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The most prominent set of school board governance best practices used in the United States is the National School Boards Association’s (NSBA’s) Key Work of School Boards. In this article, we operationalize adherence to the Key Work of School Boards with multiple survey items answered by Wisconsin school board members. Using multivariate regression models, we find that adherence to the best practices results in improved achievement in districts represented by board members who have served for five or more years. The findings support the idea that school board governance behaviors are linked to district-level academic outcomes.  相似文献   

This study examines the support, control and strategic functions of an executive hospital political board from the perspective of how institutionalised internal procedures influence board functions. Board members and leading hospital managers were interviewed about politicians’ ways of working, managers’ preparation of decision issues and board work under the presidency model. The politicians strengthened the decision-making processes by requesting additional supporting documents, and by defending the hospital from public criticism. However, the board exercises weak strategic and control functions; it absorbs the responsibilities of the hospital managers and the upper political levels as it reaffirms its executive authority. Nonetheless, the study suggests that abolishing or replacing the board with a non-political board may not improve organisational governance. The study gives insights in politicians’ contribution to strategic public management, an aspect lacking in existing literature.  相似文献   

The joint IPS conference that took place last October 26–27, 2007 at CERI-Sciences Po (Paris) was organized in the broader scope of the launching of International Political Sociology (IPS) in Europe. The conference also aimed at launching an innovative research dynamic among international researchers who are members of the International Political Sociology editorial board and members of the COST network. It was the occasion to discuss the theoretical and empirical innovation in the field of international relations IPS would like to encourage as well as the editorial orientations the journal may take, and cross visions.  相似文献   

This paper draws on recent research conducted by the authors to examine the nature of board/executive relations in three different kinds of Local Public Spending Body (LPSB). Big variations are noted, between and within sectors, in the way in which boards organize themselves and the degree of power they have in relation to executives. In all organizations studied the executive played a crucial role both in managing day-to-day operations and in setting the organization's strategic direction. Chief executives exercised considerable influence over the recruitment of board members and the maintenance of consensual relations between board and executive. The dilemma of the voluntary board member with limited time and a lack of inside knowledge of the organization he/she is accountable for is examined. It is argued that the most effective boards contain members with a strong sense of their own legitimacy and enjoy a membership with a diverse range of interests and experiences. It is suggested that such models might combine the merits of greater democratic responsiveness and enhanced organizational effectiveness.  相似文献   

This article analyses the outcome of dividing the meta-governor role among various levels of governance and describes local actors' experiences under multiple meta-governors. The empirical case presented here involves Danish local action groups in contemporary EU Rural Development and Fisheries programmes. This article takes its theoretical point of departure from the four types of meta-governance that Sørensen identified. The data analysed are derived from a survey sent to all Danish local action group board members and coordinators. The article demonstrates that authorities at the sub-national level in the context of multi-level meta-governance engage in various types of activities and identifies important differences between board members' and coordinators' perceptions of meta-governance.  相似文献   

Much criticism has been levelled at the reliability of the Audit Commission's measures of local authority performance, but less attention has been paid to the reality of their empowering effect on consumer groups. This article reports on the impact of the policy on one consumer group, ALL MOD CONS, a national charity which campaigns for more and better public toilets. It argues that, far from empowering the group, the annual publication of performance indicators has diverted its energies and resources into disseminating the Audit Commision's statistics to their members and drawing misleading conclusions from them which risk undermining the group's credibility. The case raises questions about the role of performance indicators in the democratic process.  相似文献   

Survival of the public service ethos in Britain has been called into question following introduction of the 'new public management' and marketizing reforms in much of the public sector. This article examines how these developments have occurred in the NHS, using survey data to analyse NHS board members' substantive ethical values. Unexpectedly the results suggest that NHS board members with a predominantly NHS background appear less ethically conservative, more flexible and less risk–averse than those recruited from non–NHS backgrounds; and that as yet the NHS management 'culture' is not very homogenous in respect of 'business ethics'. The NHS reforms also appear to accentuate the tensions between transparent public accountability in NHS management and incentives not to publicize certain types of information. Recent codification of NHS 'business ethics' can be understood as an attempt to buttress the public service ethos against the increased moral strains of a quasi–market.  相似文献   

It is argued that leaders and other change agents will be able to transform organizations and the members of organizations only if they possess compelling explanatory frameworks for viewing organizational behavior, structure and dynamics. To illustrate this point, the stratified systems theory of Elliott Jaques is presented in the context of an organizational intervention. The “vision” promoted by stratified systems theory enabled an outside consultant to transform the leadership of an ailing social services agency and was useful in explaining the inability of the organization's administrator and board of directors to act transformationally during a period of rapid change  相似文献   

