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A Raman spectroscopy method for determining the drug content of street samples of amphetamine was developed by dissolving samples in an acidic solution containing an internal standard (sodium dihydrogen phosphate). The Raman spectra of the samples were measured with a CDD-Raman spectrometer. Two Raman quantification methods were used: (1) relative peak heights of characteristic signals of the amphetamine and the internal standard; and (2) multivariate calibration by partial least squares (PLS) based on second derivative of the spectra. For the determination of the peak height ratio, the spectra were baseline corrected and the peak height ratio (h(amphetamine at 994 cm(-1) )/h(internal standard at 880 cm(-1) )) was calculated. For the PLS analysis, the wave number interval of 1300-630 cm(-1) (348 data points) was chosen. No manual baseline correction was performed, but the spectra were differentiated twice to obtain their second derivatives, which were further analyzed. The Raman results were well in line with validated reference LC results when the Raman samples were analyzed within 2 h after dissolution. The present results clearly show that Raman spectroscopy is a good tool for rapid (acquisition time 1 min) and accurate quantitative analysis of street samples that contain illicit drugs and unknown adulterants and impurities.  相似文献   

The three major cannabinoids, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN) were identified and determined quantitatively using a GCD (GC–EI) instrument, in samples of illicit herbal cannabis, seized by Customs and Police authorities in two areas of Greece (Ipiros and Lakonia) during 1996. These samples were sent by the above authorities to the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, University of Athens, for forensic chemical analysis. The cannabinoid content of these samples led to the classification of cannabis into two chemical phenotypes and to the differentiation of resinous and textile plants by using three different classification indexes. The cannabinoid content of cannabis plants is of forensic value in determining the geographical origin of cannabis samples, since it can be used for their classification, allocating this way the area of cultivation of the relative plants. The forensic aspects of cannabis classification are discussed.  相似文献   

In Europe, authorities frequently ask forensic laboratories to analyze seized cannabis plants to prove that cultivation was illegal (drug type and not fiber type). This is generally done with mature and flowering plants. However, authorities are often confronted with very young specimens. The aim of our study was to evaluate when the chemotype of cannabis plantlets can be surely determined through analysis of eight major cannabinoids content during growth. Drug-type seedlings and cuttings were cultivated, sampled each week, and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection. The chemotype of clones was recognizable at any developmental stage because of high total Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations even at the start of the cultivation. Conversely, right after germination seedlings contained a low total THC content, but it increased quickly with plant age up, allowing chemotype determination after 3 weeks. In conclusion, it is not necessary to wait for plants' flowering to identify drug-type cannabis generally cultivated in Europe.  相似文献   

The stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios were measured in marijuana samples (Cannabis sativa L.) seized by the law enforcement officers in the three Brazilian production sites: Pernambuco and Bahia (the country's Northeast known as Marijuana Polygon), Pará (North or Amazon region) and Mato Grosso do Sul (Midwest). These regions are regarded as different with respect to climate and water availability, factors which impact upon the isotope fractionations of these elements within plants. It was possible to differentiate samples from the dry regions (Marijuana Polygon) from those from Mato Grosso do Sul and Pará, that present heavier rainfall. The results were in agreement with the climatic conditions of the suspected regions of origin and this demonstrates that seized samples can be used to identify the isotopic signatures of marijuana from the main producing regions in Brazil.  相似文献   

In this study fifty samples of crystalline methamphetamine obtained from antinarcotics police of Iran seized during the year 2010 were analyzed. In order to determine the chemical characteristics of these samples, anion test, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) were carried out on the samples. All of the samples containing methamphetamine tested positive for chloride anion. The range of methamphetamine hydrochloride content in these samples was 33-95%. One sample out of 50 contained no methamphetamine. The fact that 1,2-dimethyl-3-phenylaziridine was the most frequently found impurity in the analyzed samples, indicates that most of the methamphetamine samples seized in Iran have been synthesized from pseudoephedrine as starting material.  相似文献   

海洛因技术分析在禁毒情报方面的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过统计缴获样本的化学检测信息及案卷资料,得到有关毒品的来源、含量、地区分布及掺假情况等情报信息。这些情报信息可以作为我国禁毒部门从战术角度(样本间的比较)和战略角度(毒品来源确定)研判我国毒品形势的手段之一。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the identification of constituents of the illicit drugs seized from different regions of eastern India by GC-MS. The constituents were identified to be heroin, acetyl morphine, morphine and acetyl codeine. Quantitative estimation of the constituents were made by GC-MS and HPTLC. In view of non-availability of the authentic samples of drugs of different origin, nothing positive can be said about the origin of illicit drug samples. The possibility of isotopic substitution, an important method for identification of source, was examined from the comparison of the intensity of different (ion) peaks 369 (heroin, m/z=369), 370, 371 and 372 using selective ion monitoring mode. No isotopic substitution in the constituents was observed. Attempts were made to identify the source of the illicit samples from heroin/acetylcodeine ratios in the way described in the literature.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the presence of cannabinoids in saliva samples obtained from 24 drug-abusers. The saliva specimens were collected by "EPITOPE" system and the subsequent elution of samples was achieved by centrifugation. The resulting ultrafiltrates have been directly sampled with solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) and then analyzed by GC/MS. Saliva sampling is less invasive than collection of blood.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a feedback system designed to improve performance for a Swedish traffic police unit and examined whether such a feedback system was beneficial or detrimental to the attitudes of the officers. As in many Western countries, government organizations are being required to demonstrate their effectiveness with quantitative performance measures. An approach called the Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System (ProMES) was used with three groups of Swedish Traffic Police to do this. ProMES is a method for identifying unit's objectives, developing measures for these objectives, and using this information as feedback. ProMES was developed with these police units and feedback from the system was used over a four-year period. Results indicate that there were substantial increases in performance. There were also decreases in accidents, injuries, and fatalities compared both to baseline and to comparison groups in Sweden. These improvements were made with fewer and fewer police officers each year.  相似文献   

