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靳辉明同志主编的《社会主义历史、理论与现实》(安徽人民出版社 2000年9月出版),是一批马克思主义学者刻苦钻研、潜心研究、勤奋耕耘,为完成国家社科基金资助的一项重点课题而形成的最终成果。我衷心祝贺这项重点课题的完成和这部40余万字的专著的出版。 这部著作贯穿着一条红线:科学地对待社会主义。它以坚定的信念、明确的立场、鲜明的观点、清醒的思考,从理论与实际结合的高度,比较全面、系统、科学地论述了科学社会主义理论的创立和发展、20世纪社会主义伟大实践的胜利与曲折、当前世界社会主义运动的现状、发展趋势与…  相似文献   

安徽人民出版社出版的"21世纪社会主义丛书"问世了."21世纪社会主义丛书"是由靳辉明、周新城、顾海良三位教授主编的国家"九五"重点图书.它包括六本书:《社会主义历史、理论与现实》、《世纪中国》、《苏联东欧国家的演变及其历史教训》、《越南、古巴社会主义现状与前景》、《资本主义的社会矛盾及其历史走向》、《当代国外社会主义流派》.这是一套系统研究社会主义历史、现状并展望未来的理论专著.丛书运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,从总体上对20世纪社会主义理论和实践进行回顾和总结,研究和分析了社会主义在各个时期的历史进程,尤其是社会主义在理论上的发展和创新;全方位地研究和分析当代资本主义社会存在的各种矛盾及其历史演化,从而揭示了资本主义的历史走向;论述了中国、越南、古巴等社会主义国家社会主义建设和改革(革新)开放的历程,预测了21世纪的前景;冷峻地分析了苏联东欧国家演变的历史过程,总结了其历史教训;系统地研究和阐发了当代国外颇具影响的社会主义流派,分析了其中的积极因素.  相似文献   

Abstract This article concludes a study tracing the role of élite theory in Michels' development from revolutionary socialist to Fascist ideologue. It argues, first that the laws of oligarchy and elite circulation as expounded by Mosca and Pareto made the Fascist seizure of power appear historically necessary. It then examines the contribution which the experience of Fascist rule made to the further development of élite theory in Michels' work; his use of the theory to give scientific status to the self-image of the Fascist élite and the charismatic claims of its leader; his legitimation of authoritarian government and nationalist policies through the theories of mass psychology. The conclusion argues that what distinguished Michels from other Fascist ideologues was his use of scientific categories, and locates the origin of these categories in the historical experience of pre-world war Europe.  相似文献   

This article looks at collaborative actions in small, rural communities. Collaborative actions involve strong linkages among a stable membership in specific and often complex purposes and usually are long term. They involve formal processes and structural patterns of collaboration. They emerge from disaster occurrences which trigger fiscal stress or perceived stress to form collaborative action. Since there is often no push by public opinion to maintain them, there is a need for public incentives to support capacity building. These incentives are instrumental in the formation and maintenance of these collaborative actions. Organizational formation is also tied to an identifiable policy entrepreneur or several entrepreneurs. Their maintenance relies on an early focus on visible, effective strategies and an emphasis on collaborative skills building.  相似文献   

Abstract: Guidelines for government communication fail to acknowledge that they express a particular model of communication—a Process model—and that other models of communication exist which imply different communication strategies. This article discusses the practical and conceptual limitations of the Process model of communication, outlines alternative models from Semiotics and from Cultural Studies, and considers the communication strategies which each one offers to governments. The article draws on a recent study of the controversy surrounding the Australian federal government's Quality Improvement and Accreditation scheme for child care.  相似文献   

This article compares the emergence of consumer protection as an issue on the public policy agendas of Britain and the United States in the 1960s. Similar forces caused the emergence of consumer protection in both cases. Governmental responses to consumer protection issues also have been similar, but distinctive features of each country's political system are evident as well. The analysis draws upon existing consumer protection literature for each country as well as the author's interviews with a number of Britons involved in this policy area. The principal conclusion is that consumer protection gained each country's policy agenda as a discretionary item. Events of the past few years demonstrate that it is not yet a durable agenda item in either case.  相似文献   

二战以来,西方发达资本主义国家发生了很大的变化。如何看待这种变化,关系着世界社会主义今后的发展及其战略抉择。然而,要实事求是地认识当代资本主义的变化似乎并不容易。从当前的研究状况看,西方多数学者过于美化资本主义,把当代资本主义说成是“人类历史发展的终极状态”,是“人民资本主义”。而国内的许多学者则受传统理论禁锢,对当代资本主义的变化或多或少地抱有成见。他们认为,“资本主义杜会固有的矛盾在当代一个也没有解决”,资本主义的一切性质都没有改变。这种观点不能说不对,但说服力不够强。胡连生、杨玲所著《当代…  相似文献   

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