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This article recommends that MPA Programs not already doing so consider two ideas. First, explicitly include skill development as an important program objective. Second, use the strategy of incorporating skill development and reinforcement into existing courses rather than adding new courses. A process for identifying skills and deciding where to locate them in the curriculum is presented. A list often generic skills is suggested along with a discussion of how they might fit within an MPA core curriculum.  相似文献   

Curriculum mapping (CM) is an assessment tool used to articulate and revise an academic curriculum. Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) accredited graduate programs in public policy, public affairs, and public administration are required to demonstrate a competency-based curriculum development and assessment methods. This article provides the rationale and approach used to generate a competency-based Master of Public Administration (MPA) curriculum and describes a systematic approach to incorporating program learning objectives, stakeholder engagement, competency development or revisions by faculty, into competency-based CM. The competency-based curriculum is relatively new for MPA programs. While there are many potential benefits and challenges, this article focuses on the utility of flexible mission-oriented curriculum design and its ability to link competencies to assessment strategies for MPA programs.  相似文献   

The article describes an integrated approach to written and oral assignments throughout the MPA curriculum. Beginning with the program orientation and the lead course in the MPA program, a series of written assignments that blend theory and practice are used as the basis for later advanced work and special projects such as internships, major papers, or theses. A three-part assignment in the first course, an assessment center for developing interviewing and other skills, and a conscious attempt to develop linkages across courses in the MPA curriculum are the keys to implementation of the model.

The integrated writing and speaking model introduces students to research through preparation of an article review essay on some aspect of public policy or management. Another paper requires field work to analyze a particular aspect of the policy or management process. The third assignment produces a “usable product” for a level of government or public agency, such as a policy or management options paper. Written assignments are coupled with a formal assessment center conducted outside of regular classroom time. The field work helps students begin a networking process for obtaining clients for other projects in other courses and for internships, field papers, and jobs. Presentations of the final course “product” are via a poster session format that includes written, graphic, and oral presentations open to faculty and students, as well as the public agencies and/or governmental units for whom products are prepared.  相似文献   

Today, three independently originated interests are led by their implications to converge upon needed reform of public education. One of these interests arises from the shift by employers from the “command and control” model of management to a model of managers as facilitators. Another arises from the demand for “more integrity” in business, public administration, and the professions, in response to repeated exposures of corruption over the past decade. The third is the autonomous interest of education in preserving and supporting, rather than extinguishing, the innate motivation to learn that is evident in infants and young children.

At a time when proposals for educational reform are coming from many quarters but differ widely on principles and aims, my argument is that the three national interests that are identified above can be shown to converge upon the direction educational reform should take. That direction is away from education as “jug to mug” knowledge transference (the educational equivalent of “command and control” management), and into participatory education in which the spontaneous interests of students have an important role in shaping the curriculum, and the initiatives of students are utilized in the conduct of their classrooms and their schools. Only in this way can schooling serve to develop the autonomous initiatives of individuals that are required alike by facilitative management, by the educational goal of lifelong learning, and for the acquisition by persons of the cardinal moral virtues whose backbone we term integrity.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from a nationwide survey of MPA directors’ perceptions of their programs’ conflict. The survey explored the directors’ general perceptions of their programs’ conflict and perceptions of conflict associated with thirty programmatic areas. The survey was designed to test commonly held assumptions that programs delivered by political science departments, business schools, and unconventional structures are more conducive to conflict than independent departments and schools of public affairs and administration. The article also explores the relationship between conflict and program effectiveness.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a national survey of masters degree programs in public administration. The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of efforts to educate local government managers. The findings suggest that programs with an overall focus on local government management or a specialized concentration are distinctly different from generalist programs. Furthermore, they indicate that internship programs may suffer from some serious shortcomings and that they may not offer an effective content supplement for generalist programs.  相似文献   

