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斯里兰卡西里塞纳执政以来国家陷入债务危机,其债务危机的主要原因是外汇储备几乎由商业贷款构成,且投资收益低于贷款利息,借新债还旧债。斯里兰卡债务危机导致货币贬值;政局不稳定,大选即将来临,当前政府非常有可能下台;在美元强势和发达国家经济回暖的情况下,高负债的斯里兰卡特别容易陷入再融资危机,使借新债还旧债的模式不可持续。应对债务危机的措施建议:继续改革公营企业和私营企业;吸引外资;发展出口导向型经济和数字经济;大力发展旅游经济,特别是数字化服务。  相似文献   

和平、发展与合作是当今世界的主题.非洲国家在国际上已成为令人瞩目的重要力量.当前,非洲在政治领域总体趋向稳定缓和,战略地位日趋重要;经济稳步发展;资源优势明显;新兴国家和西方国家关注非洲,对其加大投资力度.而非洲的发展则面临下列挑战:各国要在实践中探索出适合本国国情的发展模式;要持续走联合自强、实现一体化之路;亟待解决局部国家、城乡的社会动乱与治安问题,营造吸引外资的良好局面;培养善于管理的公务员队伍和善于创新的科技人才队伍,实现国家可持续发展.在中非合作论坛的有效机制下,中国应加大援助非洲的力度,设立专门机构,协调与非洲的合作;进一步妥善解决中非合作中的问题.  相似文献   

茶叶是斯里兰卡最重要的出口创汇产品,行业就业人数约占斯里兰卡总就业人口的1/7。然而,近几年,斯里兰卡茶产业发展面临劳动力成本上涨、卢比贬值和茶叶深加工技术缺乏等问题,这将影响斯里兰卡的经济。  相似文献   

独立以来,斯里兰卡的民族冲突愈演愈烈,最后竟演变成了旷日持久的内战。而造成此种情况的既有英国殖民统治所留遗产的远因,又有独立后政府政策偏差的近因,还有印度干预的国际原因。经过几十年的冲突和内战,双方均感精疲力衰,却又都无法实现各自的目标。在外界的积极斡旋下,双方终于在2002年签署了永久性停火协议,和平的曙光似已照耀斯里兰卡的大地。然而3年又将过去,真正的和平并未到来,斯里兰卡的民族和平之路充满了太多的不确定因素。  相似文献   

过去三十年来,斯里兰卡长期处于内战状态,但其经济却保持较快发展势头,特别是近几年来,由于实行经济自由化政策,斯经济增长势头强劲。斯里兰卡经济的发展除得益于自身政策外,还离不开国际社会的大力参与,特别是中国和印度等邻国的援助和支持。与此同时,中国积极参与斯里兰卡的经济建设却引起了印度的担忧和敌意。印度一直将斯视为其后院和势力范围,认为中国参与斯经济建设是对印实施"珍珠链"包围战略的一部分,因而对中国在斯的建设进行诋毁和抵制,从而使斯里兰卡的经济发展变得复杂化。今后,中印两国在斯里兰卡的竞争将会更趋复杂和激烈。  相似文献   

田樱 《海内与海外》2000,(12):27-29
印度洋上的美丽岛斯里兰卡,好似一颗灿烂的明珠,中斯友好的美丽佳话,好似温暖的中国风,飘逸着阵阵的馨香……纪念班达拉奈克国际会议大厦  正值斯里兰卡国花兰花盛开的时节,友人苏伊沙驱车陪我们来到科伦坡东南的布莱哥大街上的纪念班达拉奈克国际会议大厦,这座大厦是由中国无私援建的。  从车窗上望去,这是一座洁白、雄伟、庄严的大厦。下车后,我们来到一个白色铁栅门前,有一个士兵在站岗,苏伊沙打过招呼,车子开进了院。院内绿草如茵,宽敞的草坪中有一条笔直的路。我们沿路而行,看到绿茵茵的草坪前矗立着一座洁白、宏伟的…  相似文献   

2009年斯里兰卡政府军在对猛虎组织作战中取得了决定性胜利,外界传言斯里兰卡僧泰冲突有可能得到解决。但从近年来的发展事实看,僧泰冲突依然暗藏变数,国际社会的干预让事情变得更复杂,所谓的政治解决方案似乎依然只是政治口号,而社会中潜藏的一些矛盾也让僧泰冲突有再起波澜的风险。  相似文献   

李小青 《东南亚》2007,(1):21-25
泰国的纺织服装业是十分重要的产业部门。泰国每年纺织服装出口额达60多亿美元,是泰国第二大出口行业。其中服装出口占55%,在世界服装出口国中位居第13位,纺织品出口位居全球第14位。一、泰国纺织服装业的发展历程泰国的纺织品生产有着悠久的历史,但与东南亚其他国家相比,其现代纺织服装业的建立相对较迟。1936年,泰国国防部首次从德国进口纺织机器用于军事目的。第二次世界大战结束后,纺织品短缺,私人纺织作坊发展迅速。20世纪50年代,泰国纺织业获得迅速发展,后来由于来自巴基斯坦低成本棉纺织品的竞争,泰国的纺织业受到很大的冲击。泰国政…  相似文献   

