imposed new restrictions oncampaign contributions and contained path-breaking provisions for the useof public funds to partially finance the campaigns of qualifyingpresidential candidates. The nominal intent of the legislation was torestrain the skyrocketing campaign costs and the feared abuses thatgrowing dependencies on such money engendered. Three decades later, withthe campaign spending ``arms race'' still raging. Congress sought toimpose further constraints on campaign spending with enactment of theBipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA). Competing theories ofgovernment regulation are reviewed to better understand the intent andlikely consequences of the 2002 legislation in particular and campaignfinance regulation in general. A simple model of the campaign spendingprocess highlights the likely causes of the rapid growth in campaignspending. Data and evidence are presented to test hypotheses concerningthe timing of and underlying motivations for BCRA.  相似文献   

公德是一个范围极广的概念,公共道德和公民道德都属于公德范畴,然而,这两个词的含义并不相同。公民道德的培养有赖于公民社会的建立。而公德心却是任何一个形态的社会所必须有的。因此,澄清公民道德和公共道德的含义及其适用范围不仅有利于认清我国目前所存在的公德问题,而且有助于公共道德和公民道德的培养。  相似文献   

A Question of Morality: Artists' Values and Public Funding for the Arts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1989, the combination of art, religion, homosexuality, ana1 public dollars set off an explosive two-year battle and a decade of skirmishes over funding for the National Endowment for the Arts. To promote artistic freedom and to avoid political controversy, federal arts policy delegates specific funding decisions to private donors and arts professionals. In an era of morality politics—hot-button issues driven by deeply held beliefs rather than by expertise—that strategy no longer works. Artists, donors, and arts audiences diverge widely from the rest of the American public in their attitudes toward religion, sexual morality, and civil liberties, as General Social Survey data show. Delegating funding decisions to them has naturally led to some subsidies of art offensive to important segments of the population.  相似文献   

"社会主义核心价值观"中的"爱国、敬业",从道德维度看,体现了践行社会主义核心价值观要"明大德"的道德要求。"社会主义核心价值观"中的"文明、和谐、友善",从道德维度分析,体现了践行社会主义核心价值观要"守公德"的道德要求。"社会主义核心价值观"中的"诚信、友善",从道德维度看,体现了践行社会主义核心价值观要"守私德"的道德要求。其中,"友善"既关乎"公德",也关乎"私德"。"明大德""守公德""严私德"既统一于践行"社会主义核心价值观"之中,也统一于新时代道德建设的过程中,故而,践行社会主义核心价值观,需加强新时代的道德建设。  相似文献   

作为国家治理传统中心轴的家国关系自现代转型以来经历了困境:在实践中被捍卫、被维系,在学理上却被抨击、被解构。走出西方现代性的单向思维控制,反思家父长制、家产官僚制、家天下等话语,是重构国家治理体系理论的必要条件。依据钱穆著述,公家秩序论尝试提出植根于中国经验和智慧的解释框架。政治与社会一体、政治法统尊重社会是家国关系的精髓。人伦主义主张个体通过耦伍共成树立自我,把家作为公家秩序的起点和原型,国和天下又在家的推衍层积中形成,这个元宪制涵括了不同于个人主义的群己公私观。只有建立在人类性情关系上的大群秩序才能扩展并长生,天下为公和天下一家分别从公与家的两端构筑了秩序的至善规范。超越政体论制度主义的观察视角,公家秩序的历史生成机制表现出共同体基于家而展开模拟融扩与修正矫治的内生二重性,生发原理与组织原理显现为主从关系。公家秩序的权力组织受到家团体原型、人伦主义和礼治的涵容,铸就了政治与教化、社会、经济一体化的礼法特质,这也是家国韧性的宪制缘由。  相似文献   

随着政府职能的转变,政府公共服务质量问题愈显重要。政府公共服务质量的影响因素贯穿于整个反馈式系统的政府服务过程中。在当下的公共服务实践中存在的政府对民众需求感知的独断性、服务标准制定的偏离性、服务提供的低效性以及服务改进的迟滞性等问题,必须通过转变政府行政理念、加强与民众的互动、加速服务流程再造、提高政府执行力等对策来解决。  相似文献   

拆迁涉及到政府、拆迁户、开发商和拆迁公司等各方利益,是当前产生社会矛盾和不稳定的一个重要领域.北京市酒仙桥地区在危改拆迁中引入了投票,是基层政府面对复杂的各方利益纷争和冲突的政府管理目标,难以协调整合下的"无奈选择".酒仙桥"投票拆迁"颇具创新精神;但也反映出公众在利益表达、参与决策以及政府在社会利益结构中如何准确定位,进行协调和整合等方面的问题.可以预见,各种形式的公众参与将持续增加,对以整合社会利益、增进公共利益为最终目标的政府提出了严峻挑战.  相似文献   

制度与德性:公共行政伦理的二重维度考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在公共行政的视阈下,德性伦理与制度伦理在人性假定、伦理支点、认知理论、伦理定位、理论品格和提升手段等方面存在诸多的理论分殊,同时又有内在的逻辑关联。为此,实现公共行政伦理目标,应寻求德性培育与制度安排契合之路径。  相似文献   

