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The biological classification of living species is shown to be inapplicable for the purposes of forensic medical examination. A list of the families of carnivorous animals that may be of forensic medical significance is presented. Their working classification is proposed taking into account the size and behaviour of the animals as well as their body parts and organs with which they may inflict injuries to man in various situations. The main types of wounds caused by carnivores are considered.  相似文献   

Two techniques for analyzing contaminants released as gases from postmortem tissues were described and compared. One technique used gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS); the other, infrared spectroscopy (IR). Brain, lung, liver, blood and urine specimens were obtained from suspected drug-overdose victims whose deaths were contributed to or caused by inhalation of unknown gases or vapors during the period immediately preceding death. Gases from the postmortem tissues and liquid samples were separately admitted into an evacuated IR gas cell, the IR spectra recorded, and gas samples then removed for GC/MS analysis. Nitrous oxide, glue, and paint solvent constituents were identified and measured. Only the brain and lung tissues contained measurable amounts of inhalants. Both IR and GC/MS methods were adequate for normal confirmatory analyses; the GC/MS system was judged superior for fast routine efforts normally hampered by incomplete sample history.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy has proved to be a very useful method for the routine identification of man-made textile fibres. This paper describes the way in which this technique can fit into casework procedure using two different preparative methods. Spectra can be recorded from samples of 3 μg down to less than 1 μg in weight.  相似文献   

A purge and trap concentrator with a Tenax trap was coupled to gas chromatography-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry for the identification of volatile organic compounds in blood samples. A styrene-divinyl benzene porous layer capillary column allowed the separation of compounds such as household and medical gases, solvents and alcohol congeners. The identification limits in blood, measured by comparison to an in-house vapour phase spectrum library, generally ranged from 0.05 to 10 mg/1, depending on the analyte structure. Low molecular weight alcohols had identification limits up to 100 mg/1. Six actual casework examples were collected during a 1-year period of routine use to demonstrate the feasibility of the method.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper was to show X-ray techniques used to discover drugs transported inside the body (body packers), on the body surface, in the garments or luggage, in goods and vehicles. The analysis was based on the X-ray findings of 141 body packers caught in Hamburg between 1989 and 2004 as well as individual cases from personal collections. The use of X-rays for border and security checks is described, different technical concepts are demonstrated and examples are given, e. g. transmission (fluoroscopic) and backscatter imaging of humans, luggage, goods, and vehicles as well as X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that body packers produce characteristic findings in native X-ray photographs, which are even more pronounced in CT scans and after application of contrast media. Backscatter imaging allows the investigation of the body surface and the clothing. Transmission and backscatter imaging is suitable for checking humans, goods, passenger cars, trucks and containers. With the help of X-ray spectroscopy suspicious substances can be identified without opening the packaging material. According to present findings, the radiation dose applied seems low compared with exposure to environmental radiation and cosmic radiation during flights. The pictures obtained with the backscatter technique show the person checked in the nude, which raises the question of privacy versus the right of the state to carry out inspections and controls.  相似文献   

The Sr isotope composition measured in skeletal elements (e.g., bone, teeth, or antlers) can be used to infer the geographic region that an animal or human inhabited, because different regions tend to have distinct Sr isotope compositions, and natural variations in the relative abundance of Sr isotopes are not changed as Sr is processed through the food chain. Therefore, an organism that ingests Sr from one region can have a Sr isotope composition that is different than that of an organism that ingests Sr from another region. The Sr isotope composition of skeletal elements is a reflection of the concentration-weighted average of dietary Sr that was ingested while that skeletal element was produced. Because different skeletal elements grow and exchange Sr at different stages during the life times of organisms, Sr isotope analysis of different skeletal elements can be used to infer changes in geographic location at different stages in an organism's life. The Sr isotope composition measured in human teeth will reflect the average Sr isotope composition that was ingested as a child, due to the immobile nature of Sr and Ca in teeth after formation, whereas the Sr isotope composition of bone will reflect the average isotopic composition over the last ten years of life, due to continuous biological processing of Sr and Ca in bone. Inferring the average isotopic composition of dietary Sr is best done by analyzing skeletal fragments from control groups, which might be animals that have the same feeding habits as the animal in question, or, in the case of humans, analysis of close family relatives. In cases where it is not possible to construct a Sr isotope database from control groups, it becomes necessary to estimate the isotopic composition of dietary Sr based on geologic principles. We present three case studies from our research that illustrate a range of approaches: (1) results from a criminal case where a deer was illegally harvested and the location of the deer was important to establish, (2) a pilot study of commingled human remains from a burial in Vietnam, associated with the Vietnam Conflict, and (3) a study of 13th and 14th century migration of peo ple from an archeological site in the Southwest United States.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary report on significant alterations in the DNA profile caused by toxic substances which potentially has profound implications for the use of DNA techniques in identification. Acute DNA changes in the globus pallidus of the brain in man caused by carbon monoxide poisoning were detected by DNA profiling with probe 33.15. Chronic DNA changes in rabbits caused by methamphetamine were detected by DNA profiling with probe 33.15, AmpFLP on D1S80, TH01, CSF1PO and TPOX loci. Pre-intoxication bands appeared, disappeared or were discoloured after intoxication. With PCR-dot blot hybridization testing for HLADQα, pre-intoxication positive spots became negative after intoxication and pre-intoxication negative spots became positive after intoxication. Intravenous injection of 10 mg/kg of methamphetamine every 2 days for 2 weeks was a large enough dose for inducement of genetic changes. In this investigation, clear changes in DNA due to intoxication were confirmed.  相似文献   

