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Book Reviews     
《Central Asian Survey》2006,25(1-2):205-216

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Jewish Lands in Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, and East Jerusalem (in Hebrew), by Eyal Zamir and Eyal Benvenisti.
Building a Palestinian State: The Incomplete Revolution, by Glenn E. Robinson.
Christian Communities in Jerusalem and the West Bank Since 1948: An Historical, Social and Political Study, by Daphne Tsimhoni.
Christians in the Holy Land, edited by Michael Prior and William Taylor.
The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude, by Bat Ye'or. Madison, NJ:
Traditional Egyptian Christianity: A History of the Coptic Orthodox Church, by Theodore Hall Patrick. Greensboro,
Sovereign Creations: Pan-Arabisrn and Political Order in Syria and Iraq, by Malik Mufti.
L'Affaire Zeghar: ddliquescence d'un Etat, l'AlgCrie sous Chadli. By Hanafi Taguemout.
Human Rights and Reform: Changing the Face of North African Politics, by Susan E. Waltz. Berkeley:
Small Islands, Big Politics: The Tonbs and Abu Musa in the Persian Gulf, Hooshang Amirahmadi, editor.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace , by Dennis Ross.
The Truth about Camp David: The Untold Story about the Collapse of the Middle East Peace Process , by Clayton E. Swisher.
The 9/11 Report. Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Authorized Edition.
Turkey-Iran Relations, 1979-2004: Revolution, Ideology, War, Coups and Geopolitics , by Robert Olson.
A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria's Fight for Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War Era , by Matthew Connelly.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Javier Santiso, Latin America's Political Economy of the Possible: Beyond Good Revolutionaries and Free-Marketeers.
Donna Lee Van Cott, From Movements to Parties in Latin America: The Evolution of Ethnic Politics.
Steven Levitsky and Maria Victoria Murillo, eds., Argentine Democracy: The Politics of Institutional Weakness.
Harold A. Trinkunas, Crafting Civilian Control of the Military in Venezuela: A Comparative Perspective.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Arturo Valenzuela and Juan Linz (eds.) THE FAILURE OF PRESIDENTIAL DEMOCRACY. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Orin Starn, Carlos Iván DeGregori, and Robin Kirk (eds.) THE PERU READER: HISTORY, CULTURE, POLITICS. Durham, NC: Donald E. Schulz and Edward J. Williams (eds.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Charles Bergquist, Ricardo Peñaranda, and G. Gonzalo Sánchez (eds.), Violence in Colombia 1990––2000. Waging War and Negotiating Peace
H. Kline, State Building and Conflict Resolution in Colombia, 1986–1994
N. Richani, Systems of Violence. The Political Economy of War and Peace in Colombia
Maxwell A. Cameron, and Brian W. Tomlin, The Making of NAFTA: How the Deal Was Done
Ben Fallaw, Cárdenas Compromised: The Failure of Reform in Postrevolutionary Yucatán
Aníbal González, Killer Books: Writing, Violence, and Ethics in Modern Spanish American Narrative
Valerie Boyle (ed.), A South American Adventure: Letters from George Reid, 1867–1870
Caroline Salvin, A Pocket Eden. Guatemalan Journals 1873–1874/Un paraíso. Diarios guatemaltecos 1873–1874  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Robert Barros, Constitutionalism and Dictatorship: Pinochet, the Junta and the 1980 Constitution
Barry Ames, The Deadlock of Democracy in Brazil
Christina Biebesheimer and Francisco Mejia (eds), Justice beyond our borders: judicial reforms for Latin America and the Caribbean
Jacobo Timerman, Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number
Rafael Hernández and John H. Coatsworth, Culturas Encontradas: Cuba y los Estados Unidos
Terence N. D'Altroy, The Incas
Anibal González, Killer Books: Writing, Violence and Ethics in Modern Spanish American Narrative
Efrain Kristal, Invisible Work: Borges and Translation
