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铁路因自身特点及脆弱的抗风险能力,一直被恐怖分子锁定为首选的袭击目标。反恐怖斗争实践表明,构建铁路反恐怖机制,一是要建立反恐怖组织机构,明确反恐怖工作主体。二是要打造主要包括协作、情报、预警、指挥、防范与打击等铁路反恐怖机制体系。  相似文献   

当前反恐怖公安理论培训的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙海元 《政法学刊》2003,20(3):79-80
恐怖分子有计划、有步骤、秘密地训练,活动隐蔽突然,恐怖活动不断加剧,手段十分残忍。对反恐怖公安理论的研究,要坚持与时俱进,不断探索反恐怖斗争的特点和规律,用最新的理论和方法指导未来反恐怖斗争的实践。  相似文献   

我国反恐工作中存在的薄弱环节初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庄志刚 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):95-97
面对着国际反恐怖形势日益严峻的现实情况,我国的反恐怖部门针对我国的反恐怖问题做了大量研究,采取了许多卓有成效的措施,对于预防、处置和及时打击在我国发生的恐怖活动必将起到非常重要的作用。但是,我国的反恐怖工作刚刚起步,还不完善,还存在着许多方面的薄弱环节亟待改进和加强。  相似文献   

翟金鹏 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):89-91
收集反恐怖情报是反恐怖斗争取胜的关键,在反恐怖情报的收集阶段主要包括几个方面:反恐怖情报的概念、反恐怖情 报收集的意义、原则、反恐怖情报的不同分类以及反恐怖情报收集等方面,有效的收集反恐怖情报,可以挫败恐怖主义分子进行恐怖 活动的阴谋,把恐怖主义活动的阴谋扼杀于恐怖活动的预谋阶段。  相似文献   

1.2011年10月29日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议通过2.2011年10月29日公布3.自2011年10月29日起施行为了加强反恐怖工作,保障国家安全和人民生命、财产安全,维护社会秩序,特就反恐怖工作有关问题作如下决定:一、国家反对一切形式的恐怖主义,坚决依法取缔恐怖活动组织,严密防范、严厉惩治恐怖活动。  相似文献   

美国9.11恐怖事件发生后,恐怖主义活动给世界造成的极大危害,已经引起国际社会和各国公众的广泛关注,如何预防和打击恐怖主义成为当今社会的一个重要课题。在预防和打击恐怖主义的各种方法中,法律手段不容忽视。目前中国反恐怖立法比较分散,因此,有必要统一中国的反恐怖立法,构建中国反恐怖法律体系。  相似文献   

我国是社会主义国家,坚决反对一切形式的恐怖犯罪是我国政府的一贯立场。设立专门组织,应对恐怖犯罪恐怖犯罪对社会的危害十分严重,因此,各国政府都对之高度重视。为了更有效地应对恐怖犯罪,开展反恐怖犯罪的斗争,很多国家都设立了专门的反恐怖犯罪组织。如美国设有反恐怖犯罪联邦委员会,负责制定美国的反恐怖犯罪政策, 协调各有关部门的反恐怖犯罪工作,发生恐怖犯罪时在总统的直接指挥下,处理恐怖犯罪事件。此外,美国联邦调查局设有国内反恐怖犯罪联合行动中心和反恐怖犯罪处,主要负责国内恐怖犯罪的侦查、处置工作。  相似文献   

曾洪 《政法学刊》2014,(4):97-100
在反恐怖行动中,为最大限度发挥法律战的功效,达到"师出有名""不战而屈人之兵"的目的,需要灵活运用法律战战法。本文从先声夺人,主动出击,占领法理道义的制高点;瞄准要害,针锋相对,增强法律打击的影响力;因势利导,有效防范,提高法律防护的针对性等三个方面,对反恐怖行动中如何有效运用法律战进行了探讨。  相似文献   

武警部队依法完成国家赋予的反恐怖任务,必须以完备的反恐怖法律体系为依托.武警部队有权制定反恐怖军事规章.这一规章与国家反恐怖法和中央军委可能制定的反恐怖军事法规是下位阶法与上位阶法的关系,并能起到支持和规范武警部队反恐怖军事行为的作用.  相似文献   

“9.11”事件以来,国际社会更加注重国际反恐怖的合作机制。国际反恐怖的复杂性与艰巨性是人类历史上最严峻的挑战,国际反恐怖的各国实践是建立国际反恐怖合作法律机制的政治、经济和法律基础。只有在国际反恐怖合作的法律原则——包括国家主权平等原则,政治、经济与法律等相结合的原则,在联合国框架下的利益协调一致原则——的基础上,建立国际、区际法律合作途径,加强国际反恐怖的司法协助与技术合作,才能取得国际反恐怖的最终胜利。  相似文献   

