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罗嘉航 《时代法学》2012,10(3):114-121
引渡本属被请求引渡国为请求国提供的司法协助,但由于人权运动的兴起,引渡活动越来越重视被引渡人的合法权益。为保障人权,同时维护请求国的法律尊严并实现对于犯罪的惩罚,附条件引渡应运而生。附条件引渡是被请求国同意引渡时,要求请求国答应一定的条件的引渡活动,其附加条件必须与引渡后的司法活动紧密相关,对司法权的侵犯也应当在一定限度内,并可以分为程序条件和实体条件。对于附加条件的承诺也属国家行为,应由代表国家意志的机关决定并作出,承诺应当得到履行,不履行承诺应当承担一定的国家责任。  相似文献   

The mobility of criminals and the consequent internationalization of crime have made domestic criminal law enforcement dependent upon international cooperation. As there is no general obligation of extradition at the international level, every country outlines the conditions and procedure, subject to which requests for extradition are granted. In fact, from the origin of the extradition system, objections stemming from human rights have been the major considerations in the grant or decline of extradition. It is in this background that the article examines and critically reviews the current level of the human rights protections afforded to persons facing extradition under the Indian Extradition Act, 1962. This article notes that in the field of extradition and human rights, several landmark legal developments have occurred in the last 50 years, and accordingly calls for a complete overhaul of the Indian extradition framework, so that India truly and effectively cooperates with other countries in criminal matters.  相似文献   

引渡作为一种国家间制裁国内涉外犯罪的司法合作制度,愈来愈受到各国政府和专家学者的重视。但引渡制度只是提供了一种形式上最有效的方式,跨国"避罪"问题并没有得到一劳永逸的解决,因为引渡本身就是一个世界性的难题,中国自不例外。其主要表现为,一是参加或签署的国际条约在引渡实践中存在局限性、签署的双边引渡条约存在缺陷、双边友好协商方式运作艰难。二是中国引渡制度实现中的政治、经济、人权、法律等阻碍因素。鉴于此,我国应从国际政治交往方面、处理引渡制度中的传统原则问题、处理与引渡有关的审判及程序上的问题等方面求得突破困境的应对之策。  相似文献   

The political offense exception in the law of international extradition is one of the issues over which the justifiability of terrorist violence is being debated. The evolution of the political offender exception is sketched and the provisions of the 1986 Supplementary Treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom, which effectively eliminated the political offender exception for violent offenders, are outlined. The debate over the merits of the Treaty then is summarized. A concluding analysis suggests that limited violence is justified in defense of democracy and fundamental human rights and that the political offender exception should be interpreted so as to promote these values.  相似文献   

This article describes legal and human rights issues in three cases of transnational online offending involving extradition requests by the United States (US). These cases were selected as all suspects claimed the negative impacts of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) were sufficient to deny extradition on human rights grounds. We demonstrate how recent developments in UK and Irish extradition law raise human rights and prosecutorial challenges specific to online offending that are not met by established protections under domestic and internationally sanctioned approaches to extradition or human rights law. In these cases, although the allegedly unlawful conduct occurred exclusively online and concurrent jurisdiction enables prosecution at both the source and location of harm, we demonstrate why national courts hearing extradition challenges are extremely reluctant to shift the trial forum. We conclude by discussing the implications of the new geographies of online offending for future criminological research and transnational criminal justice.  相似文献   

马德才 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):51-54
随着引渡制度的产生和发展,出现了一系列引渡原则。双重犯罪原则是其中重要的原则之一,它对于国家相互之间开展引渡合作起着至关重要的作用。它自身的发展又促进着引渡制度的发展。我国《引渡法》和中外双边引渡条约也确定了这一引渡原则。  相似文献   

<联合国反腐败公约>是目前反腐败方面最重要的国际法律文件,它筑起了一道强大的国际反腐法律强网.实现对腐败犯罪的引渡是国际反腐败的一种自然延伸.而<联合国反腐败公约>关于引渡的规定既是对缔约国的要求,也是各国进行国际合作的有效路径.为了实现对腐败犯罪的引渡,接受"死刑犯不引渡原则"则是我国的上上选择.  相似文献   

