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贾永生 《政法学刊》2010,27(3):48-54
犯罪现场层次是犯罪现场存在表现及其被侦查人员认知的程度。犯罪现场是由犯罪时间、犯罪空间、犯罪嫌疑人条件、犯罪痕迹物证、犯罪活动过程、犯罪心理、犯罪证据等各种层次构成的复合体。研究犯罪现场层次论也是研究犯罪现场构成要素的存在及其在不同层面的联系。犯罪现场层次也是研究和揭示犯罪现场存在的一种认知。研究犯罪现场层次问题,也可以使我们对犯罪现场状况及其勘查工作质量给以程度判定。  相似文献   

蔡晓东 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):62-63
近年来心理测试在公安工作中的运用越来越多,但由于心理测试的运用在我国还处于摸索阶段,在理论上还不是很成熟,我在心理测试工作中有一点体会,本文讨论一下犯罪现场信息在心理测试中的重要作用和运用。犯罪现场是指犯罪分子实施犯罪行为的地点和遗留与犯罪有关的痕迹、物品的一切场所。犯罪现场是获取犯罪信息及搜集物证的“宝库”,犯罪分子实施犯罪行为的结果必然会使犯罪现场上的客观事物发生各种变化,这些变化是研究犯罪现场的关键。犯罪现场信息是从犯罪现场提取的相关痕迹、物证及通过现场走访和现场分析获取的犯罪资料。犯罪现场信息…  相似文献   

现场犯罪痕迹特征现场犯罪痕迹存在必然性、广泛性、时效性以及它们之间的相互关联性、体现多元性。 1.现场犯罪痕迹存在的必然性必然就是必至、固然。有犯罪现场必然有犯罪痕迹。现场是犯罪分子犯罪的土壤与条件,犯罪现场是指犯罪分子实施犯罪行为的地点和留有与犯罪有关的痕迹、物品的一切场所。这里“地点”一般是指主体现场,而“一切场所”一般泛指关联现场,也就是过去我们常说的第一、二、三……现场。  相似文献   

贾永生 《政法学刊》2013,30(4):73-81
犯罪现场概念是一个随着社会发展而不断演化的概念.狭义的犯罪现场概念是与犯罪行为有关的场所及载体.广义的犯罪现场概念是与犯罪行为有关的人、物、时、空存在及其内在联系的总和.大数据时代的到来,让我们对犯罪现场广义概念的认知更加具有现实层面的应用意义.树立与大数据模式相应的犯罪现场观,通过各种与犯罪现场构成要素及其联系相关数据库的发掘与应用,可以带来侦查破案思维与工作模式的大变革.  相似文献   

犯罪心理与犯罪现场客观条件的互动关系,可以从两方面理解:一方面,犯罪人总是选择有利条件来进行犯罪活动; 另一方面,犯罪人在利用现场客观条件实现犯罪时,又受到现场客观条件的影响和制约。犯罪人对犯罪现场客观条件的选择性犯罪人选择的有利于犯罪的客观条件,包括时间、空间及侵害对象等等。  相似文献   

正犯罪现场是犯罪信息的载体,包括隐含犯罪信息的心理痕迹,这些信息反映了犯罪人在作案时的心理状态和个性特点及犯罪动机和目的~([1])。侦技人员除了重视物质痕迹的发现和提取外,也应重视对现场心理痕迹的分析。1犯罪现场心理痕迹概述1.1心理痕迹的概念犯罪现场心理痕迹,是指犯罪人在实施犯罪行为的过程中表现出来的某些稳定的、典型的心理特征。是犯罪嫌疑人实施犯罪行为时外显出来、通过犯罪行  相似文献   

