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1996年9月,塔利班夺取政权后,虽然在恢复社会治安、兴修水利、修建道路和发展农业生产方面,取得了一定的成果,但在文化、教育、妇女、司法、宗教和社会生活等方面,却推行一整套中世纪式的复古倒退政策,使阿富汗社会不但没有向前发展,反而大大地倒退了.  相似文献   

This paper is an analysis of certain aspects of manufacturing development under a regime of import and foreign exchange controls, where such controls are accompanied by an overvalued exchange rate. The analytical framework is a modification of the ‘effective rate of protection’ analysis. The argument proceeds from the fact that the overvalued rate represents a subsidy on imported capital equipment and intermediate goods. Two implications are drawn from the analysis. First and most important, the subsidy on imported intermediate goods will exacerbate the oft‐noted tendency of import‐substitute industry to take the form of ‘processing and packaging’ operations with minimal domestic value added. Second, the subsidy on imported capital equipment will give entrepreneurs an incentive to substitute imported capital equipment for domestic labour.  相似文献   

Leenaars AA  Lester D 《危机》2004,25(2):65-68
A study by Leenaars and Lester (1995) found that suicide prevention centers in the provinces of Canada in 1985 had a preventive, but nonsignificant, impact on the suicide rates of the provinces. The present study replicated that study for 1994-1998 and found a similar preventive impact, although weak, of suicide prevention centers on the provincial suicide rates.  相似文献   


What has driven China, a developing country that has only recently saved itself from nationwide poverty, to increase its investment in social welfare so rapidly and extensively in the past decade? Drawing on extensive field research in a prefecture-level district in southwest China between 2014 and 2017, the authors argue in this article that local governments in China provide welfare housing programmes as a veil for developmentalist industrial policies aimed at industrial upgrading and the improvement of dynamic efficiency. The article demonstrates the unique incentive structure behind the local Chinese governments’ role as the front-line investor in social welfare benefits, and how the local state has cunningly used the façade of welfare provision to (1) divert the earmarked budget to implement development-oriented industrial policy; and (2) fake a discursive congruence between the heavily interventionist local practice and the overall neoliberal central-level policy discourse that features deregulation, small government and a laissez-faire developmental pathway. Exploring this set of strategic dynamics underlining the manoeuvres of the Chinese welfare operation helps us understand the variability of welfare state forms and trajectories of developmental strategy in the Global South.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact resulting from the recent move of the J. C. Penney Corporation to the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area and the resulting implications of this move on the local communities. This impact is analyzed in a spatially disaggregated manner to identify the location of the impact inside the area, particularly in regard to location of generated service employment and population, and the fiscal effects that they will have in the cities and counties of the region. The metropolitan area is divided into several hundred appropriate geographical zones, and the impacts are studied for these zones. Such disaggregated studies, as opposed to conventional total impact studies, would be more helpful to public and private sectors in their decision making process in regard to developmental issues. Furthermore, the fiscal effects of such development on the regional municipalities also will be studied.  相似文献   

Little research has examined the consequences of a suicide for social or family networks. Because suicide occurs within families, the focus on the aftermath of suicide within families is an important next step to determine exactly how to help survivors. In this article, we review and summarize the research on the impact of suicide on individuals within families and on family and social networks. We begin with a discussion of family changes following suicide. Next, we discuss the effects of suicide on social networks overall and responses of children and the elderly to a suicide in the family. Finally, we identify key issues that remain to be resolved in family survivor research and make recommendations for future studies.  相似文献   

This study is interested in the impact of Facebook as a source for political information on public opinion during political controversies. In a society where the mainstream media are under heavy influence by the dominant power and yet Internet communication is largely open and free, social media may become particularly important for the transmission of critical information and viewpoints. The social media information environment may exhibit an overall ‘anti-establishment bias.’ However, the impact of social media should vary across individuals depending on the extent and character of user selectivity. Analysis of data collected during the political reform debate in Hong Kong (N?=?3,246) show that reliance on Facebook as an information source relates negatively to support for the government’s reform proposal. But the relationship is strongest for people without a strong political orientation and people who do not name any newspapers as their main information source. General theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In addition to remedying discrimination, set-aside programs can play an important role in minority business development. While it is understood that set-aside programs have positive impacts on the minority business sector, the magnitude of these impacts has not been explored. This study is an econometric analysis of the economic impacts within the minority business sector that are attributable to City of Chicago spending with minority-owned firms. Where appropriate, and to better operate as business development tools, set-aside programs should target the emerging lines of minority enterprise, include Target Market Programs, and contain provisions for debundling large contracts.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of informal credit as a strategy for managing risks by market women in northern Ghana. A broad concept of the costs of risk management strategies is introduced and encompasses both a time and monetary dimension. Based on qualitative data, the analysis reveals that market women invest a considerable amount of time in maintaining complex networks of informal credit providers to ensure their access to credit once a shock occurs. Informal credit involves high transaction costs and prevents market women from growing out of poverty in the long term.  相似文献   

This article explores the influence that state finance has had on the Romanian party system by examining the entry and exit of parties throughout the period of 1990 – 2004 and focusing on the number of parties that gained representation in the parliament as well as the party incumbency rate. I find that state finance has had a limited influence on the party system as a whole but has been influential for specific parties. I argue that the influence of state finance partly depends on when the system was introduced. In developing party systems, the influence of state finance on individual parties is more differential.  相似文献   

文学的影响研究是文学研究的重要内容之一,任何文学对读者都会产生不同的影响,而文学作品中的色情、暴力等内容属于不良的文化,特别现代许多作品都打着法制的旗号,很容易迷惑人,这些不恰当的描写会对青少年产生较大的负面影响。青少年属于文学影响中的“易感人群”,他们的认知心理还不太成熟,文学艺术中的不恰当描写会在青少年确立正确的人生观、身心健康、人生行为等方面产生不良影响。  相似文献   


The tremendous expansion of the Chinese economy since the turn of the century, especially in terms of its external dynamics, is of world-scale significance. It seems to justify the quest for appropriate conceptions of China’s systemic impact on late development worldwide. A large number of scholarly studies have coalesced to analyse two crucial aspects of the impact, namely: impact on the performance of industrialisation and the condition of labour in the developing world. This paper seeks to critically appraise and reinterpret the existing studies. The appraisal is not so much a critique but rather an attempt to appropriately position the studies in the systemic context. It is submitted that the existing studies’ focus on market competition, as the main form through which China’s impact manifests, needs to be complemented and underpinned by the more fundamental consideration of productive investment. In the direction of constructing a systemic conception, it is further submitted that the China impact can potentially serve as a countervailing force against the prevailing dynamics of the world economy under neoliberal globalisation – ie the rising predominance of speculative finance that tends to crowd out productive investment, thereby hampering industrialisation and worsening labour conditions in the developing world.  相似文献   

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