斯里兰卡在南亚区域合作联盟中的地位与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1985年12月,南亚七国的政府首脑破天荒地在达卡聚会,一致通过了《南亚区域合作和联盟宪章》,庄严宣告了南亚区域合作联盟的成立。这表明南亚各国人民和政府领袖们还是能顺应全球一体化经济的历史潮流,排除种种干扰,聚合起来,共谋南亚次大陆的发展大计。联盟成立十多年了,其成就虽然不完全令人满意,但毕竟还是取得一些进展。南亚各国在地理、人口、资源、历史、文化、经济社会发展水平存在差异,它们在联盟中的地位和作用就有所不同。本文先拟就斯里兰卡在联盟中的地位和作用谈些看法。一、斯是联盟的积极倡导者南亚是世界古代文明的发祥地之…  相似文献   

在当代国际关系中,国际危机频发不仅成为一种普遍现象,也成为影响国际关系稳定发展的一个重要因素,引起了越来越多的研究和关注。然而,作为这一研究的基础,人们对于危机的概念、属性的认识却存在着不少的问题,也成为许多观点分歧和矛盾的起点。事实上,在东西方的语境中,危机都是一个令人不安的词汇,它代表着一种处于生死抉择的极其危险的状态。危机的客观性与主观性、普遍性与特殊性、绝对性与相对性、独立性与关联性的辩证关系决定了危机的诸多特点和危机管理的目标、原则。  相似文献   

经济全球化是人类社会经济发展的客观趋势,对世界各国的经济都产生了重要的影响。作为一个发展中国家印度在经济全球化的背景下推行以信息产业尤其是计算机软件业为龙头的国民经济发展模式,取得了令人瞩目的成就。但同时经济全球化也对印度软件来带的挑战。  相似文献   

<正>Sri Lanka was namedSimhalauipain ancient times and it was a south-Asian island with a recorded history of more than 2,000 years.On February 4,1948,the country formally announced independence and adoptedCeylonas the state name.In August 1978,the country changed its name toThe Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri LankaorSri Lankafor short.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to examine the causes and pattern of political violence waged by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka. It is the argument of the article that the origin and development of the JVP and the LTTE relate more closely to the social expansion and the lack of economic and political development in Sri Lanka since the beginning of the 1960s. Basically, both groups are more action‐oriented than ideology‐oriented and dominated by youth with a similar socio‐economic background. Their ideology is a mixture of ethno‐nationalism and various interpretations of Marxism. The strategy of the JVP was based on an objective of launching a short‐term armed insurrection. The LTTE's aim is to overthrow the forces of the Sri Lankan government through a protracted armed struggle. Although the left‐wing insurrection of the JVP was crushed by the government security forces, it is evident that there is a possibility of its re‐emergence in its violent form. The on‐going separatist guerrilla warfare by the LTTE seems to be an unwinnable war. In the presence of youth insurrections in Sri Lanka, the utmost requirement is a sound counter‐insurgency policy accompanied by political reforms.  相似文献   

In the transition from war to peace, one key challenge is to ensure that those who gained something from the war can be convinced to support the peace. At the same time, however, it is crucial to avoid reproducing corrupt practices and inequalities that fuelled the conflict. The problem of corruption during post-war peace-building has gained considerable attention recently, academically as well as in policy-making circles. This exploratory case study of Sri Lanka traces and problematises the complex linkages between corruption and conflict at the shift from war to peace, building on field research in Sri Lanka before and after the end of the war between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2009. The article illustrates how global resource flows and politics have enabled conflict-fuelling corruption in Sri Lanka, and how local experiences of corruption feed into the popular grievances which have both caused and kept the conflict going. The end of the war has not presented a break with the corruption-conflict links of the wartime—and these connections will have implications for reconstruction and reconciliation in the country.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of context-specific factors that help to perpetuate the vulnerability of conflict-affected people. The discussion revolves around key concepts of household livelihood security, resilience building, income diversification, market access, and armed non-state actors. It is argued that, while conflict-affected households develop adaptive strategies to sustain their livelihoods amid the commonly observed vulnerabilities, the governance arrangements of the parties to the conflict can place stress on local initiatives, confining them to subsistence level and so reinforcing their vulnerability. Deeper analysis of the sources of vulnerability and implications of policy processes could help to inform intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Entering the threshold of the 21st century, Latin American countries, in active response tothe callsof the UN Millennium Summit, have been striving to  相似文献   

This article underlines the importance of grounding the analysis of humanitarian aid in an understanding of everyday practice. It presents ethnographic vignettes illustrating three aspects of aid response in Sri Lanka following the tsunami disaster in 2004. The first deals with the nature of humanitarian actors, the second explores how different kinds of politics intertwine, and the third considers humanitarian partnerships. The authors discuss the need for a shift in current academic approaches, where discussions on humanitarian aid usually start from the level of principles rather than practice. They argue that accounts of the everyday practices and dilemmas faced by NGOs help to correct blind expectations, expose uncritical admiration, and put unrealistic critiques into perspective.  相似文献   

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