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八年抗战中,据老舍一九四五年十二月完成的《八方风雨》记载,他共写了“鼓词十来段。旧剧,四五出。话剧,八本。短篇小说,六七篇。长篇小说,三部。长诗,一部。此外还有许多杂文。”目前老舍在抗战时期创作的小说、话剧已引起人们的重视和研究,旧剧、鼓词、长诗等作品尚无人论及。其实这些作品都是老舍在战争中“以笔代替枪”,不顾“有失身分”进行创作的结晶,是老舍创作不可分割的有机组成部分,也是研究老舍创作历程不容忽视的重要领域。  相似文献   

孔海娥 《法制与社会》2010,(27):226-228
本文以农村女性在家庭生活中所承担的家庭角色为切入点,试分析不同角色的女性在家庭生活以及家庭关系处理中分别起着怎样的作用,旨在表明女性在当前的农村家庭中起着和谐支点的作用。  相似文献   

女性主义作为一种学术思潮和重要的研究派别,以它独特的性别视角和文化哲学,对西方学界产生了不可忽视的影响。女性主义在传播领域对性别歧视的批判、对传媒手段和媒介内容表现出的女性价值的研究,业已形成了该学科的中心日程。女性主义指出,大众传媒在社会性别角色观念和女性发展中扮演着重要角色,媒介充当了一个重要的性别偏见传播器。西方女性主义各主要学派均认定,女性价值并非天生,而正是自人类有史以来通过权力话语在社会建构起来的。她们追究了性别歧视的文化根源,并指出媒介对“权力——支配”的传统价值观是通过“话语”来建构和阐释的。女性主义旨在通过打破传播领域内的偏见和歧视,减少大众媒介对传统性别歧视的建构与影响,以促进社会的性别平等。  相似文献   

近年来,中国房地产市场中青年女性购房比例增加,打破了传统以男性为主体的性别购买结构。论文基于性别角色视角,采用CFPS 2014年、2016年和2018年数据,研究在社会转型和家庭少子化双重背景下,社会性别角色变换对青年女性住房获得的影响机制。中国的工业化和性别平等政策增强了女性的个体独立性,高等教育普及化增强了女性的职业和经济能力,少子化等家庭结构变迁改变了女性的家庭角色和家庭财产分配格局,这些因素共同影响了青年女性的住房获得。数据分析显示,个人和家庭禀赋对青年住房获得的影响显著。在住房产权获得上,技术精英和高收入青年女性具有显著优势,“独生子”和“独生女”具有优势,“非独生女”处于劣势,父辈教育程度和家庭人均收入的影响存在性别差异。个体和父辈的教育程度、家庭收入对青年女性住房资产获得有显著正向影响。论文从社会变迁和角色变化的角度解释青年女性购房现象,探究了住房市场变化的社会文化根源,建议政策制定者关注女性的个体化住房需求,并建立更加平等的住房权益分配和继承制度。  相似文献   

女性监狱人民警察监狱是人民警察队伍中一支不可忽视的力量。然而长期以来,由于监狱工作的特殊性,在男性监狱人民警察一直占主导的情况下,女性监狱人民警察基本处于“唱配角”的地位。同时,又由于受传统习惯势力的影响,在女性的角色一般被定位在家庭的社会大背景下,女性监狱人民警察的职业也难免受到冲击。所有这些,都给现时的女性监狱人民警察带来了职业角色的困惑,在一定程度上挫伤了女性监狱人民警察的工作积极性和创造性,影响了监狱事业的发展。因此,研究和探讨女性监狱人民警察的角色定位问题,对于重新认识和确立女性监狱人民警察在监狱事业中的地位和作用,最大限度地释放女性监狱人民警察的社会潜能,具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

当下,网络穿越小说异常火爆,这类小说一般有固定的作者群和读者群——都市女白领和在校青年女大学生。通过对此类小说角色的解读,可以看出当代女性价值观的主要特征,体现在自我的本位性、功利性和矛盾冲突性。这些特征主要是由于社会转型期经济、思想文化的急剧变化引起的。我们可以通过为她们提供广阔的舞台,给予她们宽容,建立完善科学的价值体系等方式加以引导,促进年轻女性的健康发展。  相似文献   

