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Negative physical and verbal interactions occurring between early adolescents and their closest-spaced sibling were examined. Two hundred forty-four junior high school students provided information concerning their experiences as victims and perpetrators of aggressive and agonistic behaviors. Results confirm earlier studies' findings that siblings engage in numerous hostile interactions and that females and males perform these behaviors to an almost equal extent. Participants' self-reports suggest that parents may underestimate sibling use of physical force to resolve conflicts. Findings indicate there is further need to examine sibling interactions in order to better understand family functioning and family violence.  相似文献   

The constitutional imagination refers to the way we have been able to conceive the relationship between thought, text and action in the constitution of modern political authority. The lecture seeks to demonstrate how modern constitutional texts come to be invested with a ‘world‐making’ capacity. The argument is advanced first by explaining how social contract thinkers have been able to set the parameters of the constitutional imagination (thought), then by showing that constitutions are agonistic documents and their interpretative method is determined by a dialectic of ideology and utopia (text), and finally by examining the degree to which constitutions have been able to colonise the political domain, thereby converting constitutional aspiration into political reality (action). It concludes by suggesting that although we seem to be entering a constitutional age, this is an ambiguous achievement and whether the power of the constitutional imagination can still be sustained remains an open question.  相似文献   

An accurate assessment of the biting shark size is paramount for better understanding the agonistic behavior of a species toward humans. The gray reef shark is involved in many accidental bites. Based on the capture of 35 gray sharks, we calculated the algorithm that allows the assessment of the shark size, through the interdental distance (IDD) inferred from teeth marks on human wounds. Our results show a negative allometric relationship and that IDD calculated from imprints perpetrated by the upper jaw are globally similar with those from the lower jaw, in spite of heterodonty. We applied our findings to two cases of accidental bites by this species. Both of the victims had declared that the shark length was “at least 2 m”. Based on our algorithm, the assessment of the shark TL was approx. 180 and 160 cm, respectively, which correspond to an overestimation of ≥20% by the victims.  相似文献   

This article examines the emergence of the Nyāya distinction between vāda and jalpa as didactic-scientific and agonistic-sophistical forms of debate, respectively. Looking at the relevant sutras in Gautama’s Nyāya-sūtra (NS 1.2.1-3) in light of the earlier discussion of the types of debate in Caraka Saṃhitā 8, the article argues that certain ambiguities and obscurities in the former text can be explained on the hypothesis that the early Nyāya presupposed an agonistic understanding of vāda similar to what we find in Caraka.  相似文献   

NICOLE RAFTER 《犯罪学》2010,48(2):339-355
Two recent American Society of Criminology presidential addresses have identified as a key problem the fact that criminology lacks a history. In this address, I ask why criminology (in contrast to closely related fields) has generated so few studies of its past; I also identify some results of this failure and discuss why intellectual fields need a sense of their origins and development. History molds individual and collective identities; it lays a foundation for sociologies of knowledge; it encourages reflexivity, teaches us where our ideas came from, and gives us a sense of where we are going. To encourage historical work, I propose an overall framework for understanding the evolution of criminology, reaching back to the late eighteenth century and continuing into the present. My overall framework is that of scientific modernism, within which I identify the following three primary phases: exploratory modernism, confident modernism, and agonistic modernism. In conclusion, I suggest ways to stimulate histories of science in the field of criminology.  相似文献   

Abstract: The twin concepts of constitutionalism and democracy, which offer a complex template for the structural organisation of a polity, can be understood in terms of a dialectic of complementary but competing values, values represented by responsiveness to an existing order and innovation towards a potentially new order. Recognising this necessarily dynamic relationship, an essentialist reading of a constitutionalisation of the demos is abandoned, and an examination of the extent to which the dialectic can credibly or legitimately be played out in a supranational ‘community’ and in the context of an emerging transnational civil society can be undertaken. Rather than seeking credibility or legitimacy through the rationalisation of a community by an ethical consensus as in some forms of republicanism and communitarianism, the dialectic opens up the norms and boundaries of the polity and leads to an understanding of the ‘community’ in less rigid and more diffuse, even plural, terms. Once understood in this way the possibility emerges for legitimacy to be pursued through a public sphere enlarged by a context‐transcending constitutional discourse mediated by transnational civil society. Alternatively the normative ‘openness’ of the polity might be prioritised and with it the uncertainty/fluidity of the constitutional arrangement itself; in this way the legitimate pursuit of constitutionalism is understood in terms of a never‐ending agonistic struggle or experimental practice.  相似文献   