Beatriz Sarlo, Scenes from Postmodern Life  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Kelly, Philip. Checkerboards and Shatterbelts: The Geopolitics of South America. Austin: Hollander, Nancy Caro. Love in a Time of Hate: Liberation Psychology in Latin America. New Brunswick: Rutgers Fleet, Michael, and Brian H. Smith. The Catholic Church and Democracy in Chile and Peru. Notre Dame Armony, Ariel C. Argentina, the United States, and the Anti-Communist Crusade in Central America, 1977–1984. Athens Almeida, Anna Luiza Ozorio de, and Joào S. Campari. Sustainable Settlement in the Brazilian Amazon Weyland, Kurt. Democracy Without Equity: Failures of Reform in Brazil. Pittsburgh: Blight, James G., and Peter Kornbluh. Politics of Illusion: The Bay of Pigs Invasion Reexamined. Carranza Valdés, Julio, Luis Gutiéérez Urdaneta, and Pedro Monreal González. Cuba: Restructuring the Economy, A Contribution to the Debate Schwartz, Rosalie. Pleasure Island: Tourism and Temptation in Cuba. Lincoln Rotberg, Robert I., ed. Haiti Renewed: Political and Economic Prospects Adams, John A., Jr. Mexican Banking and Investment in Transition Enríquez, Laura J. Agrarian Reform and Class Consciousness in Nicaragua Lambert, Peter, and Andrew Nickson, eds. The Transition to Democracy in Paraguay  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Marc Serge Rivière (trans. and ed.), The Governor's Noble Guest. Hyacinthe de Bougainville's Account of Port Jackson, 1825
Patricia Clancy and Jeanne Allen (trans. and introduced), The French Consul's Wife. Memoirs of Céleste de Chabrillan in Gold-Rush Australia
John Murdoch, Expediency or Principle: Liberalism in Commonwealth Politics 1901-1917
A.W. Martin, Robert Menzies: A Life. Vol. 2 1944-1978
Ann-Mari Jordens, Alien to Citizen. Settling Migrants in Australia,1945-75
Tim Batten and Graham Maddox eds., Socialism in Contemporary Australia
Rodney Tiffin, Scandals: Media, Politics & Corruption inContemporary Australia
J. Mohan Malik ed., Australia's Security in the 21st Century
Neville Meaney, Towards a New Vision: Australia and Japanthrough 100 Years
By Allison B. Gilmore, You Can't Fight Tanks with Bayonets: Psychological Warfare Against the Japanese Army in the Southwest Pacific
Tadhg Foley and Seán Ryder eds., Ideology and Ireland in the Nineteenth Century
Joseph M. Siracusa, Into the Dark House: American Diplomacy andthe Ideological Origins of the Cold War
Peter Gowan, The Global Gamble. Washington's FaustianBid for World Dominance
John MacFarlane, Ernest Lapointe and Quebec's Influence onCanadian Foreign Policy
Jonathan Schell, The Gift of Time: The Case for AbolishingNuclear Weapons Now
Ariel Salleh, Ecofeminism as Politics: Nature, Marx and thePostmodern
Davis McCaughey, Tradition and Dissent  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Stories of Democracy: Politics and Society in Contemporary Kuwait , by Mary Ann Tétreault All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies , by Michael Herb. Saddam's Secrets: The Hunt for Iraq's Hidden Weapons , by Tim Trevan. Endgame: Solving the Iraq Problem‐Once and for All , by Scott Ritter. The Arab Shia: The Forgotten Muslims , by Graham E. A Very Political Economy: Peacebuilding and Foreign Aid in the West Bank and Gaza , by Rex Brynen. Water Politics in the Middle East: A Context for Conflict or Cooperation? , by Mostafa Dolatrar and Tim S. Gray. Water in the Middle East: A Geography of Peace , eds. Hussein A. Amery and Aaron T. Wolfe. Water Conflict: Economics, Politics, Law and the Palestinian‐Israeli Water Resources , by Sharif S. Elmusa. New Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel , ed. Geoffrey Wigoder. The Oxford History of Islam , ed. John Esposito Islam and Central Asia: An Enduring Legacy or an Evolving Threat ? eds. Roald Sagdeev and Susan Eisenhower.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
REVIEW ESSAY: I sraeli N ational S ecurity : A N ew C onceptualization
The Sword and the Olive: A Critical History of the Israeli Defense Force , by Martin Van Creveld.
Knives, Tanks and Missles: Israel's Security Revolution , by Eliot A. Cohen, Michael Eisenstadt and A.J. Bacevich.
Israel and the Bomb , by Avner Cohen.
Rabin and Israel's National Security , by Efraim Inbar.
National Security: The Israeli Experience , by Yisrael Tal
Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination , by Ehud Sprinzak.
