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媒介·公众·民主——美国公共新闻事业演变的内在逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴果中 《湖湘论坛》2010,23(6):115-118
美国公共新闻事业是20世纪80年代末发生的旨在寻求公众和民主合意的新闻改革运动。媒介·公众·民主的社会化互动是公共新闻事业演变的内在逻辑;由于新闻报道的权威性来自新闻工作者,它仍是托管模式的变体;作为实践的新闻理念,它在公共、公众、媒体的民主责任等方面没有做出清晰的解答,从而产生了诸多局限。  相似文献   

公共行政的责任与民主   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以国家与社会关系的历史性演变为研究的逻辑起点,认为社会主义市场经济条件下,公共行政的价值取向将由政府本位向社会本位转变。公共行政必须把政治哲学层面为人民服务的宗旨,体现在其运作机制和运作过程之中。为此,公共行政改革必须着眼于两个方面一是政府要强化与其宗旨和职权相对应的责任意识,以树立“责任政府”的形象;二是推进行政民主,以达到公共行政主体与相对人的和谐与合作。  相似文献   

正Social governance is pluralistic, organically unified and people-oriented The annual meetings of China's national legislature and top political advisory body were wrapped up in May with people-centric plans to create jobs and help businesses. China's approach to address problems including those triggered by the novel coronavirus pandemic is people-oriented, a philosophy that is deeply rooted in its culture.  相似文献   

正When King John of England agreed to the Magna Carta in 1215 to make peace with the rebellious barons, the royal charter was meant to protect the nobles' property rights. The primacy of the privileged has since become a hallmark of Western democracy. When Austrian-American political economist Joseph Schumpeter espoused an elitist model in 1942, he argued that given the incapacity of ordinary people to make intelligent decisions in politics, it is necessary to leave governance to politicians chosen through competitive elections, and his theory has gained broad acceptance in the West.  相似文献   

Lianjiang Li 《当代中国》2001,10(29):573-586
Based on data collected in a survey conducted in six Chinese provinces at the end of 1997 and early 1998, this article offers a preliminary analysis of why some peasants wished to see Mao-style anti-corruption campaigns. It shows that the support for campaigns is negatively correlated with the respondents' evaluation of local officials' performance in governing by law, their confidence in the equality before the law, and their assessment of the effectiveness of lawful participation. It concludes that popular support for mass mobilization could contribute to rural instability as Chinese farmers become increasingly impatient with the regime's failure to control corruption.  相似文献   

PreambleDemocracy is a common value of humanity and an ideal that has always been cherished by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese people.This year marks the centenary of the CPC. Since its found-ing in 1921, the Party has taken wellbeing for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its abid-ing goals, and has made continuous efforts to ensure the people's status as masters of the country. China is a country with a feudal history dating back several thousand years that descended into a semi-feudal and semi-colonial society after the Opium War of 1840. Over the past hundred years, the Party has led the people in realizing people's democracy in China. The Chinese people now truly hold in their hands their own future and that of society and the country.  相似文献   

在社会主义与资本主义并存的当今世界,由于社会制度和价值观念的不同,人们对民主政治的理解必然产生重大分歧。我们所说的民主只能是社会主义民主。但脱胎于半殖民地、半封建社会的社会...  相似文献   

论舆论监督与人民民主关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
破解舆论监督难的问题,关键在于扩大人民民主。人民民主得以扩大,则舆论监督可望兴;人民民主无以扩大,则舆论监督必定衰。扩大人民民主,加强舆论监督,与主政者密切相关的部分包含三个层次的内容:(1)真实地发布关于重大情况和重大问题的信息,让人民群众充分知情。(2)鼓励人们发表意见,讲真话不讲假话。(3)有勇气冷静地直面公众和媒体针对主政者及其下属的舆论监督。  相似文献   

政策设计理论主要研究公共政策的实质性内容,谋求政策质量的改善。美国学者施奈德和英格兰姆将社会建构思想引入政策设计的研究中。通过分析在政策目标群体或知识的社会建构主导下,各种决策背景中的政策设计对于民主的促进或阻碍影响,目的在于倡导一种能够整合问题解决、民主价值、公民精神和社会正义等多种价值的政策设计规划,推动社会民主治理的发展。  相似文献   

论协商民主及其在我国的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种在西方政治学界兴起的新理论,协商民主强调平等性、责任性和公共性.协商民主的实行有利于和谐社会的实现:有利于公民美德的重塑以及保障和促进公共政策的合法性.但是由于其制度化和程序化规范的缺失与不足;公共利益的难以确定性和公民参与能力的贫困等因素制约着协商民主的发展,我们必须加强作为民主政治发展的方向和前景的协商民主制度建设,提高公民参与的能力和素质.  相似文献   