This article aims to introduce and explain a guideline to plan and perform health campaigns through social marketing. The model is based on the social marketing principles and its objective is to help professionals develop an action plan setting step-by-step the processes to produce health campaigns to achieve the ultimate goal behavior change. Three levels of action 10 have been set: (i) diagnosing the social problem; (ii) designing the benefits of changing behavior; and (iii) setting the marketing mix. This social marketing plan is an option to introduce customer orientation backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating consumer satisfaction as the key to behavior change in the public health policies.  相似文献   

With the advent of general managers in District Health Authorities, many members fear they will become the dignified element of the health service constitution, if this has not happened already. If the influence of members is to be retained (or regained) a better understanding of the causes of variations in the influence and effectiveness of members is important. These issues are examined from the perspective of the motives and behaviour of members themselves. Based on research carried out in six health authorities in 1984, a typology is developed which is shown to be useful in predicting the kind of members most likely to achieve individual influence within a DHA, and in diagnosing some of the reasons for differences in corporate influence between DHAs.  相似文献   

A recurrent theme in New Labour's public service reforms has been a tendency to orient services to the user as a consumer or customer of those services. However a consumerist approach – and particularly the 'customer is always right' imperative – appears problematic in relation to criminal justice. This article uses content analysis to explore the use of consumerist narratives by selected members of the UK criminal justice policy network (Prime Minister, Home Office and local government). It finds that the terms customer and consumer are used less in relation to criminal justice than they are in relation to other public services. When used, it is 'law-abiding citizens', particularly victims and witnesses, that are the priority customers of the service. Customer-orientated policing is primarily about standardizing services and encouraging more coproductive behaviours. The language of choice and personalization, which has come to characterize New Labour's approach to public service reform, has as yet had little penetration into criminal justice. However, the policy network is fragmented, with different narratives of consumerism emerging from Tony Blair (the then Prime Minister), the Home Office and local government, demonstrating the contingent ways in which policy-makers draw on historical traditions.  相似文献   

Books received     
This paper is concerned with the role of education as a determinant of health care choices. The central premise of the paper is that utilisation of health services is determined not solely by an individual's own education, but rather by a notion of effective education, which incorporates the educational attainment of other household members. The paper sets out a general framework for representing intra-household education externalities, and proposes a number of specific hypotheses concerning the way in which the education of different household members affects health care choices. These hypotheses are tested on data from Mozambique, focusing on maternity services, child immunisations, and child malnutrition. We draw four major conclusions from the analysis. First, while maternal education seems to be the education variable of primary importance for the health service and malnutrition variables under consideration, the education of other household members does have a significant and sometimes large effect. This is true not only for the spouse, but also the education of other individuals residing in the household. Second, the analysis suggests that while the education of the person (non-spouse) in the household with the highest level of education is important, the level of education of additional household members does not, as a rule, affect the use of services or child health outcomes. Third, the data provide no evidence of a gender difference in education externalities. Fourth, we examine the merits of two alternative representations of the education externality, but are unable to conclude unambiguously in favour of one specification over the other.  相似文献   

Using results from a survey of editors and board members from 39 public administration journals as well the impact factor scores created by ISI Thompson this research develops an integrated assessment of journal quality using both objective and subjective measurement tools. The findings suggest that relying on one ranking approach misses out on several important issues regarding journal quality. In addition, when evaluating outlets for publishing in public administration, there often exists a bias against journals not published in the United States. Finally, the highest-ranked generalist journals are also publishing work that is also applicable to scholars working in various subfields.  相似文献   

Draper B  Snowdon J  Wyder M 《危机》2008,29(2):96-101
Suicide victims frequently have contact with health care professionals in the months before death. The primary aims of this pilot psychological autopsy study were to determine the feasibility of undertaking a full study and to describe the characteristics of the last health care professional contacts with suicide victims aged > 34 years. We interviewed the informants of 52 suicides. Interviews were obtained from 37 health care professionals who had contact with 28 of the suicides during the 3 months before death. The primary reasons for the last contact with the health care professional were mental health (62%), physical health (22%), and social (14%). 87% of health care professional contacts occurred within 1 month of death. Symptoms of depression were noted in 49% of health care professional contacts. Consensus psychological autopsy diagnoses of depression were made in 64% of suicide victims. Overall suicide risk was assessed by 38% of health care professionals during their last contact. This was more likely to occur when the deceased presented as depressed, was aged < 60 years or seen by a psychiatrist. None was assessed to be suicidal. The family informants regarded nine of the suicide victims to have been suicidal before death but informed a health care professional in only one third of the cases. Critical information that might have altered the management is not often accessed from family members.  相似文献   

