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关爱学生是高职辅导员的本职工作,也是密切联系学生的重要内容。通过调查研究,高职辅导员在"沟通、教育、管理、服务"四个方面对学生关爱存在较大的问题。针对这些问题,我们以为"群众路线"为标准,提出解决问题的措施,以期促进高职辅导员工作将关爱学生工作落到实处。  相似文献   

关爱学生是落实群众路线的有力举措,也是高职辅导员工作的基本任务。高职院校大学生需要关爱的内容很多,主要从"积极与学生沟通,做学生成长的良师益友;加强学生管理,做学生成长的船长;提高文化、道德素质,丰盈学生成长的羽翼;热情服务,为学生成长搭把手"四个方面探究了高职辅导员关爱学生的内容。  相似文献   

辅导员作为高校中一支重要的基层队伍,他们的稳定与否直接关系到学生和学校的稳定与发展。但目前高校辅导员普遍对自己的生存现状不满,流失现象严重,他们在学校中的地位和职业前景与他们的工作压力和工作强度成反比。因此,作为高校辅导员,必须要调整好自己的心态,静心工作,脚踏实地,变工作压力为动力,在工作方法上化繁为简,举重若轻,用爱对待学生,对待工作,这才是他们真正的"出路"。  相似文献   

关爱帮扶是政府强化社会管理和公共服务的重要职责,是新形势下深圳推进"加快转型升级、提升深圳质量"的重要内容,也是执行党的群众路线,巩固党的执政基础,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐的重要保障。近年来深圳的关爱帮扶工作扎实开展、成效显著,以深圳市18个街道办事处为蓝本,梳理总结出深圳开展关爱帮扶的一些举措和亮点,在此基础上,提出进一步落实和改进关爱帮扶工作的思路和对策。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,冀中能源股份有限公司党委构建了以"关情重爱"为核心的关爱型思想政治工作体系。所谓关爱型思想政治工作,是以推动发展为目标,以职工群体为对象,以关注职工的思想、情绪、生活等个性化需求为出发点,以激发凝聚每个人的正能量为宗旨,以关情重爱为主要特色的一系列思想政治工作新理念新方法的系统集成。"关爱型"思想政治工作体系的推进方法一是精心构筑职工情绪动态管理网,注重超前预警,搭建职工情绪掌控平台。两年来,我们  相似文献   

刘艳 《各界》2009,18(6)
班主任不但肩负着教书育人的重任,也是学生健康成长的引路人.多年的班主任工作,让我深深的感到能与学生产生心灵的共鸣,学生才会亲其师信其道,工作才会产生实效,这样做的关键是班主任要有一颗关爱学生的心,让情感教育贯穿始终.  相似文献   

席丹丹 《学理论》2012,(7):169-170
高校导师制是新形势下高校教育管理工作的新机制,它是高校师德建设最核心、最重要的一环。导师制度下,高校教师在综合素质层面,要德高为师、身正高为范;对自身要求层面,要不断加强自身理论学习,遵循教育规律,严谨治学;在对待学生层面,要热爱学生、尊重学生、严格要求学生,肩负起"立德树人、教书育人"的光荣职责。  相似文献   

尊重关爱学生是党和国家对教师基本素质的要求,是师德的核心,是社会伦理道德在师生关系上的具体体现,蕴涵着人道主义精神,教育的人道性要求,使尊重关爱学生在教育学生的过程中发挥着十分重要的作用,从而被视为当代教师必备的职业道德和素质。  相似文献   

正劳动模范是时代的标杆,是弘扬中国精神、凝聚中国力量的楷模。爱岗敬业、争创一流,艰苦奋斗、勇于创新,淡泊名利、甘于奉献的劳模精神,生动诠释了社会主义核心价值观,是我们宝贵的精神财富和强大的精神力量。在全党全民团结抗疫、恢复生产的新形势下,大力关爱劳模、弘扬劳模精神、创造劳模价值具有重要的现实意义。一、真心实意关爱劳模。劳模为国家和社会作出了卓越贡献,理应得到尊重和关爱。把尊重和关爱劳模落到实处,做到既大力表彰劳模,又从政治上、工作  相似文献   