协商民主理论充分吸收民主理论的精华,兼顾民主的参与性与广泛性、自由与平等的双重价值.协商民主在中国的实际运作有效地贯彻规范主义民主观的平等价值,尊重参与者的主体性,获得社会的广泛好评.同时,它又吸纳经验主叉民主观的商谈、折中与讨论精神,照顾参与者的体验与主动性.协商民主的逐步推广有助于我国的政治文明建设与和谐社会的形成,也是科学发展现在政治生活世界的延伸,有助于政治体系的民主化、法治化,提升村民政治参与的积极性,确保民众利益的有效表达和实现.  相似文献   

协商民主理论是20世纪80年代以后在西方兴起的一种民主理论研究.中国有着发展协商民主的本土资源:和合文亿的支撑及政治协商的实践土壤,但也存在一些制约因素:公民社会的弱小和选举民主的不足.  相似文献   

T O friends of mine who have never been here,I always say that one does not go to China;one returns to China.I add that you either love or loathe China;there are no half measures.Feign indifference at your peril:the ancient Middle Kingdom stirs powerful emotions-for me of friend-ship and understanding,but most often of admiration.  相似文献   

民族地区民主建设是我国社会主义民主建设的重要组成部分.一个民族的政治文化精神与民主政治的建设息息相关,任何民主政治的实施都需要政治文化精神尤其是公共精神的支撑.因此,在我国民族地区民主政治的实践过程中,作为公共精神重要组成部分的平等精神、参与精神、自治精神、宽容与妥协精神在很大程度上决定着民族地区民主政治建设的进程.  相似文献   

公共财政是国家权力公共化的基础,失去了公共财政的公共性,就不能保证国家权力的公共性,更不能确保国家权力仅用于提供公共服务。为此,必须确保公共财政体制具有正义品性、民主品质和法治品格。财政正义体现为国家与公民财产征收关系的合理、适度。财政民主就是政府依法按照民众意愿,通过民主程序,运用民主方式来理政府之财。财政法治要求遵循法律保留原则,实行财政法定。  相似文献   

Larry Diamond 《当代中国》2003,12(35):319-331
This paper assesses Pan Wei's proposal for a 'consultative rule of law system' for China, finding it a potentially important step along the path of political reform. China urgently needs political reform to deal with the rapidly mounting problems of corruption, abuse of power, financial scandals, rising crime and inequality, and declining legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party. A rule of law, with an independent judiciary and other autonomous institutions of horizontal accountability, is vital if China is to rein in these problems and deliver better, fairer, more transparent and effective governance. However, Pan Wei's proposed system goes only part of the way toward addressing the deficiencies of governance in China, and is therefore best viewed as a transitional framework. To work, horizontal accountability must be supplemented with and reinforced by vertical account ability, through competitive elections, which give local officials an incentive to serve the public good and enable bad officials to be removed by the people. Ultimately, I argue, China can only achieve adequate and enduring political accountability by moving toward democracy. Among the other issues addressed in the paper are the architecture and appointment of a system of horizontal accountability for China; the role of the Communist Party (or its successor hegemon) in a 'rule of law' system; and the timing and phasing of the transition to a rule of law.  相似文献   

协商民主:概念、缘起及其在中国的运用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20世纪90年代以来,西方民主理论出现了协商民主的转向,这个转向基本上是针对代议民主的缺陷而倡导公民直接参与公共事务的民主模式。协商民主虽然起源于西方,但在中国也有着广泛的运用空间。通过对其概念和缘起的分析不但可以理解其理论实质,也可以更好地理解它对中国民主政治发展的借鉴作用。  相似文献   


Recently, states have enacted teacher-carry laws. While controversial, little scholarship has tapped public attitudes toward such reforms. Because public opinion shapes policy, the public is an important stakeholder in this debate. Thus, we investigated three questions. First, how supportive is the public of arming teachers? Second, what demographic and social divides exist, if any, for reform approval? Finally, do crime-related perceptions, concerning views about public safety, and criminogenic influences shape policy preferences? We test these questions using a 2018 poll of Virginia residents (N = 521). Overall, approval for teacher-carry is split. Crime-related perceptions mediate some of the initial social and demographic divides in opinion but other correlates, such as parental status, remain salient predictors of views. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

党际协商民主是我国社会主义协商民主的重要形式.当前,我国党际协商民主主要存在协商制度不健全、协商意识不强、协商过程不够民主等问题,应通过完善协商制度、增强主动协商、推动民主协商等路径加以解决.  相似文献   

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