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New industries and an infusion of cultural heritage combine to offer opportunity for residents in Ordos  相似文献   

<正>More needs to be done to help migrating seniors adapt to city living After her grandson was born three years ago,Feng Junru left her home in northeast China and moved to Tianjin to look after him.She took care of her grandson every day and found herself busier than she had been before she retired.In addition to taking care of the child,she undertook other household chores such as shopping for vegetables,cooking and cleaning.  相似文献   

<正>A university professor seeks to save the endangered cultural heritage of the Miao ethnic minority Zhang Xiaosong is Dean of the School of International Tourism and Culture at Guizhou Normal University in Guiyang,capital city of southwest China's Guizhou Province.But her work is not limited to teaching at university.Zhang is also a village researcher.Over the past 26 years,Zhang has visited  相似文献   

SIXkilometersawayfromGyangzeCountyseatinTibetAutonomousRegionandlocatedonthesouthernbanksoftheNyangRiveratanaverageof4,000metersabovesealevel,NudoiVillageisanexampleofculturalandethicalprogressinChina.Itissaidthatthepeoplehereliveandworkinperfectharmonyandpeace,andhelpeachotherwithoutstealing,robbing,arguingandcheating.Withdoubtfulmindsandmorethanalittlecurious,wedrovetothevillageintheafternooninearlywinterThevillageissurroundedbyaring-likemountainandinfrontofitisaleveledplain.Oneafterano…  相似文献   

South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has one of the country’s biggest reserves of arsenic and lead, which are important resources for industry. Due to contamination by unre-  相似文献   

<正>Recycling joint venture utilizes innovative technology to reuse plastics Recycling,despite its green connotations,can be a messy business.In China,more than 400,000 companies are engaged in plastic recycling,but 70 percent of them are family enterprises,  相似文献   

WALMART,thebiggestchainstoregroupintheUSandworldwide,recentlyannouncedthatitwouldopenmorebranchesinChina.HavingenteredtheChinesemarketin1996,WalmartnowhassevenshoppingmallsandonemainstoreinChina,allofwhichhaveproved.tobeverysuccessful.Meanwhile,Carrefour,theworld'ssecondlargestchainstore,hastakenthedecisiontocloseitsbranchinHongKongandtoincreaseitsinlandbusiness.Atfirst,onlyafewforeigndiplomats,businessmenandtouristswereregularcustomersofWalmartandCarrefour,whereasnowmostofthefacesonese…  相似文献   

WHEN 45-year-old Yu Li was in her youthful prime in the 1980s, so was the Shanghai skincare brand Maxam. Nowadays Maxam resides at the lower end of a Chinese beauty market flooded with myriad brand names from around the world. For Yu Li though, the local brand is still her favorite. "The best is what fits you personally. I prefer to stick with a product I know and trust rather than venturing into a new product and risk impairing my skin."  相似文献   

<正>Slowdown-afflicted companies advised to stop resting on their laurels and to seek new growth By Deng YaqingAs China’s economic growth slows,Chinese enterprises are increasingly aware of the fact that they are confronted with a new round of opportunities and challenges as well as fiercer competition.  相似文献   

Eating dry cornflakes with chopsticks.That's my strongest memory of Shenyang men.That was a view from la Home Inn hotel breakfast room on a wintry December morning in the capital of northeastern  相似文献   

A Fruitful Life     
<正>A Chilean businessman explores life and business opportunities in China As one Chilean proverb goes: Have patience to walk with short steps until you have wings to fly. This popular saying largely sums up Gonzalo Matamala’ s experience in China.Throughout the past 15 years,he has forged a unique bond with the country and helped open new markets for a variety of Chilean export products.  相似文献   

IT was at the beginning of the1950s that Chairman Mao Ze-dong decided to develop heavyindustry in China's northeasternprovinces of Jilin, Heilongjiangand Liaoning. Soon, with the guidanceand supervision of experts from theSoviet Union, a host of automobile,heavy-duty machinery, petrochemicaland other industrial giants were up andrunning in China. The next few decadessaw a prosperous Northeast, as state-owned enterprises provided millions ofjobs, as well as housing for employeesand schoolin…  相似文献   

THE history of Tianjin, a port city near the Chinese capital Beijing, dates back some 600 years to 1404. The old city had a population of 80,000, and over the years, its people have borne witness to Tianjin's many changes. As time passed, the origi-nal city grew older, and a large concentration of traditional, single-story houses formed within the new city. In 1995, Tianjin began to renovate its run-down areas. Residents were relocated, and although happy to move into their brand-new apartments, when the day came, they were also a little sad at leaving their past behind.  相似文献   

正Corporate initiative to protect the endangered Chinese sturgeon On April 13, 700 Chinese sturgeons, known as"living fossils," were released into the Yangtze River in central China’s Hubei Province to give a fresh lease of life to one of the oldest extant species dating back to 140 million years ago and once coexisting with dinosaurs.  相似文献   

MEMORIES of the dark days in the serf-dom era come flooding back whenever Lobsang Dolma,79,passes through the entrance gate of her village.Some 60 years ago,hanging over the gate was a mace repre-senting the authority of the Soikang family,owner of the then Kesum Manor.[The mace]symbolized the misery of serfs' lives in Kesum Manor, said Lobsang recalling her abhor-rence of the Soikang family,self-styled as descen-dants of the fourth Dalai Lama.In 1959,Tibet's epoch-making democratic reform ending serfdom began in Kesum Village,which witnessed the founding of the first farmers' associa-tion and the first Communist Party of China (CPC)branch in rural areas of southwest Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

LOCATED in Yunnan Province's Simao City, Zhenyuan Yi-Hani-Lahu Autonomous County is populated by 22 different ethnic groups. Its terrain of 4,137  相似文献   

Tiger painting helps improve farmers’ living standards Xiao Yanqing, a farmer in his forties, could never have imagined his life could take a different turn when he started painting tigers in the late 1980s.  相似文献   

A Life in Song     
正Famed Chinese opera singer Hao Jiang Tian completes a special 30th anniversary recital From the opening notes of Hao Jiang Tian’s recital commemorating his 30-year career as one of the world’s most celebrated operatic bass voices,including 19 years at the New York Metropolitan Opera,the audience could sense it was one of the singer’s most personal performances.The teenage Chinese factory worker with a"big voice"was transformed into a king of Verdi and Mozart,taking listeners through a repertoire of classic Chinese folk  相似文献   

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