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关于社区共青团工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
城市社区是一个新生事物,在社区中开展团工作是一个新课题.社区团工作既面对一些困难,也有自己的优势.转变传统的工作方式,以服务为纽带,积极参与创建“青年文明社区”活动,是社区共青团工作的思路.  相似文献   

编者按:创建青年文明社区是近来社会热点之一,共青团广东省委员会召开了全省各县、市共青团组织"创建青年文明社区活动现场推进会".现将活动交流材料进行选登,以供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

对社区教育中志愿者队伍建设的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区教育已成为一种国际潮流,许多国家包括发达国家和发展中国家都在进行实践。在我国正以强劲的势头迅速发展,推动了地区经济、社会的进步。本文就社区教育中对人力资源的急切需求提出了引入志愿服务,论述了志愿者队伍建设的迫切性与可行性,并就实施中遇到的问题给出相关对策。  相似文献   

大学生参与社区矫正的志愿服务日益兴起,在其矫正服务过程中,主要存在着四对要素之间的互动:一是志愿者与司法行政机关的聘任关系;二是志愿者与被矫正者的帮扶关系;三是志愿者与校青协的管理关系:四是校青协与司法行政机关的沟通关系.这四对关系共同组成了大学生志愿者参与社区矫正的工作机制.为适应下一阶段社区矫正试点的全面铺开,充分...  相似文献   

大力开展社区青少年教育是社区团工作发展的趋势 ,为此共青团要以社区为依托 ,注重做到团的组织、团的阵地、团的活动进社区 ;同时以需求为导向 ,为社区青少年提供文化教育、维护权益、卫生环境、爱心奉献等服务项目 ,这样既使得青少年在社区中健康成长 ,也增强团组织在社区的凝聚力、战斗力和影响力。  相似文献   

本文在理论分析与现状描述的基础上提出对广州青年志愿者参与社区服务工作的建议,包括起带动作用的参与地为、对志愿服务与社区互助精神的深入理解与宣传、以及整合已有资源完善管理体系等。  相似文献   

城市社区青年志愿者工作初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市青年志愿工作必须努力完成营造社区环境、促进社会保障事业、服务青少年成长的任务 ,必须遵循其工作原则 ,坚持其发展方向。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国社会转型和社会建设的推进,志愿者组织得到蓬勃发展,志愿服务类型日趋多样化和社会化,在此背景下的各地社区教育也得到不同程度的发展,社区教育志愿者日益受到社会的重视。广州市作为国内志愿服务的发源地之一,经过20多年的持续努力,涌现了不少志愿者组织,其中不少参与了本地社区的教育服务和探索。只有掌握志愿者组织参与社区教育的现状,才能更好地探究其科学有效的参与路径,才能构建可持续发展的长效机制,进而推进社区教育发展和社会治理创新。  相似文献   

在现代化建设过程中 ,城乡社区发展是值得注意的趋势。青少年志愿者为社区建设和居民生活开展许多服务活动 ,包括环境建设服务、安全保障服务、家居生活服务、成员交往服务、健康文化服务、特殊群体服务等。青少年参与社区志愿服务 ,不仅为社会作出了奉献 ,而且对自我教育、精神完善有积极作用。社区志愿服务有利于培养良好的思想和情感 ,如亲近自然、真诚友善、和睦共处、爱心奉献、助人自助、珍惜生命、维护尊严、激发潜能。  相似文献   

我国社区工会工作适应于改革开放新形势的要求,目前虽然处于探索阶段,却显示出强大的生命力。实践表明,城市社区工会在维护职工群众切身利益及合法权益上,在维持社会稳定、加强基层政权建设及促进改革发展上、在加强基层民主政治建设上,以及在实现工会工作方式创新上,发挥了越来越重要的作用。社区工会以其与职工群众的密切联系和灵活、多样的活动方式,开拓了新形势下城市工会发展的新领域,填补了城市工会体制的空白,成为今后我国城市工会工作发展的新方向。作为新生事物,城市社区工会还存在一些问题和不足,需要在实践中给予认真解决。  相似文献   

