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During the presidential election, numerous women accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment and/or assault. Then a presidential candidate, he denied these complaints and said the women were all untruthful – a position he has continued to espouse. To explore “who the public believes,” we commissioned YouGov to conduct an opt-in online survey of a national sample of 1,000 Americans. Notably, half of Americans (51.0%) believed that “the women are telling the truth when they reported that Mr. Trump sexually harassed or assaulted them” versus 23.1% who sided with the president. Nearly two-thirds (64.9%) stated that it was unlikely that all the women were lying, and 3 in 5 Americans (60.5%) supported President Trump’s impeachment by the U.S. Congress if these accusations could be proven. Informed by research on political psychology (especially Haidt’s The Righteous Mind), the data are explored to see why Americans embrace divergent moral narratives – with some seeing Mr. Trump as a truthful president and others seeing him as a predator unworthy of the office he holds.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the extent to which health care benefits are used in North Carolina municipal governments. As such, it not only maps out the existence of these practices, but also the conditions and circumstances in which they occur. Health care practices (Basic dental and medical coverage, employee assistance programs, and child care provisions) are examined.

Since group health coverage is nearly universal (albeit the type and extent of coverage varies), it was not examined in this survey. With the exception of pre-paid dental insurance (41 percent) and unpaid maternity leave (31 percent), limited use is made of the various health care programs surveyed.

Population and workforce size effects are marginal.The presence of a city manager or town administrator, on the other hand, results in two or three fold the use as occurs in mayor-council cities.  相似文献   

In order to understand the precursors to sexual offending among youth and the associated gender differences, the records of 813 sexually abusive children (659 boys and 154 girls) referred for an evaluation of their sexually inappropriate and coercive behavior were reviewed and coded. These children ranged in age from 3 to 18 when they committed their first hands-on offenses. All were under the care of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services either prior to or as a result of their behavior. Principle findings included: (1) a high proportion of girls (19 percent) in a sample of children flagged as sexually abusive to other children, (2) an exceptionally high base rate of severe maltreatment and associated clinical and psychiatric sequelae, and (3) girls were significantly more likely to be sexually abused, and when sexually abused the abuse lasted longer, was more severe, and involved more perpetrators. In addition, the girls were significantly more likely to witness domestic violence and to witness sexual deviance within the home. For all other types of abuse, there were no group differences, and (4) all of the children were subjected to a very high level of caregiver instability.  相似文献   


The authors conducted a study, commissioned by the Child Labor Task Force of the Kentucky Labor Cabinet, of attitudes, opinions, and understandings of the Commonwealth's child labor laws and regulations. Questionnaires were distributed to businesses, unions, students, teachers, and parents. The purpose of the study was to identify problems and concerns with Kentucky's current child labor statutes and regulations. However, based on broad census data, Kentucky is demographically typical of Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia. With the whole U.S. and the several states each having an under 18 years-of-age population of about 25–30 percent, Kentucky child labor experience is likely indicative of the entire U.S.

This article presents the results of the survey including: where, why and how much students work; the impact of work on school; child labor law violations; and workplace safety and health concerns. Moreover, recommendations for legislative change and further study are presented.

Findings indicate that students tend to work in the service industry, with approximately one-half of these employed in restaurants and the remainder in retail or other services. Nearly one-quarter of students are employed in school-related programs including co-op, pre-apprenticeship or school-to-work programs. All but 17 percent work both during the school week and on weekends. Many are working “for money and to pay bills” related to cars, car insurance and spending money.

Survey responses and prevailing research indicate a negative impact of too much work on school suggesting the need for re-instituting school-issued work permits. In addition, given that nearly 20 percent of all students responding indicate that they have sought medical care for workplace injuries, and only 37 percent of employers believe that their minor employees understand occupational safety and health rules, key findings suggest an immediate need for re-assessing worker and employer training and education.  相似文献   

Unionization of health care facilities has grown significantly over the last twenty years. More than 20 percent of American hospitals have one or more union contracts and an equal percentage of the industry's labor force is represented for collective bargaining purposes. Union membership is concentrated in the Northeast, Upper Midwest and Pacific Coast and is to be found particularly among large metropolitan hospitals. Although many different unions are actively organizing in the health care industry four labor organizations predominate: American Federation of State, County, Municipal Workers; Service Employees International Union; National Union of Hospital and Health Care Workers - District 1199; and the American Nurses Association.

