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刘东明 《证据科学》1998,5(4):177-177
在我国,特别是多民族聚居区,人们比较重视家庭传统,喜欢家族群居,家庭成员之间暴力犯罪的情况时有发生,因此,研究杀亲案件的特点有其重要的现实意义.本文通过对6例杀亲案件有关资料进行分析,以期得出一些有用的信息,供同行们参考.  相似文献   

目的通过对某县杀亲案件的现场情况、损伤情况以及人员基本情况进行分析,为杀亲案件的法医学分析提供参考。方法收集2004—2013年23例杀亲案件的资料,从涉案人员基本情况、死者与嫌疑人之间的关系、死亡原因、作案动机、作案地点、作案时间、作案工具及作案后行为等方面进行分析。结果23例杀亲案件中,以夫妻关系为主,主要为激情杀人,作案工具多为就地取材,作案地点多选择在住所,作案时间以夜晚为主。结论杀亲案件的分析应依据现场勘验、尸体检验并结合调查走访情况进行综合分析。  相似文献   

目的通过总结我省135例杀亲案件的案件资料,研究杀亲案件的特点,分析杀亲案件的侦办要点。方法收集2011~2013年间我国中部某省区域内发生的135例杀亲案件,对数据资料进行分析。结果杀亲案件主要发生在夫妻之间及父母子女,好发于农村,青壮年多见。一般无明显杀人动机,作案工具多为就地取材,死亡原因以机械性损伤和机械性窒息为主。结论杀亲案件在嫌疑人社会学特点、致伤工具、死亡原因、案发时间等方面反映出一定共性,但案件证据的收集是案件的侦办难点。  相似文献   

目的总结杀亲案件的特点,为此类案件的分析、预防提供参考。方法调查溧阳地区2004—2014年破获的17例杀亲案件,对原始登记信息、现场勘验笔录、尸体检验鉴定书、破案情况进行统计分析。结果 17例杀亲案件中受害人以女性居多,嫌疑人以男性居多,杀人动机以配偶不忠或怀疑配偶不忠占较高比例。杀亲案件中有精神病患者杀人、伪装杀人,嫌疑人杀人后自杀占有一定比例。结论杀亲案件多与婚外性行为、精神病患者杀人等家庭因素有关,部分为杀人旋即自杀,致伤工具具有简单随意、易于获取的特点。  相似文献   

正1案例资料1.1简要案情及现场勘察王某,女,25岁。某年8月5日凌晨1时许,与情人白某争吵后从宾馆三楼坠楼身亡。现场位于一临街宾馆三楼房间,房间内柜子及内窗台放有盛满啤酒的瓷杯及塑料杯、矿泉水、啤酒瓶等,室内未见明显搏斗痕迹。内窗台高89cm,窗外墙壁瓷砖上有"X"形擦痕。窗户下方为人行道,有血泊形成。1.2尸体检验尸表检验额部有星芒状创口,创口中心区软组织挫碎,创周片状擦挫伤。眼睑青紫肿胀,左眼  相似文献   

股骨头坏死在临床上较为常见,在法医学鉴定中也时有发生,笔者结合近几年检案中遇到的6例,对股骨头坏死的法医学鉴定要点作初浅的分析。1案例例1:某男,63岁,1998年2月19日与他人发生纠纷,次日以“头面部、左上肢、左下肢、左胸腰部疼痛”为主诉就诊,检见面部及左肘部有皮肤擦伤,左胸部压痛,左膝上下压痛,左下肢活动轻度受限,双下肢无肿胀畸形,未作进一步检查。4月2日以右下肢活动轻度障碍就诊,5月7日要求其摄右髋关节片遭拒。11月26日摄片发现右侧股骨头变异,其内密度不均匀性增高,诊断为右股骨头无菌性坏死。1999年3月首次鉴定右股骨头无菌…  相似文献   

1案例资料 1.1简要案情 2005年6月8日晚,某镇村民王某某驾驶一两轮摩托车在一公路上受伤,其家属到公安机关报案称王某某被人抢劫用棍棒打伤,正在医院抢救。经调查锁定的4名“嫌疑人”均一致否认抢劫王某某,声称是一辆从背后急驶而来的两轮摩托车,将正在公路上行走的4人撞倒致伤,摩托车驾驶员也被当场摔伤昏迷。为确正该案性质,3日后重新复勘现场及对王某某、4名“嫌疑人”进行鉴定。  相似文献   

1案例资料某年5月29日10时许,张某驾驶“松花江”牌小客车由西向东行至某路时,从右侧超越黄某(男,52岁)驾驶的电动三轮车的过程中,小客车前部撞击三轮车后部,黄某从三轮车上摔出受伤。后经查实,事故发生后张某将黄某驾驶的电动三轮车推至距事故现场迤东60m的废品收购站内,又将黄某抬到小客车上,因小客车损坏无法启动,张某自行修车后仍无法启动,遂将黄某从车上搬至车下遗弃,并将肇事小  相似文献   

1案例资料 简要案情:米某,男,24岁,某公司保洁员,3月21日值完夜班后,于3月22日凌晨被他人发现悬挂于厂旁人行道的绿化树上已死亡,头面部有血迹,疑似他杀。  相似文献   

1案例资料 1.1案情简介 2001年3月13日17:00时许,滁州市公安局110指挥中心接到许某(犯罪嫌疑人)报案称:其下午在家里玩弄猎枪时不慎走火,击中了坐在沙发上看电视的妻子(曹某)。伤者曹某送往医院,经抢救无效死亡。分局接到110指令后,及时组织人员勘查现场。  相似文献   

