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钟建平 《桂海论丛》2002,18(4):61-63
“法德并治”是适应有中国特色社会主义的新型治国理念 ,法律与道德的内在同一性和社会主义市场经济的发展为“法德并治”奠定了坚实的基础。积极推进有中国特色社会主义事业的发展 ,必须坚定不移地坚持这一新型的治国方略  相似文献   

去年以来,完全的市场经济地位问题已经成为国人共同关注的一个重大问题。与外国政府谈判,使其承认中国完全的市场经济地位当然非常重要。但是,我们更应该反省我们是否已经建立了完全的市场经济体制。本文认为,市民社会是市场经济的基础,没有发达的市民社会就不会有成熟的市场经济。所以,要彻底解决我国完全的市场经济地位问题,需尽快型塑具有中国特色的市民社会。  相似文献   

Jun Ma 《当代中国》1995,4(10):3-22
This paper looks at the impact of decentralization on China's market system. It is argued that as the Chinese central government relaxed its control over the economy through decentralization, local governments turned many of the transferred powers to restrict market competition. This paper proposes that an umbrella legislation of Interregional Commerce be enacted and a Fair Trade Commission be created to ensure that government policies at all levels be pro‐competition. As an institutional prerequisite, the government organizational reform should be extended to more sectors of the economy.  相似文献   

谭卫华  阎缨 《思想战线》2001,27(6):103-105
中国的现代化与传统文化有着千丝万缕的联系,现代化的启动有其特殊的文化背景;在现代化过程中,传统文化中的一些思想观念与现代市场经济运作要求相结合而显现出极大张力;全球化浪潮中,中国传统文化不仅要张扬民族文化个性,而且要在与西方文化的交流对话中,追求民族特质文化的魅力.  相似文献   

Dingxin Zhao 《当代中国》2001,10(28):427-444
Contrary to the earlier political upheavals which culminated in the 1989 Prodemocracy Movement, China has achieved an extended stability in the 1990s. This paper argues that the prolonged stability resulted from a set of changes in China's state‐society relations, and much of it was related to the 1989 movement. After the 1989 movement, the CCP veterans selected younger leaders who were both reform-minded and had a Machiavellian sense of politics. This new leadership skillfully managed the economy and contained dissident activities from public attention. Reform and the booming economy also provided many opportunities for intellectuals and students and turned them from the earlier economic 'losers' into the current 'winners'. As market forces penetrated into China more deeply and the state no longer took charge of everything as it used to, the Chinese became less interested in national politics, and political conflicts localized. This paper also argues that although China's state‐society relations underwent great changes, the state still bases its legitimacy on performance and is thus intrinsically unstable. A political reform that aims at changing the basis of state legitimation becomes crucial.  相似文献   

Zhou Yan 《当代中国》1998,7(17):103-123
This paper examines the brain drain that has prevailed Chinese universities since the beginning of 1990s. A case study on the impact of market economy on higher education has revealed that university teachers in the 1990s attend classes, teach, and are physically present on campus, but their real interests lie elsewhere, and most of their energy goes to other pursuits. Through the voices of university teachers, some changes in higher education have been discussed and causes to the new form of brain drain presented.  相似文献   

两岸农业贸易和投资协作之研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
过去较长时期台湾岛内民心或政治取向与经贸走向“相悖”。“相悖”是现象,“相符”是实质:由于不能依据市场规律、农业产品和要素比较优势差异建立实现双赢的合作机制,台湾中南部农民从与大陆经贸往来中受益不多。鉴于此,大陆应加强两岸农业贸易和投资协作,让利于台湾小农,扭转岛内关于“大陆农产品是造成台湾农业困境根本因素”的错误认识,彻底打破政经相悖的格局。本文提出:在尊重市场规律和借鉴现代发达经济扶持农业惯例的前提下,放开台湾优势农产品进入大陆市场;创造条件帮助台湾小农西进大陆创业,用其农业要素上的比较优势来抵消产品上的比较劣势。  相似文献   

