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祁建平 《行政与法》2005,(10):68-71
必须正确认识“社会主义公有财产神圣不可侵犯”和“公民的合法的私有财产不受侵犯”两个规定之间的关系。财产权保护的法理依据应当是财产取得方式的合法性而不是“所有制”的优越性。有关私有财产权保障的条款应置于公民的基本权利部分而非总则的“基本经济制度”部分。立法上完善配套法律法规时要既体现“平等保护原则,”又处理好转型时期的“特殊问题”。为增强法律实效,实践中应有效限制行政权力,进一步放宽对私营企业市场准入限制。培植尊重私产和正当程序的宪政观念,深化政治体制改革,建立真正的社会公正,兼顾自由竞争与公平分配,对完善宪政意义上的私有财产权制度非常重要。  相似文献   

论行政执法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
行政从“管理”到“执法”的转变是我国二十多年经济体制和政治体制改革的产物 ,是从几千年的人治逐步走向法治的标志。行政的“执法”性质和“依法”特征是由市场经济、民主政治和法治国家的发展目标所决定的。“行政执法”的实质是行政主体实施行政行为要有法律根据 ,受法律规范制约。行政执法改革不仅涉及执法方式、方法 ,而且涉及执法体制、范围、目标及执法主体与相对人的关系 ,是整个执法机制的转换。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the patent laws and intellectual property rights (IPR) system in China have resulted in innovation during the reform period. Subject to criticism on account of imperfect enforcement, the patent law system has produced a stock of patents which has grown rapidly alongside economic growth. The success rate of patent applications is similar across the country despite the considerable regional disparities in income and in the level of innovation. This paper presents a simple model of patent production in China derived from the patent law system that also considers the relevant contextual factors that could influence innovation. The main innovation input of R&D personnel is found to be a significant determinant of patents. While per capita GDP increases the propensity to innovate across all regions, notable heterogeneity exists whereby the coastal, central and interior areas are associated with different factors that produce innovation and influence the innovation process. The paper concludes that China's imperfect IPR system is nevertheless generating innovation as the country develops and hinges on the key factor of researchers.  相似文献   

This Article seeks to map the possible paths of the development of China's data protection law by examining the changing power relations among three major actors - the State, digital enterprises and the public in the context of China's booming data-driven economy. We argue that focusing on different core values, these three major actors are the key driving forces shaping China's data protection regime. Their dynamic and multidimensional power relations have been casting the development of China's data protection law with various uncertainties. When persuing different, yet not always conflicting values, these three major actors may both cooperate and compete with each other. Based on our careful analysis of the shifting power relations, we identify and assess three possible paths of the development of China's data protection law. We are much concerned that the proposed comprehensive data protection law might be a new attempt of the State to win legitimacy abroad, while actually trying to reinforce massive surveillance besides economic goals. We argue that a modest alternative may be that this law might show some genuine efforts for protecting data privacy, but still with poor enforcement. Last, we argue that the most desirable development would be that this law could provide basic but meaningful and effective protection for data privacy, and lay a good foundation for further development.  相似文献   

宅基地管理与物权法的适用限度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
桂华  贺雪峰 《法学研究》2014,36(4):26-46
对土地管理制度的既有讨论,通常是从宪法第10条出发,没有考虑宪法第6条对"生产资料的社会主义公有制"的规定,将"国家所有"与"集体所有"片面理解为民法所有权而忽视其所有制内涵。物权制度是所有制关系的法律反映,"生产资料的社会主义公有制"是超越新中国历部宪法和其它具体法律的基本宪法原则,运用物权规则完善宅基地管理制度,需以公有制为大前提。忽视公有制前提的物权化改革建议,陷入"私法‘宪法中立",的认识误区,加上对宅基地经济社会属性的误会,所提出的改革方案缺乏法理与现实依据。现有制度在实现社会财富公平分配、公共资源有效管理和农民权利保护等方面基本有效,下一步改革只需做局部调整而无需全盘重建。  相似文献   

Financial repression usually exists in developing countries. By nature, it is like a hidden tax and can liquidate public debt of the government effectively. The policy of financial repression will likely hinder financial deepening, negatively influence the building-up of efficient and inclusive financial systems, and eventually harm sustainable economic growth in the long run. The fine legal infrastructure plays an important role in financial deepening and development. In China the major measures to reduce financial repression and improve the legal governance in finance are the following: the strict respect and protection of private property rights, including the obligation rights of the common depositors against the banks and the shareholders’ rights of the common investors, the respect and protection of the contract freedom and contract enforcement, the sequential openness of financial market entry and introduction of the principle of free and equal competition in the financial market, and the improvement of the judicial system to increase the adaptability of Chinese law, such as the strengthening of judicial independence and the establishment of case law.  相似文献   

