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Brighter Is The Hometown’s Moon-the 2010 China Zhenjiang Mid-Autumn Festival Gala-was held in the evening of Sept. 22 at the city’s Beiguwan Square. Over a thousand well-known personages of Zhenjiang origin from home and broad,  相似文献   

Legend of Mulan     
<正>New York audiences experience the tale of the warrior princess in a new way—through dance By Corrie DoshWith themes of strength and femininity,filial piety and honor,the legendary Ballad of Mulan has inspired generations of young Chinese students who dutifully recite the 5th-century tale as part of their standard school curriculum.After the release of the  相似文献   

正An archaeological find gives authenticity to a myth Legend has it that almost 400 years ago,a peasant rebel troop leader intentionally hid a large treasure at the bottom of the Minjiang River in Jiangkou Town,southwest China’s Sichuan Province.Recently,the legend was proved to be real by a tremendous archaeological discovery.A history or a legend?Zhang Xianzhong(1606-47),who commanded a peasant uprising in 1630 during  相似文献   

THE ancient town of Pingyao sits in Shanxi Province in North China, about 100 kilometers from the provincial capital of Taiyuan. This famous town with a history stretching more than 2,700 years is one of the best preserved ancient sites in China and was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.  相似文献   

A Blue Legend     
The success of the Water Cube only began with the 2008 Olympics. Let the branding begin 0ne year ago, the 2008 Olympics began in Beijing. The surge of Olympic athletes, judges, staff, and spectators receded after the Games  相似文献   

A Legend Is Born     
正A gate is opened to the world of Chinese wuxia as the first volume of Jin Yong’s Legends of the Condor Heroes is published in English for the first time ‘The Chinese The Lord of the Rings—now in English for the first time.""The series every Chinese reader has been enjoying for decades!"This is how A Hero Born,the first volume of the English edition of the Chinese martial arts  相似文献   

ZUNYI City in Guizhou Province got its name from a line in the Book of History, one of the five classics of Chinese literature, written some time before the birth of Confucius (551-479 BC). The area's history dates back even further, to the Palaeolithic ages, when it was home to the Tongzi people. Negotiating the space between the ancient Qin- Chu and Bashu civilizations, the wider Zunyi region has maintained a prominent position throughout Chinese history.  相似文献   

QI Yumin was vice-mayor of Liaoning's Dalian City until about a year and a half ago. Then he took the helm of the Brilliance Auto Company, based in the provincial capital of Shenyang. At the time, the ailing company was "waiting to be wound up." But Qi went on to change its destiny.When he was vice-mayor of Dalian, Brilliance was to Qi just another auto maker with the same old problems. In December 2005, he took a different view. He was appointed president of Brilliance Auto Company, executive president and chairman of the board of China Brilliance Automobile Holding Company, and president of Brilliance Jinbei Automobile Co., Ltd. En route from Dalian to Shenyang, Qi encountered a Christmas snowstorm. It just about reflected his mood. As he wrote in a text message to his sister, "I am going to a strange city to take a strange job in a strange company. I don't know what to feel."  相似文献   

THE milu (David'sdeer), an animal formerly unique to China,is commonly called"sibuxiang" (unlike any of thefour) by Chinese people, becauseof its horse's head, donkey's tail,ox hooves and deer antlers. Onthe inception of ancient Chinesecharacters, the pictographic "mi"was one of the first to beengraved on tortoise-shell andanimal bones. Later, throughoutvarious dynasties, the animalwas bred in imperial parks but,tragically, by 1900 it had becomeextinct in China. After 100 yearsseparation fr…  相似文献   

'Hoping domestically produced animation can go back 30 years, is a well-known saying in China's animation industry, or guoman. Why do audiences and industry insiders alike long for works produced during that era? Can those old stories and old-fashioned elements still satisfy an increasingly discerning generation of viewers?  相似文献   

