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徐和平 《世纪行》2007,(6):27-27
十年,在人类历史的长河中只是短暂的一瞬。 回眸香港回归十年来鄂港两地日新月异的变化,人们不难发现:香港回归祖国的十年,是香港历史发展进程的辉煌十年,也是鄂港经贸交流与合作突飞猛进的十年。  相似文献   

6月28日,市政协召开纪念香港回归祖国十周年座谈会。市政协香港委员和港澳台侨工作顾问纷纷发言,大家表示,香港回归不但是一次政治  相似文献   

“一国两制”是邓小平为实现祖国和平统一而提出的科学构想,最初是为解决台湾问题提出的,但首先被用于解决香港问题。10年来尽管东方之珠经历了风风雨雨,但“一国两制”构想在香港取得了中外称道的辉煌的成功,足以证明“一国两制”是实现祖国统一行之有效的重大战略决策。  相似文献   

香港回归祖国,实现了全国各族人民的百年宿愿.是彪炳中华民族史册的千秋功业:香港回归祖国的十年,中央政府切实贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针,严格按照《香港特别行政区基本法》办事,坚定不移地维护香港繁荣稳定:香港继续保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式,  相似文献   

俗语有云“人要面,树要皮”,自尊是人格最重要的一部分,也是得到别人尊重的条件之一。自1984年中、英双方代表鉴署中英《联合声明》,英国政府将在1997年7月1日把香港的主权交还给中国政府  相似文献   

央联 《黄埔》2007,(4):4-5
“香港回归十年来的实践证明,‘一国两制’是切实可行的。抚今追昔,邓小平先生在香港回归关键时刻做出的关键性指示,依然具有现实指导意义。”原新华社香港分社社长、“诗人外交家”周南,近日在接受记者采访时如是说。  相似文献   

1997年7月1日,香港回到了祖国怀抱。那一天,全世界的目光聚焦在香港。高耸的回归纪念碑,记录着自1842年以来,香港的屈辱和回归的喜悦;金色的紫荆花雕塑,是中央政府在香港回归前夕,赠送给香港人民的礼物,寄托着13亿中国人对香港的殷  相似文献   

(2007年7月1日)在人类历史的长河中,10年只是短暂的瞬间。然而,对于我们正在从事的“一国两制”事业来说,这10年具有前无古人的开创性意义。10  相似文献   

10年前的7月1日,旧金山各界民众集中在华埠园角,举行盛大集会庆祝香港回归中国。会后,在旧金山市区举行大游行和庆祝宴会。红旗飘扬,锣鼓喧天,人们欢乐振奋,记忆犹新。  相似文献   

同胞们,朋友们:10年前的今天,中英两国政府举行了香港交接仪式,中国政府庄严宣告对香港恢复行使主权,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区成立。香港回归祖国,实现了包括广大香港同胞在内的全国各族人民的百年夙愿,是彪炳中华民族史册的千秋功业。  相似文献   

如果不是去年十月中央政府驻香港特区联络办公室李刚副主任找我面谈,鼓励我为香港回归十周年纪念写一个电影和电视剧剧本,我还不惊觉已经过去十年了。  相似文献   

正The 2020 annual sessions of the National People’s Congress, the top legislature, and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the top political advisory body, will kick off on May 22 and 21,respectively. Rescheduled from March over coronavirus concerns, the Two Sessions, which are among the most important annual political events in China,are set to be special.  相似文献   

Hong Kong redux     
There are surprises ahead for both Hong Kong and the China of which it will become a part. This article focuses on how the reversion of Hong Kong will affect the future of politics in both societies. Even though rule by Beijing will change Hong Kong's commercial and political life, China will also be changed by having to deal with the emerging elite of Hong Kong and those persons from the mainland who have been educated in the West. This will not produce democracy in either Hong Kong or China but it will reduce the likelihood that China will become a hegemonic power in East Asia.  相似文献   

Hong Kong Upturn     
A bustling street in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, on May 12. The annual survey by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management found 93.3 percent of companies interviewed gave employees a pay rise in 2010, compared to 31.1 percent last year. The average rise was 1.7 percent,  相似文献   

Hong Kong Hero     
ON April 14, 2010, an earthquake hit Yushu, Qinghai Province, in western China. Wong Fuk Wing, a volunteer who had come all the way from Hong Kong, died in the rescue effort. He was born in 1964 and for most of his life worked as a container truck driver. He started volunteering before he turned 20, and those who knew him called him the highly auspicious name "A Fu."  相似文献   

At midnight of June 30, 1997 the Union Jack and the Hong Kong colonial flag over the Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Center were lowered; at zero hour of July 1, the Chinese national flag and HKSAR regional flag were hoisted. Chris Patten, last governor of Hong Kong, shed tears, saying that night "marked the end of a historical era." Many Hong Kong inhabitants also wept; it was the moment that Hong Kong had awaited for 156 years.Shigekazu Sato, the consul-general of Japan in Hong Kong, recalls how pessimistic the international community was about Hong Kong's future. Many thought that it would lose its dynamism in the process of returning to the motherland. Ten years later, the US Heritage Foundation awarded Hong Kong top spot in its 2007 freedom of trade, freedom of investment, freedom of finance and protection of property rights indexes, and named it number one in its economy freedom index for the 13th successive year.  相似文献   

虽然香港政党产生、发展的历史只有约30年时间,但发展迅速,政党主体结构已比较完善,基本适应社会主要阶层利益表达的需要。由于香港社会存在的政治、阶层和官民三大分野,受制于香港社会分化的现状,政党的社会整合能力比较低。因在参选动力及选举热情等方面存在较大差异,香港工商资产阶层、中产阶层和草根阶层等主要社会阶层政治参与极不均衡,劳工等草根阶层是参与选举的主力军,导致香港政党的政治动员主要集中于基层。  相似文献   

唐昀 《今日广西》2007,(7):22-24
香港时下流行“集体回忆”。起因是特区政府要拆掉具有50年历史的中环天星码头,学者们口诛笔伐,老百姓扼腕痛惜。媒体日:整座城市陷入了一种“集体回忆”,大家忽然对这座城市的一砖一瓦、一草一木恋恋不舍,以致影响到今年的消费趋势、时尚追求  相似文献   

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