This study emphasizes the need to include purchasing, or procurement, as a topic in the graduate-level public administration curriculum. It notes the absence of purchasing research in mainstream public administration journals and in leading public financial management textbooks. The study also reports the results of a survey mailed to the purchasing directors of the 46 largest U.S. counties outside Florida. The survey was designed to familiarize academians and practitioners with various administrative, legal, structural, and procedural dimensions of county procurement policies. Areas of greatest deficiency are those dealing with protest and appeals procedures and contract monitoring, and to a lesser extent procedures for declaring an emergency, entering into intergovernmental purchasing agreements, and contracting with minority businesses. The most comprehensively-covered elements are those delineating award authority, small purchase authority, methods of soliciting bids, definitions of emergencies and professional services, and procedures for contracting professional services.  相似文献   

Results from a survey of NASPAA member programs indicate that NASPAA programs and their parent institutions provide a wide range of placement services. Less than 60 percent of the 68 respondents had a formal placement program at the department level. One fifth of these programs do not provide training in job search techniques, a quarter do not subscribe to placement newsletters, a third do not provide assistance in resume preparation, a third do not assist their students in preparing for interviews, and two- thirds do not provide mock interviews. More than three-quarters do not publish lists of their new graduates and four-fifths do not send these lists to prospective employers. Fortunately, institutional and departmental programs supplement one another in many universities. Nevertheless, central placement agencies do not offer all of these services. Five institutions did not have a formal central placement agency. Public administration programs will improve their placement services for a variety of pragmatic reasons.  相似文献   

Educational outcomes assessment can improve public service education programs. This article applies the Model of Learning Outcomes for Public Service Education which suggest that enabling characteristics—factors that mediate the relationship among immediate, intermediate, and longer term outcomes—can improve our understanding of public service education. A survey was conducted of alumni at The George Washington University in Washington, DC, and the American University in Cairo in Cairo, Egypt. The responses from the two groups of MPA program alumni were striking: curriculum understanding and application were markedly similar, suggesting that this model is appropriate for use in different contexts.  相似文献   

This paper describes considerations which attempt to identify suitable applications of prototype advanced information technology (IT) systems within United Kingdom (UK) local government.

A ‘task‐analysis’ was undertaken of the activities of the departments within a large UK local authority. The resultant data was then matched, through a theoretical model, with the characteristics of these advanced IT systems. It was concluded that a low risk, low cost system should be implemented within the training function associated with a number of departments.

The empirical study was undertaken within Manchester City Council (MCC) which is considered representative of local government. It is believed, therefore, that many of the issues described in this paper may be of value to other authorities nationally.  相似文献   

This article looks at the various forms of regulatory management that the US Office of Management and Budget uses to sontrol the national regulatory agenda. Tracing the evaluation of the strong central the national regulatory manangement role, the author looks at the key executive orders on regulatory review and planning and the requirements for a unified regulatory agenda and paperwork control. These four management areas -- review, planning, agenda publication, and paperwork oversight -- put federal agencies in OMB’s oversight web. More accustomed to bring the regulators, the agencies are now a regulated “Industry” themselves.  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenges and possibilities of teaching nonviolence in teacher education. Using qualitative teacher research, this paper discusses teacher education students’ responses to the notion of nonviolence and how to create beneficial pedagogical conditions for students to learn nonviolence and its meanings for education. The data were collected from three graduate classes that, to different degrees, addressed the role of nonviolence in education. Three shifts in students’ understanding of nonviolence as a result of their learning are identified: the shift from a narrow to a broad understanding, the shift from a passive view to a proactive view, and the shift from looking outside to looking inside and engaging in emotional work. The pedagogical conditions that facilitated these shifts are also discussed, including strategies for engaging students’ inner work, creating experiential relationships with the other, and transforming classroom relational dynamics. This study also suggests the need not to approach violence and nonviolence as binary but to approach nonviolence as a daily practice to continuously unlearn violence and promote nonviolent relationships. Implications of this study for teacher education are discussed last.  相似文献   

This article advances a reputation‐based account to explain the relative salience that different issues assume in central banks’ communication. Based on an innovative dataset consisting of a corpus of speeches by the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States (also known as the Fed) delivered from 2006 to 2016, the analysis shows that the most salient issues in the Fed's communication are shaped by reputational concerns about policy reversals. Specifically, when these concerns are higher, the Fed is more likely to focus on issues related to areas where its reputation is weak or not yet established—that is, issues related to credit easing and systemic financial regulation. In contrast, issues related to activities where the Fed's reputation is established are likely to become less salient—that is, issues related to economic activity and inflation. A similar pattern of issue attention is observed when the Fed addresses political audiences compared to other audiences.  相似文献   