Through an examination of legislative debate and court opinions, this article illustrates that the French understanding of public order policing as a bulwark of freedom and national sovereignty deeply informed the development of (and contestation surrounding) the 2010 ban on all facial coverings in public. This ban notably includes the burqa or niqab, garments worn by a small minority of Muslim women in France. This article has two aims. The first is to expand on the sociolegal argument about the contested nature of rights protections and constitutional constraints on legislative authority by highlighting how a nation's legal culture can profoundly shape that contestation. The second aim of this article is to show, through a technique called legal archaeology, how longstanding French views on rights confront current European‐inspired alternative views that would give more weight to individualistic protections against state action than has traditionally been the case in France.  相似文献   

从主体性到关系性:人权论证的范式转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人权是时代的观念。通过分析人权的概念要素可以看到,尽管人权争议源于对人的理解不同而体现为人权性质上的争议,但在根本上则在于,它们都属于一种主体性哲学框架下的人权论证理论,从而具有不可避免的缺陷。对人权正当性的追问必然要求实现人权论证的范式转向,即从主体性转向关系性。从关系性视角来论证人权尽管源于青年黑格尔,但只是到当代才由哈贝马斯立足交往行动理论作出了系统的阐明。在实践上,人权论证的关系论转向对进一步深化与推动人权具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

李瑛 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):39-43
刑事司法协助是国家关系的重要内容,是一国司法权的有效域外延伸,具有重要的外交价值和司法价值。开展刑事司法协助问题的研究,特别是建立我国现代引渡制度,对于打击跨国犯罪、引渡跨国犯罪、追究逃窜到国外罪犯的刑事责任、监控追缴赃款赃物等方面具有重要意义。目前,在我国现存的各种法律规范以及与外国签订的司法协助协定之中,缺乏切实可行的措施。为此,制定切实可行的引渡制度仍是任重而道远的法制任务。  相似文献   

谭观秀 《时代法学》2007,5(4):97-99
和谐社会即是法治社会,它的建设已成为法治文化的价值目标、生成条件和实践舞台。作为法治文化的人本检察观,有着科学的内涵和重大的时代意义,其要求法律更加注重对权利、自由等价值的关爱,把尊重人格、合乎人性、保障人权贯彻到检察工作的全过程,使之成为和谐社会的精神取向、制度保障和素质支撑。真正把握和践行好和谐发展视野下的人本检察观,同时要求法的价值随之发生转换。  相似文献   

Through analyzing the 25 bilateral extradition treaties that China concluded with other countries and the background of relevant legislation and treaty conclusion, the author delineates and discusses the establishment and basic characteristics of China’s extradition system. These characteristics are mainly as follows: (a) introduction of basic rules through bilateral treaties; (b) establishment of a scientific double examination to standardize and formalize extradition cooperation; (c) principle-centered, flexible and open towards extradition cooperation, and take the extradited person as a party to the extradition proceedings and give attention to the protection of his human rights.  相似文献   

Abstract: The European arrest warrant (EAW) is the first and most striking example of the extensive judicial cooperation in criminal matters that is beginning to take place in the European Union. Replacing traditional extradition between EU member states, including the ten accession countries after May 2004, it will operate on the basis of mutual recognition of judicial decisions, thus taking extradition decisions out of the hands of politicians. It rests on the presumption that criminal justice systems are equivalent throughout the EU and that the rights of the defence, in particular, are safeguarded adequately and in a comparable way EU‐wide. However, before the EAW has even been implemented, a number of practical problems are beginning to emerge, in particular in relation to the protection of individual rights and legal certainty in the European judicial space. The way in which these problems are tackled will be a litmus test of the respect for fundamental rights across the EU in the field of justice and home affairs. This article highlights the problems inherent in the rapid development of the principle of mutual recognition and suggests ways in which these problems can be addressed allowing for full protection of fundamental rights within a fully functioning European area of freedom, security, and justice. The EAW will be used to illustrate the prominent features of the emerging landscape of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, providing as it does the most radical example of developments in this field so far and their implications for fundamental rights.  相似文献   

