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近年来,随着中美贸易的迅速发展,各种矛盾和存在的问题也随之出现,成为中美关系中的突出问题.今年2月中旬,美国贸易代表办公室提交给美国国会一份题为<美中贸易:进入更大责任和执法新阶段>的报告,这份措辞强硬的报告给摩擦不断的中美贸易关系再添阴影.  相似文献   


There have been few spectacular acts of maritime terrorism. About ninety‐five percent of all incidents of what would be classified as transnational maritime terrorism involved bombings, hijackings, and “other” attacks. Nearly all of these took place when ships were in port, and the victims were predominantly merchant ships. Only a small number of terrorist attacks have been reported against men‐of‐war–none against U.S. Navy ships. Bombing, including various forms of mining, comprises the major threat to merchant ships, while the dangers of U.S. Navy ships would be aggravated by the presence of nuclear weapons or nuclear propulsion plants.

Counter terrorism as carried out by the U.S. Navy involves actions to deter or defeat direct terrorist activity (against the ship itself) and indirect activity (against other U.S. interests). U.S Navy ships are especially well organized, constructed, and equipped to deal with the former, but they would be virtually powerless to assist U.S. merchant ships against the most probable threats (bombing, hijacking, and attacks) in the most probable location (overseas ports).  相似文献   

The State of Oregon has proposed a new method of financing health care services for its citizens. Oregon proposes to fund only the most cost-effective services. But in addition to narrowing the offering of health services funded by the State, Oregon proposes to fund all of the State's poor for services, no matter the family status. This broadened number of poor (everyone at the federal poverty level and below, single or married, children or not) will provide health care for more than 200,000 additional Oregonians. The supplementary legislation, SB 534 and SB 935, combined with broadened health care coverage for the poor (SB 27) will cover an additional 478,000 Oregonians. Nearly 95 % of its citizens will have some form of health insurance in Oregon.  相似文献   

美国2005年出版的《重思罪犯改造》一书,对美国监狱和社区矫正中改造罪犯的理论与实践给予了全面的否定,在美国引起了较大的反响。作者挑战性的观点促使人们思考:美国改造罪犯真是无效吗?我国改造罪犯真是有效吗?作者在否定的基础上提出的改进建议,有哪些值得我们认真思考。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationships between policy, administration, and budgeting I argue that the administration of government is directly and primarily influenced by changes in policy and budgeting. A conceptual framework of the interrelationship between these three factors is presented. This framework is applied to Schick's classic periodicization of twentieth century U.S. history. Three value orientations of budgeting—control, management, and planning—were evident at different times during these periods. The framework is then applied to the period since 1981, labeled a phase of limitation. This phase has been an unhealthy development in American government.  相似文献   

2006年11月美国中期选举结束后,美对外战略及其政策策略向何处去,布什余任内如何作为,成为国际关注的焦点.迹象显示,受多重因素影响和制约,美对外战略前沿仍会继续聚焦于大中东地区(沿北非、中东、中亚延伸至南亚、西南亚的"动荡弧地带"),美中东政策将保持一定的延续性和稳定性,大中东地区仍是美优先推进反恐、防扩散战略的主要场所及推进"民主、自由"改造的重要试验场.大中东地区形势走向对国际局势和地区格局将持续产生深刻影响.  相似文献   

Park A 《Time》2000,156(22):72-73
As recently as five years ago, doctors thought they had a pretty clear picture of what causes a heart attack. They saw it as a plumbing problem: too much fat in the diet builds up in the blood vessels that feed the heart, creating stoppages that starve the heart of oxygen. It was an elegant model and one that patients could understand. But it's not that simple. Cholesterol, it turns out, is just the starting point of a cascade of interlocking events. Underlying the new research presented at the American Heart Association meeting last week was a clear message: this isn't your father's heart disease anymore.  相似文献   

Civilian border patrol groups, like the much publicized Minutemen, who engage in the unofficial and unauthorized patrolling of U.S. borders, have proliferated in recent years. They have received an overwhelming amount of press, both national and international, but have garnered very little scholarly attention. In this article, I explore this phenomenon with an eye toward addressing conceptual and theoretical issues raised by the existence and practices of these groups. Specifically, how do we conceptualize civilian border patrol groups in terms of their relationship to statecraft, identity, and security? Do they have implications for the ways in which sovereignty and the political can be understood? I argue that while Carl Schmitt's theory of the political and the Copenhagen School's securitization theory are useful in attempting to understand and theorize the practices of these groups, the case ultimately points to the need for a reexamination of some of Schmitt's concepts including sovereignty and the political. Evidence from this case suggests that we should not limit our understanding of decisions that result in contemporary manifestations of exceptionalism to those controlled by the state or elites. Rather, decisions can arise in numerous locales and can be made by seemingly insignificant agents. This has implications for how we understand the practices that can lead to exceptionalism as well as how we understand sovereignty and the political.  相似文献   

This paper explores linkages between the demand for health care providers and the consumption of food, non-food goods, and leisure in Vietnam, using a mixed continuous/discrete dependent variable model. Cross-price elasticities calculated from the model suggest there are strong substitution effects between health care, leisure, and certain commodities. The model allows us to explore the implications of replacing user fees with alternative forms of health care finance, such as commodity taxes. In particular, the results suggest financing public health care services with a non-food sales tax rather than user fees would be more progressive and would improve access to care.  相似文献   

多元视野下的美国青少年法治教育:途径、策略及启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国青少年法治教育在美国公民教育中占有重要位置。其教育特点在于建立以学生为本的法治教育模式,注重行动与实践参与,注重法治教育内容的层次性、完整性、连续性、科学性,提高学生参与社会的能力。开展多种形式的法治教育,突出情景教学模式,培养学生的参与意识,整合教育、家庭与社会资源,构筑三位一体的法治教育模式,充分发挥网络资源在法治教育中的作用。其教育特点启示我们,法治教育不是单一的课堂灌输,而是多元互动的结果。  相似文献   

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