中西方在社会形态和文化传统等方面存在一定的差异,在爱情剧女性角色的塑造当中具体体现在主人公的身份、地位和追求爱情所采取的行动等方面,但其爱情剧都着力表现妇女要求个性解放和女性自我意识的觉醒这一主题则是共同的  相似文献   

派拉特是托妮·莫里森的第三部小说《所罗门之歌》(1977)中最重要的女性角色。本文就派拉特的性格和品质进行分析,总结出从她身上体现出来的黑人文化的优秀特征,并认为:派拉特是黑人文化的代言人。  相似文献   

中国女书是发现于20世纪50年代我国湖南省江永县的一种奇特的女性文字以及以这种文字为中心而形成的各种习俗文化。女书及女书文化以自己特有方式为世世代代生活在旧中国江永一带的劳动妇女及时、有效、合理地宣泄悲哀愤懑情绪提供了重要途径和工具;以仪式化程序为当地妇女婚嫁提供了心理上的支持,在不自觉中起到了女性婚姻心理辅导的作用;女性通过创立各种属于女性自己的节日,为女性个性自我和才能的展示、心理放松以及自尊与愿望的表达提供了平台。女书及女书文化对当地妇女群体心理具有支持、宽慰、辅导以及治疗的作用。  相似文献   

经济发展,人口流动,观念更新,推动着女性角色在家庭、社会中发挥越来越重要的作用.现代女性开始参与与男性相同的社会活动,但传统思想和社会操作的惯性,让女性承受着比男性更大的阻碍和压力.在角色演变中不甚如意的女性,不愿回退到原来的附属地位,在绝望之余采用犯罪的方式加以发泄.女性犯罪的控制和预防已是不可忽视的社会问题,发现女性犯罪的原因,就要对症下药,日后更要有针对性的预防.  相似文献   

汉初高祖至景帝时期朝廷治国思想并非黄老之学,而是以儒家学说为主.理由如下:刘邦在即帝位之后,由轻儒转为重儒,以太牢祀孔子为具有重大象征意义之举;惠帝之无为,是由于无法有为,他思想上倾向儒家,对曹参之无为有不满表示;吕后行事完全不合于黄老,"制政不出房闼"乃是太史公微言讥刺;文帝好道家之学主要表现为立身处世的谦卑态度,而其治国的主要思想是儒家学说;景帝在窦太后的威压下不能进用儒生,但也未服膺黄老,"独尊儒术"实际胎育于景帝之时.汉初朝廷真正服膺黄老者只有二人:一为曹参,但他仅担任了三年汉廷相国;二为窦太后,她崇奉黄老是为了保护个人权力,而非治国.  相似文献   

“一与多”是在《周易》、《老子》等典籍中被总结出来的对立统一的范畴。受到这种传统尤其是《易》学名家黄道周的影响,吴伟业往往沿着“一与多”的思路进行诗歌创作,这在《圆圆曲》等作品中表现得尤为突出。  相似文献   

How might feminist law reform serve all women? The author explores this question within the context of sexual violence involving girls and women with developmental disabilities. She presents the difference impasse as a theoretical tool for understanding how women are positioned in law differently and unequally in relation to each other. She explores how, within the consent framework of a rape trail, competing social narratives or subtexts about race, class, gender, and disability circulate in the courtroom. She also explores the issue of pity in rape traiIs and argues that focusing on interlocking systems of domination and on our complicity in maintaining categories of women in law and law reform is a useful approach for feminist law reformers.  相似文献   

