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The objective of this study was to identify the factors associated with the duration of criminal investigations and determine whether these factors influence the seriality of sexual murderers. To this end, data on the investigation of 62 sexual homicides (homicides committed by a serial sexual murderer = 24; homicides committed by a nonserial sexual murderer = 38), were analyzed. Organized behaviors, typical of serial sexual murderers, were not all associated with a longer criminal investigation. However, it was possible to develop a model of the duration of investigations, and predict the seriality of sexual murderers, by taking into account the decisions of murderers and investigators.  相似文献   

比较法视野下侦查人员出庭作证制度之构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近来,警察出庭作证制度渐成学术界热点问题之一,然而,笔者认为这一提法并不十分科学。因为,刑事诉讼中从事侦查工作者并非只有警察这一群体,检察官甚至有些国家的预审法官亦参与其中,所以,用“侦查人员出庭作证”这一提法更为合理、全面。笔者于文中着重分析了侦查人员不出庭作证的原因及其出庭作证的价值,并对如何设计我国侦查人员出庭作证制度提出一些设想,以期完善我国的证人作证制度。  相似文献   

The value for identification purposes of the radiographic frontal sinus outline, which is unique to each individual and remains constant throughout that individual's lifetime, is discussed. A general discussion of identification using frontal sinus X-rays is presented, along with four cases.  相似文献   

A study of childhood suicide in individuals aged twelve years or less was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, FL, over the eight-year period from 1977 to the present. Four cases were collected; these are presented in some detail. A discussion then ensues along with a review of pertinent literature concerning this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The authors describe four cases of suicide by hara-kiri. This very painful form of suicide consists of self-inflicting a wound in the abdomen using a sharp instrument. It was first reported in 988 A.D. in the East but has now become rare in both the East and West. These four cases occurred over a 40-year period in the Trieste and Bari medicolegal area. In two of our cases the victims were afflicted with mental illness, whereas the other two suffered from depression. In cases of death by hara-kiri, it is important to establish a differential diagnosis between suicide and homicide; the presence of trial wounds (inflicted by the victim as a form of practice to overcome any hesitation before stabbing the abdomen with the cutting weapon) can prove very helpful.  相似文献   

Since the early eighties, the folic antagonist methotrexate (MTX) has been used in long-term treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Because of the high toxic potential clinical and laboratory controls at regular intervals and patient education in order to avoid misadventure is of overriding importance. We present four cases of fatal MTX intoxication due to medical malpractice from the Tübingen Institute of Forensic Medicine autopsy material, which show the severe consequences of MTX overdose. It becomes evident that among non-rheumatologists there still is need for information about toxicity and dose limitation in MTX low-dose treatment.  相似文献   

Liverpool Law Review - The law of frustration is tantalizingly simple when it comes to stating it, but incredibly hard when it comes to applying. One would be getting the wrong end of the stick if...  相似文献   

The river twisted and shrank above the beaver ponds. It neared a mountain. It was small and quiet here, full of snake-bends, oxbows and small cutthroat trout. It entered a grove of virgin Sitka spruce, and the hoof cut-trail entered in beside it. … The grove was like a vast lodge, barked pillars rising to a high mosaic of green and black and sky. A watery light filtered down, as if through stained glass. In the center of the lodge was a hollow, bordered by sword ferns and fallen logs. In the bottom of the hollow was a broad, rocky bowl eerily paved with mosshaired, head-sized stones. Among the stones was a quiet spring. And from the spring brimmed the water, old and clean and untiring. I had reached the source of the Tamanawis.  相似文献   

Fatal methadone poisoning in children: report of four cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

More often than not, individuals involved in motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) do not sustain physical injuries. When individuals are involved in serious, injury-causing MVCs, the consequences may be devastating. Injured persons sometimes elect to pursue legal action to address the medical costs incurred and earning losses experienced in association with their injuries and the resulting impairments in function. This article presents a comprehensive review of the requirements of MVC-related litigation and the laws that govern this process, with emphasis placed on Ontario law in effect at the time of writing. Information considered germane to the decision to pursue legal action is reviewed, including the likely settlement amount, length of the legal process, costs associated with legal services and fee agreements that govern remuneration paid to the lawyer. Also described are no-fault regime and civil lawsuit, the two avenues of compensation that injured persons can pursue in an effort to recover losses and obtain the assistance they need to recover from their MVC-related injuries.  相似文献   