BEFORE synthetic fibers were invented and their prices were brought down within the reach of the populace, people clothed themselves with the natural materials available in the surroundings where they lived and worked everyday. These vary from bark of trees to hide of animals. In the case of the Hezhens, an ethnic group in northeastern China, it is fish dermis. The Hezhens live in the plains along the Heilong, Songhua and Wusuli rivers in northeastern China. With a popula-  相似文献   

Imagine this:A state leader was betrayed by his deputy and was completely cut olf from his supporters;the opposition took control of the media and the military;angry protesters stormed the parliamentary building,demanding the election result be overturned;key officials resigned;finally,the leader was coerced into announcing a curfew effective until power was handed over to the opposition.  相似文献   

文学作品之于法学研究具有重要意义.《儒林外史》以高度的写实性与思想性,为后世了解当时法律运行的状况以及人们的法律观提供了丰富的材料.本文就小说中所描绘的状况以及人们的思想言行,阐发了各阶层的法律价值观以及他们在法律实践中的角色和作用,试图发掘传统中深层次的法律文化,以作现代法治建设之借鉴.  相似文献   

王欣 《思想战线》2007,33(3):10-16
作为一处伊斯兰教圣地,新疆的艾苏哈卜.凯赫夫麻札实际上是在伊斯兰教传入以后,后人比附《古兰经》文本并借助民间传说逐渐构建起来的。它的出现不仅缘自对佛教石窟物质形态的借助和利用,更是基于当地多种宗教文化流传的历史事实、深厚的思想积淀以及广泛的群众基础,藉此可透视西域宗教文化承继、融合与变异的曲折轨迹。  相似文献   

夜郎竹王传说与彝族竹灵崇拜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夜郎竹王传说 ,在汉文献中首见于《华阳国志·南中志》 ,之后《后汉书 南蛮西南夷列传》亦有记载。但二者却有不同。刘琳教授注《华阳国志》亦提出自己的见解。笔者认为 ,竹王传说与彝族古代社会的“竹灵”崇拜有关。  相似文献   

由凯文.科斯特纳导演的处女作《与狼共舞》,将写实主义风格与浪漫主义情调融为一体,以其独特的视角,多元化地展现文化、历史、种族与和平的复杂主题,成为电影史上一部永垂不朽的西部传奇。《与狼共舞》中艺术技巧的运用独具匠心,尤为突出的是象征手法的运用。  相似文献   

论《白鹿原》中三位女性的悲剧命运   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从女性批评的视角解读<白鹿原>中三位女性的悲剧命运:鹿兆鹏媳妇在理与欲的矛盾挣扎中走向疯狂,最后被父亲下重药毒死;田小娥因不甘于屈辱的境地,大胆追求欲望的满足而得罪传统礼教,惨死于公公之手;白灵所具有的独立意志与要求服从权势者意志的现代政治相抵触,死于革命内部的肃反运动中.她们的死亡显示出剥夺她们生命的中国传统礼教与现代政治的共同阴暗面:它们都是权势者的工具,维护的只是权势者的利益与意志,蔑视和践踏的是普通人(尤其是女性)的生命与意志.她们的悲剧揭示出现代中国的真相:重视他人生命与个人意志的现代社会远未到来,女性解放还远未完成.  相似文献   

<汉书·刑法志>对肉刑存废问题做了探讨.在肉刑体现的刑罚目的中,可以看出刑罚教化理论的影子.肉刑废除的原因主要包括思想和经济两方面.因时而作思想在儒家关于肉刑存废问题上有所显现.该理论不仅使儒家思想达到了自我完善效果,同时也对后世社会心理产生重要影响.  相似文献   

三苗南迁与湖南境内虞夏传说的发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
先秦、秦汉以来,今湖南境内保存有大量虞、夏之际的传说,舜葬苍梧和大禹在湘治水等传说多与历史事实相抵触,显然其中绝大部分并非信史。以上传说的发生可能与三苗南迁有关,这些被后人指斥为"荒唐谬悠"的"流俗妄语"实际上包含了先秦、秦汉时期今湖南境内民族渗透、混融和演变、分合的若干可信的历史素材。  相似文献   

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