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通过对在“威望”号船事件之后国际上有关的油污立法及采取的措施作一个较全面的介绍,尤其是重点介绍欧盟及西班牙的有关立法和措施,对有关“威望”号船事件的调查以及在油污立法变革方面存在的有关问题进行阐述和评论。  相似文献   

针对海洋油污问题,国际社会先后制定了若干国际公约,这些公约在充分赔偿污染受害人和修复海洋环境方面发挥着重要作用.就油污损害赔偿而言,公约与公约之间的选择适用、公约与国内法之间的选择适用,尤其是中国沿海油污损害赔偿的法律适用以及公约体制之外不同法域之间法律的选择适用对确定责任人及赔偿范围等问题至关重要.  相似文献   

论油污损害赔偿的法律适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋油污问题,国际社会先后制定了若干国际公约,这些公约在充分赔偿污染受害人和修复海洋环境方面发挥着重要作用。就油污损害赔偿而言,公约与公约之间的选择适用、公约与国内法之间的选择适用,尤其是中国沿海油污损害赔偿的法律适用以及公约体制之外不同法域之间法律的选择适用对确定责任人及赔偿范围等问题至关重要。  相似文献   

This paper describes a case in which a cleverly designed oil-depth measuring device in an oil tanker was used to give a false indication of the amount of oil present. The mode of operation was successfully solved by theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

根据国际法理论,条约在内国法上的效力由一国国内法予以规定。面对目前中国国内法规定对于船舶油污损害公约在中国的适用位阶和适用边界并不明确的问题,一种适当的解释方法应当是:与船舶油污法规相比,在中国,船舶油污损害公约应当优先适用,并且这种优先效力当然及于涉外情形。不过在非涉外情形下,立法意旨和倾向表明国内法应当予以适用。  相似文献   

从美国墨西哥湾"深水地平线"溢油事故以及"深水地平线"所有人海事赔偿责任限制出发,简要介绍海洋石油开发装置及其技术特点,分析美国有关海洋石油开发装置的司法实践,并通过阐述国际油污损害赔偿基金的研究报告和希腊最高法院的裁决,提出有必要就海洋石油开发油污责任问题建立统一的国际公约,或者将海洋石油开发装置解释为船舶,以使其可以享受责任限制。  相似文献   

一直以来,中国学界和司法实践中普遍接受和遵循《1992年国际油污损害民事责任公约》船舶所有人责任专属制度,将船舶油污民事责任主体限定为船舶所有人。然而,船舶油污民事责任主体是否具有扩张性,即是否可以及于船舶所有人以外的当事方却鲜有讨论。针对船舶油污民事责任主体的扩张性,通过对国外立法、司法实践中相关案例及理论基础进行详细分析,并结合中国目前船舶油污事故发生的实际情况及相关法律规定,可以认为扩张船舶油污民事责任主体在中国具有必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

This is a report on three deaths following oil aspiration by workers in petrol tankers. Lung aspiration was demonstrated by the presence of a yellowish-brown material in the alveolar spaces, which was difficult to identify by optic microscopy. Volatile hydrocarbons from petroleum were identified in lung samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

针对油污对海洋环境造成的生态损害和渔业资源损失索赔的实务问题,采用法定监测机构作出专业监测评估报告,为损害索赔提供技术依据的方法,从监测报告的特性、内容及其监测的方法,分析得出专业监测报告属于民事诉讼证据中的"鉴定结论",应当作为认定损害的依据,并提出渔业主管部门对渔业资源损害的调查权和代表国家行使渔业资源损失的索赔权并存时并无利害关系的观点。  相似文献   

目的建立油浸法测定玻璃折射率不确定度的评定方法。方法按照不确定度的A类和B类评定方法,对未知玻璃折射率测定过程中不确定度分量进行计算,最终确定扩展部不确定度。结果油浸法测定玻璃折射率的扩展不确定度约为4×10-5。结论根据不确定度计算出来的折射率的变化范围与实际分析中折射率的变化范围完全吻合。  相似文献   

长期以来,国际海洋石油开发环境污染法律救济机制一直是一个法律空白。随着海洋石油资源开发利用步伐的日益加快,这一问题理应引起国际社会的关注。美国墨西哥湾漏油事故和中国渤海湾漏油事故的先后爆发,使得这一问题的解决更显迫切。建立国际海洋石油开发环境污染法律救济机制,具有深厚的国际法基础,应当遵循三个基本的法律原则,从应急处理和损害赔偿等不同层面加以系统构建。  相似文献   