One of the obstacles to union growth for many years was the absence of Federal legal regulation of labor relations. In 1974 Congress amended the so-called Taft Hartley Act to cover private nonprofit hospitals, the largest component of the industry. Since 1974 the application of Federal labor law has resolved old problems that arose from the lack of a basis to handle recognition disputes but at the same time created new issues. Among these issues are such legal questions as the legitimacy of the ANA to act as a labor organization, the proper bargaining classification for registered nurses, and the proper role in labor relations for hired consultants.

The growth of unions in health care raised concern that collective bargaining would impose onerous new burdens on an industry already hard pressed financially. Research indicates, however, that the impact on hospital costs have not been great -- perhaps on the order of an increase of 10 percent over what would be the case in the absence of unions. The greatest effects seem to be in the area of fringe benefits, working conditions, and the provision for grievance machinery.

Special problems have arisen in conjunction with the unionization of registered nurses. This particular category of health care workers occupies a strategic position in the hospital's work force. After a slow start nurse bargaining activity has come rapidly particularly as nonnursing unions such as 1199, SEIU, and the American Federation of Teachers have forced the ANA to respond to their efforts to make inroads among nurses.

Union growth in the industry seems to have stabilized for the time being without the prospect for much change in the remaining years of the decade. Incidence of conflict has been relatively low compared to other industries and this also shows little likelihood of change. While some visible signs of conflict over representation rights still remain collective bargaining is moving rapidly into an era of mutual accommodation.  相似文献   

Almost half the respondents to a 1990 survey of federal Senior Executive Service personnel said their political activity would increase if Hatch Act constraints on partisan political involvement were removed. More than one-third predicted that if the law permitted, they would distribute partisan campaign literature, organize political meetings, and publicly endorse candidates—activities the Hatch Act now prohibits. Scaling techniques reveal respondents’ present political activity level is 2.58 (on a 1-10 scale), increasing to an estimated 4.07 with Hatch Act liberalization. The potential for expanded political activity is dispersed widely through the SES, but it appears greatest among females, non-whites, youths, newcomers, those with less than a doctorate degree, non-career executives, and respondents supervised by political executives. These findings do not measure the effect of a weakened Hatch Act on the character of the public service. However, if respondents act on their predilections and expand their political involvement, these data have implications for public sector professionalism, nonpartisan administration, and public confidence in government.  相似文献   


Based on a 2017 national survey of 1,000 Black Americans, perceptions regarding the implications of Donald Trump’s election as President on race relations, police-minority relations, and police treatment of Black citizens in the United States were examined. Findings suggest the existence of a “Trump Effect.” With minor variation across demographic groups, the survey respondents expressed overall negative perceptions concerning the effects of President Trump’s election. In particular, they expressed the belief that his presidency shows that the United States is a racist society, will strain police-minority relationships, and will create a climate in which African Americans are more likely to be arrested or subjected to police violence. At issue is not just African Americans’ distrust of President Trump but, importantly, whether his emphasis on “law and order” and dismissal of minority-group concerns attenuates the legitimacy of law enforcement in the eyes of African Americans.  相似文献   


There have been few spectacular acts of maritime terrorism. About ninety‐five percent of all incidents of what would be classified as transnational maritime terrorism involved bombings, hijackings, and “other” attacks. Nearly all of these took place when ships were in port, and the victims were predominantly merchant ships. Only a small number of terrorist attacks have been reported against men‐of‐war–none against U.S. Navy ships. Bombing, including various forms of mining, comprises the major threat to merchant ships, while the dangers of U.S. Navy ships would be aggravated by the presence of nuclear weapons or nuclear propulsion plants.

Counter terrorism as carried out by the U.S. Navy involves actions to deter or defeat direct terrorist activity (against the ship itself) and indirect activity (against other U.S. interests). U.S Navy ships are especially well organized, constructed, and equipped to deal with the former, but they would be virtually powerless to assist U.S. merchant ships against the most probable threats (bombing, hijacking, and attacks) in the most probable location (overseas ports).  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of two surveys, conducted in 1993 and 1997, which inquired into the attitudes towards aspects of their immediate and external working environments of New Zealand's senior health officials. The surveys are in the tradition of a growing body of international research which seeks to categorize respondents in terms of their bureaucratic “type.” Where the 1993 survey produced baseline information, the 1997 exercise served as a follow-up. Accordingly, the paper compares various results and discusses shifts in attitudinal orientation and bureaucratic classification. Key findings are that, in 1997, there has been a growth in both the number of “technocrats,” respondents with an aversion to politics but a strong commitment to policy programmes, and in the number of “classical bureaucrats,” respondents, again, with a dislike of politics but, in contrast to technocrats, with a short-term focus and tendency to react to policy problems as they arise. It is concluded that, while restructuring of the New Zealand health sector continues, there is a need to nurture “political bureaucrats:” those who can operate in a politicized environment and who can plan ahead with the participation of the attentive public.  相似文献   

