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薛琳 《当代世界》2008,(6):53-54
2008年4月28—29日,由中国民间组织国际交流促进会(简称中促会)和联合国经社理事会经社事务部NGO处联合主办的“可持续发展与绿色奥运”第三届联合国非政府组织非正式网络/亚太地区研讨会(以下简称研讨会)在北京举行。会议聚集了联合国官员、亚太及世界其他地区11个国家的非政府组织(NGO)代表,以及中国80多家民间组织代表近200人,全国人大常委会前副委员长成思危、中促会会长张志军、中国奥委会副主席屠铭德、北京市民问组织国际交流协会会长黄承祥等出席会议并致辞,联合国副秘书长沙祖康向会议发来视频贺辞。  相似文献   

王玲 《法制博览》2021,(1):59-60
非政府组织通过扮演"法庭之友"的角色参与WTO争端解决,不仅能有效地对最终裁决起到辅助作用,而且其价值也得到合理发挥.但因其地位缺乏法律支撑,部分成员方担心WTO的参与会削弱WTO政府间性质,导致非政府组织参与的角色定位一度处于困境之中.因此,非政府组织以"法庭之友"身份参与争端解决如何得到允许的问题十分值得商榷.  相似文献   

<正>2015年是世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,也是国际社会以反法西斯同盟为基础成立联合国组织70周年。时光荏苒,流年似水,人类社会沧海桑田,世间万象物是人非。然而,联合国作为世界上最大和最具代表性的政府间组织,在维护世界秩序、促进共同发展、推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序方面,依然具有不  相似文献   

林红 《台湾研究》2012,(5):41-45
马英九上台后在对外策略上进行了以“休兵”为内容的调整,意在适应两岸和平发展的大形势,同时满足岛内民众在国际发展方面的期待。对此,祖国大陆方面也做出了善意回应,不再笼统地把台湾要求扩大国际活动空间与“台独”划等号,做出了“两岸在涉外事务中避免不必要的内耗,有利于增进中华民族整体利益”的判断。  相似文献   

1997—1998年亚洲金融危机之后,东盟开启了积极的改革议程。改革的一项重要内容是将公民社会组织纳入决策,这标志着东盟早期封闭式地区治理方式的转变。本文着重研究东南亚地区的决策发展及其政治影响。首先,本文回顾了亚洲金融危机、此后的东盟合法性危机以及改革议程;其次,本文就本地区寻求参与地区决策的团体做了描述;第三,本文分析了东盟纳入公民社会组织的局限,指出尽管东盟宣扬以人为本,然而,事实上,东盟拉拢与其改革议程一致的团体,排挤不一致的团体。  相似文献   

新时代社会转型期,社会组织参与社会治理的过程实现从二元化治理到三元化治理机制的变革。将其纳入法治体系中,事关社会治理整体性变革,促进社会治理方式的多元化发展,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

孙建行 《法制博览》2023,(36):34-36
社会组织参与海洋环境公益诉讼是一种重要的公民参与机制,能够有效保护海洋环境、维护公共利益。然而,社会组织参与海洋环境公益诉讼的诉讼资格问题一直备受争议。文章通过对现行法律规定的详细分析和案例研究,试论社会组织参与海洋环境公益诉讼的诉讼资格。  相似文献   

我国的人口基数很大,贫困人口众多,贫困问题成为妨碍我国快速均衡发展的重要原因。贫困问题制约着我国的发展,影响我国全面建成小康社会。解决贫困问题是均衡目前我国经济发展的重中之重。在改革开放之后,我国国家领导人为解决这个问题,在国家人的带领下,社会组织参与精准扶贫。在国家相关部门、社会组织的帮助下,我国的贫困问题得到了缓解,7亿人口成功脱贫,这对于解决民生问题具有重要意义。但是,我国现在的脱贫形式仍然十分严峻,需要各级部门以及社会组织共同努力来解决这个问题。社会组织具有非盈利性的特点,可以从根本上解决问题,可以更好的帮助政府为贫困人群早日脱贫。本文通过社会组织的特点和优点,分析社会组织的发展机遇并且提供精准扶贫的对策。  相似文献   

社会组织在社会服务领域发挥着重要作用,与民政法治合作密切相关。本研究旨在探讨社会组织参与下的民政法治合作与协同机制,特别关注民法视角下的合作与法律框架。首先,本文介绍了民政法治合作的基本框架,包括法律基础和政策支持,以及合作的主要内容和目标;其次,在协同机制与合作模式部分,阐述了民法对社会组织参与民政法治合作的规范、法律框架以及民法与社会组织参与下的民政法治合作的关联;最后,通过深入研究民法对社会组织参与下的民政法治的问题与挑战,包括隐私与数据保护问题、责任与问责制度和法律监督与改进建议,强调了民法对该领域的重要性。总之,本文旨在为社会组织、政策制定者和法律实践者提供有关社会组织参与下的民政法治合作与协同机制的全面理解,以推动更有效、协同的社会服务体系的建立和发展。  相似文献   