The Transformation of Palestinian Politics: From Revolution to State-Building , by Barry Rubin.
Separate and Unequal: The Inside Story of Israeli Rule in East Jerusalem , by Amir S. Chesin, Bill Hutman and Avi Melamed.
Islamic Politics in Palestine , by Beverly Milton-Edwards.
Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege , by Amira Hass. New York:
The Israeli-Syrian Peace Talks: 1991-96 and Beyond , by Helena Cobban.
Bring Down the Walls. Lebanon's Post-War Challenge , by Carole H. Dagher.
Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia , by Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Arabs at the Crossroads: Political Identity and Nationalism , by Hilal Khashan.
Legislative Politics in the Arab World: the Resurgence of Democratic Institutions , by Abdo Baaklini, Guilain Denoeux and Robert Springborg.
Israel and the Bomb , by Avner Cohen.
Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture-and Destruction of Planet Earth , by Grace Halsell.
Scattered Like Seeds , by Shaw J. Dallal.
Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism , by John D. Cooley.
Historical Dictionary of Islamic Fundamentalist Movements in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey , by Ahmad S. Moussalli.
The Making of the Modern Gulf States: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman , by Rosemarie Said Zahlan.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Campbell, Bruce B., and Arthur D. Brenner, eds. Death Squads in Global Perspective: Murder with Deniability. Pollack, Marcelo. The New Right in Chile, 1973–97. Siavelis, Peter M. The President and Congress in Postauthoritarian Chile: Institutional Constraints to Democratic Consolidation. Díaz‐Briquets, Sergio, and Jorge Pérez‐López, Conquering Nature: The Environmental Legacy of Socialism in Cuba. Schwab, Peter. Cuba: Confronting the U.S. Embargo. Jiménez Polanco, Jacqueline. Los partidos políticos en la República Dominicana: actividad electoral y desarrollo organizativo. Cornelius, Wayne A., Todd A. Eisenstadt, and Jane Hindley, eds. Subnational Politics and Democratization in Mexico. Harvey, Neil. The Chiapas Rebellion: The Struggle for Land and Democracy. Ward, Peter M., and Victoria E. Rodríguez, with Enrique Cabrero Mendoza. New Federalism and State Government in Mexico: Bringing the States Back In.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Koonings, Kees, and Dirk Kruijt, eds. Societies of Fear: The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America. Kingstone, Peter R. Crafting Coalitions for Reform: Business Preferences, Political Institutions, and Neoliberal Reform in Brazil. LeoGrande, William M. Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America, 1977–1992. Gauri, Varun. School Choice in Chile: Two Decades of Educational Reform.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: COMPARING NATIONS: The Use of Quantitative Data in Cross-National Research. Edited by THE LOGIC OF COLLECTIVE ACTION: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. By Olson jr. Cambridge, Massachusetts STUDIES IN HISTORIOGRAPHY. By A. D. Momigliano GOEBBELS AND NATIONAL SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA 1925–1948. By Ernest K. Bramsted THE POLITICS OF NAVAL SUPREMACY: Studies in British Maritime Supremacy THE NORMAN CONQUEST: its Setting and Impact. By Dorothy Whitelock, David C. Douglas, Charles H. Lemmon and Frank Barlow THE JUSTICIARSHIP IN ENGLAND, 1066–1232. By Francis West THE REVOLUTION OF THE SAINTS: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics. By Michael Walzer INTELLECTUALS IN POLITICS: John Stuart Mill and the Philosophic Radicals. By Joseph Hamburger A HISTORY O F SOUTHERN RHODESIA: Early Days To 1934. By L. H. Gann CHINA AND THE BOMB. By Morton H. Halperin London POLITICAL PARTIES IN NEW ZEALAND. By R. S. Milne ECONOMIC