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如果把“全面建设小康社会”作为新世纪头20年中国社会、经济发展的奋斗目标的话,那么,如何在完善的市场经济体制的支持下形成稳定、快速、健康地发展,就是一个最前沿的理论和实践的重要课题。我认为,这里的核心应是如何挖掘体制中的动力源泉问题,亦即如何使人的经济价值得到充分实现。笔者将围绕这个问题展开论述。 一、确认要素贡献 第一,无论是作为一个“生产要素”的“人”,还是作为一个“根本目的”的“人”,都必须通过并获得激励去实现个人的经济价值。在今天,更可以用发挥先进的生产力、启用先进的文化,从而确保社会主体——人的根本利益的实现,即可以用“三个代表”重要思想来加  相似文献   

Discussion about political research could be seen as dealing with three basic questions. The first being whether type of government or type of public policy should be considered as our main object. The second being whether constitutional law or the more realistic approach of political science should dominate. And the third being whether we should be arguing in or about politics. If we separate these three questions it is much more likely that discussion will improve.  相似文献   

Three Forms of Interpersonal Trust: Evidence from Swedish Municipalities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social trust is usually treated as a dichotomy between particularized and generalized trust. In this article it is argued that a third distinct form, community trust, is neither particularized nor generalized and bounded in space rather than persons. Factor analysis of survey data from 33 Swedish municipalities (N = 6,453) distinguishes between particularized, generalized and community trust. Furthermore, regression analyses show that the three trust forms have partly distinct antecedents and linked to different types of behaviours. While generalized trust best predicts leaps of faith in relation to strangers, community trust is the only trust form significantly predicting taking part in local problem solving. Finally, multilevel analysis shows that community trust is the trust form most vulnerable to changes with respect to ethnic diversity and socioeconomic equality.  相似文献   

在工业社会中,谋求承认是人们社会生活的基本内容之一.事实上,工业社会的全部制度设置也都可以解读为通过权利、荣誉与职权这三种基础性的承认形式而对人的承认,因而,对权利、荣誉和职权的分析是有助于我们更好地把握承认关系的实质的.在这三种承认形式中,权利属于社会承认的形式,职权则属于组织承认的范畴,荣誉既会以社会承认的形式出现也会以组织承认的形式出现,但实质上属于社会承认的范畴.权利属于对社会成员的普遍性承认,而荣誉和职权则标示着差异承认.权利、荣誉和职权共同营建起来的是工业社会人与人之间竞争的氛围,它把所有人都置于"为承认而斗争"的过程之中.  相似文献   

从历史大尺度着眼,马克思共产主义理论是在对资本主义剖析基础上的预见式社会主义,苏联、前期中国的社会主义建设是经济政治文化落后条件下的模式化社会主义,中国改革、苏联东欧剧变从正反两面证实:全球现代化过程中的原则型社会主义是当代社会主义的唯一方向和前途。预见式社会主义、模式化社会主义、原则型社会主义是科学社会主义发展的三个历史阶段、三种历史形态。  相似文献   

任建霞 《学理论》2010,(16):262-263
案例教学法已在各种教学活动中得到普遍重视和广泛应用,但在思想政治理论课的案例教学中还存在一些误解误用,比如把案例教学等同于"举例子"、理解为"案例的教学"和局限于"学生的案例学习"等。这些误解误用都直接影响到案例教学的实效性,需要我们认真反思和修正,以更好地实现思想政治理论课教学和育人目标的有机结合。  相似文献   

"政治规矩"是全体党员尤其是党员领导干部坚守政治标准的总体要求和总体概括,这些规矩业已成为党建理论的重要内容和现实载体,成为治国理政、全面从严治党的铁规严律,成为党性教育的一把戒尺和标杆。践行政治规矩是全面从严治党、依纪依规管党治党的自觉行为,是遵章守纪、严于律己的自我约束,是对党内各项制度、规则的自觉遵循。践行政治规矩必须依托三个维度:一是以理性维度厘清政治规矩的基本要义,彰显践行政治规矩的现实性;二是以价值维度显示政治规矩的内化功能,展现践行政治规矩的导向性;三是以法治维度阐释政治规矩的合法基因,凸显践行政治规矩的正当性。  相似文献   

