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混合斑中精子DNA抽提方法的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的改善混合斑中精子DNA的抽提效率。方法对不同条件下的混合斑采用不同方法提取精子DNA,进行PCR扩增及STR分型。结果联合运用Chelex法和商品化试剂盒进行精子DNA抽提,可比普通Chelex法快速、准确。结论Chelex法与商品化试剂盒的联合运用可提高混合斑DNA分型的成功率。  相似文献   

A paternity case involving a putative father who had died a few years earlier in an automobile accident was referred to the laboratory for testing. The child and his mother, the deceased's parents, and nine of the deceased's siblings were available for analysis. As previously reported, paternity testing using red blood cell groups, human leukocyte antigens (HLA), red blood cell enzymes, serum proteins, and immunoglobulin allotypes gave a cumulative paternity index of 43,300 and a combined probability of paternity equal to 99.998%. RFLP analysis using Hinf I and Sau 3A single digests and the minisatellite deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probes and 6.3 showed no exclusion of paternity and gave nearly conclusive evidence that the putative father was the biological father of the child.  相似文献   

Current forensic DNA profiling methods rely on the analysis of samples at specialised laboratories with an average turnaround time of several days. The ability to rapidly determine a partial profile of short tandem repeats at the point-of-arrest would be of great benefit to police forces around the world, for example enabling a suspect to be rapidly included or excluded from an investigation. We have developed a homogeneous PCR method for the interrogation of STR loci utilising fluorescent oligonucleotide probes and melting curve analysis. Alleles of the D18S51, TH01 and D8S1179 loci were differentiated and identified on the basis of target length and probe melting temperature. Assay performance was evaluated by comparing melting peak data with the AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus® system. The method is compatible with direct analysis of unpurified buccal swab samples, enabling a partial STR profile to be generated within 1 h.  相似文献   

The stability of DNA in human bloodstains and various post mortem tissues has been investigated. High molecular weight (HMW) DNA was usually recovered from dried bloodstains, even those up to a few years old, but very rapid degradation was found to occur post mortem in the liver, pancreas, spleen and kidney. Other tissues such as the heart, thyroid and skeletal muscle were found to give a reasonable yield of HMW DNA during the first few days after death. The feasibility of using DNA extracted from forensic bloodstain specimens for the detection of DNA polymorphisms was explored using a human haptoglobin (Hp) alpha chain specific probe. Using HindIII and XbaI digests the Hp genotypes Hp2, Hp1F and Hp1S were distinguished by Southern blot analysis in DNA prepared from 1 cm2 bloodstains up to 15-18 months old.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) using two probes, pYNH24 and CMM101, was performed on the BIOS Timeframe system following the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory protocol and some variations of it. Comparable results were obtained by the different methods used.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid, immobilized probe-based assay for the detection of sequence variation in the hypervariable segment II (HVII) of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. Using a panel of 17 sequence-specific oligonucleotide (SSO) probes immobilized on nylon membrane strips, we typed 689 individuals from four population groups. The genetic diversity value for each population was calculated from the frequency data, and the frequencies of distinct "mitotypes" in each group were determined. We performed DNA sequence analysis of 129 samples to characterize the sequences associated with "blanks" (absence of probe signals) and weak probe signals. Out of 689 samples, we observed five heteroplasmic samples (excluding the variable C-stretch beginning at position 303) using the immobilized SSO probe panel. The SSO probe strips were used for the analysis of shed hairs and bloodstains from several criminal cases in Sweden, one of which is described here. We conclude that this mtDNA typing system is useful for human identification and significantly decreases casework turnaround time.  相似文献   