This article develops a strategic agenda concerning regulatory agencies' strategic communication in light of the reputation literature. It highlights the main strands in this literature, presents the fundamental findings discovered so far, responds to the critiques that have recently surfaced, and offers guidance about where scholarship on strategic communication might most profitably head. The critiques discussed here centre on two aspects: (i) the claim that an agency's communication choices are to some extent driven by the distinctive logic of the media rather than by reputational concerns, and (ii) the argument that strategic communication provides only short-term solutions to emerging threats and is therefore overemphasized in the literature. Future agendas include, for example, the selection of audience segmentation strategies, and the management of competing and even contradictory communication for segmented audiences when agencies enjoy exclusive jurisdiction, as opposed to cases in which other agencies share the same stage.  相似文献   


Local policy-makers’ incentives to address an issue is conditioned by how they perceive public attention. Our study focuses on drinking water management at the municipal level in Sweden. Provisioning and management of drinking water is a responsibility of the local governments. Interviews with local politicians and public administrators in seven municipalities reveal that local policy-makers think that citizens view provisioning of drinking water as a taken for granted service, and also lack knowledge of and interest in drinking water issues. Public attention is further seen as a double-edged sword since engagement in water issues often is a result of problems with water provision. The findings are discussed from a theoretical perspective of the role of agenda-setting in public policy. It is argued that the view of policy-makers of citizens as unengaged negatively affects the incentives to bring drinking water to a prominent place on the local policy agenda.  相似文献   

Governments, UN agencies and international and local NGOs have mounted a concerted effort to remobilise sport as a vehicle for broad, sustainable social development. This resonates with the call for sport to be a key component in national and international development objectives. Missing in these efforts is an explicit focus on physical education within state schools, which still enroll most children in the global South. This article focuses on research into one of the few instances where physical education within the national curriculum is being revitalised as part of the growing interest in leveraging the appeal of sport and play as means to address social development challenges such as HIV/AIDS. It examines the response to the Zambian government's 2006 Declaration of Mandatory Physical Education (with a preventive education focus on HIV/AIDS) by personnel charged with its implementation and illustrates weaknesses within the education sector. The use of policy instruments such as decrees/mandates helps ensure the mainstreaming of physical education in development. However, the urgency required to respond to new mandates, particularly those sanctioned by the highest levels of government, can result in critical pieces of the puzzle being ignored, thereby undermining the potential of physical education (and sport) within development.  相似文献   


Can we pave the way to world peace through education of the next generation? This paper focuses on how teaching social and emotional learning (SEL) skills in schools could promote the positive development of children and youth so that they can choose prosocial, nonviolent ways of building relationships with others. First, research on how belonging and fairness develop early in life is briefly reviewed. Then the authors introduce SEL and the research supporting its impact, and explain how it can be supported through various strategies in the classroom, including programs, teacher–student relationships, cooperative learning, approaches to discipline, and solving problems and dealing with conflict peacefully. Building peace by promoting social and emotional development through education offers hope for future generations.  相似文献   

Peace studies and peace education are multifaceted processes focusing on diverse audiences from children in elementary grades to those involved in political negotiations at the highest levels. This paper addresses the foundational importance of including conflict embedded in adult-child relationships in peace education. It conceptually grounds assignments for university level courses designed to teach concepts linked to peace education through the vehicle of understanding violence against children. Such learning is designed to liberate students from the hegemony of adultism, the colonial relationship between adults and children and in turn to contribute to the advancement of peace education. Such pedagogy reflects the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child’s call for educational measures to protect and support children’s human dignity. Such an approach is especially relevant for peace education, as a large body of research across disciplines has provided substantial evidence of a significant relationship between childhood experiences of violence and subsequent juvenile and adult behavioral and social problems including conflict and violence. The approach and assignments described in this paper reflect insights about the use of narratives of childhood experiences, the etiology and effects of violence against children and the reproduction of conflict and violence across generations.  相似文献   

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