I advance a narrative theory of restorative justice-practice – more specifically a narrative theory of community conferencing practice. I contend that positioning theory, a particular type of narrative theory, enhances the understanding of how community conferencing works. I argue that positioning theory offers a significant advancement of the current theories of community conferencing practice – affect theory and the theory of reintegrative shaming. In order to make this argument, I provide a brief history of the development of the practice of community conferencing, followed by a discussion of the current predominant theories of community conferencing practice. Then, I discuss the value of narrative theory, with a specific focus on the utility of positioning theory. Finally, I apply positioning theory to an understanding of community conferencing practice and suggest areas for future investigation of the utility of the theory.  相似文献   

民事诉权论纲   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李龙 《现代法学》2003,25(2):84-91
诉权是当事人因民事实体权利义务关系发生争议或者处于不正常的状态 ,从而请求法院予以裁判解决的权利。诉权与诉讼标的是联系非常紧密的一对概念 ,诉权学说与诉讼标的学说更是迈着同样的理论发展脚步 ;诉权学说经历了从私法诉权说到公法诉权说 ,再到诉权否认说的三个阶段 ,实际上每一种诉权学说都存在着明显的缺陷 ,一种完美的诉权学说至今仍然没有出现 ,但是公法诉权说的一些观点已经成为世界大陆法系主要国家的通说 ;诉权必须具备程序上和实体上的要件 ,否则诉权便不能正常行使和切实实现。  相似文献   

从归因到归责:客观归责理论研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
客观归责理论是德国刑法学在因果关系理论基础上发展起来的学说,旨在解决客观上的可归责性问题。归因与归责的区别在于:归因是一个事实问题,通过因果关系理论解决;归责是一个评价问题,通过客观归责理论解决。客观归责理论所确立的有关规则,对犯罪构成的客观要素进行实质审查,从而使犯罪构成论更加合理化。我国有必要对客观归责理论加以借鉴。  相似文献   

董泽史 《时代法学》2013,11(1):38-46
自然主义的犯罪论体系是既无评价对象又无评价标准的“无体无层”的体系,存在论的犯罪论体系是评价对象与评价标准不分的“体、层不分”的体系,规范论的犯罪论体系是只有评价标准没有评价对象的“有层无体”的犯罪论体系,组合式的犯罪论体系是“体、层矛盾”的犯罪论体系,诸种体系皆为不当。事实与价值绝对二分论、一体论必须向相对二分论“温和”转向。犯罪论体系应建构评价对象与评价标准相对二分的“一体四层”的体系。  相似文献   

姜丽 《行政与法》2014,(1):73-77
麦金太尔正义理论立足西方伦理传统,通过批判新自由主义正义理论,构建了一种德性正义和社群主义正义理论.他认为,正义的规则总是以一定的道德观念为基础,正义受历史传统的制约,正义是对社群的共同善的共识.麦金太尔也曾是一位马克思主义者,他的正义理论既受到马克思主义的影响,但又有本质区别,我们在肯定麦金太尔正义理论具有一定理论合理性的同时,运用马克思主义的立场和方法对其进行分析后发现,麦金太尔正义理论又不可避免地带有自身的局限性.  相似文献   

性别形成和差异的社会认知理论述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
性别形成的理论主要有心理分析理论、认知发展理论、性别图式理论和社会认知理论,性别形成的社会认知理论是对性别形成和差异的合理解释。社会认知理论整合了心理因素和社会文化决定因素,认为性别概念和性别角度是广泛的社会网络相互作用的结果。人类的进化提供了身体结构和生物潜能,即可能性,而不是固定的性别差异模式。人们对自身发展的贡献和带来的社会变迁通过相互关系、相互影响的能力活动构成了性别关系。  相似文献   

马玮  张伟 《行政与法》2005,(12):34-36
行政法的理论基础问题一直是一个备受关注的问题。政府法治论作为行政法理论基础的一种学说有着丰富的内容。作为一个尚处于提出和初步论证阶段的理论,“政府法治论”在不断完善后,必将成为一个日益成熟且具影响力的学说。  相似文献   