Lei Guang 《当代中国》2001,10(28):471-493
The dramatic rise in China's rural-to-urban migration in recent years represents a sharp contrast to earlier decades when population movement was limited due to strict government control. This paper first traces the historical institutional conditions that prevented large-scale rural-to-urban migration in the 1960s and 1970s. It focuses on three interlocking mechanisms of control: urban employment policy; food rationing; and household registration, and explains the rationale behind these policies and their evolution into a system inhibiting peasant migration. It then analyzes the decline of these old institutions during the reform. The breakdown of these institutions, however, does not warrant the conclusion that the Chinese state has been sidelined in the migration process. By way of examining the rise of 'orderly migration' in recent years, the author shows that the Chinese state is deeply involved in the migration process. The author argues that 'orderly migration' represents an attempt by the state to reconstitute the historic rural‐urban divide in a new setting.  相似文献   

Hongyi Lai 《当代中国》2010,19(67):819-835
This article evaluates China's model of development, especially its main component, i.e. its model of governance. It suggests that China's model of development is marked by an imbalance between fast opening of the economy and the society and sluggish opening of the political system. The Chinese society has become much more open, reflected in the Chinese growing awareness of their legal rights. The Chinese economy has become highly internationalized and open, but much of Chinese politics is closed. China's governance is marked by pro-growth authoritarianism. The Chinese state is effective in opening up the economy, promoting reform, and generating economic growth, but offers weak protection of people's rights and ineffectual mitigation of social grievances. These imbalances help produce social protests. Viable solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

中国目前的社会公共安全体系已经不适应社会转型期市场经济和社会公众的要求 ,有效的体系是国家体制与公共服务体制的统一体 ,而市场化和社会化是当前公共安全工作发展的趋势。社会公共安全体系发展趋势应以我国社区治安为基础 ,发挥公众和社会组织的功能 ,重新整合公共安全要素 ,在中国公共行政制度创新的压力下 ,构建一个政府管理与公众参与相结合、社会化和市场化相结合的新型社会公共安全体系。  相似文献   

2004年台湾经济的态势分析与2005年展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年是民进党上台执政四年中台湾经济态势最好的一年,以当年价格计算,可达到中速经济增长。但是,这是台湾千万个企业家几十年来不断耕耘、不断改善、向上提升的结果,而不是台湾当局的政绩。当前,台湾经济仍然存在不少隐忧:政治动荡不已、财政赤字不断扩大、失业率虽有所下降但仍偏高不易解决、股市房产市场仍然不振、外来投资仍然负增长和民众信心不足等等。这必然影响2005年的经济发展,发展速度将低于2004年。  相似文献   

打击证券犯罪的价值选择与现实思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
像证券市场监管一样 ,打击证券犯罪同样面临着公平与效率的价值权衡 ,只不过打击证券犯罪不同于证监会的专门监管 ,它更侧重公平这一价值目标。界定证券犯罪的类型既要以刑法规范为标准 ,还要考虑证券市场的经济特征。我国的司法实践中 ,比较典型的操纵证券交易价格等犯罪已发生多起 ,已暴露出中国证券市场的诸多问题。对这些案件加以分析 ,可引起对刑事司法介入证券市场监管的多方面的现实思考。  相似文献   

财产权是公民的一项重要的权利,是政治社会的基础和目的所在.在宪法中规定公民的合法的私有财产不受侵犯,是宪法本质的必然体现,有利于公民基本人权的保障和实现,有助于发展社会主义市场经济,全面建设小康社会.  相似文献   

在成功的市场经济中,个体在经济交往中是选择公共秩序还是选择私立秩序进行治理,大体上依赖于交易的信息条件所导致的交易成本。但是在转型经济中,受原权力集中型计划经济体系的持续影响,一个很重要的特征就是不同经济个体在使用公共秩序时的机会和成本是不对等的,即在转型经济体中公共秩序和私立秩序是相分离的二元治理结构。本文试图对这种二元结构的特征进行一个归纳和分析,并在此基础上提出转型的瓶颈问题,同时对中国在转型过程中的特殊性进行重点剖析。  相似文献   

