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在转基因技术风险不确定的情形下,无论是美国的"可靠科学原则",还是欧盟的"预防原则",均不能令人信服。转基因作物及食品的立法与监管,应遵循公共利益优先、保护消费者的知情权、统一监管机构、国家利益与商业利益结合以及风险全程监控的基本原则。我国当下的转基因作物和食品立法,在层级上较低,应制定《基因技术法》或《国家生物安全法》,重点关注对转基因食品消费者知情权以及我国基因资源的保护;同时,应加强转基因作物和食品的监管和风险评估,对违法者苛以更重的民事责任和刑事责任。  相似文献   

欧美转基因食品法律管制制度比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王迁 《河北法学》2005,23(10):114-121
转基因食品自问世以来,其安全性倍受争议。在对其进行法律管制方面,形成了欧盟和美国两大阵营,在管制理念、管制方法和对消费者“知情权”的态度方面形成了鲜明的反差,并引起了双方在转基因食品国际贸易中的激烈对抗。对比、分析两大阵营的法律管制制度,能够为我国相关立法提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Genetically modified ('bio-engineered' or 'transgenic') food has been at the centre of a transatlantic legal controversy for well over a decade – with the EU insisting on mandatory information disclosure to consumers and the USA resisting it. This article reviews recent developments in three global institutions dealing with the issue: the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization (the 2006 Biotech Products Panel Report); the Biosafety Protocol of the Convention on Biological Diversity (the 2006 Curitiba Rules); and the Codex Alimentarius (the 2006 session of the Committee on Food Labelling). The focus of attention appears to be shifting, from initial concerns over risk communication towards a debate over democratic governance: 'right-to-know' versus 'need-to-know'.  相似文献   

李响 《政法学刊》2021,(3):55-61
随着转基因食品在人们的日常生活当中越来越普及,其标识问题日益引人关注.有些商家利用部分消费者对于转基因技术的恐惧,在食品标签上主动给出非转基因的提示,此种做法即为阴性标识.对于是否应该允许阴性标识,学界颇有争议,一些人认为这涉嫌抹黑转基因食品并误导消费者,但另一些人觉得这更好维护了消费者的知情权与选择权,各国的相关法律...  相似文献   

Mainstream criminology has traditionally focused on poverty as an isolated variable, whose effects are typically explored by inserting a limited measure of this variable in a multivariate analysis. Peacemaking criminology, however, offers an alternative perspective. In this paradigm, poverty is seen as a source of suffering and, to a degree, a “crime” in and of itself. Furthermore, the suffering poverty engenders is an enveloping social experience that exposes its victims to concentrated disadvantage—or, to use Jonathan Kozol’s (1991) term, to a range of “savage inequalities.” Thus, poverty is best understood not as an isolated variable, but as a master status of fundamental social reality that subjects people to lives filled with suffering—suffering that can engender criminal behavior. From a peacemaking perspective, a key avenue for preventing crime is, in the short run, diminishing the suffering poverty causes and, in the long run, embracing social policies that reduce the prevalence of economic suffering in contemporary society.
John F. WozniakEmail:

印度转基因食品立法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
印度作为最大的发展中国家之一,近些年转基因作物商业种植发展迅速,然而立法却相对滞后,呈现出起步晚、法律层级低和零散的局面。为改善该局面,印度政府近些年积极准备出台统一的转基因食品立法,在立法理念上突出对环境安全和人类健康保护,肯定预防原则、实行强制标签制度并强化责任和监管体制,为其它发展中国家提供了一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,由于“人类基因组计划”的实施,遗传学再次成为显学,媒体上几乎每周都可以看见科学家发现某一遗传因子与某种疾病相关的报道,与此同时,遗传对人类行为的影响也为广大民众所关注。事实上,遗传与犯罪关系的研究早在19世纪就已开始,并在20世纪初年进入顶峰状态,但因为行为遗传学与优生学的近亲关系,遗传与犯罪在二战后沉寂了20多年。20世纪70年代,关于犯罪遗传的研究又一次进入遗传学家和犯罪学家的研究领域;并一直持续到现在。  相似文献   

This is an overview of the work of criminologists that informs how people build trust, safe and social security in the face of violent social differences. The article begins with a story of how the term “peacemaking” came to “criminology.” A theory of peacemaking emerging from this beginning is then stated, including a review of criminological literature that informs the theory. The theory is grounded in a paradigmatic departure from criminology’s tradition—the study of crime and criminality—to proposing instead of studying what replaces human separation with cooperation and mutual trust. This paradigm implies that stories of dispute handling are its most authoritative data, especially stories people tell about their own relations. It also implies new ways of evaluating the fruits of adopting a peacemaking paradigm for learning and living.  相似文献   

刘旭霞  余桢 《知识产权》2007,17(5):78-83
利益平衡通常被作为解决利益冲突问题的基本原则和思路。随着生物科技的迅速发展,转基因技术作物已成为知识产权保护的重要内容,转基因技术作物利益主体的多元化决定了利益平衡理论在协调各方利益时的重要作用。本文以利益平衡理论为支撑,分析转基因技术作物知识产权保护在知识产权人利益与农民利益保护间、知识产权人利益与社会整体利益间、"强保护"国家利益与"弱保护"国家利益间存在的失衡,提出了确定以转基因技术作物知识产权保护范围的理性框定,以及知识产权权利限制制度的合理运用,知识产权保护利益的国际平衡协调的建构设想。  相似文献   

My objectives in this paper are to try and identify the range of challenges that now confront critical criminologists who work in, and are attentive to, the “new Europe” whose construction was so clearly signalled by the Maastricht Treaty (the Treaty on European Union) of 1993. I want to concentrate here on two issues — firstly, the challenge of situating the work of criminology in relation to the process of political union (and enlargement) of the European Union, and, secondly, the articulation of an agenda of work for critical criminology, that derives, from an understanding of this broader context. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

欧盟转基因生物安全法评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
边永民 《河北法学》2007,25(5):157-163
欧盟对转基因生物安全的管理在世界上一直是最严格的,因其严格,也遭到美国等现代生物技术产品出口大国的质疑.对欧盟管理转基因生物安全的指令和条例进行介绍,对新旧法律进行比较,从中可以看出欧盟这方面法律的一个发展轨迹,并介绍了欧盟及其成员国对这些指令和条例的执行情况.此外,还介绍了著名的美国等国家诉欧共体的转基因生物措施案,并对案件进行了简单的评议,从中可以了解世界贸易组织的争端解决专家对欧盟有关转基因生物的措施的一些意见.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):260-270
For more then thirty years, "tax havens" have allowed major players form the political and financial spheres, as well as from the criminal one, to act in a "sovereign" way, that is to say, in a determinant way, so that their decisions become decisive in the historical course. "Offshore sovereignty" designates the opportunities that actors off all stripes have in the offshore centres, legal havens, free zones and free ports of the world, to conduct their activities unhampered by state structures, which they do by investing their money in recognized economic entities, or financing political parties.  相似文献   

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