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贯彻执行修改后的《工会法》 ,首先要明确其贯彻执行的意义和新增修的主要内容 ,同时要切实维护职工的合法权益。在当前和今后一段时期重点加强五项工作 :一要依法加大维权力度 ,进一步调动职工的积极性 ;二要加强工会组织建设 ,定出两个重点 ;三要加强“四有”职工队伍建设 ,引导职工为企业改革发展贡献聪明才智 ;四要注重为职工办实事 ,增强企业的向心力和凝聚力 ;五要主动接受各级党委领导 ,积极支持行政工作 ,为推进改革、促进发展、维护稳定发挥工会组织应有的作用  相似文献   

韩炳哲将过度化生产、超负荷劳作和数字信息大爆炸所造成的个体疲乏与困倦的当代社会称为“倦怠社会”。倦怠社会是一个功绩社会、积极社会而非懒惰社会、消极社会,工作积极主义成为个人的精神政治学,自我加速和自我施暴成为倦怠社会成功的关键。在倦怠社会,自我精神暴力疾病日益突出,积极消费、娱乐主义成为化解倦怠的至上之选。然而,倦怠社会的劳动美学却表现出三种困境:作为整体存在论的劳动美学与作为个体生存论的劳动倦怠之困,作为技术决定论的劳动美学与作为自我生成论的劳动观念之困,神圣时间下的倦怠社会的时间辩证法之困。只有通过树立马克思主义的生活观和劳动观,弱化自我加速和功绩主体的定位,防止数字劳动的畸形,主动建构抵消数字资本、技术平台牵制的生活模式,回归美好生活的实质,才能构建劳动美和生活美。  相似文献   

人与世界具有三层关系 :意识关系、支配关系和权利关系。在意识关系 (主体与客体的关系 )中 ,主体与客体互为前提 ,相互渗透 ,意识关系不具有排他性。在支配关系(支配主体与支配客体的关系 )中 ,支配一方面是主体对客体片面的必然性的扬弃 ,另一方面也是客体对主体片面的必然性的扬弃。在权利关系 (权利主体与权利客体的关系 )中 ,法通过对个别意志的肯定和否定使主体拥有了支配的自由和可能 ,使支配主体的支配具有了随意性和排他性 ,使支配被划分为合法的支配和非法的支配。这种对个别意志的肯定和否定的统一 ,支配的自由与可能的统一 ,进行支配的随意性与排他性的统一 ,就是权利  相似文献   

加强劳动教育意义重大,关系到中国共产党的执政基础和民心向背,关系到学生的身心健康、 成长成才和正确价值观的形成,关系到人的全面发展和国家的未来。在马克思共同体视域下,劳动教育体现了 人与自然和谐共生、人与人和谐共处、人与社会和谐共存的关系。研究认为,当前劳动教育存在家庭教育错位、 学校教育缺位、社会教育低位等方面的掣肘,其内在原因是未能正确认识人与自然、人与人、人与社会之间的 辩证统一关系。研究建议:从构建共同体劳动教育理念、完善劳动教育课程体系、落实劳动实践育人功能等方 面着手,切实推进劳动教育,促进人的全面发展。  相似文献   

就业结构不断优化是经济社会高质量发展的应有之义,也是更充分更高质量就业的实现途径。我国服务业就业规模不断增加,生活性服务业就业发展迅速,服务业就业偏离度总体上保持平稳下降且维持在较低水平,服务业的产业结构与就业结构的协调基础较好。然而,由于一些县域发展服务业动力不足、个体就业意愿不强等原因,我国服务业就业仍然面临发展不充分、不平衡问题,需要从供给侧和需求侧进一步扩大服务业就业。对此,一是进一步推进政策改革和制度创新,转变服务业就业国际逆差;二是进一步完善服务业行业管理体制,切实加强服务业行业标准、行业规范建设和对外开放;三是加强宣传引导,树立新型就业观念;四是做实服务业人才培养培训;五是加强就业创业保障力度,有效化解失业风险。  相似文献   