连泽绵 《学理论》2013,(32):373-374
随着科学发展观的深入发展,高校辅导员的思政工作应该将提高学生综合素质作为目标,不断扩展工作方法,提高学生健康发展的水平。健康发展指的是将思想健康作为基石,引导学生使用积极的态度对待学习和生活中的问题,思政辅导员应该建设完善的健康体系,在班级中建设协作、公平和民主的环境,对学生的问题及时发展、总结,通过行为和语言等对学生幸福感进行提升,提高学生对社会的适应力,结合学生个人特征,促进学生心理成熟。  相似文献   

Audience costs theory posits that domestic publics punish leaders for making an external threat and then backing down. One key mechanism driving this punishment involves the value the public places on consistency between their leaders’ statements and actions. If true, this mechanism should operate not only when leaders fail to implement threats, but also when they fail to honor promises to stay out of a conflict. We use a survey experiment to examine domestic responses to the president's decision to “back down” from public threats and “back into” foreign conflicts. We find the president loses support in both cases, but suffers more for “backing out” than “backing in.” These differential consequences are partially explained by asymmetries in the public's treatment of new information. Our findings strongly suggest that concerns over consistency undergird audience costs theory and that punishment for inconsistency will be incurred, regardless of the leader's initial policy course.  相似文献   

公众参与科技决策的过程组织与方法效能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长久以来,科技决策一直是个专家统治的领域,不具备专门知识的公众,被认为无法了解科学的技术复杂性而被排除在政策参与过程之外。然而随着大科学时代的到来,科学技术发展所带来的效应直接进入社会生活领域“,科技民主”的理念打破了“专家”与“普通大众”之间的界限,认为,专家的意见只是社会总体决策的参考,公众应当具有参与科技决策的权力;公众参与技术评价方法被认为是针对现代社会中不确定、不平等问题的一种新的互动式解决途径;公众参与技术评价与决策在很多国家已经成为一种趋势;公众参与式技术评价被看作是在对现代技术风险管理过程中重新构建信任的一种方式。对公众参与科技决策的特征、方法与过程进行了研究。  相似文献   

Can a school or district improve student achievement simply by switching to a higher-quality textbook or curriculum? We conducted the first multi-textbook, multi-state effort to estimate textbook efficacy following widespread adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and associated changes in the textbook market. Pooling textbook adoption and student test score data across six geographically and demographically diverse U.S. states, we found little evidence of differences in average achievement gains for schools using different math textbooks. We found some evidence of greater variation in achievement gains among schools using pre-CCSS editions, which may have been more varied in their content than post-CCSS editions because they were written for a broader set of standards. We also found greater variation among schools that had more exposure to a given text. However, these differences were small. Despite considerable interest and attention to textbooks as a low-cost, “silver bullet” intervention for improving student outcomes, we conclude that the adoption of a new textbook or set of curriculum materials, on its own, is unlikely to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

发达国家科技预算管理体制及对中国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国家科技预算体制是决定一个国家科技发展的重要因素.分析了发达国家所实行的科技预算体制的不同模式,并对其所依赖的基础作了分析.发达国家的科技预算体制有一些共同点,如大都有较好的科技预算协调机制,大都有一个在科技预算中起重要作用的部门,但似乎不存在最优的科技预算体制.发达国家的科技预算较分散,而追赶性国家的科技预算较集中.分析了发达国家科技预算体制对中国的启示,认为中国应该采取相对集中的科技预算管理体制,但要加强跨部门的协调,减少重复分散,最后提出了自己的建议.  相似文献   

