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陆机在诗歌创作中追求情感的表现,而后人却认为其诗"不见情性".造成这一矛盾现象的原因在于:陆机诗虽然注重情感抒发,但由于其精神情感处于复杂的矛盾状态,而这种矛盾意义虽然不大,却难以抒写传达,从而导致陆机诗歌情感内容偏于浅淡的弱点.同时陆机"立象以尽意"的以理性分析见长的诗歌观念和"意在笔先"的创作方式,也在客观上削弱了诗歌情感内容的动人力量.  相似文献   

This issue went to press almost exactly four years after the death of Charles Gillespie, in whose honor I wish to dedicate the lustration symposium. A political scientist at the University of Wisconsin with a broad range of comparative interests, Charlie's major work chronicled the reemergence of democracy in Uruguay. He would doubtless have been a contributor to this issue were he still alive, and there were many times during the course of working on it when I wished I could have asked for his advice. In addition to his passion for democracy, I remember Charlie for his learning and his humor, both of which he wore with an elegant English grace. Throughout his long illness, he never lost his appreciation for the silly; his life was proof that stoicism and courage need not be cold virtues, and the world is a much poorer place in his absence.  相似文献   

用“飘逸”两字概括李白的诗风,既不符合李白的生活道路,也不符合李白的创作实践。细加考究,他之自然吐露感情,在各个时期,有着显著的不同风格。概括地说,出蜀前后主要是“飘逸”的;一入长安后主要是豪放的;而入长安后主要是于豪放之中时时发为幽愤和沉郁的慨叹,及至晚年流放夜郎就完全成为悽怆和悲壮了。  相似文献   

严复的古文书写与语言伦理可以从三个方面来观照:一是其声与神会与讲求事理的文章观,因其事理内涵的变化突破了八股文书写的某些边界;二是严复古文书写中蕴含的新机和压制性因素;最后是其古文书写中的语言伦理观念。借此可以概括从晚清至五四时期严复的文与言的基本面貌和价值取向。  相似文献   

A case of familicide by a 36-year-old male is reported. After years of stable marriage, exemplary military service, and steady employment, the subject developed his first episode of depression triggered, in part, by his inability to solve a problem associated with completion of a home improvement project. As the depression intensified, and dormant conflicts regarding his competency and self-esteem were rekindled, he experienced pronounced feelings of failure. After an extended period of agonizing about his problem, the idea suddenly emerged that his only recourse was to kill his family and himself, in order to spare everyone the humiliation of his perceived inadequacy. Such a fixed idea, along with a mounting pressure to act, is characteristic of the (chronic) catathymic process, in which a subject, without apparent motive, resorts to extreme violence directed at someone close to him. A detailed discussion of this case within the framework of catathymic process adds to our knowledge of family mass murder and refines the profile of potentially familicidal men.  相似文献   

Abstract: A case of infanticide committed by a 37‐year‐old married man, the father of three sons, is reported. Clinically depressed since adolescence, and also diagnosed with obsessive‐compulsive disorder and a dependent personality, the subject began to worry about killing someone a decade before the homicide. Increasingly disabled by his major depression, unable to work, and confined in his home, the idea that his only recourse was to kill one of his sons became fixed and frequent. Following his fourth psychiatric hospitalization, he took his 13‐month‐old son home from day care and drowned him in the bathtub. He then called the police and reported his crime. This sudden act of intentional killing was followed by a period of emotional relief and calmness, clearly illustrating the three stages of chronic catathymic homicide.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old man is discovered unconscious in a pool of blood in the kitchen of his house. According to findings, the man used a 22 long Rifle to fire 14 shots at his thorax with trajectories going from front to back, from right to left and on a nearly horizontal level. All the projectiles got into the left front side of his thorax and came out just under the back of his left armpit. One of them then got through his left arm and fractured his left humerus. According to the findings made on the premises and the position of the bloodstains, we think that man put his rifle against the wall, resting on a pipe. He fired, unloading two clips into his thorax. He had to handle the bolt of the rifle before each shot. To reload, he took the bullets which were on the nearby table on which blood marks can be seen. When reloading at a certain moment, he sat down in his armchair and when he wanted to stand up, he leaned on the armrests, on which blood marks can be seen. The last bullet was probably the one which went through his left arm, preventing him from keeping on shooting. His death, caused by a hypovolemical shock, was obviously very slow.  相似文献   

A rare suicidal case of a ten-year-old child stabbing himself in the throat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rare case is reported of a ten-year-old boy who committed suicide by stabbing himself in the throat with a pointed knife. Possibility of an accidental injury was excluded by the autopsy findings; suspicion of a homicide by his father was cleared through the deposition of his sister. The reason of suicide was attributed directly to his father's severe scolding and indirectly to his mother's death two years before.  相似文献   

