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刑事诉讼中的错捕与国家赔偿中的错捕是两个不同的概念。刑事诉讼中错捕的认定应以刑诉法第六十条的规定为标准,即以逮捕时的事实和证据来认定;国家赔偿中的错捕则应以诉讼结果来认定,凡逮捕后最终按无罪处理的,除符合国家免责条件的以外都应当赔偿。刑事诉讼中的错捕与国家赔偿中的错捕应当严格加以区分。为了实现打击犯罪与保护人权的统一,检察人员必须树立正确的刑事错案观和刑事赔偿观。  相似文献   

法学成人教育是一种特殊的教育形式,也是我国高等法律教育的重要组成部分。但随着其不断发展,相关教育问题日渐显露。本文在分析了成人教育法学专业教学模式现存问题的基础上,提出包括课程设置、教学方法、考核形式以及师资队伍建设方面的一系列改革措施。  相似文献   

刘艳霞 《行政与法》2002,(12):73-74
阐述创新教育的内涵,成人高校的特征包括四个方面及成人高校创新教育应如何进行。  相似文献   

谢晖 《中国司法》2005,(10):48-50
具有中国特色的劳动教养法律制度在近50年的发展历程中,经历了创立、恢复发展和改革等几个重要阶段。在不同的历史时期,突出“教育、感化、挽救”的职能,教育挽救了一大批严重违法和轻微犯罪人员,绝大部分人成为遵纪守法的公民,体现了预防犯罪的宗旨和教育为主,惩戒为辅的法制原则,有效发挥了该项法律制度对特殊人群教育矫治的现实性和客观性。期盼已久的劳动教养法律即将出台,新的法律制度在全面总结劳动教养几十年来积累、总结、发展的成功经验基础上,从依法治国和健全社会主义民主法制、尊重和保护人权、构建和谐社会的时代要求,制定符合…  相似文献   

在21世纪,人才是最宝贵的资源,国力的竞争最终都体现在人才的竞争上。而人才是由教育培养出来的,因而,教育质量的高低直接影响人才的素质,最终影响国力。目前,尽管国家对中学教育大力推行和提倡素质教育,但现实的教育现状却不容乐观,出现了种种问题。本文针对这些问题,提出些许看法,希冀对教育改革有所益处。  相似文献   

推进素质教育,是当代中国教育改革与发展的重大课题。21世纪的竞争,关键是人才的竞争,人才竞争又主要体现在人的素质的高低上。成人高校作为培养人才的基地之一,应置身于国际竞争的大环境和我国教育改革发展的大趋势中,正确认识理论与实践,知识与能力、素质的关系,对培养目标、教育内容、教学形式等进行适当调整,以培养出适应社会需求的应用型、技能型人才。  相似文献   

教育是发展科学技术和培养人才的基础。必须充分认识教育在我国社会主义现代化建设中具有先导性、全局性的地位和作用,采取有效措施,切实落实教育优先发展的战略性举措。  相似文献   

刘月凤 《法制与社会》2010,(32):262-263
如今,离婚率的急剧上升使我们不得不重新审视"婚姻"——这个古老而又常新的话题。当然,引起离婚的原因千差万别,然而,不管何种原因,有一点是不容置疑的:那就是双方的感情走到了尽头。那么,如何才能使"婚姻"持久而美满,不再上演离婚的悲剧呢?本文认为:婚姻需要经营,婚姻需要尊重与宽容,只有这样,婚姻才能在幸福的土壤中茁壮成长。  相似文献   

本文从我国监狱法制实际情况的分析入手,从改革传统自由刑的行刑方式、实现刑事执行权的合理配置、重视出狱人的社会保护等方面构建依法治监新思维,并为实现依法治监的最佳境界提出若干发展性建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对高等教育产业化的内涵、特征及其必要性的分析,提出了高等教育产业化应遵循的基本规律和需要重视的主要环节,并作了相应的策略探讨.  相似文献   

This article suggests that any approach to the issue of access to higher education in the United Kingdom not view the approach of the United States in the recent University of Michigan cases as providing appropriate guidance. It is the author's assertion that the United States Supreme Court has failed to recognize the present effects of a long history of deliberate racial segregation of higher education in America and the affirmative duty of public higher education to remedy the effects of America's unique system of racial segregation. Specifically, the Supreme Court's jurisprudence has abandoned the interests of the victims of a judicially sanctioned exclusion of African-Americans from public higher education during most of the 20th Century, and has instead supported equal access only to the extent that it furthers the university's own interests in so-called ‘diversity’. This disregard for the history of American racial segregation is inconsistent with the Constitutional principles announced in Brown v. Board of Education and the federal judicial decisions which secured and advanced the mandate for racial equality announced in Brown v. Board.  相似文献   