Terrorism in Pakistan springs from many factors such as, poverty, corruption, inequality, sham democracy, and low-level literacy; however, the effect of terrorism in India over terrorism in Pakistan remains unnoticed. This study explores the role of terrorism in India as a determinant of terrorism in Pakistan. This fangled determinant of terrorism in Pakistan forms the premise of our work. The Johansen cointegration analysis technique confirms the long-run relationship among terrorism in India and Pakistan and unemployment in Pakistan. Error correction model (ECM) resulted 55% of convergence annually. Besides, ECM verifies both short and long-run causalities. The VECM Granger and Modified Wald (MWALD) causality tests reveal that terrorism in India and unemployment in Pakistan Granger causes terrorism in Pakistan, but no reverse causality exists. The study concludes that both terrorism in India and unemployment in Pakistan results in terrorism in Pakistan. Coping with terrorism, Pakistan and India must revisit their respective roles; and simultaneously, Pakistan should address the unemployment problem—which facilitates recruitment for the terrorist organizations.  相似文献   

王国飞 《法律科学》2004,22(3):90-97
恐怖主义主体是否包含国家的问题是困惑恐怖主义法律定义的一个现实障碍。对此问题,发展中国家与西方发达国家认识不一,从历史看,国家恐怖主义是个人或组织团体恐怖主义的根源,而且国家恐怖主义的危害与当量是个人及团体恐怖主义所无法比拟的;学者的学说、国家和联合国内的反国家恐怖主义的努力也说明了国家恐怖主义犯罪的存在;国家的恐怖主义刑事责任追究可依公约以特殊方式进行;国际关系与国际政治行为的民主化与文明化,也要求坚持公理、正义与法律,要求反国家恐怖主义。  相似文献   

恐怖主义犯罪概念辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴翔 《政法学刊》2003,20(6):7-10
有关恐怖主义犯罪概念的观点众说纷纭。各国、各地区组织的概念表述均有不同,须综合研究恐怖主义犯罪与政治目的、恐怖主义犯罪与正当目的、恐怖主义犯罪的犯罪主体、恐怖主义犯罪的行为特征等问题。  相似文献   

司法模式、战争模式、治理模式是三种应对恐怖主义犯罪的模式。司法模式把恐怖主义界定为一种犯罪行为。为此反恐是侦查破案与打击犯罪的问题。此模式核心是恢复法律的权威,维护社会治安秩序。战争模式把恐怖主义界定为一种战争行为。为此反恐是打败或消灭敌人、取得战争胜利的问题。此模式核心是打击、歼灭恐怖分子并取得战争胜利。治理模式把恐怖主义界定为国家安全治理方面的缺失、低效或失败及其导致的对民众安全服务的缺失与低效。为此反恐是加强和改善有关恐怖主义问题的治理,以提供更有效的安全服务。此模式核心是塑造一种安全环境。治理模式对于恐怖主义及反恐问题界定不同于战争模式、司法模式。这种界定具有决定性影响。其直接决定这三种反恐模式在视野、目标、思路、标准、力量、措施与手段、时间维度、战略角度、精神层面等方面的不同。  相似文献   

The purpose of this inquiry is to examine the nature of terrorism, primarily in European and Western industrial nations. Specifically the article (1) examines the impact that has resulted from technological advances in communication and weapons and (2) discusses the necessity of international cooperation in the effort to defeat terrorism. The article documents that terrorism is a serious threat to Western democracies including the United States as well as an international threat. The conclusion of the article is that it has become more difficult to counter terrorism due to technological advances which have delivered greater destructive power into the hands of a few fanatics. The primary technological effects discussed are (1) those relating to communication which has enabled terrorists to establish a “world-wide network” and (2) the addition of toxins and nuclear weapons to the arsenal of the terrorist. As an international problem, however, the difficulty of countering terrorism is not rooted in the technological sophistication of the terrorist but in international disputes about the question, “what is terrorism”. Nations appear to be unable to mount an international assault against terrorism due to the great difficulty of arriving at a commonly accepted definition of terrorism. This article discusses the obstacles to defining terrorism encountered by the international community and the role that bilateral and multinational agreements have played in countering terrorism.  相似文献   