Problems of increasing complexity are facing decision makers within government and industry, and the key characteristic of these problems is that they are of system-of-systems type. With multiple, heterogeneous, distributed systems involved (including policies and economies as well as technologies), effective analysis for decision-support quickly becomes unmanageable within the “stovepipe” context that still characterizes many organizations in the research and development community. There is not a process/field of study in place that can enable us to systematically solve these types of problems, exemplified by the Next Generation Transportation System. While indeed numerous tools are available to help, they cannot be used effectively because the people who build and understand the tools all speak different languages. Much confusion still remains about words and phrases for system-of-systems type problems, let alone the best modeling approaches for dealing with them. While pockets of organizational restructuring may address this challenge for particular projects, there is a lack of systematic thinking at the basic level about how to address the challenges. This paper recommends that intellectual, financial, and institutional resources be invested for the purpose of initiating and nurturing a field of study that will enable us to better address this important type of problem. The future of transportation serves as a motivating example of a multidomain, system-of-systems problem of critical importance to the nation and in need of effective decision-support. The analogy of creating better maps and “navigation aids” for decision makers will be employed, emphasizing that, when navigating a minefield, knowing where not to go is the key factor in successfully traversing the terrain (i.e., making wise decisions).  相似文献   

Defining the Client in the Public Sector: A Social-Exchange Perspective   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Government reformers urge the adoption of a private-sector-style "customer focus," but critics see it as inappropriate to the public sector, in particular because it devalues citizenship. This article first argues that most public-sector organization-client interactions differ from the private-sector customer transaction and offers a typology of these interactions. But second, it proposes that the central feature of the customer model—the notion of exchange—can be broadened in a way that accentuates the importance of administrators' responsiveness to their publics. In a social-exchange perspective, government organizations need things from service recipients—such as cooperation and compliance—which are crucial for effective organizational performance; eliciting those things necessitates meeting not only people's material needs but also their symbolic and normative ones. Engaging in these different forms of exchange with clients is not necessarily inconsistent with an active citizenship model.  相似文献   

The performance framework adopted for this review includes five dimensions — economic, social, democratic, legal and political issues. This article presents summary findings from a statistical (meta-analytic) review of the performance measurements found in the available international literature on privatisation and contracting-out government services… This enables an assessment to be made of the extent to which reform objectives appear to have been achieved in practice. The article discusses the gains which result from contracting reforms, and the extent to which these gains accrue to various stakeholders — whether community, customers, the organisation or government.  相似文献   

简评公务员道德建设的人性假设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公务员的道德素质和道德水准在全社会起着示范作用。基于人性假设基础上的公务员道德建设理论,提出道德人、经济人和公共人的理论对公务员的道德建设有着一定的理论意义,但是也有其自身的局限性,其根本的局限性在于忽视了人的本质是社会关系的总和。  相似文献   

Simon Case and Catherine Haddon demonstrate the value of contemporary history by looking at the recent Butler Report into intelligence on weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in its historical context. Intelligence failures form the most visible activity of the intelligence services, yet from the policy-maker's perspective it is important that the intelligence process remains undisturbed so that the intelligence product remains useful. The intelligence effort on Iraqi WMD, as with previous changes in intelligence targets, shows the difficulties in establishing good intelligence on a new threat. Increases in demand and the centrality of intelligence put more pressure on the intelligence services. Butler has set a precedent for public awareness and therefore a desire for accountability that must be internalised by government and the intelligence services. The problems experienced over Iraq show the need for continual reappraisal by both producers and users of intelligence products, particularly in light of defence policy changes and the wider machinery of government.  相似文献   

This article summarises the results of a 'broad brush' global survey of 'new forms' of public management. The survey supports the view that the spread of the new forms cannot be seen as a global 'paradigm shift' in public management. However the new forms are increasingly found beyond the core set of OECD countries usually given as examples of reforming countries. The survey suggests that globalisation processes are increasing the amount of 'lesson drawing' between countries and contributing to the spread of new forms.  相似文献   

张康之的《寻找公共行政的伦理视角》一书发表后引起了强烈反响,有学者认为它是一部行政伦理学和行政学著作,还有学者认为它是一部哲学著作。该书的基本特性是反思性、开创性、可读性和乌托邦性等。其主要贡献为:它为历史上曾经出现过的行政实践模式及理论给出了确切的历史地位,并提出了未来公共行政的模式;深刻地揭示了现代公共行政的“思想模型”中的各种缺陷;提出了“在公共行政领域拒绝权利”的主张;建构了公共行政的道德框架,为公共行政理论的发展寻找到了一个新的坐标。该书引起的争论问题主要是:如何超越官僚制;如何实现社会秩序的供给;“在公共行政领域中拒绝权利”值得商榷;道德能否制度化等。该书存在的问题主要有:存在反复重叠之处;行政权力道德化的提法有些偏颇;谈及制度道德化时显得有些底气不足;对传统伦理与现代伦理的区别没有具体论述等。  相似文献   

This article investigates the implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) in Western Australia's public mental health system. A nationally agreed performance measurement framework forms part of the much needed reform now taking place within Australia. However, progress in the effective monitoring and reporting of KPIs is slow in most states, including Western Australia. The authors report on the results of a selective case study involving semi‐structured interviews with mental health administrators and offer a more nuanced insight into the intricacies and difficulties involved in performance measurement reform. The principal finding is that effective performance measurement and reporting can be internally problematic, particularly within a fragmented and networked system. This tends to give rise to a conformance‐only approach to performance measurement.  相似文献   

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