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A damage inflicted to genitals organs (GO) affects the copulative functions, the sperm fertilizing ability and, as a whole, the reproductive function. Injuries to the external genital organs (EGO) due to immediate trauma are more often the case in the forensic medical practice; they are less often encountered in operative interventions in organs, which are close to the prostate or those having immediate direct links with the testicles or with the cavernous bodies of the penis, i.e. in case of an indirect trauma or an mediated effect on the functions of GO. Even if there is a smallest damage to the EGO region, the man needs to consult the urologist in the out-patient or in-patient medical institution. It is always necessary to asses a degree of severity to the health both by signs of duration to health disorders and by an outcome of injury with regard for trauma severity and possible impact on the reproductive function.  相似文献   

It was proven as advisable to apply the electrophoretic method in sophisticated expertise cases for the purpose of defining the nature of objects in examinations of material evidence.  相似文献   

The difficulties of present-day forensic medical expert evaluation of poisonings in fires are explained by exposure of man to highly toxic compounds that form during burning of polymers. Analyzing forensic medical expert evaluations of a large number of victims dead in a large-scale fire, the authors emphasize the necessity of measuring not only dead people's blood levels of HbCO, but of some other toxic combustion products that may exert combined effects on human body. The authors think it desirable that criteria of forensic medical evaluation of combined poisoning in fire be defined.  相似文献   

医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的研究医疗纠纷法医学鉴定的特点,并讨论医疗纠纷法医学鉴定的重点及难点。方法将医疗缺陷分为责任性缺陷、技术性缺陷、管理性缺陷、学科性缺陷和其他缺陷,对36件案例分别进行分类并进行统计。其中把18例由医疗事故鉴定委员会鉴定的结论与我室的鉴定结果进行比较分析,其他18例另行统计。结果36例案件中存在医疗缺陷的占86.11%,其中技术性缺陷66.67%,责任性缺陷和管理性缺陷均占25%。18例由医疗事故鉴定委员会鉴定的结论与我室的鉴定结果进行比较,医疗缺陷的认定两者有明显差异(P<0.05),对于医疗缺陷已对患者造成不良影响的认定,两者具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论法医进行医疗纠纷的鉴定,对医疗纠纷诉讼案件的处理起着积极的作用。目前,医疗纠纷的法医学鉴定仍存在许多问题需要进一步讨论。  相似文献   

Informative diagnostical criteria of medicolegal evaluation and prognosis of corporal lesion gravity in case of acute local radiation trauma as well as algorithm of medicolegal diagnostical process concerning these lesions with reference to external radiation exposure, kind of injuring factor, differential-diagnostical signs of acute local radiation trauma are suggested. They make it possible to formulate medicolegal diagnosis and can form the basis for developing diagnostical programmes.  相似文献   

编者按:法医学是为法律服务的一门自然科学,其提供服务是通过鉴定实现的。鉴定在法医学,乃至法庭科学中占有极为重要的位置。然而,由于我国在司法鉴定立法方面很不完善,以及其他众所周知的原因,致使有关法医学鉴定的理论发展缓慢,很不系统,这不仅影响专业教育培养职业鉴定人,而且,也不利于充分发挥法医学鉴定的服务职能。为此,我们提出创建“法医鉴定学”,作为法医学的分支学科。法医鉴定学所涉及的内容较为广泛,其学科框架尚难明确界定。我刊从本期开始设“法医鉴定学”专题栏目,本期两篇文章,旨在抛砖引玉,特别是通常所称…  相似文献   

常林  王宁敏 《证据科学》1998,5(2):64-68
概述 一、法医学鉴定文书的概念及其种类 法医学鉴定文书,是指法医学鉴定人接受委托和在检验、鉴定过程中形成的各种规范性文字、数据和图片(像)资料,以及根据检验所见和鉴定结论制作的书面报告的总称,也可以简称为法医学文书.关于法医学鉴定文书的名称问题,在传统法医学中仅见介绍过"法医学鉴定书”一词,而法医学鉴定书是法医学鉴定文书的一种.另外,我国法学界和司法部门使用的"诉讼文书(有称司法文书和法律文书)”与法医学鉴定文书的关系尚需进一步探讨,但诉讼文书中也涉及法医学鉴定文书的内容. 根据法医学鉴定文书的作用、特点,可以将其分为以下几类(如图示),该分类主要包括三个方面,鉴定程序和过程的文字记录;鉴定书;鉴定结论签发手续和应用反馈.  相似文献   

A new structure of conclusions including special chapter "Conclusion validity", which ensures their high availability for officials of legal investigation agencies is suggested. The examples of conclusion making on the basis of new form in case of blood, secretion and hair tests performed in two variants (known and unknown criminal) are presented.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty (140) medicolegal reports were analyzed in cases of non-lethal trauma of the head in children and teenagers. The specificity of the clinical pattern related with the anatomic-and-physiological peculiarities of child's body was defined. The forensic-medical expertise in such damages needs an elaboration of diagnostic criteria (e.g. an interim stage in craniocerebral trauma) that would be valuable both for medico-legal experts and for neurologists; besides, there is also a need in using the modern methods of neuro-visualization.  相似文献   

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