犯罪现场心理痕迹与分析操作性研究心理痕迹是相对于物质痕迹而言。是指犯罪嫌疑人在犯罪现场实施犯罪行为过程中外显出来的某些带有犯罪意向的、稳定的、典型的心理特点,这些心理特点通过犯罪行为间接地反映在犯罪现场遗留痕迹之中。本世纪80年代中期以来,心理痕迹与分析作为一种现代刑事技术和方法在国外兴起,并行之有效地在侦查破案中得到应用和推广。例如,美国犯罪侦查学家道格拉斯·莫尔,在侦破暴力杀人案方面已成功地进行了操作性应用。他认为对犯罪  相似文献   

犯罪现场是指犯罪行为实施后,引起受害人、客体物发生变化的统—体。犯罪行为、犯罪工具造成特定的物质变化(被害对象直接发生变化,现场客体物表面发生变化.现场客体物增加或减少的变化,现场客体物位置和组合形态发生变化).产生相应的遗留痕迹(形象痕迹、印象痕迹、心理痕迹、电磁痕迹),痕迹与行为存在必然的因果关系。  相似文献   

犯罪现场新概念   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
犯罪现场的概念伴随犯罪的产生而产生,也伴随着犯罪的变化而变化,现实斗争呼唤对犯罪现场概念的进一步认识。比较国内外的探索轨迹不难看出,传统的犯罪现场概念背离了科学定义规范,使其外延既有扩大的一面,又有缩小的成分。科学而切合现实的概念应当这样表述犯罪现场是指发生和存在犯罪行为的地点和场所。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪是一个社会性问题,关系到社会治安的稳定和国家民族的未来,随着改革开放的不断深入发展,影响青少年健康成长的各种因素也在逐渐增多,青少年犯罪低龄化、犯罪方式成人化、犯罪手段残忍化的趋势日益突出。作者针对青少年自身特点、结合犯罪现场勘查和检验,如何分析判断是青少年作案,为破案指明侦查方向进行了总结探讨,供大家参考。  相似文献   

犯罪现场生物检材的发现、提取策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在改进现场生物检材的发现和提取技术的同时,也要进行理论创新和体系构建,才能够更好地指导实践。全局的观点、具体案件具体分析和犯罪现场重建对于现场勘查中有效地发现、提取和利用生物检材是十分重要的。  相似文献   

Footwear examination can provide an important link between the crime scene and the suspect. Casts have been taken from snow, soil, and sand substrates to assist with the examination and to accurately depict the impression. However, there has been some discrepancy on what kind of fixative, if any, should be used with impressions present in sand. This study tested four different fixatives on three sandy substrates. Eight gross characteristics were added to a boot sole, and thirty sand impressions were created in each substrate. Except for one control set that remained untreated, the impressions were treated with a fixative agent before casting. The ninety shoe casts were examined by a qualified footwear examiner and scored based on his ability to see the eight characteristics. The results indicated that pump‐action hairspray was the most successful on play and construction sand, while beach sand impressions without any fixative scored highest.  相似文献   

The delivery of forensic science evidence in a clear and understandable manner is an important aspect of a forensic scientist's role during expert witness delivery in a courtroom trial. This article describes an Integrated Evidence Platform (IEP) system based on spherical photography which allows the audience to view the crime scene via a virtual tour and view the forensic scientist's evidence and results in context. Equipment and software programmes used in the creation of the IEP include a Nikon DSLR camera, a Seitz Roundshot VR Drive, PTGui Pro, and Tourweaver Professional Edition. The IEP enables a clear visualization of the crime scene, with embedded information such as photographs of items of interest, complex forensic evidence, the results of laboratory analyses, and scientific opinion evidence presented in context. The IEP has resulted in significant improvements to the pretrial disclosure of forensic results, enhanced the delivery of evidence in court, and improved the jury's understanding of the spatial relationship between results.  相似文献   

