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A case of fatal suicidal ingestion of diazinon insecticide is presented. Diazinon concentrations in post-mortem body fluids and tissues were determined using electron capture and flame ionization gas-liquid chromatography. The highest concentrations of diazinon were found in blood, stomach contents, bile and adipose tissue.  相似文献   

After self-administration of 0.05g of methamphetamine hydrochloride intravenously on three occasions at intervals of 3h, a 25-year-old female methamphetamine abuser ingested approximately 1.5 g of methamphetamine hydrochloride, and was found dead 3–4 h later. Complete rigor mortis was observed 1–2 h after death and the rectal temperature was 38.4°C 3–4 h after death.Distribution of methamphetamine and amphetamine in the body was analyzed by chemical ionization mass fragmentography. Amphetamine/methamphetamine concentrations (μ mol/100 g) were 0.2628.8 in blood, 0.6468.2 in brain, 0.96117.1 in liver, 0.5350.6 in kidney, and 1.491045 in stomach contents. Total amount of methamphetamine hydrochloride in stomach contents was 11.6mg.Amphetamine in tissues was a metabolite of methamphetamine, and amphetamine in stomach contents resulted from excretion into saliva and gastric mucous excretion. With rectal temperature at death estimated at more than 41°C, it would seem that hyperpyrexia played an important role in causing death from methamphetamine poisoning.  相似文献   

A case of fatal poisoning due to voluntary ingestion of cantharides powder for aphrodisiac purposes is reported. Clinical history, autopsy and analytical findings are described. Blood and urine samples collected during the 30 h of survival, as well as the cantharides product, were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. On the basis of the percentage of the active principle measured in the powder, an ingested dose of 26-45 mg of cantharidin could be estimated.  相似文献   

Spleen and portal lymphnode sections from 86 drug addicts submitted for medico-legal autopsy at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen in the year 1979 were studied together with tissue sections from 24 "normal" persons. In 70% of the drug addicts the spleen weight was more than 200 g, and in 71% portal lymphnode hyperplasia was found. Birefringent foreign material was found in spleen tissue of drug addicts in 72% and in portal lymphnode tissue in 44%. Signs of antigen stimulation in both spleen and portal lymphnode tissue evaluated by the number of germinal centre and plasma cells were found in more than 80% of the drug addicts compared with about 20% of the "normal" persons. The results were related to anamnestic information of duration of drug abuse, to the spleen weight, to the occurrence of birefringent material and to the liver changes. Examination of lysozyme and immunoglobulin containing cells using the indirect preoxidase technique was performed in a total of 72 cases of spleen tissue, 59 cases of portal lymphnode tissue from drug addicts, 24 cases of spleen tissue and 18 of portal lymphnode tissue from "normal" persons. Lysozyme, IgM and IgG containing cells were found significantly more often among drug addicts than "normal" persons. The results indicate that the splenomegalia and the portal lymphnode hyperplasia often found in drug addicts are caused by continuous antigen stimulation due to repeated injections of various antigens.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Thiodicarb is a nonsystemic carbamate insecticide whose acetylcholinesterase activity is related to its main methomyl degradation product. A 40-year-old woman was found dead in her car. Empty packages of medicines and an open bottle of Larvin® containing thiodicarb were found near her body. No signs of violence nor traumatic injuries were noticed upon autopsy, and police investigations strongly suggested a suicide. Systematic toxicological analysis performed on postmortem specimens revealed the presence of various sedatives, hypnotics, and antipsychotic drugs in blood, urine, and gastric content. Some of the compounds identified were determined at blood concentrations well above the known therapeutic concentrations: zolpidem (2.87 mg/L), bromazepam (2.39 mg/L), nordazepam (4.21 mg/L), and levopremazine (0.64 mg/L). Specific analysis of thiodicarb and of its methomyl metabolite was then performed on all fluids and tissues collected during autopsy by liquid chromatography ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). The anticholinesterase capacity of blood, urine, and gastric content collected at autopsy was 83%, 82%, and 32%, respectively (normal value: 0%). The presence of thiodicarb in the bottle found near the body corroborates the hypothesis of an intake of that compound. Although thiodicarb was only detected in gastric content (24.3 mg/L), its methomyl metabolite was quantified in most postmortem tissues and fluids: gastric content (19.9 mg/L), peripheral blood (0.7 mg/L), urine (8.5 mg/L), bile (2.7 mg/L), liver (0.7 mg/kg), kidney (1.7 mg/kg), lung (1.5 mg/kg), brain (9.3 mg/kg), and heart (3.6 mg/kg).  相似文献   