Brink S  Podolsky D  Rubin R 《U.S. news & world report》1994,117(3):66, 69, 72-66, 69, 73
What should you do if finances--or geography or health plan rules--put a high-ranked hospital out of reach? Good question. Here are some answers, along with other hypothetical questions related to hospital choice, access and cost. The responses, developed with the help of medical and consumer experts, are real.  相似文献   

The 1989 White Paper 'Working for Patients' continued the process begun by Griffiths of managerial reform and the introduction of private sector concepts into the NHS. One of the new proposals was to change the composition and constitution of health authorities, both to avoid the assumed weaknesses of the existing format and to emulate the pattern found in the private sector.
The essence of the change was the removal of the representational elements on authorities, both of medical professionals and nominees from the local authority. The health authorities were reduced in size to just eleven members and for the first time executives were included. Previous attempts at reform within the NHS have been judged to have resulted in more continuity than change. This article examines in detail who the new members are and assesses the balance between continuity and change.
Despite a high level of continuity of membership, there are signs of more fundamental change. There is a significant increase in the proportion of non-executive members from the private sector and with the inclusion of executives, a stronger managerial role is emerging. The article concludes by assessing what the implications of these changes maybe.  相似文献   

Whilst the drive towards public sector consumerism is intensifying, it is also evident that somewhat different 'brands' of consumerism are currently being marketed. This article develops a framework to assist in the disaggregation and understanding of the range of approaches to consumerism currently being pursued in the field of health and social care. Its principal elements concern the ideological origins of consumerism in this field; their purposes; and the forms through which consumer preference are expressed. This framework is applied to the Birmingham Community Care Special Action Project, a major developmental initiative which the authors have been studying. An important area for further investigation is the extent to which users and carers seek to exercise greater collective control over services as opposed to influencing the development of services more responsive to their individual needs.  相似文献   

A “health promoting polyclinic” based on the “health promoting setting concept” has been developed in Tirana, the capital of Albania. This paper discusses the implementation and intervention of the project, whereas the final evaluation results will be presented in another article. An important aspect of the whole program is the training of the administrators and staff members in the necessary skills relating to their allocated roles, such as creating a healthy environment, health education, outreach activities and total quality management. In this approach the International Relief Organization (IRO) acting as an external agent took the initiative of enabling, mediating and advocating, as well as providing support for the polyclinic's staff and its clients. The model appears to be effective in promoting health at the secondary health care level (the polyclinic). This may encourage health planners to adopt a similar concept at other settings i.e. general or specialized hospitals.  相似文献   

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)'s flagship English-language magazine, Dabiq, is a puzzle. The magazine is not, despite appearances, primarily designed for direct recruiting efforts or inciting violence against the West. In fact, the primary audiences of Dabiq are English-speaking second generation Muslims or converts, Western policymakers, and a third group of current or would-be members of ISIS who are not integrating with the organization itself. The third audience—those members who are failing to function within the organization—is strange to include in an English-language magazine. Why publish organizational weaknesses, in English? One possibility for this puzzle is that the fundamentalist hermeneutics of ISIS is reflected in their own media efforts. One of the assumptions that ISIS holds about their sacred texts is that each text carries a single meaning that reflects the author's original intent. There might be multiple applications of that intent, but each text can only have one intent, and therefore one meaning. Following this logic, a message meant for one person is unlikely to be of utility for another, and so this may be why ISIS exposes their weaknesses as part of the process of correcting their own members.  相似文献   

The need for nonprofits to foster legitimacy within their communities has led to growing calls for mechanisms of sound governance based on the engagement of stakeholders in organizational activities. Previous studies have investigated the mix of governance mechanisms used by nonprofits to manage legitimacy, without paying attention to the different challenges of legitimacy these organizations face. Aiming to fill this gap, this article employs a multiple case study methodology to explore how mechanisms for engaging stakeholders in governance can be shaped by the need to gain, maintain, or repair legitimacy. The findings show that formal mechanisms based on the direct designation of board members by local stakeholders play a pivotal role in repairing legitimacy. Gaining legitimacy requires actual participation of stakeholders, while maintaining legitimacy calls for formal mechanisms that balance representativeness and competencies of the leadership.  相似文献   

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