This preliminary note reports clinical interviews at the Oregon State Penitentiary with 22 children, ages 5 through 15, visiting their imprisoned fathers. A majority of these children were found to be socially isolated. All the children placed a high value on the prison visits, but also demonstrated a variety of conflicted feelings about their incarcerated father. These findings highlight the need for more data on children and families of imprisoned parents and for consistent and well-conceptualized policies of family visitation.  相似文献   

Defendants accused of inflicting fatal abdominal injuries to children occasionally raise the defense that the injuries were caused by cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The purpose of this study is to answer the question: Does closed chest CPR result in fatal blunt abdominal injuries that can be mistaken for homicidal assault? To that end, a retrospective study was conducted of all homicidal blunt abdominal injuries in children 10 years and younger from the Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Medical Examiner's Offices from 1981 through 1997. These were compared to cases of children who died of natural causes during the same time period in Broward County who had CPR (control group 1) and to children who died of nonvehicular accidental blunt abdominal trauma (control group 2). Children with life-threatening head injuries were excluded. Medical examiner records, autopsy reports, documenting photographs, and clinical records were reviewed. The data analyzed included subject demographics, whether CPR was performed and by whom, and autopsy findings. Thirty-three child homicides with fatal abdominal injuries were reviewed. Twenty-four (73%) of the homicides received CPR. There was no difference in the nature and severity of injuries between the 24 children who received CPR and the 9 who did not. Three hundred and twenty-four cases of pediatric natural deaths were reviewed, all of which had CPR. No traumatic abdominal injuries were found in any of the children who died of natural causes. Only four children who died of natural causes had evidence of extraabdominal trauma related to CPR. No cases of nonvehicular accidental blunt abdominal trauma were identified during the 17-year period, although there were nonvehicular accidental fatalities due to extraabdominal injuries. The likelihood of CPR-related primary abdominal trauma in child homicides is very low.  相似文献   

The population of 36 parents or parent figures arrested for killing their children or charges, who were under the age of 6 years in Detroit, Michigan, between 1982 and 1986, are described in the context of their deadly acts. This profile of parent-on-child homicide includes demographic and social characteristics of offenders and victims, circumstances of offense, andarrest and court dispositions.  相似文献   

We present two cases of autopsy detection of laryngeal masses with medico-legal implications. The first is a 56-year-old man who died suddenly of asphyxia due to upper airway obstruction caused by a large glosso-epiglottic retention cyst and glottic oedema. Hypothesis of medical liability was raised, due to delayed tracheotomy as the result of repeated failed attempts at oral intubation by various physicians. Difficult oral intubation due to the presence of a laryngeal mass in an asphyxiating subject requires rapid tracheotomy. The second case deals with a 43-year-old woman who died of asphyxia due to airway obstruction, as a result of injury of a cavernous laryngeal haemangioma after homicidal manual strangulation, with severe haemorrhagic infiltration of the surrounding soft tissues. Damage to laryngeal/hypopharyngeal masses should be considered as a possible sign of manual strangulation, as well as neck skin bruises/abrasions and laryngeal haemorrhages.  相似文献   

电子计算机断层扫描 (Computedtomography ,CT)技术已广泛用于临床 ,具有准确 ,安全 ,快速 ,直观及分辨力高等优点 ,对损伤或病变的定性、定位效果极佳。因此在某些案例中CT的应用已成为法医鉴定必不可少的检查。同时 ,它也可成为一些装病者伪造病情的手段欺骗法医 ,从而产生错案。下面笔者就在检案中识破的 4起伪造CT片致原鉴定错误的案件作一浅析。案例 1 吴某 ,男 ,45岁。因斗殴被木棍打伤头部致头顶部一挫裂创 4cm ,伤后无昏迷 ,在当地县医院住了两个月未发现有颅骨骨折。第一次法医鉴定以伤者头皮挫裂创长4…  相似文献   

电子计算机断层扫描(Computed tomography,CT)技术已广泛用于临床,具有准确,安全 ,快速,直观及分辨力高等优点,对损伤或病变的定性、定位效果极佳.因此在某些案例中 CT的应用已成为法医鉴定必不可少的检查.同时,它也可成为一些装病者伪造病情的手段欺骗法医,从而产生错案.下面笔者就在检案中识破的4起伪造CT片致原鉴定错误的案件作一浅析.  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of consanguineous marriage and inbreeding on heterozygosity was evaluated by comparing levels of heterozygosity in children of closely related parents with those of unrelated parents. Compared to the average expected heterozygosity, the average observed heterozygosity was lower in the children with first-cousin parents. This was not the case in the children with unrelated parents, where an increase in the average observed heterozygosity was noted. Differences in the average heterozygosity between parents-children also observed between related and unrelated parents. First-cousin parents had higher average heterozygosity than the children compared to the unrelated parents where the average heterozygosity was lower than the children. Further investigation with bigger sample size and different populations will provide better understanding, however this study showed that a careful approach should be taken when dealing with parentage testing involving closely related parents.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the advisability of juvenile courts requiring urine testing for parents who severely maltreat (abuse and/or neglect) their children. While urine testing for substance abuse is not sufficient to ensure adequate treatment, it is important as part of the overall substance abuse treatment in a selected group of parents. An objective of this article is to offer specific urine testing guidelines in the context of child maltreatment cases in which the court considers removing children from parental custody to state custody. Although potentially useful, urinalysis to detect abused substances has limitations and is appropriate only in well-defined situations. Effective treatment of the substance-abusing, child-maltreating parent must be multimodal, with treatment of substance abuse as the first and most important step.  相似文献   

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