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我国劳动争议中的“一裁终局”制度,是我国的《劳动争议阔解仲裁法》在基本维持传统“一裁两审· 处理机制的基础上,具有原创性的制度设计。但该制度的实际执行效果并未完全达到立法者的预期。司法实践中适用 “一裁终局”存在诉权受限面临法理质疑、劳动仲裁公信力不足,一裁终局实际执行效果不理想等问题,亟待解决。因 此,统一对一裁终局适用范固的理解、扩大劳动争改一我终局的适用范固、完善我国劳动仲裁监督机制等成为解决此 间题的合理方案。  相似文献   

预告期作为劳动者辞职或用人单位预告解雇的期限,其性质的阐明关乎实践中诸多问题的厘清。在肯定预告解除权为形成权的同时,认可预告期"始期说"的内在性质,在"程序说"与"条件说"的外在性质辨析,在法律、集体合同、劳动合同关于预告期规定的选择中不囿于现有学说,在适当倾斜保护劳动者利益以及增强劳动力市场灵活性的同时,提出区分预告解除主体,根据具体情况分别适用。  相似文献   

马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质。邓小平理论的形成和发展是一个不断冲破旧的思想观念体制束缚的过程,是一个在全新的社会主义建设实践上不断创新的理论创造过程,是一个不断把握和顺应时代发展潮流的过程。邓小平理论是马克思主义发展史上与时俱进的典范。  相似文献   

马克思主义的整体性是其内在逻辑结构的外部延伸,诠释马克思主义整体性必须内在于马克思主义的构建过程和逻辑结构。劳动范畴是马克思、恩格斯关于劳动问题的总体看法和根本观点,含蕴着马克思主义的逻辑整体。劳动范畴的科学化是马克思主义理论体系生成过程的缩影,成为马克思、恩格斯剖析人类社会演进问题的主线。劳动范畴的理论图景是马克思主义逻辑结构的映像,是连接马克思主义各个理论模块的枢纽。因而,劳动范畴是马克思主义的逻辑内核,为呈现马克思主义整体性的内在结构提供了新视角。  相似文献   

This article attempts an analysis of the problems of social participation by non‐peasants in agricultural production and of the pattern of domination they shaped over the peasants. The historical context of this analysis is the Indian province of Bengal in the late eighteenth century. The problematics of non‐peasant participation and domination are historically important in as much as they focus attention upon the wider class basis of agricultural production and the nature of commercialisation in the economy. This essay also seeks to provide a critique of some analytical models which seek to establish the existence of semi‐feudalism in Bengal. The critique is based on the re‐examination of the historical evidence available; it is not intended to be a theoretical exegesis alone. Arguing against the utility of semi‐feudalism as a category for the analysis of Bengal's social formation, this article suggests an alternative explanation in terms of commercial exploitation of small‐peasants under conditions of formal subsumption of labour to capital.  相似文献   

"献纳器材运动"是解放战争时期中国共产党在工业领域领导的一场工人群众运动,这场运动缘起于抗日战争结束后东北工业饱受摧残、机器设备破坏严重的历史背景,旨在恢复工业生产、支援解放战争。在东北局和各地工会组织的有效动员和宣传下,东北各主要工业领域掀起了一场广泛的群众性献纳器材运动。这场运动在一定程度上解决了工业所需、满足了战时需要,也带动了全国工业领域的献纳器材运动风潮,增强了工人阶级的主人翁意识,具有重要的经济和政治意义。  相似文献   

受教育权是公民的一项基本权利,入学就读权,教育平等权、终身受教育权、接受职业教育和职业培训权构成了公民受教育权的主要内容.在实践中,总的来说,我国受教育权实现的现状不容乐观,存在的最大的问题就是,在公民受教育权的实现上存在严重的不平等.有关受教育权利的纠纷正成为当前教育纠纷中的热点问题,因此,有关受教育权利的法律保护问题正受到愈来愈多的关注.  相似文献   


Historical and legal analysis of factory workers’ occupational safety and health in Europe in the nineteenth century has been carried out. In particular, the main causes of industrial injury and occupational diseases among factory workers of those times were analyzed and classified. The main negative consequences of child labor in factories are determined. The distribution of industrial injury and occupational diseases by age group is shown. The influence of labor conditions at the factories on the health of the descendants of factory workers of those times was analyzed. The features of the organization of control over compliance with the safety requirements of workers’ health are highlighted. The issues of introduction of legal regulation of factory workers’ safety and health, as well as child labor regulation (i.e. working hours limits and working conditions regulation) in factories, are analyzed. The issues of implementation of legislation that established compensations for factory workers in the event of industrial injury and occupational diseases of those times are analyzed.  相似文献   

依据中国公民人文素质调查数据库对我国国企工人道德素质从道德意识、道德常识、道德行为三个维度进行综合分析,结果表明:(1)国企工人道德素质整体水平较高,但在道德意识上存在倒置和不平衡等差异现象。(2)国企工人道德素质结构性差异不均衡,学历和工龄对其作用以直接作用为主。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,在习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的系列重要讲话中,多次强调要坚 持弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神。认真领会劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神的科学内涵以及它们之间的 逻辑关系,对于实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦、增强文化自信和全面提升我国产业工人队伍整体素质有着重 大的理论价值和现实意义。劳模精神和劳动精神是整体和部分的关系,劳模精神和工匠精神是外力和内力的关系, 劳动精神和工匠精神是共性和个性的关系。总之,劳动精神,工匠精神,劳模精神存在逐步递进的逻辑。劳动 精神是成为人的精神,工匠精神是成为更加优秀的人的精神,劳模精神则是成为影响别人的人的精神。  相似文献   

