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卓爱平 《学理论》2009,(5):61-62
当代革命军人核心价值观的提出,是引领军队前进的精神旗帜。以”忠诚于党、热爱人民、报效国家、献身使命、崇尚荣誉”为主要内容的当代革命军人核心价值观,在新世纪新阶段我军价值观念、价值结构、价值选择中处于统摄和支配地位,是我军得以存在和发展的精神支柱。当代革命军人核心价值观,作为全军共同的理想和追求、共同的文化观念和价值取向.是引领官兵思想道德共同进步的强大动力。围绕强化官兵精神支柱,大力培育当代革命军人核心价值观,抓住了军队思想政治建设的时代课题,是加强军队思想政治建设的基础工程。  相似文献   

胡主席站在时代发展和军队建设全局的高度,郑重提出并系统阐述“忠诚于党,热爱人民,报效国家,献身使命,崇尚荣誉”的当代革命军人核心价值观,要求全军把大力培育当代革命军人核心价值观作为思想政治建设的重要基础工程来抓。去年,总政专门制定下发《深入持久培育当代革命军人核心价值观实施意见》,明确提出“先进文化潜移默化影响官兵的思想情操,对培育当代革命军人核心价值观具有不可替代的独特作用”。  相似文献   

大力培育当代革命军人核心价值观,总体谋划是关键。谋划不到位,培育当代革命军人核心价值观就会偏离正确方向,难以发挥其应有的功能作用。进入新世纪新阶段,我军面临着国际风云变幻、国内社会深刻变革的新形势,军队建设、改革和发展任务十分繁重,军队思想政治建设面临着许多新情况新问题,对提高领导干部谋划培育当代革命军人核心价值观的本领提出了较高的要求。  相似文献   

最近,胡主席在军队的一次重要会议上提出,要围绕强化官兵精神支柱,大力培育“忠诚于党,热爱人民,报效国家,献身使命,崇尚荣誉”的当代革命军人核心价值观。培育军人核心价值观,是党为加强军队意识形态工作而树立的一面旗帜,是军队思想政治建设的重要组成部分,是军队赖以存在和发展的共同思想基础,是履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命的必然要求。  相似文献   

南玲玲  刘江波 《学理论》2013,(2):250-251
军队隐性思想政治教育的内涵丰富,具体包括:践行当代革命军人核心价值观;确立"以士兵为本"的思想理念;培养士兵的自我教育能力;隐性与显性思想政治教育有机结合。军队隐性思想政治教育的特征表现为潜隐性、超时空性、渗透性、自主性和持久性。研究军队隐性思想政治教育的内涵与特征,对进一步做好士兵思想政治工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

—个国家、一个民族要始终屹立世界、绵延而兴旺,必须有自己的核心价值观作思想支撑;一支军队、一名军人要忠实履行职责、无往而不胜,必须有自己的核心价值观作精神支柱。军委胡锦涛主席站在时代和历史高度,郑重提出大力培育“忠诚于党,热爱人民,报效国家,献身使命,崇尚荣誉”的当代革命军人核心价值观,准确把握了我军建设发展的时代要求,抓住从思想上政治上建军治军的根本和关键,明确了当代革命军人团结奋斗的精神支柱,宣示了人民军队的崇高价值追求。  相似文献   

军营法律文化是军营先进文化中的一种特殊文化,是培育当代革命军人核心价值观的现实需要。军营法律文化建设与革命军人核心价值观培育相互依存:军营法律文化建设与当代革命军人核心价值观培育的军事价值一致;当代革命军人核心价值观引领军营法律文化建设;军营法律文化建设保障当代革命军人核心价值培育。  相似文献   

“忠诚于党、热爱人民、报效国家、献身使命、崇尚荣誉”是当代革命军人的核心价值观。当代革命军人核心价值观,是指在一定历史时期内履行着党和人民赋予的使命任务,反映着国家意志的军队中所有成员秉承的价值标准、价值判断、价值实践的总和,  相似文献   

李波  周强 《学理论》2009,(27):44-44
军人是国家利益的维护者,是祖国尊严的捍卫者,军人重要的价值体现就是爱国。“报效国家”是当代革命军人核心价值观的应有之义,当代革命军人核心价值观凝练和升华了爱国主义,足爱国主义新的时代阐释,是爱国主义与我军历史使命新的时代结合。紧紧围绕热爱祖国这一主题,高举爱国主义这一旗帜,弘扬“爱国、卫国、报国”的爱国主义精神,从中汲取思想和精神营养,培育和践行当代革命军人核心价值观,切实打牢官兵高举旗帜、听党指挥、履行使命的思想政治基础,推动部队建设科学发展,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

我军部队特色军事文化是先进军事文化的重要组成部分,是深入持久培育当代革命军人核心价值观的目标。要深入持久培育当代革命军人核心价值观应从以下几方面着手,即:把握内在联系;探究生成机理;夯实思想基础;加强组织领导;强化军事实践磨砺。  相似文献   