Human DNA profiles can be obtained from fly artifacts (feces and regurgitant) when a fly has been feeding on biological material, sometimes 2 years after deposition. Morphological similarity between artifacts and spots of unaltered biological material make it difficult to distinguish between them, and presumptive and confirmatory forensic tests are unreliable in making the distinction. Knowing possible artifact locations will assist investigators in recognizing where DNA contamination might occur. Flies were released into a house with human blood available under a variety of different climatic and lighting conditions. The location of flies and artifacts was recorded after 72 h. It was found flies may move toward warm or well‐lit areas and deposit artifacts there, but artifacts were predominantly located around food sources and were often found in low positions. Factors such as ambient temperature, and the proximity of light and food sources, had an impact on where artifacts were deposited.  相似文献   

A closed case file review of a nonrandom national sample of 975 homicides disclosed 11 cases (1.13%) of undoing, wherein offenders engaged in crime scene behavior that has been considered an attempt to symbolically reverse the murder. The frequency of the various methods of undoing involved the use of blankets to cover the victim's body (55%), positioning the body (55%), use of a bed or couch (42%), washing the body (36%), using pillows (36%), as well as removing clothing and adding other types of adornments (27%). Ten of the 11 offenders were male, and one was female; all 12 victims were female. Ten of the 12 victims were family members or relationship intimates. These findings are consistent with prior reports which concluded that the motivation for undoing behavior is an attempt to compensate for guilt or remorse for having committed the homicide.  相似文献   

In this study, an automatic and robust crime scene shoeprint retrieval method is proposed. As most shoeprints left at crime scenes are randomly partial and noisy, crime scene shoeprint retrieval is a challenging task. To handle partial, noisy shoeprint images, we employ denoising deep belief network (DBN) to extract local features and use spatial pyramid matching (SPM) to obtain a local‐to‐global matching score. In this study, 536 query shoeprint images from crime scenes and a large scale database containing 34,768 shoeprint images are used to evaluate the retrieval performance. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other state‐of‐the‐art methods in terms of retrieval accuracy, feature dimension, and retrieval speed. The proposed method achieves a cumulative match score (CMS) of 65.67% at top 10 which is 5.60% higher than the second best performing method.  相似文献   

The paper develops a model of crime reporting based on an economic approach. It identifies the principal costs and benefits of reporting from the victim’s perspective, taking account of insurance provision and the risk of intimidation by an offender. It shows how a victim might use backward induction to infer a rational reporting strategy. The recording of crime by the police is a process that relies on victim reports, and is thus influenced by the reporting decisions made by victims. The paper uses empirical evidence from the British Crime Survey and from the International Crime Victims Survey to explore the hypotheses generated by the model. It finds support for the suggestion that the propensity to report a crime increases with the size of the loss entailed. The paper also explores the implications of the findings for the estimation of the costs of crime. Reporting and intimidation costs are generally excluded from bottom-up estimates of costs, an omission that may be quite serious in the context of offences such as domestic violence.  相似文献   

朱道华 《行政与法》2010,(10):107-111
独立教唆犯是预备犯,这是因为,从教唆行为的本质上看,教唆行为是教唆者所教唆之罪的犯罪预备行为,且这种犯罪预备行为的本身在法律上不具有正当性。为了尽早阻断教唆行为对法益的破坏作用,有的国家在刑法总则中对独立教唆犯予以原则性地处罚规定,采取的是非独立预备犯的立法模式,将犯罪构成要件的可罚性前置化。采取独立预备犯立法技术的国家,在刑法分则中为一些独立教唆行为规定了特定的犯罪构成要件,使一些教唆行为成为其相应的犯罪构成要件的实行行为,但不是教唆者所教唆之罪的犯罪实行行为。  相似文献   

Within Ireland, interest in strategically supporting young people's participation in the arts has increased. Additionally, awareness of the Internet's potential for promoting engagement with the arts has grown. Addressing national directives and local needs assessments, South Dublin County Council's Arts Office initiated NOISE South Dublin (http://www.noisesouthdublin.com), an interactive Web site based on Australia Council's NOISE project (http://www.noise.net), to promote the creative development of young people in the county. This article presents the practical challenges and potential of youth arts Web-based programs for harnessing the creative engagement of youth. It concludes that the Internet is only useful if it expands online engagement offline.  相似文献   

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