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年鉴,是系统汇辑上一年度重要文献信息、逐年编纂并连续出版的资料性工具书.由于年鉴的性质和功能,年鉴大多为条目体,决定其条目的文体及文风.条目的记述文体与其它相近文体不同,而准确、简洁、质朴应为条目文风的要旨.  相似文献   

企业文化是经营管理层文化和职工文化的复合体。经营管理层文化和职工文化是互相合作、相互包容、构建和谐、共谋企业发展的关系;它们两者和,则企业兴;它们两者不和,则企业易衰。建设先进的企业文化,必须适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,注重不断凝练和吸收经营管理层和职工文化中先进的和积极健康的思想、信念、价值取向和精神状态。  相似文献   


Feminist research and activism have made a distinctive contribution to social studies of health and have also had a significant impact on public health policy. Gender is widely recognised as a key driver in the social determination of health and is a well-established category of analysis in fields such as the sociology of health. As a response to Broom, this article focuses on two ways in which feminist social science has complicated the understandings of gender and health which underlie much health policy and research. The first is the framework of intersectionality, which emphasises the interactions between different aspects of social identity and reveals the limitations of a singular or primary focus on gender in analysing experiences of health and ill-health. The second is the critical analysis of health as a regulatory ideal, prompted by the rise of the ‘new public health’ and its emphasis on individual responsibility for risk reduction. Together these critical insights reveal some of the tensions embedded in feminist goals such as improving women's well-being.  相似文献   

研究过度劳动的基本目的是为制定遏制过度劳动的公共政策提供依据,为此,不仅要基于医学的视角,还需要基于公共政策的视角审视过度劳动。研究分析了从原始社会、农业社会、工业社会到后工业社会历史演进中导致过度劳动的劳动生产率因素和制度因素,解释过度劳动的历史演变并探讨遏制过度劳动公共政策的着力点。研究认为,过度劳动的形成受劳动生产率和制度等因素的影响。一般来说,劳动者因追求效用最大化会在劳动生产率低下的条件下选择过度劳动,公共政策的干预既无必要,也难有作为,而因制度导致的过度劳动,公共政策才有一定的着力空间。  相似文献   

Journal of Youth and Adolescence - The task of identity development, which involves distinguishing who one is, and defining and articulating this to others, is a challenging developmental task for...  相似文献   

Self-esteem and delinquency   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cross-lagged panel correlation technique is used to examine whether self-esteem has a greater effect on delinquency than delinquency has on self-esteem. Analysis of a nationwide study of tenth-grade boys shows that self-esteem is the more powerful causal factor, even when initial levels of delinquency are held constant. This result, however, is found to be stronger in the lower class than in the upper class. These data are interpreted as lending greater support to Kaplan's theory of the self-enhancing nature of delinquent behavior than to the idea of reflected appraisals.The research reported in this article was funded by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (MH27747), which is gratefully acknowledged. The data and tabulations utilized in this article were made available (in part) by the Institute for Social Research Social Science Archive. The data were originally collected by Dr. Jerald G. Bachman, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan. Neither the original collector of the data nor the archive bears any responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here.This article is a revised version of a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, April 2, 1978.Received her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland and is interested particularly in the social influence on the self-concept.Received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and is interested in the structure and development of the self-concept.Received her Ph.D. from Stanford University. Current research interests are related to a longitudinal study of personality development.  相似文献   

Journal of Youth and Adolescence - People’s motivation to engage in studying and working is an important precursor of participation and attainment. However, little is known about how...  相似文献   

院校图书馆的建设水平的高低是院校水平的标志 ,是院校图书馆是综合性的知识信息库 ,系图书资料室是院校图书馆的分支和补充 ,是专业性的知识信息库。图书资料网络化是院校图书资料馆建设的方向。  相似文献   