对1946-1948年间扎赉诺尔煤矿工会筹建、改组、合并,最终化入地方政权体制的过程进行考察,在国家与社会互动的分析框架下,发现该工会在这一特殊时期具有典型的法团主义结构特征。工会组织及其活动在地方政权与基层社会以及政府与工人之间具有中介、协调作用,使以煤矿工人及家属为主体成员的基层社会达到了社会治理、社会保障、社会动员的效果,对地方政权过渡、社会转型和地方经济发展影响深远。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):95-110
The 1987–88 strike at International Paper's Androscoggin Mill in Jay, Maine severed a longstanding ‘social contract’ where workers and community residents tolerated the mill's air and water pollution in return for good-paying jobs and a robust local economy. This article traces the development of environmental consciousness among union workers and community residents during the strike and their efforts to protect the environment from the pollution of the mill. The union publicized environmental problems at the mill and the state's failures to regulate pollution when the strike began. After a series of environmental accidents during the strike, including a massive chlorine dioxide gas leak that threatened the safety of the town, Jay residents formed a community environmental organization and pressured the company and the state to close the mill. The environment remained an important issue after the strike, as labor and environmental activists joined forces to uphold a municipal ordinance that allowed the town to enforce state and federal environmental laws. This article studies how labor and environmental politics converged on a local level and also explores the broader themes of the conflict between job prosperity and environmental protection in industrial communities, labor and environmental movement alliances, and the current issues surrounding the ‘green economy’.  相似文献   

着眼改革开放以来党和国家事业、工人运动和工会工作不同阶段,运用翔实史料全面客观反映工会调研工作的发展变化,对进一步推进工会理论与实践的创新发展具有重要意义。本文以工会调研工作为研究对象,结合改革开放时代背景,按照不同的历史阶段,以党和国家重大事件、工会重点工作为主线,对中国工会九大以来工会调研工作的发展历程、主要成效、经验特点和问题不足进行了梳理,并立足新形势新任务,对加强和改进工会调研工作进行了展望,提出了总体要求和重点任务。  相似文献   

Unlike the majority of the major female authors of the Victorian period, Elizabeth Gaskell was a mother, and her understanding of motherhood was one of the defining preoccupations of both her life and her fiction. In her lively and intimate letters to her four daughters, Gaskell provides a fascinating insight into mid-Victorian motherhood. ‘Conscientious and well-informed’, frank and self-reflexive, Gaskell's letters reflect the social and intellectual ferment of the period and shed light on some of the most pressing issues faced by mothers of the period, including the psychological development and education of children, the Victorian crises of religious schism and unbelief, and the rise of feminism.  相似文献   

我国已建立多层次保障职业健康和防治职业病的规制体系,其具体进路主要表现为劳动者权益保护日益增强、用人单位责任进一步强化、便捷高效原则更加突出、职业病防治监管主体多次转变。四条进路之间呈现既相互联系又相互区别的辩证统一关系,表明我国职业病防治重点解决职业病诊断、鉴定及追责之困境,已将劳动者权益置于首位,摆脱了法律工具禁锢,而转向权益保障的价值目标。展望未来,尚可从匹配职业病诊断和鉴定机构的管辖级别、设立职业病鉴定中的听证程序、持续推行高效便民原则及实现对职业卫生监管直接责任人员的监察整合等方面进一步优化。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,在习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的系列重要讲话中,多次强调要坚 持弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神。认真领会劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神的科学内涵以及它们之间的 逻辑关系,对于实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦、增强文化自信和全面提升我国产业工人队伍整体素质有着重 大的理论价值和现实意义。劳模精神和劳动精神是整体和部分的关系,劳模精神和工匠精神是外力和内力的关系, 劳动精神和工匠精神是共性和个性的关系。总之,劳动精神,工匠精神,劳模精神存在逐步递进的逻辑。劳动 精神是成为人的精神,工匠精神是成为更加优秀的人的精神,劳模精神则是成为影响别人的人的精神。  相似文献   

Gender,identity and experience: Researching marginalised groups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article will examine the status of the researcher when conducting research with Gypsy families and Asian women. It will explore how the positioning of the researcher as an outsider and insider can affect the research relationship and can be a useful and privileged position from which to engage in the research process. Gender, identity and experience can create a shared empathy and a shared understanding between the respondent and the researcher in which trust and rapport can encourage respondents to open up and discuss their personal experiences. The article also examines the complexities and tensions associated with how the status and identity of the interviewer can affect the research relationship and how an appreciation of difference is fundamental to this process.  相似文献   

青年是民族的希望,是党和国家事业的建设者和接班人,引导青年把社会主义核心价值观内化为心、外化为行是基层共青团组织整合青年价值观的职责和目标。在新的历史条件下,面对各种挑战,基层共青团组织应确立以服务青年为导向的工作理念,深入研究青年成长发展需要,推进基层共青团组织机构改革与职能转变,整合服务青年的社会资源,努力在服务青年中实现对青年价值观的整合,从而推动共青团组织的政治目标和中国梦的实现。  相似文献   

稳定制造业就业是实现更充分更高质量就业、实现劳动者体面劳动和全面发展的关键一环,是强化就业优先政策的基本方略和重要举措.近年来制造业就业总量和就业比重双下降,重要原因是工资待遇偏低和劳动年龄人口负增长.经济转型升级促进制造业就业需求增加、就业质量提高,但是也带来了结构性分化问题,部分地区和行业失业风险加剧.目前,制造业...  相似文献   