列宁晚年思想的鲜明特征就是对社会主义的重新认识。在《论合作社》一中,列宁明确指出“我们对社会主义的整个看法根本改变了”,但他的论述却出现了一些明显的混乱和矛盾。一是在发展阶段上不适当地提出俄国已经是社会主义国家。二是间接地提到一国能够“建成”社会主义,三是对有些问题的论述过于绝对化。列宁晚年的某些论断也存在着偏颇,例如“党政一体化”问题、“东方决战论”问题,事实已证明是经不起实践检验的。列宁晚年思想之所以会产生局限,最主要的原因是缺乏经验,同时也与党内大多数党员理论素养不高以及列宁独特的语言风格有着比较大的关系。  相似文献   

In this paper the author focuses on some of the topics in the debate on multiculturalism, applying them to the issue of immigration, particularly female immigration, in Europe. She then illustrates how the individual/group relationship is a particularly complex one where women are concerned. In this framework she considers the various roles of a multicultural law and the thorny relation between women immigrants and their official representatives. She concludes by asserting the need to place individual rights before group rights and to ensure that women obtain autonomous access to both sets of rights.  相似文献   

A paternity test is presented in which a father and his two children possessed an extremely rare amorphic gene R-29 (r,---). One of the children was determined to be illegitimate at the first trial as her Rh phenotype was R2R2(ccDEE) and the father's phenotype was R1R1(CCDee). At the Court of Appeal, however, the rare Rh gene r(---) was shown to be inherited from the father to the appellant child through extended tests including her brother whose phenotype was also R2R2(ccDEE). She was acknowledged to be legitimate.  相似文献   

Two cases of accidental deaths caused by the sharp ends of fence or gate posts are reported. Case 1: A 47‐year‐old man was found hanging by his ankle in an inverted position on fencing. He had attempted a shortcut to a railway platform by climbing over a metal rail fence. He had slipped and been impaled through his ankle by the sharp end of the fence post, resulting in death from positional asphyxia. Case 2: An 18‐year‐old male slipped while climbing over a gate and died after being impaled on a spear tip finial, which had lacerated his external iliac vein. Death was due to exsanguination. These cases demonstrate two rare examples of accidental deaths from impalement by the ends of sharp fence posts. Mechanisms of death in such circumstances involve suspension with positional asphyxia and vascular injury with exsanguination.  相似文献   

Levamisole, which is used as an adulterated compound of cocaine, is currently being seen year after year in cocaine intoxication. For a few cases in the last decade, necrotic purpura and neutropenia after levamisole/cocaine intoxication have been described in the medical community. Herein, we present an original case of levamisole intoxication of a 40‐year‐old woman who smoked heroin and cocaine few during a month. She rapidly presented an extensive necrotic purpura of the nose, cheeks and extremities (lower and upper), and immunologic reactions (positive anti‐MPO and anti‐HNE). Levamisole was detected on hairs with ultra‐high performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. The case reports also a probable cocaine supplier deceit, which bring pure drug for hospital investigation after the intoxication of his client. The intoxicated woman had survived with several skin and chronic pain complications. That case recalls the knowledge about levamisole with a short review of the forensic literature.  相似文献   

在尺画字检案经验的基础上,引用痕迹学观点,提出:尺画方式虽然暂时强制改变了书写动作习惯,但字符形象在大脑中形成的痕迹(字符静态印象)仍决定着尺画字的结构和错写等特征.字符静态印象对书写支配作用成为尺画字检验的主要依据.寻找和确定尺画字的特殊形态结构、基本笔划之间的搭配关系以及错写等特征,是检验尺画字的主要方法.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a number of criminal cases where Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) has been recognized as a mitigating factor in the commission of crime. In the wake of these cases, feminists are divided on the question of whether the use of PMS as defense or as a consideration during sentencing is in the best interests of women. In this paper, Kendall overviews controversies surrounding PMS as a construct which reflects the experiences of women. Deconstructing PMS in order to reveal its political origins within medical discourse, the author argues that the introduction of PMS into legal discourse will only serve to further disadvantage women. She argues for the development of an alternative and potentially subversive discourse about PMS which reflects women's experiences, but which relocates women's bodies within their social, political, and economic context.  相似文献   

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