公司并购是一种市场交易行为,在这种市场行为过程中,公司往往以追求经济利益最大化为目的而易于忽视或侵害公司职工权益。职工权益是公司整体利益的组成部分,切实维护职工权益,处理好公司与职工的关系是顺利开展公司并购活动、实现并购预期的重要环节。  相似文献   

Causal analysis of vulnerability aims to identify root causes of crises so that transformative solutions might be found. Yet root-cause analysis is absent from most climate response assessments. Framings for climate-change risk analysis often locate causality in hazards while attributing some causal weight to proximate social variables such as poverty or lack of capacity. They rarely ask why capacity is lacking, assets are inadequate or social protections are absent or fail. This contribution frames vulnerability and security as matters of access to assets and social protections. Assets and social protections each have their own context-contingent causal chains. A key recursive element in those causal chains is the ability – means and powers – of vulnerable people to influence the political economy that shapes their assets and social protections. Vulnerability is, as Sen rightly observed, linked to the lack of freedom – the freedom to influence the political economy that shapes these entitlements. In the Anthropocene, human causes of climate hazard must also now be accounted for in etiologies of disaster. However, attention to anthropogenic climate change should not occlude social causes of (and responsibility for) vulnerability – vulnerability is still produced in and by society.  相似文献   

Guys and Dolls     
The doll has become a figure for the objectification of women, especially in the form of the sex doll, which is routinely taken to be the image of the woman reduced to a condition of pure passivity. But the doll is also, and perhaps even predominantly, a means of ‘guying’ the putative man (the word ‘guy’ entering English with the burning of Guy Fawkes in effigy) and presenting the simplest possible idea of male desire in comically petrified form. Effigies of women indirectly figure the assumed fixation of male desire throughout post-classical European culture. This guying is a repeated feature of stories of the animation of female dolls and statues, from Ovid onwards, which regularly put male protagonists to a kind of mock death, or death by mockery. The author considers the anonymous poem Adollizing: Or, A Lively Picture of Adoll-Worship (1748) alongside the most celebrated instance of doll fetishism in twentieth-century art history—the doll that Oskar Kokoschka had made of his wife Alma Mahler after she left him. The author concludes with a discussion of the contemporary sexual cult of ‘living dolls’, in which men act out the fantasy not of owning, but being a female doll. Here, perhaps, the doll is not only adored as a substitute for some other real object, but is envied as what it is—that is, as a thing, with a thing's power of declining to be subjected to subjecthood. This passion for passivity suggests that there is something that intervenes between the he and she, with swelling erotic force: the it.  相似文献   

Neurotic depression is twice as common among women. This is a puzzle to medical and social science. In this article, genetic and hormonal explanations are considered as well as the problem of distinguishing body from mind. Environmental causes are considered from the viewpoint of epidemiology, psychoanalysis and sociology. Neurotic depression is viewed as the outcome of an excess of stresses over supports and related to a woman's marital status, class and occupation.In the doctor-patient relationship, the doctor has a privileged role in interpreting what is said, an interpretation which appears as scientific to some and as individual to others. For, in order for it to be meaningful in a personal exchange, language constantly refers back to symbols which have been historically and culturally generated and, in doing so, incorporates particular historical and cultural values. By subjecting doctors and their patients to invoking a particular ideology, language binds us and blinds us in an allusive search for reality.  相似文献   

美国工会是多元的,大约有1 00多个全国性工会,在规模、结构、经济来源、权利范围和政策主张等方面各不相同.劳联-产联于1955年合并而成,是全美最大的全国性工会联合会,在美国工会运动中占有举足轻重的地位.美国工会的主要工作是集体谈判、游说议员以影响立法和参与议员竞选.面对经济全球化,美国工会遇到力量分散、组建率和入会率较低等诸多问题,集体谈判也遇到了严峻挑战.  相似文献   

贫困学生问题是每个高等院校都存在的普遍问题。理清高等院校贫困学生的现状,完善高校助学体系,加强对贫困学生的思想教育,是解决高等学校贫困学生问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

