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The interwar decades of the 1920s and 1930s were arguably the most important in management history. Not only did America finally achieve a national identity as a managed society, management itself evolved a paradigm that has remained in place until the present day. Chester I. Barnard's work is the quintessential expression of the modernist spirit.  相似文献   

Chester I. Barnard is an example of a manager-participant-observer whose concepts and theories have a major impact on managerial thought and practice in both the public and private sectors.

I am greatly honored to be here and to participate in the first meeting of the Chester I. Barnard Society (U.S.A.). It seems only fitting that we make every effort to bring Barnard, the man, and Barnard's thinking to public attention. In this modern age where computers and rapidly advancing technology seem to be dominating our world, we need to find focus and balance in dealing with the eternal paradoxes and conflicts of a managerial society. Chester I. Barnard more than any other person in the field of management provides perspective for this challenge.

Accordingly, I wish to discuss my perception of Chester I. Barnard and some of the key concepts found in his philosophy and his theory of management. However, before doing so I wish to summarize comments about Chester I. Barnard by a few outstanding persons. These will serve to give a feel for the breadth of Barnard's activities and the significance of his work.

Barnard's thinking has been praised by outstanding men of science. Many see in the work of Herbert Simon, the Nobel Prize recipient, a significant shadow of Barnard. In Simon's book, Administrative Behavior, a number of ideas are traceable to Barnard: composite decision processes, bounded rationality, opportunism in decision processes, and so forth. Simon himself states that “The Functions of the Executive [Barnard's major publication](1) was a major influence upon my thinking about administration.(2) The eminent economist, Kenneth Boulding, states in his book, The Image, that one of the books which influenced him the most is the “pioneering work of Chester I. Barnard.”(3)

The famous American philosopher, John Dewey, stated: “In the main I believe the great value of Barnard's discussion is that it is one of those rare cases in which a man of affairs, an experienced executive, also has genuine intellectual curiosity and wisdom.”(4)

Bertrand de Jeuvenel, the distinguished French political scientist, wrote to Barnard: “Your thinking is political philosophy of the highest order...As one speaks of Keynesian revolution in economics, I feel one should speak of a Barnardian revolution in political science.”(5)

Fortune Magazine,one of the renown American business periodicals, states:

Chester I. Barnard possibly possesses the most capacious intellect of any business executive in the U.S.(6)  相似文献   

The influence of Chester Barnard in contemporary management and organization theorising is substantial but often barely acknowledged. Contemporary authors sometimes ‘borrow’ a fragment to support their case but his was a fundamentally holistic work which sought to interweave and integrate rather than dissect and disintegrate. The research data reported in this paper were not generated to test Barnard's work but in the process of analysis, it emerged that Barnard spoke in a voice which echoed closely the comments of senior executives. Indeed, he is the only theorist to do so in such a comprehensive way. On further reflection, it was found that his work embraces a breadth and depth of conceptual thought which remains unequalled in our vast literature. His intellectual foundations were quite radical for his time, again in a way which does not find contemporary parallel. In what remains a rare gestalt analysis of organization, he manages to blend the contradictions and conflicts of individual and organization and inherent fickleness and ambiguity of social life together with a dexterity and integrity which resembles the practitioners of executive arts rather more than contemporary theorists. This paper seeks to highlight some of the areas in which his work still exposes our current lack of conceptual imagination and ability.  相似文献   

I hope that I will not be regarded as demeaning either myself or my fellow contributors to these papers in honor of Chester Barnard if I suggest that the most valuable product of this exercise may be to cause some readers who have never done so to read The Functions of the Executive, and some others who have done so in the distant past, to read it again.(1) Barnard's book is often referred to as "hard," both in the senses of hard to read and rigorous; no one is likely to recommend if for bedtime or ocean beach reading. But I believe that its "hardness" is closely related to the depth and rigor of its ideas, and that it is written about as clearly and simply as the nature of these ideas will admit. Barnard does not use long words where short words will do, nor many words where few will do. For anyone who devotes thought to organizations, its messages are pretty clear, and refreshingly creative. When read attentively, it can be read with enjoyment.  相似文献   