The major psychoactive cannabinoid in marihuana, delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was measured in 1792 randomly selected blood specimens from erratic motorists arrested for impairment who submitted to blood alcohol sampling. Of these specimens, 14.4% were positive for THC (greater than or equal to 5.5 ng/mL). In those erratic driver specimens negative for alcohol THC positives rose to 23%. Drivers who used marihuana covered a broad age range. Aliquots of hemolyzed blood (10 microL) were analyzed by a sensitive radioimmunoassay (RIA) not requiring extraction. RIA accuracy and specificity were validated by gas liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GLC/MS) split pair analysis (correlation coefficient = 0.93). This initial experience should facilitate and amplify a program designed to set forth the epidemiology of marihuana use in motorists and possible behavioral correlates.  相似文献   

目的探讨建立室温保存10年队上大麻干叶及大麻树脂DNA提取方法。方法采用SDS及改良高盐低pH方法,改变提取缓冲液中β-巯基乙醇终浓度,增加用酚、氯仿快速抽提过程,提取新鲜和陈旧大麻(树脂)DNA,应用大麻叶绿体trnLintron引物进行PCR,琼脂糖凝胶电泳法检测扩增产物。结果用高盐低pH方法获得了10年以上大麻干叶及树脂清晰的电泳图谱,其中成功提取了1份23年陈旧大麻的DNA。结论高盐低pH方法操作简便、实用,可望用于陈旧、微量大麻植株的DNA检测,对于涉毒案件中特殊大麻标本的检验具有一定意义。  相似文献   

Alcohol and substance abuse in general is a risk factor for suicide, but very little is known about the acute effect in relation to suicide method. Based on information from 18,894 medico‐legal death investigations, including toxicological findings and manner of death, did the present study investigate whether acute influence of alcohol, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or central stimulants (amphetamine and cocaine) was related to the use of a violent suicide method, in comparison with the nonviolent method self‐poisoning and alcohol‐/illicit drug‐negative suicide decedents. Multivariate analysis was conducted, and the results revealed that acute influence of THC was related to using the violent suicide method–– jumping from a height (RR 1.62; 95% CI 1.01–2.41). Alcohol intoxication was not related to any violent method, while the central stimulant‐positive suicide decedent had a higher, albeit not significant, risk of several violent methods. The study contributes with elucidating suicide methods in relation to acute intoxication.  相似文献   

Headspace gas chromatography was used to determine the concentration of ethanol and methanol in blood samples from 519 individuals suspected of drinking and driving in Sweden where the legal alcohol limit is 0.50 mg/g in whole blood (11 mmol/l). The concentration of ethanol in blood ranged from 0.01 to 3.52 mg/g with a mean of 1.83 +/- 0.82 mg/g (+/- S.D.). The frequency distribution was symmetrical about the mean but deviated from normality. A plot of the same data on normal probability paper indicated that it might be composed of two subpopulations (bimodal). The concentration of methanol in the same blood specimens ranged from 1 to 23 mg/l with a mean of 7.3 +/- 3.6 mg/l (+/- S.D.) and this distribution was markedly skew (+). The concentration of ethanol (x) and methanol (y) were positively correlated (r = 0.47, P less than 0.001) and implies that 22% (r2) of the variance in blood-methanol can be attributed to its linear regression on blood-ethanol. The regression equation was y = 3.6 + 2.1 x and the standard error estimate was 0.32 mg/l. This large scatter precludes making reliable estimates of blood-methanol concentration from measurements of blood-ethanol concentration and the regression equation. But higher blood-methanol concentrations are definitely associated with higher blood-ethanol in this sample of Swedish drinking drivers. Frequent exposure to methanol and its toxic products of metabolism, formaldehyde and formic acid, might constitute an additional health risk associated with heavy drinking in predisposed individuals. The determination of methanol in blood of drinking drivers in addition to ethanol could indicate long-standing ethanol intoxication and therefore potential problem drinkers or alcoholics.  相似文献   

The unambiguous identification of illicit substances, including Cannabis sativa, is a major concern of law enforcement agencies. Current methods of cannabis identification involve the use of techniques such as HPLC and GC to identify cannabinoids. A method for the identification of cannabis using DNA-specific primers has been developed and is described here. The nucleotide sequences between the trnL and trnF genes in the chloroplast of Cannabis sativa have been determined and Cannabis sativa-specific nucleotide sequences within the intergenic spacer between the trnL 3′ exon and trnF gene identified. Primers, made to these sequences, have been tested on a range of different plant extracts but only give a PCR product in the presence of Cannabis sativa. The successful production of a PCR product using these primers identifies the presence of cannabis.  相似文献   

Research in the area of deadly force by police has tended to focus upon or more of the following issues: (1) trends, (2) legal and/or policy implications, (3) the appropriateness of police usage, and (4) the apparent underreporting of police homicides. This paper examines police interventions relative to possible danger indicators in the working environment of police officers. It would appear for the period in question, 1964 to 1974, that police decreasingly used deadly force. A brief discussion concerning the possible reasons for this decline is provided.  相似文献   

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