The article explores the extent, the institutional mechanisms and economic consequences of economically motivated bribery in the Norwegian (and British) oil industry. It focuses on corruption directed against middle-level management in the oil companies. The empirical part of the study is partly based on public information collected from court cases, mainly from British courts; and partly based on systematic interviews of security experts in Norwegian and international oil companies, and British and Norwegian police.  相似文献   

从因果关系要件解读船舶碰撞致油污损害的请求权竞合   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从因果关系论述入手,论述船舶碰撞和船舶油污的海上侵权,适用相当因果关系说,判断侵权行为与损害结果的因果关系,并结合法律目的或法律规定,确定海上侵权损害的赔偿范围.在论述因果关系的基础上,明确提出船舶碰撞并导致油污损害的两个侵权法律关系的受害者,存在侵权请求权的竞合,油污受害方对漏油方可选择油污侵权之诉,在特殊情况下,也可能选择碰撞侵权之诉,从而适用海商法中不同的侵权法律制度,以体现最大限度地保护侵权受害方的立法目的.  相似文献   

从因果关系论述入手,论述船舶碰撞和船舶油污的海上侵权,适用相当因果关系说,判断侵权行为与损害结果的因果关系,并结合法律目的或法律规定,确定海上侵权损害的赔偿范围。在论述因果关系的基础上,明确提出船舶碰撞并导致油污损害的两个侵权法律关系的受害者,存在侵权请求权的竞合,油污受害方对漏油方可选择油污侵权之诉,在特殊情况下,也可能选择碰撞侵权之诉,从而适用海商法中不同的侵权法律制度,以体现最大限度地保护侵权受害方的立法目的。  相似文献   

A number of critiques of the burgeoning field of green criminology have recently been articulated in the literature. The aim of this article is to begin to demonstrate what green criminological work responsive to these critiques might look like. The two primary critiques we are concerned with here are (1) that there has been little intellectual sharing between the fields of green criminology and victimology, and (2) that green criminological work has failed to be reflexive about the modernist assumptions it has largely adhered to. In response to these critiques, we draw on the theorizing of poststructuralist Felix Guattari to analyze the various interrelated layers of victimization in the 2010 British Petroleum oil spill case in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

目的建立了一种油红O显现热敏纸上客体表面的潜手印的新方法。方法将检材浸泡在配制好的油红O的显现试剂中,油红可将指纹中遗留的油脂染色从而显现出手印纹线。结果显现出手印纹线为红色,纹线连贯,反差明显。结论油红O能够有效地显现出热敏纸上潜手印。  相似文献   


Since the discovery of oil in commercial quantities in Oloibiri town in the present day Bayelsa State of Nigeria in 1956, the Nigerian government has encouraged the development and growth of the oil industry. The government, being conscious of the concomitant effects of the exploration and production of oil on the environment, enacted laws to regulate the exploitation of the oil and the protection of the Nigerian environment. This article examines the legal regime in this respect. It is the view of the writer that some of the laws regulating the protection of the environment are archaic, especially the penalty sections with small fines which do not serve as a deterrent to the oil companies or encourage them to adopt high standards. It is also the view of the writer that the laws regulating the oil industry should be amended to confer standing on citizens groups. The writer suggests that a strict liability regime should be made to apply to the oil industry, and that related laws should be duly enforced by the government agencies charged with responsibility of overseeing the oil industry. Finally, it is the view of the writer that the oil-bearing communities of the Niger Delta should be systematically developed by the Nigeria government so that there can be peace in the region.  相似文献   

目的建立SWP荧光剂熏显油脂手印的新方法。方法选取12中常见客体,根据试验需要分别捺印油脂手印144枚和油汗混合手印100枚,用多功能手印显现柜加热升华SWP荧光剂,熏显渗透性和非渗透性客体上的手印。结果油脂手印显现出了142枚,显出率达到98.6%;油汗混合手印,非渗透性客体共显出100枚,显出率达到100%,渗透性客体共显出95枚,显出率达到95%。结论SWP荧光剂对油脂手印的显现效果良好,可与“502”同时熏显,且不影响茚二酮等其他方法的进一步检验。  相似文献   

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