Mobile Rapid DNA technology is close to being incorporated into crime scene investigations, with the potential to identify a perpetrator within hours. However, the use of these techniques entails the risk of losing the sample and potential evidence, because the device not only consumes the inserted sample, it is also is less sensitive than traditional technologies used in forensic laboratories. Scene of Crime Officers (SoCOs) therefore will face a ‘time/success rate trade-off’ issue when making a decision to apply this technology.In this study we designed and experimentally tested a Decision Support System (DSS) for the use of Rapid DNA technologies based on Rational Decision Theory (RDT). In a vignette study, where SoCOs had to decide on the use of a Rapid DNA analysis device, participating SoCOs were assigned to either the control group (making decisions under standard conditions), the Success Rate (SR) group (making decisions with additional information on DNA success rates of traces), or the DSS group (making decisions supported by introduction to RDT, including information on DNA success rates of traces).This study provides positive evidence that a systematic approach for decision-making on using Rapid DNA analysis assists SoCOs in the decision to use the rapid device. The results demonstrated that participants using a DSS made different and more transparent decisions on the use of Rapid DNA analysis when different case characteristics were explicitly considered. In the DSS group the decision to apply Rapid DNA analysis was influenced by the factors “time pressure” and “trace characteristics” like DNA success rates. In the SR group, the decisions depended solely on the trace characteristics and in the control group the decisions did not show any systematic differences on crime type or trace characteristic.Guiding complex decisions on the use of Rapid DNA analyses with a DSS could be an important step towards the use of these devices at the crime scene.  相似文献   

Analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) markers currently represents the most useful instrument in the field of forensic genetics. The problem with forensic material is the degradation of the sample material. In recent years, several papers have demonstrated that short amplicon STR (miniSTR) represents one of the most useful tools for analyzing degraded DNA samples.In the present study, we attempted to develop a short amplicon STR multiplex system (autosomal and y-chromosomal) for analyzing degraded DNA using some newly designed primer sets for a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems for typing.An assay of degraded DNA samples using the designed multiplex systems, including artificially degraded samples and degraded forensic casework samples, proved remarkably effective. Comparing the multiplex with commercial kits, first results show a well success rate.  相似文献   

A gene technological method of sex determination in cadaverous material is reported. The samples were taken from a child's corpse, which was nearly completely skeletonized after 1 year in water. From cells of the bone marrow the DNA was isolated and digested by restriction enzymes. A defined fragment of 2.12kb length was cleaved off by the endonuclease HaeIII in the presence of Y chromosomes. After agarose-gel electrophoresis of the DNA fragments, the specific sequence was detected by hybridization with the cloned, radioactively labelled complementary plasmide pHY2.1.  相似文献   

In order to test the practical applicability of oligonucleotide fingerprinting in China we have investigated unrelated individuals, family members and a pair of twins from the Beijing area using the probe (CAC)5/(GTG)5. Except for the monozygotic twins highly variable banding patterns were demonstrated as expected for the randomly selected individuals but also for the relatives. On the basis of an initial survey of 50 unrelated individuals the calculated probability for obtaining by chance two identical multilocus patterns is very small (less than 1.93 x 10(-13). Therefore it seems reasonable to conclude that like in caucasians, (CAC)5/(GTG)5 fingerprints are completely individual-specific also in this population. Therefore they have already been used successfully for identification purposes and paternity tests in many actual cases.  相似文献   

The Qiagen BioRobot EZ1 is a small, rapid, and reliable automated DNA extraction instrument capable of extracting DNA from up to six samples in as few as 20 min using magnetic bead technology. The San Diego Police Department Crime Laboratory has validated the BioRobot EZ1 for the DNA extraction of evidence and reference samples in forensic casework. The BioRobot EZ1 was evaluated for use on a variety of different evidence sample types including blood, saliva, and semen evidence. The performance of the BioRobot EZ1 with regard to DNA recovery and potential cross-contamination was also assessed. DNA yields obtained with the BioRobot EZ1 were comparable to those from organic extraction. The BioRobot EZ1 was effective at removing PCR inhibitors, which often co-purify with DNA in organic extractions. The incorporation of the BioRobot EZ1 into forensic casework has streamlined the DNA analysis process by reducing the need for labor-intensive phenol-chloroform extractions.  相似文献   

