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正Shandong Province in east China,renowned as the birthplace of Confucius,is steeped in culture.To showcase its diverse folk art forms,the National Museum of China opened an exhibition titled Nostalgia in Mind in mid-July.The over 1,500 exhibits bring a fusion of Yellow River and littoral cultures,which Shandong has inherited by virtue of being on the lower reaches of the Yellow River and surrounded bythesea.  相似文献   

At ND Paper’s mill in Rumford,a town in the US.state of Maine,some of the workers have added a personal touch.They have brought their own potted plants and put them next to the machines to brighten up the place.It is a small thing that doesn’t impact the place.  相似文献   

BEFORE synthetic fibers were invented and their prices were brought down within the reach of the populace, people clothed themselves with the natural materials available in the surroundings where they lived and worked everyday. These vary from bark of trees to hide of animals. In the case of the Hezhens, an ethnic group in northeastern China, it is fish dermis. The Hezhens live in the plains along the Heilong, Songhua and Wusuli rivers in northeastern China. With a popula-  相似文献   

Born in England, 25-year-old LaurenceCoulton has always taken a keeninterest in the cultures of the world.However, it was at university that he realizedhe knew almost nothing about China.  相似文献   

Wang Guoying, 50, a fifth-generation inheritor of the palace carpet-making handicraft, has practiced the trade for over 30 years. The craft was spread to Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), when carpets were given to the royal court as gifts by the "Western Regions," an area west of the Yumenguan Pass in northwest-ern Gansu Province which included what is now Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and parts of Central Asia.  相似文献   

Keeping Face     
EAST is East, West is West and never the twain shall meet," so stated Rudyard Kipling, English poet, writer and jingoist, more than 100 years ago. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then, and the East and West have met and united on many global issues.  相似文献   

When one looks at the scope of all the speeches and articles by the Ghinese president published in the two volumes of Xi Jinping: The Governance o f China,(and the many more he publishes during his travels to foreign countries), one has to come to the conclusion that he is without a doubt the most visionary and broadly developed intellectually of all the leaders on the world stage today.  相似文献   

For the past 35 years, Liu Ying,41, a designer and embroiderer of the Miao ethnic group, has been tirelessly promoting her subtle but vividly unique art. The Miao people mainly live in the southwest of China on a vast rugged land of beauty. Embroidery has a special place in Miao culture, being a decorative art that helps transmit their history and legends, in addition to the traditional oral transmission.  相似文献   

正Cultural y themed products breathe new life into ancient artifacts On the night of June 15, the Sanxingdui Museum live-streamed a visit to the museum and many in the audience called for the museum to launch blind boxes that contain replica artifacts that need to be repaired. Unexpectedly,  相似文献   

<正>During an executive meeting of the State Council,China’s cabinet,on May 6,Premier Li Keqiang expressed his displeasure at excessive regulation and red tape,ridiculing scenarios in which citizens were asked to provide evidence of parent-child relationship when obtaining a government permit.Li pointedly asked,"Why is it so difficult for ordinary citizens to get things done?Why has the government erected so many barriers?"  相似文献   

<正>Authorities try to curb the gender imbalance in the country Preference for boys is not uncommon in China,particularly in the countryside,where thousands of years of feudal values still cast their shadow.China introduced the family planning policy in the 1970s to curb the rapid population explosion.Many couples prefer boys over girls in the  相似文献   

Keeping It Green     
正The Chinese Government has set a target of having 500,000 all-electric and plug-in vehicles on the road by 2015.However,technological stumbling blocks such as insufficient infrastructure must be tackled to clear the way for the sector's development.A more successful business model is also badly needed for the fledgling  相似文献   

Keeping a Pet     
珍妮:马克,这是你的小狗吗?马克:是的。  相似文献   

<正>A recent exhibition illustrated the evolution of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, right near the ChinaMyanmar border. A land of towering mountains and gaping ravines, the region’s local culture is vividly colored by a diversity of ethnic minorities such as the Nu and Lisu people.The prefecture used to be one of China’s least developed sections due to its rugged and ragged terrain plus the absence of suitable transportation.  相似文献   

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15 th day of the first month in the traditional Chinese calendar—or February 15 this year.Marking the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations,the day fades into the first full moon of the year.People started celebrating Lantern Festival more than 2,000 years ago.The date marked a romantic occasion in ancient times,offering an opportunity for unmarried men and women to venture outside their households and meet their potential future spouse.  相似文献   

The Chinese used to say they have two pairs of scissors: Wangmazi in the north and Zhang Xiao Quan in the south. These are two time-honored scissor brands that can trace their history back to the 17th century. Both are named after their founders. Wangmazi grew from a small shop near an ancient execution ground in Beijing owned by a man sumamed Wang. Since he had a pockmarked face, mazi in Chinese, people called him Wang Mazi. Wang didn’t make the scissors himself but had them manufactured at local workshops, giving them strict standards to ensure their quality.  相似文献   

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