侯启红 《学理论》2012,(13):277-278
在弘扬军人核心价值观的过程中,我们一定要坚持反对什么,弘扬什么。在目前思想多元化的状态下,历史虚无主义是消解中共党史和中国革命史的一服毒药。尽管它的表现形式多种多样,但是,目的只有一个,就是虚无中国人民革命、建设的历史,美化殖民统治、帝、官、封统治的历史,我们必须旗帜鲜明地加以反对。  相似文献   

In 1961 the US Central Intelligence Agency master‐minded a sea‐borne invasion by Cuban exiles aimed at overthrowing the regime headed by Fidel Castro. With minimal logistical support from the USA the attempted counter‐coup launched at the Bay of Pigs was an unqualified disaster: a ‘perfect failure’, in the words of an authoritative contemporary. This essay locates the fiasco in the longer history of US–Cuban relations, concentrating on the Cold War years, the history of US political intervention and subversion in Latin America, and the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista and the rise of Castro himself—both men offering different models of Latin American caudillismo (the power and cult of military strongmen). The essay concludes with an analysis of Cuba as an issue in US domestic politics and the impact of the Bay of Pigs in consolidating the Cuban revolution and setting the framework for the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.  相似文献   

Liberal democracy is decaying because its values have been carried to excess or are obsolete for effectively addressing society's contemporary challenges. The loss of American military, technological, and economic hegemony—through the rise of competitors and increased interdependence—has threatened the nation's sense of ideological superiority, social coherence, and purpose. The prospects for a democratic renewal will require first, an enabling crisis that calls into question the existing social order, particularly capitalism, and the liberal values on which it is legitimated. Second, a broad-based popular movement would have to emerge that supports a redirection in the value structure, social relationships, and the public policy agenda. The essay concludes with concrete recommendations for reforming political institutions and new policies that would move us along such a path.  相似文献   

常青青 《学理论》2012,(4):53-54
马克思确立的"实践"观点构成《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》的核心问题。马克思第一次揭示了革命实践在认识世界和改造世界中的决定作用。它体现革命性和时代特征,对中国的社会主义现代化建设有重大的指导意义。  相似文献   


This article explores the environmental, historical and cultural factors that influence civic engagement among rural communities in contemporary Kazakhstan. It traces how forms of nomadic communitarianism as a response to the vicissitudes of life on the open Steppe merged with the imposed collectivism of Soviet society in such a manner that the two were able to coexist together in both policy and practice. Drawing on fieldwork among a number of villages in South Kazakhstan, we argue that, together, the nomadic and Soviet pasts still constitute the core values at work in rural communities, influencing the structure of local power relations and the nature of group association and cooperative venture. Rather than disappearing, these values, if anything, are re-emerging as part of an attempt to legitimise Kazakh culture as the core identity of the modern nation state.  相似文献   

This work examines publicly material available released as of 2 September 2003 on the role of intelligence for the Coalition side during the 2003 Gulf War. It assesses how far the Coalition side practised deception, psychological warfare, and information operations during that conflict, and how far intelligence served the needs of military forces. It focuses on failures as well as successes. It compares the real performance of intelligence during the conflict with the role forecast for C4ISR and Information Operations by theorists of the RMA, and modern strategy. It concludes that the Coalition forces practised Information Operations very well, but that at the operational level, there had been no revolution in military intelligence.  相似文献   

Although federalism is a potentially important variable in democratization,few studies explore its impact in democratic transitions andconsolidation. Scholars generally agree that federalism is quitestrong in contemporary Brazil. This study examines how and whystrong federalism reemerged in Brazil following twenty yearsof centralizing military rule. In brief, the 1964–1985military regime tried but failed to transform the state-basedorganizational structure and power base of Brazil's traditionalpolitical elite; Brazil's "transitional" electoral cycle alsoreinforced the strength of state governors. Examples are providedof how subnational actors influenced the transition processin the national government and how state based actors and interestschallenge Brazil's efforts to consolidate its democracy.  相似文献   

Liberalism and the Obligation to Military Service   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article argues that liberalism's failure to address systematically the question of citizens' obligation to military service is indicative of its wider failure to develop a satisfactory concept of citizenship. Whilst liberalism's individualist bias, implicit class assumptions and hope of transcending war have all contributed to neglect of citizen duty to bear arms, the most interesting reason, in relation to contemporary republican critiques, is liberalism's inadequate view of citizenship. This article examines the different approaches of the classical English liberals Locke, Bentham and J. S. Mill to international relations, forms of national defence and the role (if any) of citizens, and considers very briefly the views of some contemporary liberal theorists on military service and justified resistance to the draft. Finally, it comments on the implicit reliance of liberal polities on non-liberal models of citizenship, and the need for a coherent liberal concept of citizenship which includes an examination of responsibility for defence.  相似文献   

Pesticide related health problems and environmental contamination have plagued the Third World for several decades. This study explores the efforts to resolve pesticide problems within the context of the Nicaraguan revolution. Through a case study of Nicaragua's pesticide policy reforms the opportunities afforded by Third World revolutions to address specific social problems are analyzed. The study then explores the array of obstacles to implementation of such reforms generated by political and military opposition to revolutionary change and concludes with an assessment of prospects for social problem-solving in a revolutionary setting.  相似文献   

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