It is no secret that when some marriages are consummated, the virginity of the bride is artificial. Enough young women to delight the gynaecologists with the relevant skills, resort to a minor operation on the eve of their wedding, in order to erase the traces of pre-marital experience. Before embarking on the traditional ceremonies of virginal modesty and patriarchal innocence, the young woman has to get a sympathetic doctor to wreak a magical transformation, turning her within a few minutes into one of Mediterranean man's most treasured commodities: the virgin, with hymen intact sealing a vagina which no man has touched.Curiously, then, virginity is a matter between men, in which women merely play the role of silent intermediaries. Like honour, virginity is the manifestation of a purely male preoccupation in societies where inequality, scarcity, and the degrading subjection of some people to others deprive the community as a whole of the only true human strength: self- confidence. The concepts of honour and virginity locate the prestige of a man between the legs of a woman. It is not by subjugating nature or by conquering mountains and rivers that a man secures his status, but by controlling the movements of women related to him by blood or by marriage, and by forbidding them any contact with male strangers.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to explain the development of capitalism in Eritrea and Kenya from a labour history perspective. Indeed, the assumption in this research is that capitalism can only be explained by taking into consideration free wage labour as one of the sine qua non conditions for the existence of the capitalist mode of production. Therefore, the article looks at the paradigmatic socio-economic shifts: from unfree to free labour, from free to precarious labour and from unfree to precarious labour. These are the result of the complicated relationship that exists between capital and labour. The point of departure of the analysis is the Nieboer-Domar hypothesis on the structural origins of slavery, which despite severe criticism, it has been largely remained unchallenged until the present. In Eritrea, colonised by Italy, and Kenya, colonised by England, free wage labour fully developed between the nineteenth and twentieth century. This could be considered the era of the advent of capitalism, with the advent, for a fraction of the working population, of labour relations based on wages. The precarisation of life of free wage workers is also partially analysed in this article.  相似文献   

《高校毕业生就业协议书》的法律性质及其完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《高校毕业生就业协议书》是我国就业体制从计划经济体制向市场经济体制过渡过程中,对高校毕业生就业的一种管理方式,是介于国家分配(派遣)和市场寻找(劳动合同)之间的一种特殊产物。由于对就业协议的法律性质和责任承担尚无立法上的明确规定,导致就业协议在实践中产生诸多问题,因此必须对就业协议进行完善使之与劳动合同合二为一,直至取消就业协议。  相似文献   

人力资本与教育投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本在经济发展中具有十分重要的作用 ,它是经济发展的根本性因素。人力资本的重要来源是教育投资 ,人力资本质量的高低也取决于教育投资的数量和质量。因此 ,增加教育投入 ,提高人口质量 ,建立有中国特色的教育体系是一项十分重要而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

社会保障制度的完善与劳动者权益保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会保障是我国公民的一项基本权益,社会保障制度的完善对于劳动者权益保护有着重大的意义.由于社会经济发展历史背景不同等多种因素的影响,我国劳动者社会保障权益缺失在一定程度上还很严重,这对经济社会产生了不良影响,因此,亟需在经济全球化和经济社会转型的背景下完善社会保障制度,维护劳动者社会保障权益.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the fact that women and men belong to two different cultures. Concerning sport participation, there exists a double standard in the way girls and boys are socialized into sport. As a result, sport has never played an important part in many women's lives. This is illustrated by data from different empirical studies that have been done in Norway during recent years.In discussing the future development of women's sport, three approaches are discussed: (1) when women become more and more like men, (2) when women preserve and develop what has been defined as typical female characteristics and activities, and (3) when the androgynous person becomes the normative objective. The author demonstrates that the development so far is the one mentioned in the first point. This is equality on men's terms. The advantage of such a development is questioned. The ideology of society today, which also is reflected in the world of sport, has to be changed. As a consequence, sport should be humanized. It is therefore necessary that women and the central values in women's culture become a strong influence on the development of sport.  相似文献   

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