The doctrine of deference permeates human rights review. It plays a role in defining Convention rights, in determining the nature of the proportionality test applied when analysing non-absolute rights, as well as in deciding the stringency of its application. The role of deference has recently been subjected to both judicial and academic criticism, some of which advocates the demise of the doctrine. This article develops a contextual account of deference that is justified for epistemic reasons, rather than reasons of relative authority. This conception is able to withstand current criticism and is modest enough to play a role in a range of different justifications and understandings of judicial review under the Human Rights Act. The article then provides a more detailed account of deference, taking account of the relative institutional features of the legislature, executive and judiciary, without running the risk that the court fails to perform its constitutional function of protecting individual rights.  相似文献   

In RR v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions – follow-on litigation from the high-profile bedroom tax cases – the Supreme Court handed down a judgment which has significant implications for social security law, the interpretation of the Human Rights Act, the tribunals system, the judicial control of delegated legislation, and access to justice. Central, however, was the issue of the enforceability of human rights. We argue that the Supreme Court was not only justified in its interpretation of the Human Rights Act but that it has made the protections of the Act more easily enforceable.  相似文献   

In recent years an increasing quantity of UK legislation has introduced blended or ‘hybridised’ procedures that blur the previously clear demarcation between civil and criminal legal processes, typically on the grounds of normatively-motivated political expediency. This paper provides a critical perspective on instances of procedural hybridisation in order to illustrate that, first, the reliance upon civil law measures to remedy criminal law infractions can raise human rights issues and, second, that such instrumental criminal justice strategies deliberately circumvent the enhanced procedural protections of the criminal law. By conceptualising the rule of law as a structural coupling between the political and legal systems, and due process rights as necessary and self-imposed limitations upon systemic operations, this paper employs a systems-theoretical approach to critique this balancing act between expediency and principle, and queries the circumstances under which legislation contravening the rule of law can be said to lack legitimacy.  相似文献   

2001年11月在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的WTO第四次部长级会议通过了《关于TRIPS协议和公共健康宣言》引起了在WTO范围内知识产权的保护和人权保护之间关系的讨论,进而扩展到WTO法与国际人权法之间的关系。贸易和人权二者之间虽然存在着一定的冲突,但是二者在发展历史和实践中的联系却是不可忽视的。在现有的WTO框架下,发达国家和发展中国家基于各自的利益,都在人权问题上向对方发难。人权迟早会被纳入WTO的考虑范围之内,关键是以何种方式将其纳入WTO的范围。《多哈TRIPS宣言》是一种比较实际的方式,即就具体问题所涉及的人权达成具有国际法拘束力的协议,采用逐个、渐进的方式将人权纳入到WTO范围之内。  相似文献   

Conclusion It is necessary to strike the correct balance between safeguarding the rights of the individual and engendering mutually beneficial cooperation between states in extradition matters. In the absence of effective global international human rights enforcement mechanisms, many of the traditional safeguards still have a real role to play in extradition. This article reviewed five such safeguards and found that all but the nationality exception should be retained to ensure that international cooperation and individual protection are both safeguarded for the common good of society.This is a revised version of a paper presented at an international workshop on Principles and Procedures for a New Transnational Criminal Law, organized jointly by the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany, May 21–25, 1991.LL.B., University of Exeter 1973; LL.M., Osgoode Hall Law School 1974; D. Jur., Osgoode Hall Law School 1976.  相似文献   

物权请求权的正当性能够为考量物权请求权行使的限度提供充分依据。物权请求权行使的正当性可以从人性基础、物权请求权实现自由的功能、物权的人权属性、物权法的效率价值等方面得到充分证明。在实践中,我们可以参照"伤害原则"来确定物权请求权正当性限度。  相似文献   

Ratification of a federal form of government in 1789 launched the United States into a fractious search for clear delineations of the authorities of the states vis-a-vis each other; interpretation of the extradition clause of the new constitution was a vital, though intermittent, element in this interstate struggle, Ultimately the courts were invoked to establish the legal definitions of interstate rendition rights and the obligation of state governors under the constitutional clause. Characteristically, courts have varied greatly in their rulings on such rights and duties, but there is an overall tendency to avoid an “absolute” interpretation of the extradition duty. A second strain of theory explored in this article is the application of the rendition clause to juvenile proceedings, which do not (by definition) pertain to crime. Rendition of juveniles is controlled among the states and territories by the Interstate Compact on Juveniles, and this arrangement has fulfilled its intended functions effectively.  相似文献   

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