Although suicide bombing is a historical phenomenon, there has been a recent upsurge in such incidents. In Pakistan, over the last year, more than 1,000 people have been killed in suicide bombing incidents. Assessing the attitudes and perceptions of people toward suicide bombing can help understand some of the root causes of this phenomenon. In this pilot study, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of people (N = 215) in Karachi, Pakistan, to assess their attitudes and perceptions toward suicide bombing. The majority of the respondents condemned suicide bombing and disagreed with the notion that Islam or any other religion supports it. Belonging to the Sunni Muslim sect and strong adherence to religion predicted support for suicide bombing. The majority believed suicide bombing to be a result of religious fundamentalism. Opinion was divided as to whether suicide bombers have an underlying psychiatric illness. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to determine the attitudes and perceptions of the Pakistani population regarding this important issue.  相似文献   

The study objective was to compare elders with a dementia with those without a dementia as to method of disclosure of sexual abuse, forensic markers of sexual abuse and legal outcome of cases. A convenience sample was obtained of 284 forensic cases known to a multidisciplinary group of professionals who investigated, examined or consulted on elder sexual abuse victims. The Comprehensive Sexual Assault Assessment (CSAAT) was used to enter data from case files. 60 percent of the 284 elders were diagnosed with some degree of dementia. Elders with dementia, compared to those without a diagnosis, were abused more often by persons known to them (family member, caregiver or another nursing home resident) than a stranger, presented behavior cues of distress rather than verbal disclosures, were easily confused and verbally manipulated, and were beaten. Suspects who were identified whom abused elders with dementia had less chance of being arrested, indicted or plea bargained. All reported suspected cases of elder sexual abuse need a complete physical examination as well as a sexual assault evidence kit. Patterns of verbal, behavioral or physical changes of elders can be used to support an allegation of sexual assault.  相似文献   

Olshfski uses critical incident methodology to describe the leadership environment of state cabinet officials. The rich data set offers insight into how state executives (1) learn about their jobs, (2) exercise discretion to determine their policy agenda, and (3) operate in the political environment of state administration. She concludes by pointing out discrepancies in our understanding of leadership and offers suggestions for leadership, research, and teaching.

Somerset Maugham is said to have begun all his lectures by saying there are only three things that one must know in order to be a good writer: the only problem being that no one knows what those three things are. The same might be said of leadership research. For example, Stogdill's survey of leadership research contains over 3,000 references and Bass's revision documents over 5,000 references.(1) The preface to Stogdill's survey assesses the status of leadership research: “four decades of research on leadership have produced a bewildering mass of findings…. The endless accumulation of empirical data has not produced an integrated understanding of leadership. “(2) A more pithy evaluation is offered by Bennis and Nanus, “never have so many labored so long to say so little.”(3) Yet, most people still vigorously believe in the importance of the leader and leadership research.(4)

Recognizing the confusion in the field of leadership research, this study attempts to describe the context within which public executives operate. It is assumed that the executive's operating environment determines the extent to which leadership is possible. Critical incident methodology is used to illustrate how public sector executives conceptualize their environment and how they operate based on that conceptualization. This research is driven by two questions: What is the leadership environment of the state cabinet executive? Secondly, how does the leadership literature facilitate the understanding and interpretation of executive leadership in the public sector?  相似文献   


Between merit principles and social contacts, how they facilitate individuals to obtain a government job in the United States remains unsettled. Based on a survey administered via Amazon Mturk, this study finds that merit-based selection constitutes the most significant means to obtain public jobs, particularly so in state and local governments despite of sizeable respondents claiming other venues. The use of social contacts, including both strong and weak ties, shows little advantage on obtaining public employment but proves significant in private organizations. Controlling individuals’ previous job obtaining experience, the study contends that variations on job obtaining methods can be reasonably attributable to institutional distinctiveness that features different rules, procedures and regulations. Merit principles are kept alive in governments, though challenges persist, particularly so in federal government. The study ends up with a discussion of research findings and their implications in HR practices.  相似文献   


This research examined the relationship of three work shift characteristics (length, working more than 8 hours, working double shifts) to work outcomes, indicators of psychological well‐being and perceptions of hospital functioning during a time of considerable hospital restructuring and downsizing. Data were collected from 744 hospital‐based nursing staff survivors of these changes. About 60% of the respondents worked shifts that were 9 hours or longer and 20% had worked two shifts back to back. Younger, less experienced nurses worked longer shifts. All three shift characteristics were significantly related to frequency of nursing errors and injuries.  相似文献   