《The Law teacher》2012,46(1):69-102

The increasing prevalence of family law disputes in England and Wales with an international element is well documented in the development of domestic legislation, case law and family practice. However, despite changes to the legal landscape and the academic recognition of international family law as a legal subject, it is still often disregarded within the undergraduate family law curriculum or as a standalone module. This article explores the development of international family law in England and Wales and presents the findings of a national questionnaire into whether international family law is taught as part of the undergraduate curriculum. The article also explores what barriers exist to including international family law topics. To conclude, the author offers some general advice about incorporating these topics into the curriculum to ensure that students are equipped to deal with the realities of family practice in England and Wales.  相似文献   

我国正处于社会大转型时期,政治经济体制改革不断深入。在制度建设方面,旧的制度不断退出历史舞台,新的制度不断涌现,发挥作用,推动社会进步。在制度创新的过程中,政府的作用举足轻重。全面认识政府在制度创新中的利弊,对于推动制度创新提高制度的有效性,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义,。  相似文献   

In many countries around the world, governmental authorities control the market entry of new providers of higher educational services. By means of ex-ante licensing in the higher education sector, government ensures that students are only confronted with academic programs and institutions that at least meet certain minimum quality standards. This quality-assuring intervention by government may be taken for granted. From an economic viewpoint, however, it seems worthwhile to scrutinize the regulatory status quo. In order to rethink existing licensing arrangements’ raison d’être, the present paper addresses the question whether governmental market entry control in the higher education industry is necessary at all.
Karsten MauseEmail:

Throughout much of the world higher education has been subject to scrutiny, including for example cost, outcomes, stakeholder value, and change. The intensity of the scrutiny and the possible consequences in terms of change have accelerated as a result of 2009 being the year of financial turbulence and scarce resources being used to prop up failing industries such as the automobile industry, compounded by measures such as quantitative easing and huge amounts being made available to the banking sector. This article looks at the different contexts and legal frameworks regarding change being required as a result of legislation rather than happening through some organic way. The article does not focus on the merits of possible change but on how change may be brought about. The European context is that of the Bologna Process (with a brief reminder of the European Union's competency in this area), the US context is that of change at national, regional or state level but with the primary focus being national level change.  相似文献   

伴随着经济社会的发展 ,普通高校成人教育不同程度地存在着办学条件差 ,学习与应用脱节 ,教学内容、教学方法、办学模式缺乏成人高教特色等问题 ,面对新世纪 ,普通高校成人教育必须加大改革力度 ,不断完善现有的管理制度和教育模式。  相似文献   

贿赂犯罪作为一个古老的社会现象,在中国市场经济日益发达的今天似乎愈演愈烈,甚至渗入被视为象牙塔的教育领域,成为现代法治社会的一大毒瘤,严重影响了创建和谐社会的宏伟目标。笔者在分析中国高等教育系统贿赂犯罪的现状与特点基础上,拟就如何采取侦查和预防对策,提出自己的见解,以期有效地控制高校领域的贿赂犯罪.  相似文献   

政府的管理理念和治理模式应是与时俱进的。创建公共服务型政府已经成为一种历史的潮流,中国地方政府在此大有可为。本文主要从吉林省政府管理创新的对策研究入手,来探求中国地方政府管理创新、定位创新,职能创新、体制创新。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):805-813
Forensic Science training and education is reliant on the application of knowledge to casework scenarios and the development of key practical skills that provide a platform for career development in the field. The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a number of challenges to effectively deliver practical content online and remotely, whilst still meeting intended learning outcomes, accreditation requirements, and attaining a high level of student engagement and experience. The MSc Forensic Science programme featured in this study is a one-year degree programme with a strong emphasis on the practical elements of forensic science, and a diverse international student cohort. Therefore, the restrictions associated with the pandemic made it very difficult not only to plan the delivery of material but also to adapt the content itself for effective online and remote learning.By focusing on the intended learning outcomes, a number of innovative teaching practices were developed to successfully transition from face-to-face teaching to online and remote delivery. A range of online and practical resources were developed, including a laboratory home kit, demonstration videos, online practical technique simulations (produced by Learning Science), data analysis tasks, and interactive workshops and activities, all designed to consolidate student learning and build confidence, in preparation for such a time that on campus practical teaching could resume. The initial feedback received from these activities from both staff and students was extremely positive and the transition from classroom to online teaching was a success, as reflected in student attainment and later student feedback. Students reported that they had a better understanding of what was expected of them, including knowledge of protocols and techniques, and felt much more confident moving into the next stage of their learning development. Even though the practical laboratory sessions were the most significantly affected by the restrictions associated with the pandemic, and resulted in reduced interaction for the students, this was counteracted by virtual sessions and workshops, which gave students the opportunity to engage with each other and communicate their thoughts and opinions, ultimately building key presentation and group working skills.This case study will detail the pivot to remote learning, as well as critically evaluating the feedback from students and discussing the changes that are likely to be retained as longer-term teaching practices, versus those that were a necessary temporary addition or adjustment in response to the pandemic.  相似文献   

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