Bloodstain evidence is a highly valued form of physical evidence commonly found at scenes involving violent crimes. However, painting over bloodstains will often conceal this type of evidence. There is limited research in the scientific literature that describes methods of detecting painted-over bloodstains. This project employed a modified digital single-lens reflex camera to investigate the effectiveness of infrared (IR) photography in detecting latent bloodstain evidence beneath a layer or multiple layers of paint. A qualitative evaluation was completed by comparing images taken of a series of samples using both IR and standard (visible light) photography. Further quantitative image analysis was used to verify the findings. Results from this project indicate that bloodstain evidence can be detected beneath up to six layers of paint using reflected IR; however, the results vary depending on the characteristics of the paint. This technique provides crime scene specialists with a new field method to assist in locating, visualizing, and documenting painted-over bloodstain evidence.  相似文献   

目的建立一种普通办公胶水的检验鉴定方法。方法采用红外光谱法(FTIR)并结合二维相关光谱分析技术,对不同厂家生产的常用普通办公胶水,以及同一厂家生产的不同批次的胶水进行鉴别分析。结果若胶水的组成成分不同,则一维红外谱图的差异较大,若胶水的组成成分相近,则一维红外谱图的差异就不显著,甚至难以区分,但是以时间为微扰项,进行一系列动态分析,即使用二维红外谱图进行分析,也可轻易的将其区别。结论该方法增加了一维红外光谱的分辨率,可将一维红外光谱不能区分的物质,进行动态分析,由变化过程的差异从而进行区分,拓展了红外光谱的分析能力。  相似文献   

Approximately 60 oil samples obtained from the chassis of various motor cars have been examined by infrared spectroscopy. The samples were oils from the engine, gearbox and back-axle. Differences in absorbance of some absorption bands in the infrared spectra (IR) of oil samples were observed. An optimal set of absorption bands was chosen, which was used for quantitative comparison of slightly differing spectra. The significance of differences was tested using Hotelling's T2-test.  相似文献   

In this article, we report on 19 autopsy cases in China in which the cause of death was poisoning by toxic plants. The emphasis is on analyses of the target organs or tissues affected by these plants. The mechanism of poisoning and cause of death are approached on the basis of the pathologic changes, and associated problems relating to forensic medicine are discussed.  相似文献   

目的建立一种灵敏、准确、无损的口红检验方法。方法利用傅立叶变换红外光谱仪,采用SmartPerformer采样器,对202个不同产地、不同品牌和同一品牌不同牌号的口红样品进行分析检验。结果依据红外光谱图中吸收峰的不同,可以将口红样品加以区分。结论该检验方法不破坏检材,重现性好,可用于鉴定案件现场中提取到的口红物证。  相似文献   

Toners (inks) used in plain paper photocopying machines may be discriminated by infrared spectroscopy using small samples of solid toner removed from the paper surface.  相似文献   

Cocaine hydrochloride salt (HCl) and heroin HCl were determined quantitatively by choosing a carbonyl absorption peak as the analytical peak and measuring absorbance versus concentration in standard KBr pellets. The effect of various additives and diluents such as starch, sugars, mannitol, caffeine, and procaine was also studied. Methods were devised to correct for interference contributions based on spectral subtraction of the interfering component or subtraction of the interfering spectral contribution based on absorbance ratios with a noninterfering spectral peak. In mixtures containing both the free base and the hydrochloride salt, the most satisfactory method for determining the concentration was by area integration of the two carbonyl peaks.  相似文献   

傅立叶变换红外光谱法检验静电复印墨粉   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 通过对静电复印墨粉进行检验 ,达到对不同厂家及不同型号墨粉区分的目的。方法 首先利用电熨斗加热提取复印件的墨粉 ,然后利用傅立叶变换红外光谱法对 9个墨粉厂家和 2 4种牌号进行检验。结果可以达到厂家区分和大部分牌号区分 ,区分率达到 95 .7%。结论 本研究对实际应用有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定水中的草甘膦   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的建立强极性除草剂草甘膦的高效液相检验方法;方法采用离子交换液相色谱法分离,经柱后衍生化以荧光检测器定性检测样品中草甘膦;结果经该方法检测草甘膦的最低检测限为5ng/ml(S/N≥3);结论该方法快速、灵敏、准确,为此类案件的检验提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨动物致人体损伤的法医临床学特点。方法对1990~2002年间四川大学法医学院法医活体检验动物致人损伤案例进行统计分析。结果男性12例,女性7例,年龄3~65岁,平均25岁;损伤方式:狗咬、抓伤10例,鸡啄伤3例,羊咬伤2例,马蹄伤1例,猫抓伤1例,猴抓伤1例,熊猫抓伤1例;发生地点:仓库5例,路边4例,庭院4例,商店2例,餐馆1例,草场1例,野外1例,熊猫基地1例;损伤部位:小腿4例,眼部4例,大腿3例,臀部2例,面部3例,手指1例,睾丸1例,头、背及肢体复合1例;伤残等级:5级1例,7级3例,9级2例,10级2例,余11例未达伤残程度。结论提出加强对动物管理的规范化及少年儿童防犯意识教育。  相似文献   

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