由于自然人固有的权利能力以其伦理属性为基础,自然人的行为能力则以其心智水平为基础,所以自然人的民事能力本身便蕴涵着成为商事主体、从事商业经营括动的能力.自然人的"商事能力"无需商业登记来确认或者拟制,将商业登记作为自然人从事经营活动的正当性的基础,其理由不能成立.自然人的商业自由源自于其固有的民事能力以及私法上的意思自治原则,并且贯穿了独资企业、合伙企业与法人企业,构成了现代商法中商事主体制度与商业登记制度的基础.以"未经登记,不得从事经营活动"为指导思想的商业登记制度,必将在湮没商业自由的同时,导向由准则主义向核准主义的异化.  相似文献   

Matricide is an infrequent form of homicide. This paper is to present a case of matricide with typical characteristics of the act but interesting particularities as well. The perpetrator was a 43-year-old man, respected member of his community, with over compliant characteristics, eagerness in serving people and caring his parents, good social adaptation before and after the crime. He abandoned his family and work in order to better serve his old, disabled but over demanding mother who frequently insulted and humiliated him. Suddenly he came to a state of "mental confusion" and strangled her. After the crime, the perpetrator manifested the symptoms of a bipolar disorder and also received the diagnosis of dependant personality disorder. Years later, he presented again a crisis of escalating aggressive urge for which he was hospitalized. Many people and associations of his hometown actively demanded the minimal possible punishment for him. The case is discussed especially concerning: a) hypotheses about the aetiopathogeny of the act, b) the constant support provided to the perpetrator by his family and social environment.  相似文献   

毛宗岗评点《三国演义》时 ,提及“文势”一词 ,但缺乏严密的论证和总结 ,其主要弊端在于回避作者的主观命意评文势。本文通过对《三国演义》的具体论证 ,认为作者的主观命意决定作品内在结构的具体形态 ,当这一形态与读者审美心理机制之间产生契合 ,文势才得以最终生成  相似文献   

A boy hesitantly appears in the doorway to a meeting room. A large man wearing a name tag greets him thoughtfully and points out where he should sit in the horseshoe of chairs in the room. The boy crosses the room, picks his name tag up off the chair, puts it on crookedly, and sits down. On his face apprehension alternates with bravado. As his mother and sister, done with hanging their coats, enter the room the boy begins to fidget quietly. The large man greets them and points out their places in the horseshoe of chairs; they find their name tags on their chairs and sit down on either side of the boy. Other people that the boy and his family are close to appear in the doorway, are greeted, and move to their seats farther down the arch of the horseshoe: his grandfather and cousin, his basketball coach, his school social worker, an elderly neighbor, and a member of his mother's church. Their faces, and those of his mother and sister, betray various emotions; grim calm, hopefulness, solemnity, foreboding, sadness, and quiet interest. When they are seated, the chairs on one side of the horseshoe arch are full. The investigating officer enters, and sits at the apex of the arch. When they are all seated, the large man leaves the room and comes back with a group of people who have been waiting in a nearby room. The boy's victim enters the room first; she is a small, white-haired woman who shakes a little as she crosses the room and sits in a chair directly across the horseshoe from the boy. The boy glances quickly at her and then looks down and away to avoid her eyes. On her face, anxiety is swiftly replaced by surprise, relief, and then anger as she openly studies the boy across from her. Her daughter, a middleaged woman, sits down on one side of her, and her teenaged grandson takes his place on the other side of the victim. The older woman's minister, two elderly women neighbors, and a middle-aged male friend find their name tags on chairs further down the horseshoe's arch. When they sit down they fill the last vacancies in the horseshoe of chairs. The large man who greeted them all takes his place on a chair at the open end of the horseshoe. He is the conference coordinator and the only one with whom every person present has spoken about this meeting. He smiles quietly, looks around the circle of faces, clears his throat, and begins the family group conference.  相似文献   

杨清望 《河北法学》2007,25(7):7-10
自现代化以来西方社会面临深刻的社会转型,伴随而至的不确定性对当今西方社会的法律、制度和秩序的正当性构成了严峻的挑战.弗里德曼以权威与自治,制度、秩序与自由权利的悖论为理论线索.以表现型个人主义价值观为理论基础,以个人选择和法律文化的基本概念为核心展开了对不确定性的消解和对选择的共和国的建构.但是他的这种建构却在事实上预设了个人与社会的分离.这表现在他的个人选择理论的建构没有考察社会场域中诸多因素的相互作用.这使他在对古典自由主义的个人主义观的批判之上建立的以表现型个人主义为基础的理论又回到了古典自由主义的起点之上,从而使自己的理论具有不可克服的内在紧张.  相似文献   