张祥宇 《法学论坛》2020,(2):153-160
随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展与完善,全面而自由的市场竞争机制已成为社会经济发展的重要动力。然而,由于我国经济体制的特殊性,市场经济取代计划经济后,相应的法律制度并未随之修正,立法与司法对非公有制经济仍存在歧视性对待。司法实践中对非公经济财产处置乱象的问题仍然存在,并严重威胁非公经济主体的持续经营。从产权保护理论来讲,平等保护各经济主体的财产权利是消除"制度壁垒"的有效方式,应建立平等的犯罪构成要件以及合理的刑罚结构,明确界定涉案财物的范围,提升对非公有制财产权利的保护力度。规范司法工作人员的办案程序,依照法律规定的权限、程序处置涉案财物并建立相应的权利人申诉与救济措施,将平等保护原则贯穿于法律制定、实施的整个过程中,切实保障非公有制经济的合法产权,才能使社会主义经济良性发展。  相似文献   

科学技术日益成为一国经济发展的第一动力,知识产权的保护也因之成为各国法治建设的重点内容.为了对知识产权提供强有力的刑事保护,有效应对我国知识产权犯罪形势的新变化,也为了更好地适应不断深化的知识产权犯罪侦查执法国际合作机制,我国侦查部门有必要对知识产权犯罪的传统侦查方法进行科学化的改革和调整.  相似文献   

The Russian military-industrial sector, like the economy generally is undergoing a turbulent transformation. Property rights, institutional arrangements, regulatory mechanisms and procurement demand are in rapid flux. In 1992 weapons production declined drastically, variously estimated between 20 and 67 percent, but arms contracts for 1993 are reported to be double last year's volume. This essay attempts to illuminate key elements of Russia's military-industrial transition by analyzing how property rights, tax and regulatory reforms of the sorts advocated by Alexsandr Isaev and Anatoly Chubais are apt to effect efficiency and military-industrial conversion. It is shown that while collectivist ownership could enhance economic efficiency, despite the usual Ward-Domar effects, Yeltsin's market reforms may not be sufficient to foster large scale military-industrial conversion.  相似文献   

ACTA虽然是知识产权执法的最新国际标准,但是,其关于数字环境下的知识产权执法规则与WCT以及WPPT的要求并没有实质差异。我国现行知识产权法的有关规定虽然与ACTA之间有一定的差异,但并不存在深刻的矛盾,甚至在大多数方面已经符合ACTA的标准。因此,是否接受ACTA规则可以作为我国政府在知识产权国际谈判中的筹码。同时,ACTA提供了一个全面审视、评估、反思和构建我国知识产权执法制度的机会。  相似文献   

In the transition from a command to a market economy, macroeconomic stabilization poses a grave problem facing the reform governments. A distinct feature of China's economic fluctuations in the post-1979 period has been its “soft-constraint competition”. A two-region game theoretical model is developed in this paper. We find that monetary decentralization in the earlier stage of economic liberalization takes the inflation and fiscal deficits out of the control of the central monetary authorities. The prospective financial reforms will subject local governments' investment drives to the indirect regulations of monetary policy; but by strengthening monetary restraints, will result in massive borrowing from the domestic, or perhaps more likely, the international financial market to finance government deficits, and hence a large build-up in the stock of debts.  相似文献   

ACTA是由美、日等知识产权强国发起的旨在全面加强国际贸易中知识产权保护的诸边协议。ACTA内容广泛,主要包括知识产权保护的民事、行政、刑事、边境及数字环境执法等四类措施和保护手段,较之《TRIPS协议》,ACTA在知识产权执法水平上提出了更高的要求,进一步凸显了知识产权国际保护的发展趋势。  相似文献   

新中国成立初期,我国提出了优先发展重工业的“赶超战略”,相应地形成了高度集中的计划经济体制。由于计划经济缺乏市场经济那种优越的信息机制和强大的动力机制,使得经济系统效率低下,整个社会缺乏活力,于是在20世纪70年代末80年代初,我国发起了市场取向的改革。从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的过程,其实也是政府职能转变的过程。政府能否实现从过去的无限、低效政府向有限、高效政府转变是改革能不能取得成功,“好的市场经济”能不能最终确立的关键。为此,政府要科学设计改革方案,增强自身改革的动力;尤为重要的是要积极推进“新的法律秩序”的形成。  相似文献   