A fatal overdose involving case by 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT) is reported. 5-MeO-DIPT and its two metabolites, 5-hydroxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine (5-OH-DIPT) and 5-methoxy-N-isopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-NIPT), were identified by LC-MS. The level of 5-MeO-DIPT, 5-OH-DIPT and 5-MeO-NIPT in blood and urine was 0.412, 0.327 and 0.020 microg/ml, and 1.67, 27.0 and 0.32 microg/ml, respectively. These blood and urine levels were higher than published data for such poisoning.  相似文献   

毒鼠强中毒的凋亡细胞研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
Cheng YB  Liu NG  Zhang JH 《法医学杂志》2002,18(3):137-139,143
目的通过动物实验,研究观察在不同剂量下毒鼠强中毒后不同时间各器官的病理学变化,以期为法医学鉴定提供指标。方法建立小鼠毒鼠强中毒的实验模型,通过常规H.E染色及凋亡细胞检测技术对小鼠毒鼠强急、慢性中毒后脑、心、肝、肾等器官的病理学改变进行系统研究,并对研究结果进行计算机病理学图像分析;对中毒实验组的小鼠上述器官检材进行毒物分析。结果慢性中毒组小鼠在中毒后的不同时间段内,脑、心、肝、肾等器官凋亡细胞数均高于正常对照组及急性中毒致死组,且同一器官的凋亡细胞数在不同中毒时间段内有所差异,差别均有显著性;不同器官的凋亡细胞数的峰值在不同中毒时间段内亦有所不同。急性中毒组小鼠各器官的毒物分析结果为阳性,慢性中毒组均为阴性。结论慢性毒鼠强中毒,在临床症状不明显及法医毒物分析难以检测的情况下,应用凋亡细胞检测技术可成功检测出机体的主要器官的病理学改变,表明小剂量、慢性中毒对机体仍有一定的影响。  相似文献   

The report describes a fatal outcome in a 5-year-old male who died after drinking a fatal dose of ethanol at the party held by his parents. Urine and blood alcohol level of the deceased was 0.4 and 0.5 g/dL, what might explain the sudden death of the child. In addition, the analysis of the boy's hair demonstrated the presence of ethyl glucuronide (EtG), a marker of alcohol consumption; hair EtG concentration levels indicated that the boy might have occasionally imbibed alcohol prior to death. Pathological lesions of the liver observed in histopathology did not contradict such a hypothesis.  相似文献   

A case of fatal aconitine poisoning by Monkshood ingestion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Accidental aconitine poisoning is extremely rare in North America. This report describes the confirmation of a case of accidental aconitine poisoning using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. The case involved a 25-year-old man who died suddenly following a recreational outing with friends where he consumed a number of wild berries and plants including one that was later identified as Monkshood (Aconitum napellus). Postmortem blood and urine samples were available for analysis. All routine urine and blood toxicology screens were negative. The LC-MS/MS method allowed sensitive quantification of aconitine, the main toxin in A. napellus, and showed 3.6 and 149 microg/L in blood and urine, respectively. These concentrations were similar to that reported in other aconitine-related deaths. This case illustrates the dangers of consuming unidentified plants, and documents concentrations of aconitine in blood and urine in a fatal case of A. napallus-related poisoning.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A 54-year-old man was found dead with a bottle containing a brownish fluid near him. A toxicological screening was carried out in blood, urine, and stomach content. Only dichlorvos (2,2 dichlorovinyl O-O dimethylphosphate or DDVP) was found. A simple and rapid method, using DDVP-D6 as an internal standard, was developed for the determination of DDVP by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The method was linear from 1 to 10 mg/L. Intraday and interday precisions were all <15%. DDVP concentration in cardiac blood was approximately four times higher than in peripheral blood. A high concentration was found in the heart showing a cardiac tropism of DDVP, kidney and lung concentrations being much lower. No DDVP was found in liver. DDVP stomach content was 38 g. The amount presumed ingested was 82 g, c . 1000 mg/kg of body. The oral LD50 for DDVP ranges between 20 and 1090 mg/kg in animals but is not known for humans.  相似文献   