This essay seeks to identify relevant issues regarding the relationship between organizational change strategies aimed at improving the delivery of public services to low income clientale in human service agencies. * *A human service is defined as a form of assistance given to a client by a public agency; such assistance i s ameliorative in nature and is intended to provide for a social welfare need that cannot otherwise be met. *A human service is defined as a form of assistance given to a client by a public agency; such assistance i s ameliorative in nature and is intended to provide for a social welfare need that cannot otherwise be met.$ef: The strategies discussed in this

essay are: organizational development (OD), transorganizational development, reorganization and decentralization. The discussion is mainly theoretical, derived only in part from the literature and from actual experiences. The focus i s on detemining (logically, not empirically) the consequences of applying different types of organization change strategies as means for improving the delivery of human services. A major assumption i s that each of the strategies would incur somewhat different costs and produce different benefits with varying operational constraints.  相似文献   


This article examines the anti-French campaign triggered by the Laoxikai incident — a dispute in 1916–17 over lands bordering the French concession in Tianjin. The incident was a focal point for competing narratives of the nation, each drawing on traditions and inspirations that implied divergent futures for China. Constitutional monarchism, true monarchism, republicanism, and Christianity all played into the power struggles of the 1910s. This article also addresses the role of violent coercion in the incident, in which nationalism began to legitimate “punishment” of Chinese who continued working with the French. The nationalists felt shame on behalf of their nation, and through public humiliation they forced Chinese who appeared indifferent to the nation to share in the national shame. This development accelerated a trend of nationalistic violence and the discourse of “national humiliation”.  相似文献   


Renowned photographer, Chester Higgins, has captured in the sensitivities of people, interesting places, and fleeting moments in his art; and his creative canvas spans the world; it challenges and provokes but also offers solace in time of need. His work, when viewed by different people and different societal groupings, delivers new and often unexpected meanings. Although his photographs are difficult to categorize because absolute distinctions are constantly undermined by the viewer's horizons of expectations and values that are brought to the viewing situation, Higgins has slotted some of his photographic images into sections described as ‘politics’, ‘writers’, ‘religion’, and ‘social life’. In this short essay an attempt is made to view some selected pieces and come up with innovative meanings. Since the unifying theme in the photography is that of Africans in the diaspora, a few pieces are sampled from each section.  相似文献   

2005年12月18日,玻利维亚举行大选,左翼政党争取社会主义运动全国领袖埃沃·莫拉莱斯以54%的高票一举当选总统,成为玻独立180年以来的第一位印第安人总统.他于今年1月22日正式就任总统,任期5年.一位贫苦的印第安农民如何成长为共和国总统.引起世人关注.  相似文献   

The Impact of Microelectronics. J Rada, Geneva: International Labour Office. 1980. 109pp. £4.40

Self‐Reliance: a strategy for development. Edited by J Galtung, P O'Brien and R Preiswerk, Geneva: Institute for Development Studies. 1980. 422pp. £5.25

Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute London: Taylor &; Francis. 1979. 462pp. £14.00

Urbanisation, Housing and the Development Process. David Drakakis‐Smith, London: Croom Helm. 1980.234pp. £15.95

The Crises of Power: an interpretation of US foreign policy during the Kissinger years. Seyom Brown, New York: Columbia University Press. 1979. 184pp. $10.95

Paper Heroes: a review of appropriate technology. W Rybczynski, Chalmington, England: Prism Press. 1980. 181pp. £3.95pb

The Origins of the Economy. Frederic L Pryor, London: Academic Press. 1977.475pp. £12.70

Research in Economic Anthropology, Vol 1,1978; Vol 2, 1979. Edited by G Dalton, Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press. 1978. 388pp. 1979. 390pp. $14.50 each

Conquest of World Hunger and Poverty. Douglas Ensminger and Paul Bonami, Iowa State University Press. 1980. 107pp. $5.00

Beyond the Green Revolution: the ecology and politics of global agricultural development. Kenneth A Dahlberg, New York: Plenum Press. 1979. 256pp. $17.95

A World of Women: anthropological studies of women in the societies of the world. Erika Bourguignon, New York: Praeger (distributed in the UK by Holt Saunders). 1980. 364pp. £6.50

Women and Colonisation: anthropological perspectives. Mona Etienne and Eleanor Leacock, New York: Praeger (distributed in the UK by Holt Saunders). 1980. 339pp. £ 16.00. £6.50pb

Comparative Perspectives of Third World Women: the impact of race, sex and class. Beverley Lindsay, New York: Praeger (distributed in the UK by Holts Saunders). 1980. 318pp. £ 14.25

Tourism ‐ Passport to Development?. Emmanuel de Kadt, Oxford University Press. 1979. 360pp. £5.95. £2.50pb

Oil and Class Struggle. Edited by P Nore and T Turner, London: Zed Press. 1980. 307pp. £12.95. £3.95pb