Atria  Fernando 《Law and Philosophy》1999,18(5):537-577
This article deals with the relation between a theory of law and a theory of legal reasoning. Starting from a close reading of Chapter VII of H. L. A. Hart's The Concept of Law, it claims that a theory of law like Hart's requires a particular theory of legal reasoning, or at least a theory of legal reasoning with some particular characteristics. It then goes on to say that any theory of legal reasoning that satisfies those requirements is highly implausible, and tries to show that this is the reason why not only Hart, but also writers like Neil MacCormick and Joseph Raz have failed to offer a theory of legal reasoning that is compatible with legal positivism as a theory of law. They have faced a choice between an explanation of legal reasoning that is incompatible with the core of legal positivism or else strangely sceptical, insofar as it severs the link between general rules and particular decisions that purport to apply them.  相似文献   

公司契约理论为我们认识公司法和一系列公司制度提供了新的视角。以公司契约理论来解读我国公司法律制度,我们可知,我国公司法应属于私法,以授权性、任意性规范为主;公司治理的理论基础应该是契约自由;作为对契约"缝隙"的弥补,司法对公司运作应是有限介入。  相似文献   

RALF POSCHER 《Ratio juris》2009,22(4):425-454
The theory of principles is multifaceted. Its initial expression contained an important argument against positivist theories of adjudication. As a legal theory, it fails in its effort to claim a structural difference between rules and principles. It also fails as a methodological theory that reduces adjudication to subsumption or balancing. It misunderstands itself when it is conceived as a doctrinal theory especially of fundamental rights. Its most promising aspect could be its contribution to a more comprehensive theory of legal argumentation.  相似文献   

证明责任与不适用规范说——罗森贝克的学说及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李浩 《现代法学》2003,25(4):81-86
本文着重探讨了民事诉讼中当事人负担客观证明责任的缘由。文章认为,与"拟制说"相比,罗森贝克的"不适用规范说"对缘由的解释简明扼要,通俗易懂。另一方面,实体法作为裁判规范,其适用是与要件事实的可证明性相关联的,要件事实真伪不明时,未必一定需要拟制这一中间环节。因此,"不适用规范说"不失为一种有力的学说,对我国民诉理论与审判实务具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

刑法中的客观归责理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客观归责理论是目前德国刑法学界研究的时尚理论.根据该理论,如果行为制造了危及行为客体而为法所不容许的风险,并且这个风险实现了构成要件的结果,那么这种由人的行为所导致的结果是可归责的.客观归责理论是一个正处于发展之中的理论,其所开创的新的诠释方法对犯罪理论具有积极意义,但其本身也存在着一些难以克服的问题.研究这一理论,对我国刑法理论的研究具有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

新行为无价值论的中国展开   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周光权 《中国法学》2012,(1):175-191
对于在犯罪论体系中处于重要地位的实质违法性论问题,有重视"恶果"的结果无价值论和重视"通过‘恶行’造成‘恶果’"的(二元的)行为无价值论的对立,但我国刑法学界对这两种理论的研究尚未充分展开。合理的违法性论应该考虑某种身体动静如何通过对行为规范的违反造成法益损害,以建立一种"新行为无价值论"。这个意义上的(二元)行为无价值论不会使处罚范围扩大化,不会侵犯人权;同时,仍然坚守客观违法性论立场,不会混淆违法和责任的界限。新行为无价值论能够将犯罪论和刑罚论有机地统一起来,肯定刑罚积极的一般预防目的,也与我国当前的社会发展状况、立法倾向、司法实务相契合。  相似文献   

生涯混沌理论是20世纪末期产生的一种生涯心理学理论.生涯混沌理论认为,生涯心理是一种动态开放的复杂系统,具有分形特征的静态结构;其变化过程是非线性的,对初始条件有敏感依赖性,但在复杂的变化中蕴含着可把握性;在生涯心理辅导中,该理论主张采取以叙事为主的方法.与经典的生涯心理学理论相比,生涯混沌理论日益显示出它的理论和应用价值,可弥补经典生涯心理学理论之不足.  相似文献   

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