Colchicine has been widely used in the treatment of acute gout over the years, but it has a narrow therapeutic index, and overdose can be life threatening. A method using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry system was applied in two fatal cases of colchicine poisoning in this study to the determination of colchicine in blood. In case 1, a 19-year-old man suffered from depression and ingested 160 colchicine tablets (each 0.5 mg). The concentration of colchicine in his blood samples showed a fluctuating trend and kept above the therapeutic steady-state concentration for 5 days. In case 2, a 70-year-old female patient with a history of gout and chronic colchicine intake ingested five times the usual dose of colchicine (5 mg) and died after 12 days of medical care, with 5 ng/mL of colchicine in her blood sample. Our findings suggest that the delayed elimination and accumulation in humans after colchicine overdose could keep the concentration of colchicine maintaining above the therapeutic steady-state concentration for many days before dying, probably along with a fluctuating trend.  相似文献   

Lu GZ  Wang JH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):137-139
目的提出对硫酸二甲酯中毒案件损伤程度的评定方法。方法案例中44名中毒者根据GB/Z40-2002《职业性急性硫酸二甲酯中毒诊断标准》进行中毒程度评定,再依据重、轻伤标准作出损伤程度的评定。结果44名硫酸二甲酯中毒案件中重伤4人、轻伤4人;未达到中毒程度,不构成重、轻伤的36人。结论在涉及中毒的案件中,损伤程度的鉴定主要依照国家制定的有关职业性急性化学药品、毒剧药品中毒的诊断及分级标准,结合人体轻、重伤鉴定标准进行。  相似文献   

A fatal doxepin poisoning associated with a defective CYP2D6 genotype   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been suggested that the polymorphism of the CYP2D6 gene can contribute to occurrence of fatal adverse effects. We therefore investigated postmortem toxicology cases of fatal drug poisonings related to CYP2D6 substrates, with the manner of death denoted as accidental or undetermined. CYP2D6 genotypes were determined in 11 consecutive cases with samples available for DNA analysis. A case of fatal doxepin poisoning with an undetermined manner of death was found to coincide with a completely nonfunctional CYP2D6 genotype (*3/*4), indicating a total absence of CYP2D6 enzyme and suggesting a poor metabolizer phenotype. The doxepin concentration was 2.4 mg/L, the concentration of nordoxepin 2.9 mg/L, and the doxepin/nordoxepin ratio 0.83, the lowest found among the 35 nordoxepin-positive postmortem cases analyzed during the same year. No alcohols or other drugs were detected in the case. The CYP2C19 genotype was determined as that of an extensive metabolizer. The high N-desmethylmetabolite concentration is not consistent with acute intoxication. It is therefore probable that the defective genotype has contributed to the death, possibly involving repeated high dosage of doxepin. Our case strongly emphasizes that a pharmacogenetic analysis in postmortem forensic setting may reveal new insight to the cause or manner of death.  相似文献   

目的研究曲马多在中毒家兔体内死后分布规律,为曲马多中毒检材采取提供实验依据。方法家兔经口给予10倍LD50曲马多,待家兔死亡后迅速解剖取样,气相色谱/质谱联用和气相色谱-FTD法测定其体液、脏器、大脑及右上肢和右下肢肌肉中曲马多的含量,比较其变化规律。结果血液和肝脏中曲马多的最低检出限分别为0.05μg/mL和0.05μg/g,提取回收率为97.60%±0.65%~103.10%±1.24%。曲马多在家兔体内的死后分布为:肾〉胃〉肝〉脾〉肺〉脑〉心〉上肢肌肉〉下肢肌肉〉〉体液(尿〉胆汁、心血〉玻璃体液)。结论大剂量曲马多中毒致死后在体内分布不均匀,组织中曲马多含量明显高于心血、胆汁等体液。  相似文献   