Recently, “problem-solving” courts have been developed as an alternative to imprisonment. They are often called “specialty” courts because they process and divert into treatment programs offenders who are seen as different from the general criminal population, such as those with mental health or drug problems, those who are homeless or veterans, and those who engage in domestic violence. Based on a 2017 national survey of 1,000 respondents, the current study examines overall public support for rehabilitation as a goal of corrections and then focuses specifically on support for different types of specialty courts. The analysis reveals that the American public endorses not only the rehabilitative ideal but also the use of problem-solving courts. Further, with only minimal variation, strong support for these courts appears to exist regardless of political orientation and sociodemographic characteristics.  相似文献   

The creation of the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention, during the Nixon Administration , provides a case study in presidential program management. Much has been said and written about the President-as-manager, especially in terms of hands-on program management. The Special Action Office, an outgrowth of the Nixon-Agnew “law and order” campaign, provided close proximity to the President and increased visibility for drug abuse prevention efforts.

The SAODAP utilized its focal position to coordinate the many and disparate drug abuse programs of the federal government. Many of these programs derived substantial financial as sistance from SAODAP efforts . However, President Nixon's counter-bureau-cracy philosophy caused the organization to become embroiled in controversy.

Although the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention eventually fell from presidential grace, the organization's creation and operation provide further insight into presidential management styles and the view of the President as a “general manager” of government.  相似文献   


After decades of the steady growth of inmate populations, the mass imprisonment movement has stalled and serious attempts are being undertaken to downsize prisons. At issue, however, is whether the American public will endorse this policy agenda. This issue is explored with data from a 2010 survey of 1,569 Oregon adults. On a broad level, the respondents favored a preventative-rehabilitative approach to crime control and endorsed a range of reentry services for inmates. Most significant, the sample supported specific policies, including community sanctions and several forms of early release, to reduce prison populations. Notably, however, they did not embrace downsizing for the purpose of lowering spending—a finding that should be explored in other states. These results indicate that, at least in Oregon, the public is willing to consider efforts to downsize prisons. Capitalizing on this public support remains the challenge to be addressed.  相似文献   


Various haphazard, and often uncoordinated, efforts have been devoted to discouraging and combatting terrorism. Unfortunately, there has been a noticeable lack of quantitative studies of the problem of terrorism. Nevertheless, it can be expected that the problem of international terrorism will eventually be a focus for operations researchers. A factor fundamental to any OR study is an understanding of the underlying generating process for incidents of terrorism. Based on incidents of terrorism from 1968 to 1974, this paper notes that the Poisson is a good model for the occurrence of incidents of international terrorism in the United States. Results of both chi‐square and Kolmogorov‐Smirnov tests are presented. Finally, an unusual result, inconsistent with popular beliefs, is noted.  相似文献   


This article examines the participation of some Chinese migrants in illegal gold mining (known as galamsey) in Ghana, and how the Government’s policy to address the issue created diplomatic tension between China and Ghana. Drawing on primary data from in-depth, face-to-face interviews with 250 respondents and supplementary information from archival sources and personal observation, the study found that small-scale gold mining is an area legally reserved for Ghanaian indigenes, who faced stern competition from some Chinese migrants’ miners. Their ability to mobilize resources and machinery to execute galamsey virtually displaced the indigenes from their source of livelihood and caused environmental catastrophes. The Ghana Government’s policy response to the Chinese migrants’ galamsey, which led to arrests, sentencing and deportations of some Chinese miners, angered Beijing and fractured Ghana–China diplomatic ties. But the dispute could not collapse the entrenched bilateral relations between the two nations because the calculated mutual benefit derived from the relations was thought to be higher than the Chinese galamsey issue. Policy reforms which legally integrate Chinese migrants’ miners into the small-scale mining sector would stop galamsey and strengthen Sino-Ghana relations.  相似文献   


Because the legitimacy of political authorities exists only in the eyes of citizens, this study investigates which criteria citizens use to decide that an authority is legitimate. By comparing ideas about what makes political authorities legitimate, this study in five European democracies and hybrid regimes illuminates the ‘demand side of political legitimacy’. Using original student survey data, this article compares expectations of students from the Netherlands, France, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia about how political authorities should acquire the right to rule and how they ought to behave when in office. The analysis shows that the respondents across the five countries use similar criteria for granting legitimacy. Across the five countries, throughput and input were more important criteria for legitimacy than the output produced by authorities. Although several country differences were found, these differences did not align with regime type. The findings challenge the widespread view that what kind of authorities people consider legitimate is determined by their socialization in a particular political regime.  相似文献   

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