新形势下的高校工会 ,在特定的环境中 ,应摆正思想政治工作位置 ,抓住理想信念核心 ,围绕党的中心任务 ,增强政治敏锐性。根据高校特点 ,因地、因人、因事、因时地开展思想政治工作 ,牢牢把握思想政治工作主动权  相似文献   

Three studies that evaluate the reliability and validity of the Extended Version of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (Adams and Grotevant, 1983) are reported. In Studies 1 and 2, college students in Texas and Utah, respectively, completed the identity measure, the Extended Range Vocabulary Test, and the Crowne-Marlowe Social Desirability Scale and released achievement results from their college records. The identity measure was found to have acceptable reliability (both internal consistency and test-retest) and validity (content, factorial, discriminant, and concurrent). In Study 3, scale scores from the objective identity measure correlated in the predicted pattern with ratings of identity exploration and commitment made from the Ego Identity Interview. Although the objective measure is not intended to replace the interview, it would appear to be useful in a number of situations where administration of the interview is impractical.We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Dan Tousley in the data collection and data analysis phases of this research. Data collection and analyses for Study 3 were provided by grants from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the University of Texas Research Institute, and the University of Texas Institute of Human Development and Family Studies to Harold D. Grotevant and Catherine Cooper, Co-Principal Investigators.Study 2 was supported by the W144 regional research grant on The Development of Social Competency in Children with funding from the United States Department of Agriculture and the Utah State University Agricultural Experiment Station, directed by Gerald Adams.Received Ph.D. in child psychology from the University of Minnesota. Research interests concern the contribution of family relationships to personality and identity development in adolescence.Received Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University. Research interests include adolescent social and personality development.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(2):136-155
The outbreak of the 15M or indignado movement in Spain in 2011 was the biggest episode of social unrest since the end of the Transition in the 1970s. Its emergence caught the political parties, media, trade unions and the most important community-based organisations and pre-existing social movements off guard. It targeted those who were identified as responsible for the recession and how it was handled – politicians and bankers –, and represented a global criticism of the existing political system and institutional framework. The 15M was not a youth movement, but a general movement criticising the current economic model, though it did have a large youth component in its initial stages. It was plural and diverse, and a wide broad spectrum of criticism and degrees of radicality and political awareness coexisted in the squares and camps. In general terms, the links between the indignados and the labour movement were weak and marked by mutual mistrust. The 15M movement was a milestone in the political trajectory of Spain and opened up a regime crisis that would deepen thereafter.  相似文献   

2021 年,中国正式实施三孩政策,并提出要完善三孩政策配套措施。由于我国女性就业率居世 界前列,三孩政策下企业用工成本上升与女职工生育保护之间的矛盾将会更加突出。基于全国工作场所产假及 哺乳期女职工权益保护问卷调查数据和深度访谈资料,本研究在系统梳理国内外工作场所生育保护相关法律制 度的基础上,对深度访谈和调查问卷加以呈现和分析,并对完善我国产假和哺乳制度及其配套设计提出政策建 议:在全社会植入生育保护的理念;全面评估和改善我国的生育假期制度;发挥政府、雇主和工会三方机制作用, 落实工作场所生育保护;适应女职工哺乳需求,创新工作场所哺乳保护。  相似文献   

关于基层工会工作定位的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基层工会是工会的组织基础、工作基础和全部战斗力的基础。在基层工会组织工作中,要贯穿一条思想主线,全面贯彻"三个代表"重要思想;抓住一个根本任务,为全面建设小康社会而奋斗;落实一个根本方针,全心全意依靠工人阶级;突出一个根本职责,代表和维护职工的合法权益;依托一个重要载体,深入开展建设职工之家活动。  相似文献   

中国共产党将劳模精神纳入党的精神谱系中,在主体形态、价值形态基础上发展出劳模精神的政党形态,实现了劳模精神与马克思主义政党精神的双向互嵌与内在联结。本研究从历史发生学视角对中央苏区时期劳模运动历史情境进行回溯与分析。研究认为,劳模精神与苏区精神、井冈山精神同根同源,都是由同一社会历史场景型塑而成的精神标识和精神样态。更为关键的是,中国共产党将马克思主义劳动政治理论同中央苏区劳动生产和政治革命实践有机结合起来,推进马克思主义劳动观的中国化再造和话语创新,构建出中央苏区劳模精神,成为中国共产党精神谱系中第一个以劳动为主题的精神符号。劳模精神是共产主义劳动伦理的生动写实,它与马克思主义政党精神和中国共产党政治文化高度一致,是中国共产党组织群众、引导群众的强大精神力量。  相似文献   

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