目的观察新西兰兔在液化石油气中毒后不同组织的病理学特征,探讨其在日常法医鉴定工作中的应用价值。方法健康新西兰兔42只,随机分为3组:轻度中毒组6只,中毒死亡组30只,窒息死亡组6只。在中毒和致死过程中进行行为学观察,分析心血中液化石油气浓度,中毒死亡组和窒息死亡组进行大体解剖形态学和组织病理切片观察及心血检验。结果轻度中毒组在吸入少量液化石油气后会表现为呼吸加快、站立、伸舌、磨牙等兴奋的状态;中毒死亡组尸体解剖主要表现皮肤、肌肉呈土黄色,气管、支气管出血明显,肺气肿明显;中毒死亡组心血中可检验出液化石油气成分。结论新西兰兔液化石油气中毒的特征主要表现为皮肤、肌肉呈土黄色,气管、支气管出血明显,心血可检出液化石油气成分。我们推断液化石油气的神经毒性与缺氧可能是液化石油气中毒死亡的机制。  相似文献   

In recent years recorded cases of plant poisoning have become rare, this may in part be due to the possibility of plant ingestion not being indicated at the beginning of an investigation. Aconitum napellus (aconite, Wolfsbane, Monkshood) is one of the most poisonous plants in the UK. It contains various potent alkaloids such as aconitine, isoaconitine, lycaconitine and napelline. Ingestion of Aconitum plant extracts can result in severe, potentially fatal toxic effects. This paper describes the analytical findings in a recent death in the UK. resulting from deliberate ingestion of Aconitum napellus extract. The concentrations of aconitine measured by HPLC-DAD in the post mortem femoral blood and urine were 10.8 micrograms/L and 264 micrograms/L, respectively. The aconitine concentration in the ante mortem urine was 334 micrograms/L and was estimated to be 6 micrograms/L in the ante mortem serum. Hence, accidental, suicidal or homicidal poisoning due to the ingestion of plant material remains a possibility and should be borne in mind when investigating sudden or unexplained death.  相似文献   

Zhang DY  Zhu JH  Zhao WZ  Wu MW  Hu YL  Cheng LB  Li YH 《法医学杂志》2006,22(5):330-332,F0004
目的观察博落回总碱中毒后大鼠不同时间内心肌细胞凋亡情况,为博落回总碱中毒提供毒理学指标。方法以SD大鼠博落回总碱中毒为实验模型,通过HE染色及凋亡细胞检测技术对大鼠博落回总碱中毒后心肌病理变化进行研究,并对研究结果进行计算机病理学图像分析。结果大鼠在中毒后的不同时间段内,心肌细胞凋亡数高于正常对照组(P<0.01),且凋亡数在不同时间段差异有显著性。结论博落回总碱中毒在临床症状不明显及毒物分析难以检测的情况下,应用凋亡细胞检测技术可成功检测出心肌的病理学变化。  相似文献   

生物样品中的金属毒物电感耦合等离子发射光谱检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立有毒金属元素在肝、脾和肾脏组织中的快速检测方法。方法通过模拟样品,采用微波消解炉对样品进行预处理,用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪同时对多种可疑有毒金属元素进行检测。结果在中毒剂量,对肝脏和肾脏组织中的可疑毒金属元素,可以采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪进行检测。  相似文献   

This study examined characteristics and profiles of 196 child maltreatment perpetrators in Florida, including 126 who committed fatal assaults during 1999–2002. Results of logistic regression suggest that being a biologically unrelated caregiver is the strongest predictor of fatal child maltreatment. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was used to classify perpetrators, and three classes were identified: Biological Mothers with Health Problems, Male Perpetrators with Domestic Violence History, and Multiple-Problem Perpetrators. Results of LCA showed that compared to Biological Mothers with Health Problems, Multiple-Problem Perpetrators were seven times more likely and Male Perpetrators with Domestic Violence History were 12 times more likely to commit a fatal assault. Implications of the findings are discussed.
Svetlana YampolskayaEmail:

A case of fatal intoxication from metformin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of fatal intoxication from metformin is presented. The decedent was an obese 58-year-old-woman with type II diabetes, in whom severe lactic acidosis secondary to metformin accumulation was precipitated by acute renal failure. She had been on metformin 500 mg twice a day. Postmortem blood was deproteinated with acetonitrile, washed with dichloromethane, and the resulting supernatant injected into high-performance liquid chromatography system. Separation was performed on a analytical 125 x 4 mm i.d. RP-8 column. The wavelength was set at 235 nm. The mobile phase was acetonitrile (40%), sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium dihydrogen phosphate adjusted to pH 5.1 (60%) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The concentration of metformin in postmortem blood was 77.3 microg/mL. The qualitative result was also confirmed by LC/APCI/MS/MS analysis.  相似文献   

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