Though the reforms announced by the Chinese government in the spring of 1998 appear to be substantial and wide ranging, by themselves they may have little impact either on the effectiveness of government or on the performance of the state industries. Two outstanding problems are the structure and allocation of responsibilities within the government, and the excessive power of the state companies. The tasks of regulation and policy formulation in the energy sector should be clearly allocated in a simple administrative structure which specifically excludes any role for the state companies. The present structure of the state-owned energy industries is such that these companies have a great deal of power, not only in the market but also with respect to the government.  相似文献   

伦理本位是中国传统社会的一大特征 ,虽其中有超越历史的富有生命力的内容 ,但从整体上看 ,它是维护封建等级秩序的家族宗法伦理 ,其等级特权思想、依附观念等都与市场经济和现代化要求格格不入。走出伦理本位的传统 ,创建社会主义市场经济的法治伦理 ,这是建立市场经济公正秩序的需要 ,是现代市场经济的必然要求 ,也是对传统经济活动方式和与之相应的法制伦理观念的革命性改造。  相似文献   

Phillip Stalley 《当代中国》2009,18(61):567-590
How does participation in the global economy influence the pollution management practices of firms in a developing country? Research on trade and the environment leads one to anticipate that integration into the international economy should enhance domestic firm environmental behavior. Integration facilitates access to cleaner technology, exposes domestic firms to global norms of corporate environmentalism, and compels developing country firms to meet trading partners' environmental standards or risk losing market access. This article tests these propositions by exploring the environmental compliance of internationally oriented firms in China—a country whose rapid economic expansion and increasingly prominent role as a foreign investor have considerable implications for protection of the global environment. It finds that there is only modest market-induced enhancement of environmental performance among Chinese companies. In terms of their compliance with environmental law, Chinese firms with connections to the global economy are either no better than domestically oriented companies or, in the case of firms that export heavily, are worse.  相似文献   

Fawn Wang 《当代中国》1995,4(8):98-101
Counting only China's female population, China would still be the second most populous nation on earth. With the implementation of the “Open Door” policy and the introduction of a market economy, Chinese women will gain new opportunities and face unfamiliar obstacles. To adapt, they must be willing to reevaluate traditional roles, and meet these challenges head‐on. Chinese women can learn some from the spirit of western women in their struggle for equality. Like it or not, the reality of “China at the Turn of the Century” will demand changes. This article attempts to (1) draw attention to the changing status of women in China; (2) compare their emerging struggle to that of American women; (3) suggest that Chinese women adopt the spirit of western women to redefine themselves without losing their Chinese identity.  相似文献   

Weixing Hu 《当代中国》1996,5(11):43-56
Regionalism has become an interesting phenomenon in Asian international relations. Driven by fast growing trade and investment, Asian countries have developed variegated patterns of economic co‐operation and a complex level of interdependence among themselves. Although the growing Asian regionalism is very much an economics‐driven process, it has profound impacts on regional political organization. This analysis examines Beijing's changing attitudes toward Asian regionalism and its policy choice in the regional economic integration. It is argued that the integration of the Chinese economy into the regional structure is promoted by the government as well as driven by market dynamics. Although Beijing has let the Chinese economy develop into the regional ‘flying geese’ structure, the best policy choice for China, as many Chinese scholars have argued, would be a three‐circle strategy of integrating into the world economy and a strategy of ‘market for technology’ in regional economic co‐operation. This analysis also discusses the regional political obstacles impeding co‐operation across national borders. It is argued that healthy bilateral relations and more political will toward regional multilateralism on political issues would be instrumental for future regional prosperity and stablity in Asia.  相似文献   

孙跃纲 《桂海论丛》2010,26(3):50-53
从发展哲学的视角看,以人为本作为当代社会生活的核心理念,它的主体不应也不能局限在执政者的层面,而应该有三个层面:市民社会里的普通个人,市场经济中的公私企业,国家管理中的党和政府。其中普通个人、一般民众的以人为本自觉应该是整个社会以人为本实践的基本主体和重要基础。  相似文献   

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