In the United States, medicolegal death investigation practices and policies pertaining to sudden unexpected deaths are mandated by state government. Practices vary across states, which contributes to inconsistency in job prerequisites and training. In preparation for a study focused on occupational safety and health of medicolegal death investigators in their on-scene and follow-up activities, a scoping review was conducted to document known occupational safety risks and health-related conditions associated with death investigation. Searches used Boolean and subject heading operators both broad and narrow in scope, and search terms included scene responder, hazard, investigator, forensic pathology, injury, and safety. Twenty-five articles met inclusion criteria, which included seventeen survey-mixed method designs, two systematic reviews, five quasi-experimental designs, and one case study. Twelve articles addressed mental health and eleven focused on risks associated with infectious disease. One article addressed the risk of chemical exposure from cyanide among autopsy personnel (including forensic pathologists) and nine included a wide range of employees within the setting of medical examiner or coroner offices. One article, addressing burnout, included employees in a forensic science laboratory setting as well as medicolegal death investigators and two articles included forensic pathologists and medicolegal death investigators. Only one article addressed medicolegal death investigators specifically. Articles addressing occupational and environmental hazards of medicolegal death investigators associated with musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, radiological, nuclear, electrical, or explosive threats were not identified. There is little published about safety risks inherent in conducting death investigations. Research is needed to adequately inform health promotion and injury prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Eight-eight urine samples were analysed by the EMIT d.a.u. Cannabinoid 20 ng homogeneous enzyme immunoassay, the DPC cannabinoid radioimmunoassay, two in-house cannabinoid radioimmunoassays and a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. There was good qualitative agreement between the methods with few discrepancies in the borderline region.  相似文献   

Practicing law in the healthcare field is a daunting task due to the highly-regulated nature of the field and the increasing scrutiny of the conduct of industry providers, payors, and vendors. Attorneys must provide difficult opinions regarding matters with civil, criminal, and reimbursement implications and often are asked to represent multiple parties in healthcare-related settings. This article discusses some legal ethics issues for the healthcare practitioner and touches on some of the recent changes to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which were adopted by the American Bar Association's House of Delegates at its mid-February 2002 meeting. The authors conduct their analysis by applying the model rules to a number of hypothetical fact situations typical of those encountered in the day-to-day practice of healthcare law.  相似文献   

This study describes the self-reported histories of four women who experience long-term negative effects from childhood incest with their older brothers. In all of these cases the women describe symptoms of low self-esteem and guilt, in relation to their role in the incest. Other perceived long-term harmful effects vary according to the amount of force or coercion used by the brothers, the duration of the incest, and parental response to the incest. These include depression, difficulties with trusting others, and sexual dysfunction. The women also describe the dysfunction in their families-of-origin that contribute to their perceptions of the incest.  相似文献   

When prisoners return to the community they often strive to obtain immediate employment. However, finding work after being released from prison is one of the major challenges returning prisoners face. With few employment prospects due to legal restrictions, discrimination from prospective employers, and multiple individual and community barriers offenders often end up accepting low-skilled work with little opportunity for growth. This qualitative study examines the job searching process for women residing in a community correction work-release facility. The researcher identified several barriers to securing employment, as well as many factors that facilitated the process. Sources of help, types of jobs secured, and experiences with stigma and discrimination are discussed. Implications for improving the job searching process for this population are discussed.  相似文献   

Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names, 14th Edition ByDavid Kitchin QC, David Llewelyn, James Mellor, Richard Meade,Tom Moody-Stuart, David Keeling; with Consultant Editor: TheRt. Hon Sir Robin Jacob; Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 Price: £255,Hardback, ISBN: 0421860804, pp. 1,350   Until recently, trade mark practitioners in the United Kingdomhad to make do with the 13th edition of Kerly, the 1st editionof The Modern Law of Trade Marks, or the CIPA/ITMA Handbookwhen navigating the rocky waters of trade mark law and practice.The first two of these texts  相似文献   

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