Distance Teaching for the Third World: the lion and the clockwork mouse. Michael Young, Hilary Perraton, Janet Jenkins and Tony Dodds London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1980. 259pp. £6.95

Distributional Consequences of Direct Foreign Investment. Robert H Frank and Richard T Freeman, London: Academic Press. 1978. 157pp. £9.75

Developing Country Debt. Edited by Lawrence G Franko and Marilyn J Selber, Oxford: Pergamon. 1980. 309pp. $40.00

Economic Development: an introduction. Clarence Zuvekas, London: Macmillan. 1980.433pp. £10.00. £3.95pb

Directions in Economic Development. Edited by Kenneth P Jameson and C K Wilber, London: University of Notre Dame Press. 1979.256pp. £3.00

The International Monetary System and the Less Developed Countries. Graham Bird, London: Macmillan. 1978. 339pp. £12.00

Finance in Developing Countries. Edited by P C I Ayre, London: Frank Cass. 1977. 174pp. £11.00

The Political Economy of Botswana: a study of growth and distribution. Christopher Colclough and Stephen McCarthy, Oxford University Press. 1980. 248pp. £12.50

Human Resources and African Development. Edited by Ukandi G Damachi and Victor P Diejomaoh, New York: Praeger. 1978. 378pp. £17.75

Employment and Income Distribution in the African Economy. James Fry, London: Croom Helm. 1979. 177pp. £9.95

The Political Economy of Underdevelopment: dependence in Senegal. Edited by Rita Cruise O'Brien, London: Sage. 1979. 288pp. £12.50. £6.25pb

Introduction to Nigerian Law. Edited by C O Okonkwo, London: Sweet &; Maxwell. 1980. 444pp. £14.00

The Kenyatta Succession. Joseph Karimi and Philip Ochieng, Nairobi: Transafrica. 1980. 195pp. Sh.44

China: liberation and transformation, 1942–62 Vol 1 China: radicalism to revisionism, 1962–79 Vol 2. Bill Brugger, London: Croom Helm. 1981. Vol 1,288pp. Vol 2,276pp. Vol 1, £6.95. Vol 2, £5.95

Continuing the Revolution: the political thought of Mao. John Bryan Starr, Princeton University Press. 1979. 366pp. £11.40. £3.45pb

The Urban Origins of Rural Revolution: elites and the masses in Hunan Province, China, 1911–27. Angus W McDonald, Jr, London: University of California Press. 1979. 369pp. £12.25

The Irony of Vietnam: the system worked. Leslie H Gelb and Richard K Betts, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution (distributed in the UK by Basil Blackwell). 1079. 387pp. £12.50. £4.95pb

Back to the Front: the unfinished story in Vietnam. R Pand S Kaushik, New Delhi: Orient Longman (distributed in the UK by J K Publishers). 1979.120pp. £5.00

Mrs Gandhi. Dom Moraes, London: Jonathan Cape. 1980. 336pp. £9.60

Development Strategy of Bangladesh. Nurul Islam, Oxford: Pergamon. 1978. 109pp. £6.35

Emergence of a New Nation in a Multi‐Polar World. Mizanur Rahman, Dacca, Bangladesh: University Press. 1979. 189pp. Tk 54.00

The Western Saharans. Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff, London: Croom Helm. 1980. 348pp. £13.95

Frontiers of Theology in Latin America. Edited by Rosino Gibellini, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books. 1979. 321pp. $9.95

Christology at the Crossroads: a Latin American approach. Jon Sobrino, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books. 1979. 432pp. $12.95

Churches and Politics in Latin America. Edited by Daniel H Levine, London: Sage. 1980. 279pp. £11.85. £6.25pb

The ‘Young Towns’ of Lima: aspects of urbanisation in Peru. Peter Lloyd, Cambridge University Press: 1980. 160pp. £15.00

Internal Migration Policy and New Towns: the Mexican experience. P G Bock and Irene Fraser Rothenberg, London: University of Illinois Press. 1979. 156pp. £6.00

Environment, Society, and Rural Change in Latin America: the past, present, and future in the countryside. Edited by D A Preston, Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1980. 256pp. £14.50  相似文献   

2006年11月5日,尼加拉瓜举行大选.现年61岁的前总统、桑地诺民族解放阵线(以下简称桑解阵)总书记丹尼尔·奥尔特加以37.99%的得票率当选总统,将于明年1月宣誓就职,任期5年.  相似文献   

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