The paper defines terrorismand gives a rough classification of itstraditional forms: repressive terrorism,insurrectional terrorism ofethnic/national/separatist character andsocial-revolutionary terrorism. To explainthese forms of terrorism, scholars used twomodels: the psychiatric model and thesociological model. Both were – and are –not just objects of scholarly debate, butpart and parcel of a political conflictover the legitimacy of terrorist actions.In the last decade, new forms of terrorism(most prominent: fundamentalist Islamicterrorism) have developed as a reaction toglobalization and Empire-building. We haveseen a development from provincialterrorism to terrorism of global reach,from terrorism as a form of political crimeto terrorism as criminalized war. Thetraditional explanatory models have,therefore, to be supplemented by adiscussion of the dialectical relationbetween the growing American Empire and aspecific form of military opposition.Defined as terrorism, this opposition has,ironically, become a rather useful enemy inthe process of Empire-building. There ishope that the Empire will, in the not sodistant future, be able to monopolize thelegitimate use of military force,criminalize all other forms of violenceand, thus, turn the terror of wars into amere war on terrorism.  相似文献   

恐怖主义问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金强  沈洁明 《政法学刊》2004,21(3):17-19
恐怖主义对国际社会的安全与稳定构成了严重的威胁,已经成为影响地区与世界安全局势的顽疾。恐怖主义的核心特性是追求政治目的与利益并实施或威胁使用暴力。恐怖主义常假借宗教名义,或以极端民族主义、极端意识形态为其思想基础。现代社会对恐怖主义的萌生与发展极具影响,为恐怖主义提供存在的客观环境。反恐怖主义必须着眼于事前预防恐怖主义行为的萌生和事后侦查打击恐怖组织和恐怖分子两大方面,确立反恐怖主义的原则与机制,构建反恐怖情报网络,强化反恐怖侦破工作,加强反恐怖队伍建设。  相似文献   

With the widespread concerns about cyber terrorism and the frequent use of the term “cyber terrorism” at the present time, many international organisations have made efforts to combat this threat. Since cyber terrorism is an international crime, local regulations alone are not able to defend against such attacks; they require a transnational response. Therefore, an attacked country will invoke international law to seek justice for any damage caused, through the exercise of universal jurisdiction. Without the aid of international organisations, it is difficult to prevent cyber terrorism. At the same time, international organisations determine which state court, or international court, has the authority to settle a dispute. The objective of this paper is to analyse and review the effectiveness and sufficiency of the current global responses to cyber terrorism through the exercise of international jurisdiction. This article also touches upon the notion of cyber terrorism as a transnational crime and an international threat; thus, national regulations alone cannot prevent it. The need for an international organisation to prevent and defend nations from cyber terrorism attacks is pressing. This paper finds that, as cyber terrorism is a transnational crime, it should be subjected to universal jurisdiction through multinational cooperation, and this would be the most suitable method to counter future transnational crimes such as cyber terrorism.  相似文献   

Radicalization to terrorism is a multifaceted process with no single theory or approach to explain it. Although research has focused on understanding the process, there is still a dearth of studies that examine an empirically driven pathway to terrorism behavior. This study examines a cross-sectional sample of incarcerated men convicted of terrorism in Iraq (N = 160). A questionnaire-guided interview included adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), conduct disorder (CD), antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), religious and political ideology, views about causes of terrorism, and the severity of terrorist acts. Path analysis was employed to examine the relationships between these factors and to identify the model with the best fit. After adjusting for age, employment, and location, results indicated that ACEs positively impacted CD, ASPD, religious guidance, and terrorism attitudes. ASPD positively affected political commitment and terrorism attitudes, but inversely affected current religious commitment. Political commitment inversely influenced terrorism attitudes. Religious commitment positively influenced the prioritization of religion in life, which subsequently impacted terrorism attitudes and behavior severity. Additionally, attitudes toward terrorism directly affected the severity of terrorism behavior. All paths in the final model were statistically significant at p < 0.05. Although these findings may be limited in generalizability due to the unique sample, results support the complex and interdependent nature of childhood and adult experiences on the development of both terrorism attitudes and the severity of terrorism behavior.  相似文献   

冯金成 《政法学刊》2006,23(2):122-125
全球各地已经发生了难以计数的恐怖袭击事件,造成重大人员和财产损失,我们坚决反对和打击一切形式的恐怖主义。在警惕恐怖分子利用爆炸进行国际恐怖活动工具的同时,我们不得不警惕恐怖分子利用互联网进行的恐怖活动。  相似文献   

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