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莫洪宪 《法学家》2002,(2):117-120
高等法律教育是我国教育事业的一个重要组成部分,担负着为市场经济建设与民主法制建设培养高层次专业人才的重要任务.在更新教育观念,转变培养模式,强化能力培养的教育改革的形势下,作为大学法学院应该教给学生什么?我们不可能在有限的四年时间内教给学生今后一辈子所需的各种法律知识.况且法律变化频繁,知识更新快捷.学校教师传授知识固然重要,但更重要的是教给学生分析、辨别、创造知识的能力.  相似文献   

Conclusion The beginnings of foundational legal research require reflective access to the cultural dynamics which drive the social construction of legal reality. Such access is blocked by our naive immersion within commonsensical and policy-orientated attunements towards our experience of law.Since this very blockage is veiled by its own operation, a suspension of these standpoints is required. This allows us to begin to comprehend the way common sense institutes an ungrounded and superficial obviousness through a self-concealing and naively realistic interpretative schema. From here the positive character of foundational legal studies can itself emerge as the systematic interrogation of legal experience in relation to its what, how and forwhom structure. Foundational theorising is then redirected towards a more respectful and less exploitative relationship with the linguistic roots of our consciousness of law.I would like to thank Peter Goodrich for the useful comments made on the first draft of this article.  相似文献   

The state of defamation laws within the Commonwealth poses a significant threat to the right to freedom of speech, expression and information. Within the United Kingdom there is a growing movement for the reform of the procedural aspects of libel law following several high profile cases that have brought the public’s attention to a number of problems within existing libel law. 1 1 Significant concern surrounded the judgment in this case and the question of costs MGN Limited v the United Kingdom – 39401/04 [2011] ECHR 66 (18 January 2011). In Jamaica, criminal defamation laws are facing reform and the recommendations for change are continuing to make their way through the legislative process. The pernicious effects of libel actions are amplified within small jurisdictions and there is a serious danger that the crippling penalties on defendants as a result of such actions ‘chill’ free speech and stifle dissent. 2 2Guardian editorial, ‘Press freedom: The Singapore grip’ The Guardian (17 November 2010) <http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/nov/17/press-freedom-singapore-grip> The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) an independent NGO working for Human Rights in the Commonwealth, presented a paper to the 2010 Meeting of Law Ministers and Attorneys General of Small Commonwealth Jurisdictions (LMSCJ) on the human rights case for libel law reform in small jurisdictions. 3 3Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, ‘Overview of Media Freedom and Defamation: The Human Rights case for Libel Law Reforms in the Commonwealth’ (LMSCJ Paper, Commonwealth, Secretariat, Marlborough House, London). This paper was produced at the London officer of CHRI – written by Frederick Cowell with research assistance from Catherine Fischl, Alix Langrounat and Sirintiya Robberts. This is a summary of the research and the paper presented at the LMSCJ meeting. The basic findings were that the presence of criminal defamation laws on the statute books and procedural aspects of civil defamations laws posed a threat to the realisation of freedom of speech and CHRI put a series of recommendations to the delegates calling for reform in these areas.  相似文献   

As the legal profession begins in earnest to deploy digital technology in service and information delivery, greater numbers of law schools are including technology instruction in their curricula. The prospect of more lawyers with digital expertise, while a welcome development, amplifies a parallel imperative that new technology tools be designed to be responsive to evolving human needs. This paper argues that coupling technology instruction with training in human-centered design approaches offers legal educators a means of preparing lawyers not only able to generate novel technology solutions, but able to fundamentally improve legal institutions and programs through those results. The use of design pedagogies within legal education also provides educators and students with the opportunity to reimagine the law as a creative pursuit by exploring structured methods like empathy via observation, prototyping, and the embrace of failure, with learning outcomes that hold the potential to transform how lawyers approach their role. This paper concludes by detailing the insights the NuLawLab has gained in the application of design methodologies in the creation of digital legal resources, and the modifications we are adopting to the approach to produce better results for the legal sector.  相似文献   

Over the next decades, advances in technology and new business practices will challenge a traditionally conservative legal profession. With a focus on the Australian legal profession, this article explores the nature of the challenges and, in particular, considers whether the challenges pose a threat of disruptive innovation. The article aims to add to understanding of how Australian law firms are responding to the challenges by drawing on empirical data that examines the drivers and inhibitors of innovation in Australian law firms, the areas where Australian legal firms are innovating, and the outcomes of their innovation. The article concludes that there is limited evidence of incumbent displacement and that, gradually, the profession is rising to the challenges.  相似文献   

论法律推理的合法性要求   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
合法性是对司法审判活动的基本要求,在法律推理中同样如此。法律形式主义的合法性理论遭到了法律现实主义的否定,这两种理论都是以简化的法律推理模式为出发点的。本文指出,法律推理的合法性首先要求法律推理必须使用法律上的理由;其次还取决于当事人及其律师的合法参与以及社会对司法判决的一般性接受。  相似文献   