As a first step in developing a molecular method for the individualization of marijuana samples, we evaluated a plant DNA extraction kit. The QIAGEN plant DNeasy method uses a spin column format for recovery of DNA and is effective for obtaining high molecular weight DNA from leaf, flower (bud), and seed samples of marijuana. The average DNA yield was 125-500 ng per 100 milligrams of fresh plant tissue. The recovered DNA was of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) quality as measured by the ability to generate reproducible amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiles. AFLP is a technique used to create a DNA profile for plant varieties and is being applied to marijuana samples by the authors to link growers and distributors of clonal material. The QIAGEN plant DNeasy method was simple, efficient, and reproducible for processing small quantities of marijuana into DNA.  相似文献   

The amelogenin gene is the locus of choice for gender identification in forensic science. Here we report on the use of fluorescent DNA melting curve analysis to genotype the amelogenin locus by means of a toehold-assisted DNA strand displacement reaction. The shape of the curves, or “polarity” of the melting peaks, allowed for visual discrimination between male and female DNA samples.  相似文献   

Reliable and reproducible protocols have been developed for the routine DNA fingerprinting of individuals using the highly polymorphic minisatellite DNA probes 33.15 and 33.6. Comparison of DNA fingerprinting from 50 individuals has generated further data on the level of band sharing in the DNA fingerprints of unrelated individuals, as well as the number of bands scorable in individuals. These results are consistent with previous studies. The occurrence of mutant bands in offspring has been examined in over 100 families. Further support is presented for the Mendelian inheritance of minisatellite loci and for lack of significant allelism and linkage between different variable DNA fragments detected in a human DNA fingerprint.  相似文献   

Six human minisatellite sequences (MS1, MS8, MS29, MS31, MS43, g3) have been subcloned into a stable host/vector system. Allele frequencies at the hypervariable loci detected by five of these probes were determined in a Caucasian population (200 individuals). Mendelian inheritance has been demonstrated in 5 large multi-generation pedigrees. The mutation rate has been determined in 59 families. The highest mutation rate was observed with MS1, as might be predicted from the observed high heterozygosity and in agreement with previous direct measurement of germ line mutation rates. The data presented on allele frequencies and mutation rates provide preliminary data supporting the use of these probes in paternity analysis and forensic investigations.  相似文献   

Measurement variation in the sizing of DNA fragments has been assessed, examining within-gel and between-gel variability. Also, measurement variation detected between two different laboratories, using both manual and automated measurement techniques, has been investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

We devised a simple DNA extraction procedure suitable for STR typing of urine sample. Use of a commercially available DNA/RNA extraction kit equipped with a silica-gel-based membrane made it possible to omit the recovery of urinary nucleated cells by sedimentation before the extraction. Successful genotyping of the TH01, HumTPO and multiplex STRs was achieved using aliquots of urine as small as 100 microL. Furthermore, application of this DNA extraction procedure to frozen urine samples provided STR allele results comparable to results obtained from fresh samples. Therefore, this extraction procedure is considered to be effective for STR typing of urine samples in both the frozen and aqueous state. Furthermore, addition of sodium azide to fresh urine samples prolonged their storage duration even at room temperature.  相似文献   

目的建立一种简约且易于自动化操作的Whatman FTA卡血样DNA提取方法。方法取直径1.2mm FTA卡血样,分别用FTA-DNA直接提取法及FTA常规提取方法提取DNA,AB-Identifiler^TM试剂盒分别进行10山和25山体系检测比较,并筛选批量grA卡血样DNA自动化提取程序。结果200份grA卡血样分别采用2种方法提取DNA模板,25μl体系PCR-STR检测,分型结果均良好。10μl体系检测,FTA-DNA直接提取法优于FTA常规提取方法,图谱RFU值为1000~2000,采用自动化工作站运行该提取程序较手工操作DNA分型图谱均衡性更佳;采用FTA常规提取方法检测,图谱RFU值100~2000,小片段优先扩增现象明显,且有19%的样本出现丢峰现象,采用自动化工作站运行该程序对其结果改善不明显。经工作站运行FTA-DNA直接提取法自动程序及10山体系检测本2万余份FTA卡采集的血样,均获得16个STR基因座DNA分型结果。结论本文建立的FTA-DNA直接提取法适用于FTA卡血样自动化DNA建库。  相似文献   

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