"三个代表"的重要思想充分体现了马克思主义与时俱进的理论思想,闪耀着马克思主义哲学真理的光芒."三个代表"体现了马克思主义哲学思想:充分揭示了社会基本矛盾在社会发展中的基础作用;先进生产力,特别是科学技术在现代发展中的决定性作用;先进文化的发展对于生产力的发展和整个社会进步起着非常重要的作用;人民群众的历史主体地位.因而,要实践"三个代表"的重要思想,必须树立正确的科学的世界观、人生观和价值观.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight college students listed the factors they consider or would consider when making the following commitments: choosing courses, choosing a major, choosing a career, choosing a friend, choosing a romantic partner, and choosing a lifelong partner. In addition, subjects provided their own definition ofcommitment in an unstructured essay. Subjects listed more factors, more distinct types of factors, and more original factors for interpersonal commitments than for academic/vocational commitments. There were few gender differences found in these measures, contradicting the idea that men and women think differently about different commitments. In addition, few gender or class year differences were found in the themes present in the essay definingcommitment. Conceptions of commitment, as described in essays, predicted thinking about specific commitments only slightly.Received Ph.D. in Psychology and M.S.E. in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania, and has research interests in the areas of cognitive development and reasoning and decision making.Received Ph.D. in Counseling and Guidance from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and has research interests in adolescent development and adolescent psychopathology.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(2):284-291

The development of paired-associate (PA) learning and formal thinking during adolescence was investigated with 78 sixth and tenth grade students. Group-administered tests of formal and divergent thinking were given in the tracked, classroom setting. The augmented PA treatment provided, and the minimal PA treatment did not provide, verbal and pictorial prompts. The percentages of children showing formal thinking increased and converged to the 40% mark for both high and average achievers. While the augmented treatment scores were significantly better than the minimal treatment ones, the evidence was ambiguous concerning whether there was a developmental improvement in spontaneous elaboration skills for high achievers. The hypothesis predicting PA learning to be positively related to divergent thinking, and negatively related to formal thinking, was not supported.Received his Ph.D. in educational psychology from Mississippi State University. Research and writing interests are in cognitive development, mental retardation, and behavior therapy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between divergent thinking and self-esteem in preadolescents and adolescents. A second focus pertained to sex differences in the dependent variables. A total of 115 White middle class subjects ranging in age from 10–17 years responded to a personal data inventory, a self-esteem measure, and a taped auditory free-response exercise in divergent thinking. Subjects were categorized for data analysis into two age groups, preadolescents and adolescents. Scores were obtained for fluency, flexibility, and originality of thought, and for self-esteem. Adolescents were significantly more fluent and flexible than preadolescents. The two age groups did not differ significantly in orginality or self-esteem. Self-esteem correlated significantly with divergent thinking in preadolescents only. Female adolescents scored significantly higher on all dependent measures than adolescent males; there were no sex differences in preadolescents. Results are discussed from both an intra- and interstage developmental perspective on adolescence.Research assistant and doctoral canditate in human developmental and family studies at Cornell University. Major interests are adolescent and human life-span development.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Major interests are the study of creativity and the educational psychology of human life-span development.  相似文献   

Two groups of boys and their parents (N=54) were given five divergent thinking tests as one part of a longitudinal investigation on exceptional giftedness in early adolescence. One groups of adolescents was selected because their IQs were above 150, and the other group, was selected because of their outstanding math-science abilities. Canonical and bivariate analyses indicated that there was a strong correlation between the adolescents' divergent thinking test scores and their parents' divergent thinking test scores (Rc=.55). Additionally, there was some indication that these correlations differed in the two exceptionally gifted groups, with the high-IQ group having divergent thinking test scores related to those of both parents, and the math-science group having divergent thinking test scores related only to those of their mothers. These findings are very consistent with earlier investigations on exceptionally gifted adolescents.This research was supported by a grant to M.A.R. from the University Research Council of the University of Hawaii, and by grants to R.S.A. from the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation.Received Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate School. Research interests include creative, gifted, and autistic children, and psychometrics.Received Ph.D. from Boston University. Research interests include child development, long-term family involvement, giftedness, and the achievement of eminence.  相似文献   

Problem discovery,divergent thinking,and the creative process   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous empirical research suggests that problem discovery is an important step in the creative process. The present investigation was conducted to examine the role of problem discovery in the divergent thinking and creative performance of adolescents. Three divergent thinking tests were administered to a group of adolescents. Each test contained three presentedproblems and one discoveredproblem. The discovered problem allowed the adolescents to think of a problem and then to provide solutions. Comparisons indicated that the adolescents generated significantly more responses to the discovered problems than the presented problems. Most important was that the unique variance of the discovered problems (controlling the variance shared with scores from the presented problems) was reliable and significantly related to five indices of creative performance. These results support the componential theory of divergent thinking and creativity, and are consistent with the developmental view of problem finding.Received Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from the Claremont Graduate School. Research interests include the psychometrics of creativity and giftedness, and the developmental antecedents of eminence and genius.Current interests include gifted children and creativity.  相似文献   

随着我国城乡经济体制改革的深化,大量新建企业落户于乡镇(街道),乡镇(街道)工会工作地位迅速提高,而乡镇(街道)工会的地位、机构设置、组织管理体系和经费来源的保障力度却不够,亟需加以解决。  相似文献   

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