Various studies suggest that while institutionalised and electoral forms of political participation are in decline in Western societies, non-institutionalised forms of participation (like demonstrating, political consumerism or signing petitions) are on the rise. However, this expansion of the political action repertoire of citizens also entails the question of equal participation opportunities. It can be argued that contemporary ideals of democratic participation assume an equal representation of citizens' interests. In this article we analyse the equality of participation patterns using comparative data from the 2004 ISSP survey. Our results suggest that non-institutionalised forms of participation increase patterns of inequality due to education but strongly reduce or even reverse gender and age inequalities. As such, both institutionalised and non-institutionalised forms of participation have specific (dis)advantages from the perspective of preserving equal access to democratic decision-making procedures.  相似文献   

Morrison  Minion K. C. 《Publius》1987,17(4):97-111
Since 1967 Afro-Americans have made great strides in electoralpolitics in the rural South. However, comparable progress inacquiring material resources to satisfy escalating demands fromnewly mobilized constituents has not been achieved in many instances.This article examines the experiences of three, rural, Mississippitowns which elected their first Afro-American mayors in the1970s. In responding to the separate demands of representation(direct citizen benefits) and institutionalization (maintenanceof Afro-American leadership), the new mayors made successfuluse of various federal aid programs. While helping the mayorsto improve public services and construct new community facilities,the federal aid did not contribute to the more long-range goalof institutionalization. The continuing problem for such localareas under Afro-American political control is the lack of independentresources.  相似文献   

罗伯中 《理论探讨》2006,1(5):48-50
国内学界通常认为马克思早年先后经历了宗教批判、政治批判和社会批判三个阶段;他早年的政治哲学立场是卢梭式的民主主义立场;其哲学基础是“市民社会决定国家”的唯物主义命题。通过对马克思早年所有文本的研究,可以发现“真正民主制国家”意义上的政治批判才是马克思早年的理论活动的中心;而马克思的立场与卢梭等近代哲学家的立场是完全对立的;虽然市民社会是国家的基础,但在官僚制国家与真正民主制国家中,市民社会和国家的关系完全不同。  相似文献   

从理论看,政治监督是与特定政治制度相适应并为其服务的制度安排,遵循权力制约监督的内在生成逻辑,推动掌握和行使权力的权力机构及其成员聚焦党的政治属性、政治使命、政治目标、政治追求,着力发现并纠正政治方面的突出问题,确保党的政治纲领、政治路线、政治目标的贯彻执行和有效推进。从历史看,政治监督古已有之,中国古代通过监察官员执行法令、忠诚履职,达到去疴除弊、整肃纲纪、彰善瘅恶、稳定朝政的目标;西方社会通过分权和制衡来遏制权力滥用、维护公民权利、保证政体稳定;社会主义国家的无产阶级政党通过加强政治建设,完善党内监督,保证人民当家作主,实现党和国家长治久安。从实践看,近年来的实践探索成效初显,但是在政治监督的认识、定位、方法及人员队伍能力素质方面存在薄弱环节,还需持续探索政治监督的有效路径。  相似文献   

Retrieving Realism renders the joint philosophical goals of Hubert Dreyfus and Charles Taylor into what is probably their final and most concise form. It has two main objectives: first, it aims to deconstruct the mediationalism that undergirds Western philosophy, and second, it endorses contact theory, or embodied/embedded coping, as an alternative. In this essay, I present the book’s most salient themes and reveal areas that are ripe for further philosophical consideration. I also direct the reader to the work’s genuine ontological challenge: how to come to grips with contact theory beyond the borders of epistemology.  相似文献   

"三个代表"与中国的政治发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国已经进入全面建设小康社会的新的发展阶段.发展社会主义民主,建设社会主义政治文明,是我们在新阶段的政治发展目标."三个代表"重要思想,及时地回应了全球化和社会转型两大语境对当代中国政治发展提出的新要求,为推进中国的政治发展提供了强大的思想武器.  相似文献   

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