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No other archaeological finding in China has attracted more interest from the public than the discovery of the tomb of Cao Cao(155-220)at the end of 2009.  相似文献   

AFTER six months ofstudy,a three-day in-tensive training courseand a two-and-a-half-hour exam,26-year-oldmedical personnel administrator DuanLian was awarded the certificate quali-fying her as a people's juror.China endorsed the National Peo-ple's Congress Standing Committee'sdecision to improve the people's jurysystem last May.Jurors may now par-ticipate in handling court cases as non-professional judges.This is one of manymeasures to improve transparency andjustice in China's legal syst…  相似文献   

THE Chinese government's decision to battle harmful information online through the direct installation of software filters on PCs, got a somewhat tepid response from hardware manufacturers and met with outright skepticism from the media and netizens. There is doubt the package that is meant to sort out and reject socially unacceptable sites will actually work, so the government is taking some criticism about what many regard as an error of judgment.  相似文献   

正Heated debates on whether China should develop a super particle collider have recently erupted among top scientists folowing an assessment by a Nobel laureate. Chen-Ning Yang, a Chinese-born American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in physics in  相似文献   

多元文化教育的世纪论争   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
王鉴 《贵州民族研究》2003,23(1):125-131
多元文化教育是一个颇有争议的概念,不仅有东西方界定的差异,而且在同一国家中也存在着对多元文化教育明显的不同理解。比较分析这些不同的界定,目的在于认识多元文化教育论争的主题以及隐含在这些主题背后的多元文化教育的实质。  相似文献   

不少民众认为电脑量刑就是利用电脑代替法官的人脑进行量刑,这明显是一种典型的误读,不过不少学者仍然看到了电脑量刑背后存在的大量弊端从而对其加以否定,于是在电脑量刑的支持者与反对者之间展开了一场激烈的论战。在我国当前的语境下采纳电脑量刑是有客观原因的,因为其对规范法官的自由裁量权和实现量刑的统一以及加速法治的实现有着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

秘密侦查的"秘密"状态在最大化地有利于实现打击犯罪功效的同时,也导致外界对秘密侦查监督严格程度的放松.侦查机关独享秘密侦查的自由裁量权,使秘密侦查适用中存在四项巨大风险,即损害公正审判权,威胁侦查员人身安全和心理健康,使用线人会产生消极后果,导致传统的程序监控机制和外来监督机制失效.因此,秘密侦查立法应充分考虑各种相应的防弊措施.  相似文献   

THE 59-part historical TVserial Heading Towards aRepublic took four yearsand 40 million yuan tomake.Screened on prime timeCCTV-1 in mid-April when theSARS epidemic in Beijing was atits peak,the serial achieved highratings.The widespread contro-versy it provoked,however,resulted in its being taken off.  相似文献   

湘省辛酉春荒叠接旱荒,湘西灾重最甚。面对灾荒,洋干事们所把持的湖南华洋筹赈会干事会,对熊希龄、陈渠珍等西路各界请赈概予回绝。感受歧视的西路与在其影响下的中南两路,就中南两路的灾重与西路的烟苗情事灾县定等双重标准,赈款赈粮分等标准等问题,生起施赈公平性问题路界争议,代表三路利益的华洋评议会进而要求查干事会赈账,并在旅京湖南筹赈会和北京赈务处的干预下,干事会被迫裁减冗员与部分分权于评议会,改革荒政制度予以妥协。  相似文献   

文章以汉简资料为中心,结合文献记载,主要从环境、种族、时代三方面考察了两汉河西民间文学生存的土壤。认为由于重要的地理位置和由此形成的繁荣的商业经济、复杂的居民成分、复杂的自然地理和气候条件及汉代特有的文化氛围,两汉河西具有丰厚的民间文学土壤。  相似文献   

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