The role of speedy trial in state proceedings is empirically investigated for defendants in criminal homicide (N=444). Employing multiple regression techniques, an assessment is made of the relationship between the length of time involved in defendants' legal processing, their sociolegal status, and the final dispositions awarded by the court. The findings show that blacks and jailed defendants are processed more swiftly than their white and bailed counterparts. The consitutional guarantee of speedy trial also appears to be a state resource, in that cases adjudicated promptly result in higher conviction rates than those which are delayed. This is especially so for defendants who are not released on bail, and may be attributed to the prosecutorial success that accompanies the availability of witnesses whose memories are unclouded by time and the existence of a social climate that calls for retribution. While not related to postponement in the present study, it is suggested that the efforts of counsel in obtaining delay may become increasingly important with the adoption of the new federal guidelines.  相似文献   

法的模糊性是指法律元素具有的性质与类属不完全的特性。法律价值作为法律的重要要素具有模糊性,主要有两种表现:一是价值形态及其运用的模糊性;二是诸价值之间的关系具有模糊性。法律价值的模糊性是一切法的模糊性的根源。  相似文献   

生命法是生命法学的最基本概念。首当其冲 ,研究生命法学必须首先论述生命法之定义 ,否则 ,必将“盲人摸象”各言其是 ,使生命法学研究陷于混乱。   生命法概念的提出邓公平同志最早提出了“生命法”与“生命法学”这两个概念。在他主编的《医药卫生法学》一书【1】中 ,他写有“现代科学技术与生命立法”一章 ,其中第二节为“生命法的原则” ,第三节为“生命法的若干进展”。他指出 :“至今为止 ,有关生命科学的法律问题 ,人们总是把它纳入伦理的范畴。看来 ,这样的研究模式需要转变 ,因为它模糊了伦理与法律的界限 ,从而削弱了法律的权威…  相似文献   

对利益问题的法律解释   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
付子堂 《法学家》2001,(2):29-35
利益,是法学的一个重要范畴,它时刻拨动人的心弦,左右人的行为.法律规范人的行为主要是依靠人与人之间的利益抗衡即"他律"来实现.法律所体现的意志背后是各种利益.正如马克思所说:"法律应该以社会为基础.法律应该是社会共同的、由一定物质生产方式所产生的利益和需要的表现".①所谓利益,就是人们受客观规律制约的,为了满足自己生存和发展而产生的,对于一定对象的各种需求.离开利益关系,法律无从产生和存在;法律正是在对利益的控制中,体现其生命力,表明其自身的地位.  相似文献   

Focuses on the potential contributions that community psychology models can make to theory, research, and practice in the area of psychology and law. The author, in his presidential address to the American Psychology-Law Society, looks specifically at the criminal and juvenile justice systems and the impact that these systems, and law and policy more broadly, have on individuals. He argues that community psychology perspectives would help shift the focus away from the disproportionate and often incorrect emphasis that our system of justice places on individual deficit models and individual level interventions, and concludes that a community psychology approach would also reinforce efforts to promote prevention programs that in the long term might prove more effective in dealing with the problem of crime in our society.This article is a revised version of the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) Presidential Address, read at the American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, August, 1994. I want to thank Ray Corrado, Steve Hart, John Monahan, Jim Ogloff, Julian Rappaport, Dick Reppucci, Kathy Roesch, and Ed Seidman for their comments and feedback on earlier versions of this paper.Simon Fraser University.  相似文献   


THE CASE of R (Pretty) v. Director of Public Prosecutions, gave the House of Lords the opportunity to comment on the issues surrounding the application of the European Convention on Human Rights to the crime of assisted suicide in the case of the terminally ill. A conservative approach was taken in relation to both this issue and indeed in relation to the possibilities of judicial control of the Law Officers of the Crown.  相似文献   


AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LAW OF TRUSTS. By Simon Gardner. [Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1990. First Edition. 250 pp. £25.00 (hardback), £11.95 (paperback).]

EXPLAINING CONSTRUCTIVE TRUSTS. By Gbolahan Elias. [Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1990. First Edition. 177 pp. £25.00 (hardback).]

CHARLESWORTH &; PERCY ON NEGLIGENCE. By R. A. Percy. [Sweet &; Maxwell. Eighth Edition. 1,232 pp. incl. index. £135.00 (hardback).]

CLARITY FOR LAWYERS. By Mark Adler. [The Law Society. 1990. First edition. 128 pp. £10.00 (paperback).]

PLANNING LAW AND PROCEDURE. By A. E. Telling. [Butterworths. Eighth edition. 385 pp. incl. index. £16.95 (paperback).]

PRACTICAL APPROACH TO PLANNING LAW. By V. Moore. [Blackstone Press Ltd. Second edition. 401 pp. incl. index &; appendices. £19.95 (paperback).]

THE EVIDENCE OF CHILDREN. By J. R. Spencer and R. Fun. [Blackstone Press. 1990. 362 pp. £19.50 (paperback).]

CROSS ON EVIDENCE. By C. Tapper. [Butterworths. 1990. Seventh edition. 757 pp. £22.95 (paperback).]

EMPLOYMENT LAW. By C. J. Carr and P. J. Kay. [M. &; E. Handbook. Pitman Publishing. 1990. Fifth edition, xxiv &; 232 pp. (inc. index). £7.99 (paperback).]


A PARENTS’ GUIDE TO THE LAW. By Jeannie Mackie and Lesley Taylor [Penguin Books. 1990. 419 pp. (inc. index). £7.99 (paperback).]

A GUIDE TO INHERITANCE CLAIMS. By Nasreen Pearce. [Fourmat Publishing. 1989. 162 pp. £12.95 (paperback).]  相似文献   

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