ENQUIRY IN AUSTRALIA. By Craufurd D. W. Goodwin. Durham, N.C., Duke AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. By L. I?. Crisp HIERARCHY AND DEMOCRACY IN AUSTRALIA 1788–1870: The Formation of Australian Catholicism. By T. L. Suttor THOMAS PEEL OF SWAN RIVER. By Alexandra Hasluck AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN: Herbert Brookes 1867–1963. By Rohan Rivett SIR JOHN LATHAM AND OTHER PAPERS. By Zelman Cowen. Melbourne THE POLITICS OF PATRIOTISM: The Pressure Group Activities of the Returned Servicemen?s League. By G. L. Kristianson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: CHINA AND OURSELVES: Explorations and Revisions by a New Generation. Edited by Bruce Douglass and Ross Terrill. THE CHINESE ROAD TO SOCIALISM: Economics of the Cultural Revolution. By E. L. Wheelwright and Bruce McFarlane. MAO PAPERS: Anthology and Bibliography. Edited by Jerome Ch'en. CHINA'S WORLD: The Foreign Policy of a Developing State. By J. D. Simmonds. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF COMMUNIST CHINA. By Jan S. Prybyla. LEARNING TO BE CHINESE: The Political Socialization of Children in Taiwan. By Richard W. Wilson. PARTY IN POWER: The Japanese Liberal-Democrats and Policy-Making. By Hahuhiro Fukui. THE STRUCTURE AND OPERATION OF THE JAPANESE ECONOMY. By K. Bieda. THE PEOPLE'S ACTION PARTY OF SINGAPORE: Emergence of a Dominant Party System. By Thomas J. Bellows. INDIANS IN MALAYA: Some Aspects of their Immigration and Settlement (1786–1957). By Kernial Singh Sandhu. INDIANS IN MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE. By Sinnappah Arasaratnam. MALAYSIAN POLITICS. By Gordon P. Means. PHILIPPINE NATIONALISM: External Challenge and Filipino Response, 1565–1946. By Usha Mahajani. REGION OF REVOLT: Focus on Southeast Asia. By Milton Osborne. INDO CHINA TRAGEDY 1945–1954. By Robert J. O'Neill. THE EAGLE AND THE LOTUS: Western Intervention in Vietnam, 1847–1968. By J. F. Cairns. VIET CONG REPRESSION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE. By Stephen T. Hosmer. THE FOURTH DIMENSION OF WARFARE: volume one: Intelligence, Subversion, Resistance. Edited by Michael Elliott-Bateman. THE WAR IN THE FAR EAST 1941-45: A Military History. By Basil Collier. THE WAR WITH JAPAN: By Charles Bateson. INDIA'S CHINA WAR. By Neville Maxwell. HARSHA: A Political Study. By D. Devahuti. GANDHI, INDIA AND THE WORLD: An International Symposium. Edited with an introduction by Sibnarayan Ray. POLITICS IN INDIA. By Rajni Kothari. THE POLITICS OF OPPOSITION IN INDIA: Two case studies of how policy shapes politics. By Robert W. Stern. BUREAUCRACY AND POLITICS IN INDIA. By C. P. Bhambhri. THE POLITICS OF NEPAL: Persistence and Change in an Asian Monarchy. By Leo E. Rose and Margaret W. Fisher. THE POLITICS OF PAKISTAN: A Constitutional Quest. By Richard S. Wheeler. HOMO HIERARCHICUS: An essay on the caste system. By Louis Dumont, translated by Mark Sainsbury. ELITES IN SOUTH ASIA. Edited by Edmund Leach and S. N. Mukherjee. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INDEPENDENT FIJI. By E. H. Fisk. BIG MEN AND CARGO CULTS. By Glynn Cochrane. AUSTRALIA IN NEW GUINEA. By L. P. Mair. NATIONAL INTEREST. By Joseph Frankel.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE NOTION OF THE STATE: An Introduction to Political Theory. By Alexander INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. By Pierro Renouvin and Jean-Baptiste Duroselle. Translated by Mary Ilford THE INEQUALITY OF STATES: A Study of the Small Power in International Relations. By David Vital INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS AND THE MODERNIZATION OF SOCIETIES: The Formation of National Goals and Attitudes. By J. P. Nettl and Roland Robertson. POLITICAL MOBILIZATION: A Sociological Analysis of Methods and Concepts. By J. P. Nettl. HISTORICAL LETTERS. By Peter Lavrov. Translated with an introduction and notes by James P. Scanlon. THE CRISIS OF RUSSIAN POPULISM. By Richard Wortman. CONTEMPORARY SOVIET GOVERNR'IENT. By L. G. Churchward. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul AS EXPANDING SOCIETY: Britain 1830–1900. By G. S. K. Kitson Clark. THE GENERAL ELICTION OF 1880. By Trevor Lloyd. 1867: DISRAELI, GLADSTONE AND REVOLUTION: The Passing of the Second Reform Bill. By Maurice Cowling. SMUTS: The Fields of Force 1919–1950. By W. K. Hancock. RHODESIA: The Road to Rebellion. By James Barber. ASIAN BUREAUCRATIC SYSTEMS EMERGENT FROM THE BRITISH IMPERIAL TRADITION. Edited by Ralph Braibanti. SIR WILLIAM JONES: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Attitudes to India. By S. N. Mukherjee. ELITE CONFLICT IN A PLURAL SOCIETY: Twentieth-century Bengal. By J. H. Broomfield. THE EMERGENCE OF INDIAN NATIONALISM: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century. By Anil Seal. THE JAPANESE SOCIALIST PARTY AND NEUTRALISM: The Study of a Political Party and its Foreign Policy. By J. A. A. Stockwin. TOWARDS A FOREIGN POLICY 1914–41. Edited with an introduction by W. H. Hudson. AUSTRALIA FACES SOUTHEAST ASIA: The Emergence of a Foreign Policy. By Amry and Mary Belle Vandenbosch. AUSTRALIAN TRADE POLICY 1942–1966: A Documentary History. By J. G. Crawford, assisted by Nancy Anderson and Margery G. N. Morris. AUSTRALIAN FEDERALISM IN THE COURTS. By Geoffrey Sawer. COMMONWEALTH-STATE FINANCIAL RELATIONS IN AUSTRALIA. By James A. Maxwell. THE COMMONWEALTH BUREAUCRACY. By Gerald E. Caiden. WEALTH AND PROGRESS: Studies in Australian Business History. Edited by Aan Birch and David S. Macmillan. ESSAYS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. Edited by James Griffin. SYDNEY'S BURNING. By Ian Turner. AN HISTORICAL JOURNAL OF EVENTS AT SYDNEY AND AT SEA 1787–1792 by CAPTAIN JOHN HUNTER, Commander H.M.S. Sirius with further accounts by Governor Arthur Phillip, Lieutenant P. G. King, and Lieutenant H. L. Ball (Originally published 1793). Edited by John Bach. MURRAY OF YARRALUMLA. By Gwendoline Wilson. CRICKET WALKABOUT: The Australian Aboriginal Cricketers on Tour 1867–68. By D. J. Mulvaney  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: CHARLES II AND THE CAVALIER HOUSE OF COMMONS 1663–1674. By D. T. Witcombe. DOCTRINES OF IMPERIALISM. By A. P. Thornton. THE COLONIAL EMPIRES: A Comparative Survey from the Eighteenth Century. By D. K. Fieldhouse. RUSSIA IN REVOLUTION 1890–1918. By Lionel Kochan. POWER AND THE SOVIET ELITE: ‘The letter of an Old Bolshevik’ and other Essays. By I. Nicolaevsky, edited by Janet D. Zagorio. SOUTHEAST ASIA: Past and Present. By Nicholas Tarling. Melbourne, F. W. Cheshire THE CHANGING FACE OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. By Amry Vandenbosch and Richard Butwell. VIETNAM: Seen from East and West. Edited by Sibnarayan Ray. FORMOSA: A Study in Chinese History. By W. G. Goddard. CONVICTS AND THE COLONIES: A Study of Penal Transportation from Great Britain and Ireland to Australia and other parts of the British Empire. By A. G. L. Shaw. THE LAND BOOMERS. By Michael Cannon. PATRICK LOGAN: Tyrant of Brisbane Town. By Charles Bateson. CARDINALMORAN AND THE A.L.P.: A Study in the Encounter between Moran and Socialism, 1890–1907. By Patrick Ford. REFUGEE SETTLERS: A Study of Displaced Persons in Australia. By Jean I. Martin. AUSTRALIAN POLICIES AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS CHINA. By Henry S. Albinski. THE ANZUS TREATY ALLIANCE. By J. G. Starke. FREEDOM IN AUSTRALIA. By Enid Campbell and Harry Whitmore. THE LAW OF THE SEA AND THE AUSTRALIAN OFF-SHORE ISLANDS. By R. D. Lumb. THE ORIGINS OF CSIRO: Science and the Commonwealth Government 1901–1926. By Sir George Currie and John Graham.  相似文献   

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