高等职业教育旅游管理专业实习研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实习是教学中一个不可缺少的实践环节。只有加强实习管理,制定出科学的实习管理对策,不断总结经验,才能实现旅游管理专业的人才培养目标。但是目前高等职业旅游管理专业实习中存在诸如实习基地少且不稳定、学生实习积极性不高且效果一般等问题,鉴于此,重新构建高等职业教育旅游管理专业实习体系就显得尤为关键与迫切。  相似文献   

为探索我国的劳动关系治理新模式和新方式,在中央和各级政府的领导下,多地开展了和谐劳动关系综合试验区试点的创新尝试。盐田区省市共建和谐劳动关系综合试验区的建设和治理工作走在了时代的前沿,即将进入总结完善阶段。基于纵向历史沿革的发展视角和横向治理工作开展的视角,对综合试验区的治理经验进行了总结和归纳。在新时代的时空背景下,盐田区和谐劳动关系综合试验区的未来发展应结合粤港澳大湾区建设、部省共建下的府际合作与劳动力结构变迁等因素来开展。  相似文献   

类型化是基本的法学研究方法。对劳动争议案件的诉讼请求进行类型化研究,能够为当事人准确表达其诉求提供参照,帮助法官做好立案审查工作,还有助于推动劳动诉讼法学的理论研究。劳动争议案件的当事人不仅能够提起确认之诉、给付之诉、变更之诉,还能够提起课予义务之诉。这四类诉讼的适用条件、法律依据、诉讼请求各不相同。  相似文献   

The nature and quality of adolescents' attachments to peers and parents were assessed with the newly developed Inventory of Adolescent Attachments. The relative influence on measures of self-esteem and life satisfaction of relations with peers and with parents was then investigated in a hierarchical regression model. The sample consisted of 213 adolescents ranging from 12 to 19 years of age. Two hypotheses were tested: (1) The quality of perceived attachments both to parents and peers would be related to well-being, and (2) the quality of parental relationships would be a more powerful predictor of well-being than would the quality of peer relationships. Confirming the study's hypotheses, the perceived quality of the adolescents' relationships to both peers and parents, their frequency of utilization of peers, and their degree of negative life change were significantly related to both measures of well-being. The quality of attachment to parents was significantly more powerful than that to peers in predicting well-being. In addition, quality of attachment to parents showed a moderating effect under conditions of high life stress on the measures of self-esteem. The study suggests that it is useful to consider the quality of attachments to significant others as an important variable throughout the life span.  相似文献   

在探索既符合市场经济规律又符合我国国情的企业领导体制和技术管理制度创新的过程中,必须将产权与劳权激励约束互动的制度安排摆在较突出的位置.这不仅是基层民主政治建设、经济民主建设的需要,更是将社会主义基本制度优势与市场的优势相结合的需要.  相似文献   

公平正义是建设和谐社会的重要前提之一,马克思主义经典作家和党的三代领导集体对社会公平正义及其实现的问题予以强烈的关注。"科学发展观"中的公平正义思想是对马克思主义公正思想的继承与发展,是建设和谐社会、促进和实现社会公平正义的重要指导原则。工会作为职工群众利益的代表者和维护者应成为实现社会公平正义的促进力量。  相似文献   

Because loyalty and trust are viewed as key requirements for relationships with friends as well as with romantic partners, acts of betrayal, which violate the trust on which these relationships are based, are viewed as serious transgressions. This study focused on 2 commonly occurring kinds of betrayal—betrayal of a friend's confidence despite a promise not to do so and sexual betrayal by a romantic partner despite an agreement to be monogamous. Approximately 261 college students, aged 18 to 23, answered questions concerning the acceptability of betrayal under a variety of different conditions and described their self-restraint, tolerance of deviation, and betrayal behavior. Despite pervasive disapproval of betrayal, the extent of disapproval was a function of the type of betrayal (whether of a romantic partner or a same-sex friend), the justification for the betrayal, the sex of the transgressor, and the characteristics of the respondent. There was greater acceptance of sexual betrayal than betrayal of a friend's confidence, of male than female transgression, and by male than female respondents. These results are largely accounted for by the finding that male respondents gave high ratings of acceptance of sexual betrayal by male transgressors. Acceptance of both forms of betrayal was correlated with lack of self-restraint, tolerance of deviation, and behavioral betrayal.  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对职工董事监事身份及其身份的产权基础、利益基础、法律基础的理论研究 ,论证职工董事、监事的双重身份。为职工董事、监事制度的建立寻找理论根据 ,更好地发挥职工董事、监事的作用。  相似文献   

劳动模范是社会主义劳动竞赛中的胜出者,劳模精神是劳动模范群体崇高精神和优秀品质的人 格化,是中国特色社会主义意识形态谱系中的重要构成。劳模精神作为一种社会意识形态,归根到底由社会历 史条件所规定,但国家力量在劳模精神建构中的作用不容忽视。劳模精神与国家建设主题高度契合,劳模精神 评选 - 反馈、建构 - 激励、吸纳 - 教育构成劳动精神生命运动的完整路径。在现代国家建设视野下研究劳模精神, 有助于丰富社会意识形态问题的解释路径,使建构中国特色社会主义劳模政治话语成为可能。  相似文献   

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