常婷 《法制博览》2022,(8):24-26
社会组织在矛盾纠纷化解中具有天然的优势。针对社会组织在化解矛盾纠纷过程中面临的现实困境,应积极探索完善社会组织参与矛盾纠纷化解的对策,拓展多元化的资金渠道,构建多样化的运营模式,政府部门要转变治理理念,明确社会组织的主体地位,培育专业化人才,探索多元调解方式等方面工作。  相似文献   

This paper explores the notion of ‘innovation spaces’ within the UN system, as physical and virtual laboratories for innovation. Using empirical research in a range of innovation labs the authors explore four key questions: what form UN innovation labs have taken, what has motivated their creation, what their aims and objectives are, and what impact they are having. The answers to these questions promote reflection on the future of innovation spaces, particularly an analysis of whether a model of ‘siloed’ innovation spaces will survive in the humanitarian system. The paper demonstrates the important role that innovation labs play in the UN system, as well as grappling with the challenges they face.  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代开始的欧洲一体化不仅仅是一个以欧洲大陆为地域范围,对内不断深化和扩展经济与社会整合的进程,也同时是欧洲面向国际社会时独立地位不断加强,影响力不断提升的过程.  相似文献   

联合国已步入60华诞.60年前建立的这个组织,是17世纪中叶主权国家出现以来人类倾向于摆脱"无政府状态",建立普遍性的、有约束力的国际政治组织的一个标识.人类对和平与安全的向往促成的联合国组织,是在惨烈的二战结束兼具历史大机遇及盟国领袖大智慧的条件下实现的.今天联合国已囊括190多个成员.联合国60年历程有辉煌也有挫折,因此改革的必要性和紧迫性不言自明.  相似文献   

谭建生 《当代世界》2010,(2):60-61,64
在经历了百年一遇的全球金融危机后,中国深切地体会到当前国际货币体系对中国经济和金融发展的掣肘。中国必须高度关注国际货币体系的改革,即使现在没有实力完全主导国际货币体系的改革方向与进程,但必须努力促使其改革有利于中国经济发展的方向进行。  相似文献   

This article gives a brief history of how women's groups internationally have shaped UN and World Conferences for Women, the changes in the relationship between women's nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the UN over time, and effective strategies for putting the women's agenda on international agendas. The article focuses on three recent UN conferences: the Rio conference on the environment, the Vienna conference on human rights, and the Cairo conference on population. The UN Decade for Women reshaped the international women's movement by including new players and by increasing the number and types of women's groups, particularly in developing countries. Women's NGOs learned how to operate on a global scale and to gain attention. New NGO alliances and networks were formed that were cross-regional and crossed North-South divisions. An increasing number of women's groups contributed to national and international policy-making situations. Women's groups were successful in receiving international and national recognition because of the effort expended to become well prepared in collecting, knowing, and analyzing their facts and in building broad-based coalitions. The key strategies that were used in participating effectively in the conference preparatory process and formal policy-making groups involved five types of activities: 1) NGOs mounted global campaigns on a variety of issues having to do with women's rights and women's involvement in the process; 2) NGOs held multiple strategic planning meetings and built coalitions and consensus at all levels; 3) women's NGOs drafted policy documents, resolutions, treaties, protocols, conventions, and platform documents; 4) women's NGOs gained seating on official delegations by publishing reports, holding meetings, and lobbying and nominating women as representatives; and 5) women's NGOs formed caucuses that met at a daily time and place for holding dialogues with official delegates and policy-makers.  相似文献   

This article examines whether reform ideas that gained influence in national-level bureaucracies in the 1970s were also on the United Nations’ internal agenda. The Joint Inspection Unit (Bertrand) Report of 1971 is the focus of this analysis, as it addressed personnel problems in the UN Secretariat and identified structural shortcomings. Our analysis shows that New Public Management ideas were in circulation in the UN at this time. It also demonstrates the different pressures that international bureaucracies face in regard to their personnel. This is likely to make their responses to reform pressures, such as those experienced in the 1970s, unique.  相似文献   

The formation of informal groupings of states is a manifestation of the global shift in economic power. One such a grouping is the BRICS, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which stands out for its importance due to its economic weight, its coverage across continents and the numerous internal differences. The BRICS have collectively flexed their muscle and expressed their intentions to extend their cooperation at the United Nations (UN). Proposals in the United Nations General Assembly (UN GA) take the form of resolutions, which can be written and co-written by the UN member states. This so-called sponsoring of resolutions is a way to push agenda items forward. Using a large-N network analysis, we examine the patterns of co-sponsorship of the BRICS of resolutions adopted in the UN GA plenary sessions. We find that the BRICS cooperate on fields such as economic issues, however, they do not form a coherent bloc when it comes to resolution sponsorship. These results raise the question in what way the BRICS actually cooperate at the UN level.  相似文献   

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