‘It is with great sadness that his many friends learned of the passing of Fernando Vasquez, on 16 July 2020, in Porto. I met Fernando Vasquez some thirty years ago, at a time when, together with Jean‐Jacques Paris, another friend who recently passed away, and under the direction of Odile Quintin in DG V of the European Commission, he was working on building a Social Europe. That was before the European Union failed as a post‐liberal orthodoxy, driving along all Member States, in a race to the lowest social and fiscal bidder. As Frédéric Turlan reminds us, in a tribute published in the recent issue of Liaisons sociales Europe, n. 502, 23 July‐2 September 2020, Fernando Vasquez witnessed with lucidity this backsliding which has heavily contributed to the current disconnection between citizens and the European project, but it did not prevent him from relentlessly striving for more justice in the European Union. These efforts, his diagnosis, without complacency, of the current state of the Union and his most recent suggestions for ensuring both social and economic convergence under the aegis of solidarity, are retraced in his contribution to the Conference ‘Revisiting solidarity in Europe’, which was held on 18 and 19 June 2018 at the Collège de France in Paris. To honour his memory and as a testament to his commitment to a certain idea(l) of Europe, one which is true to its principles of democracy and social justice, here is the text of his contribution, a call, and his last plaidoyer, for a social Europe.’ Alain Supiot, Emeritus Professor at the Collège de France in Paris.  相似文献   

王维具有较系统的政治思想和深具人格特色的政治风度,匹夫节操与仁爱道德是其政治思想的基点.王维的政治思想更贴近政治实践本身,对政治策略的思考相当深刻具体.初盛唐儒学的实践精神是王维政治思想形成的重要基础,其政治风度审美境界的实质是政治人生的审美化.它促使王维更接近于真善美的为政之道,朝臣山林宴游唱和之作是这审美境界的重要表现.王维的奉和应制诗映射出作者追慕政治理想崇高境界的政治风度.  相似文献   

A 78-year-old hunter was found dead beside his raised hide with a gunshot wound to his chest. In the present case, the reconstruction of the shooting event revealed an accident. Disregarding all safety rules, the hunter had placed his superposed rifle-shotgun on the chair and pulled the barrels of the cocked gun towards his body. One of the triggers interlocked with the button of a camping chair's cushion and a shot was fired. Furthermore the morphology of wounds from shotgun slugs is discussed on the basis of the autopsy findngs.  相似文献   

T. D. Stewart (1901-1997) is internationally recognized as an early leader in forensic anthropology. In a series of taped interviews in 1975 and in 1986, Stewart discusses his professional development. The interviews document his early education in Delta, Pennsylvania, his long career at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC and aspects of his many contributions to forensic anthropology. His well-known careful editorial work and exhaustive, problem-oriented research approach may have been influenced by his early training in his hometown bank and his many years of apprenticeship under Ales Hrdlicka (1869-1943). Stewart describes aspects of the difficulties of working for Hrdlicka, yet credits the work ethic established by him as a formative factor in his own prodigious productivity.  相似文献   

罗尔斯以其《正义论》而奠定了他在当代政治哲学界的地位。据说,他扭转了政治哲学的方向,从新回到了近代的契约论传统,并使之上升到更高的抽象水平而提出了他的“作为公平的正义”的理论。他整个理论的逻辑起点是“原初状态”,那么通过分析“原初状态”构建及其内在的困境我们可以透视其整个理论的说服力。  相似文献   

科学与民主是五四旗帜鲜明的两面大旗,但是五四思想界代表人物对科学的信仰却带有准宗教的色彩,科学在五四时期被抬到了极高的地位,但科学精神的本质却在这种异化的心态中流失.五四时期为科学摇旗呐喊最为有力的是陈独秀,我们可以从解析陈独秀的科学观及其对科学的宗教性书写来探索这一奥秘.  相似文献   

We report two cases of suicide by multiple gunshots to the head. The first victim (of two shots) fired the first shot, which was observed, into his mouth, leading to damage to the left optic nerve and frontal lobe. The man still was able to drive his car home, where he shot himself in his right temple. He died 2 days later. The second victim (of three shots) was a 58-year-old man who was found dead on his bed. Reconstruction of the case disclosed that the first shot had passed through his tongue and slightly damaged the second cervical vertebral body. He then shot himself in his right temple, leading to damage of the temporal lobe. Finally, he shot himself in his left temple, resulting in destruction of the pons. In the first case, an amateurishly modified 8-mm blank revolver firing 6.35-mm- (.25)-caliber ammunition was used; in the second case, a rifle firing 5.6-mm (.22)-caliber ammunition with a reduced charge was used. In both cases, low-energy transfer to brain tissue by the initial bullets was due to low bullet energy or due to the bullets' missing the brain or vital centers.  相似文献   

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