从让·鲍德里亚的符号消费理论来看,休闲已演变为一种符号消费的对象,而作为一种户外休闲活动的汽车露营也被赋予符号消费的价值,普通汽车露营与房车露营作为不同的消费符号界定了美国中产阶级与上层阶级的身份与社会地位。依美国汽车露营发展的历程看,房车露营在中国还是富人阶层的符号消费,中国目前更适合重点发展大众的普通汽车露营度假产业。  相似文献   

企业-政府互动依赖关系与企业政治行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着现代商业体系的不断发展,企业在政治上的成功与在市场上的成功同样重要,于是企业政治行为就逐渐成为了企业战略的重要组成部分。通过对西方企业政府关系和企业政治行为的相关理论的回溯和总结,在分析企业与政府之间的互动依赖关系之上,将企业政治行为与企业战略相联系,讨论了在激烈的竞争环境下政府管制和公共政策对企业的影响,认为企业要合理地实施政治行为,可以根据自身不同的资源状态和个体独特优势状态,在个体独立策略、集体性策略和混合策略中进行平衡和选择。最后指出,我国的企业政治行为研究需要在学习借鉴西方理论的基础上,结合自身特殊的国情,从研究内容、研究方法等各个方面进一步进行拓展和创新。  相似文献   


This paper addresses the question of how Track 2 international policy networks contribute to economic security. If we accept a neoclassical economic interpretation that economic security is best achieved by trade and capital liberalization, then Track 2, or non-formal research and policy networks, are able to help enhance economic security by providing Track 1 or the formal, inter-governmental organizations with novel ideas and approaches on how best to advance regional economic liberalization. As well as providing institutional memories for regional cooperation, Track 2 networks also serve as test-beds for new ideas in emerging issue areas. This was clear in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis when a number of Track 2 networks grappled with the inter-linkages between economics and security as well as provided expertise on how states can best cope with globalised financial markets and the free flow of capital. By discussing each of the Track 2 networks and how they respectively interact with Track 1 processes, the paper provides a detailed account of the regional governance architecture in the Asia-Pacific region more broadly, and its contribution to economic security.  相似文献   

Why do tax havens, whose attractiveness for foreign investors depends upon financial secrecy, agree to automatically report account data to foreign governments? From a contractualist perspective, their cooperation should be motivated by the expectation of joint gains. Prior to such agreement, however, tax havens expected outflows of foreign capital and reductions in economic activity as likely outcomes. We show that the United States (US) imposed automatic information exchange on these countries without itself participating. The result is a strongly redistributive regime that worsens the economic situation of tax havens. By means of a difference‐in‐differences analysis, we ascertain a substantial and statistically significant negative effect of a US sanction threat on the value of assets held by foreigners in tax havens relative to non‐havens. The effect becomes stronger when the US is included in the non‐haven group. The analysis confirms the US's ability to redistribute financial wealth internationally through organized hypocrisy.  相似文献   

论民生保障与政府公共性的重塑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民生问题凸现在一定程度上是政府“公共性”缺失在民生领域的反映。改善民生状况,是中国社会目前十分迫切的问题。民生问题之解决与政府行为密切相关,解决民生问题,提高政府民生保障水平,必须重构政府公共性。重构政府公共性的途径,一是加强行政伦理建设,确立和弘扬公共精神;二是不断推进民主政治建设,大力加强法治政府建设;三是不断健全完善社会政策,加快发展社会事业;四是加快政府职能转变和服务型政府建设;五是不断提高公共政策的公共性。  相似文献   

This research examines the federally funded HOPE VI urban revitalization program’s influence on neighborhood public school performance. A comparative case study was conducted in two HOPE VI neighborhood public schools, one that improved significantly (Philadelphia), and one that experienced a decline (Washington DC). The analysis revealed several insights into neighborhood factors that may influence school performance: the most vulnerable residents were least likely to gain reentry, mixed income housing residents often opt out of traditional public schools, and partnerships between public housing and education officials have been historically overlooked.  相似文献   

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