论能源法的变革   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
马俊驹  龚向前 《中国法学》2007,1(3):147-155
当代能源法正在发生深刻的变革。各国能源法的调节模式逐步从国家垄断和所有的传统模式或具有特许权垄断与严格规制的私人所有模式,向有限的能源市场化转换;随着能源环境(气候)问题的突出,能源法的发展日益呈现出生态化趋势,从局限于确保供应安全转变到以管理外部性、调节需求与改良利用为重点;由于能源与社会发展的密切关联,能源法也正在通过若干权利导向的机制走向人本化。能源法这三种变革趋势表明了其承载的经济增长、社会公正与环境保护的三种法律价值。  相似文献   

由于版权作品数字化侵权使用的日益泛化,且现有版权司法救济途径多存在"周期长、举证难、成本高、收益低"的弊端,使得版权人,尤其是中小版权人,很难以较低的维权成本,真正实现其权利的司法保障。鉴于此,美国率先在行政性版权小额索赔制度的革新上作出突破性的示范,于司法体制外另辟蹊径,在版权局之行政性框架内,设置版权小额索赔委员会,专门处理小额版权纠纷。在知识产权保护方面,我国亦存在司法救济效率不高、数字版权侵权泛化的问题,因此,为迎合强化知识产权保护的时代政策,有必要总结美国行政性版权小额索赔制度革新经验,以为我国版权小额索赔问题的解决提供有益的制度借鉴。  相似文献   

政府规模的合理选择不能简单地以"大政府"、"小政府"来定位,而应根据不同时期的社会、经济、政治的发展状况,以提高政府能力的有效性,满足广大公众的需求为标准来确定。我国政府组织改革应突破"小政府、大社会"理念框架的限制,以合理政府规模理念为基础,寻求一种适合我国国情、符合我国市场经济运行以及社会发展的、适度规模的合理、高效政府。  相似文献   

This paper critically questions the legal and economic foundation of price regulation in environmental markets, with a focus on the European Union (EU) and Chinese Emissions Trading Schemes (ETSs). In 2018, the EU adopted a structural reform of its own ETS with the objective of increasing and stabilising carbon prices. This reform raises fundamental questions concerning the free market nature of the ETS and its function as a driver of low‐carbon investments. On the one hand, regulatory adjustments are necessary to address the large surplus of allowances that can result from exogenous shocks (e.g. economic downturn). On the other hand, the risk of regulatory intervention in the market undermines investor certainty. In China, limited regulatory independence and more stringent government control over the market exacerbates the threat posed by price control measures to the integrity of China's ETS and its role as a driver of investments in environmental protection.  相似文献   

This paper argues that there are two tiers of entrepreneurship important for economic development. One is concerned with investments in productive technologies that improve productivity and better service consumer needs. The other is concerned with the creation of protective technologies that secure citizens’ private property rights vis-à-vis one another. In the developing world where governments cannot or do not protect citizens against predation, “institutional entrepreneurs” devise private mechanisms of property protection, providing the security required for productive entrepreneurship to grow. However, private protection technologies can be a double-edged sword. While private protection technologies enable some investment and exchange by securing citizens’ property where government does not, potential constraints on these technologies’ effectiveness may simultaneously limit their ability to expand investment and exchange beyond modest levels.  相似文献   

论市场主体的基本经济权利及其行政法安排   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在市场经济条件下 ,市场交换的本质是产权的自由让渡 ,因此 ,财产权和经济自由权是个人和组织作为市场主体参与市场活动必须具备的基本权利 ,这些基本权利不仅需要私法的规定和保护 ,更需要行政法的确认和安排 ,以使个人和组织作为市场主体在与作为行政主体的行政机关打交道时能够得到制度上的保障。另一方面 ,在现代社会 ,财产权和经济自由权又不是绝对的权利 ,为了社会的公共利益它们又常常受到法律上的限制 ,因此 ,如何在“个人的权利和自由与政府的权力这两个逆向的观念之间创制一种可行的平衡”也是行政法上必需解决的一个课题  相似文献   

李培志 《河北法学》2003,21(6):6-11
财产权是个人权利的基础,私有财产权已成为现代人权的重要内容。只有转变对私有财产的传统认识,尽快完善宪法,出台物权法,切实加强对私有财产的法律保护,才能促进社会主义市场经济的发展。  相似文献   

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