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At the invitation of the Senior Class Alumni Association of National Administrative College of Tunisia and Jordan's World Affairs Council, a six-member CAFIU delegation led by Mr. Zhu Dacheng, Vice-President of CAFIU paid a friendly visit to Tunisia and J…  相似文献   

Afghanistan began a journey of historic significance-a journey out of the dark decades of oppression and neglect towards a future of promise and hope.International community has been our companions in this journey,and it is a great privilege to be with you here today to talk on the future of Afghanistan. I am enormously grateful to Government and the people of China for the age-old friendship we have enjoyed and in particular for China's solidarity and commitment over the past decade.I also thank CICIR for organizing this conference and generous hospitality extended to us on this occasion.  相似文献   

苏东剧变后,法国共产党遭到了沉重打击,但作为欧洲最大的共产党,法共的发展一直受到各方关注.西方报纸认为,法共目前面临严重危机.实际情况是法共在政治实践中依然活跃,是社会党离不开的合作伙伴.它在理论上颇有建树,倍受各国共产党关注.  相似文献   

This article argues that Jordan should advocate for transforming the Abraham Accords’ regional integration initiatives into a regional security architecture that brings prosperity and security to all its members—including the Palestinians. Jordan is well positioned to influence the Accords’ strategic planners given its credibility, diplomatic assets, and strategic location; it will continue to be a lynchpin in regional security and future integration plans.  相似文献   

This article investigates the paradox that despite Jordan's relative weakness, its foreign policy during the 1980s and 1990s exhibited surprising assertiveness, particularly towards the Palestinian and Iraqi questions. Proceeding from the premise that conventional explanations based on state interest are insufficient by themselves, the article will argue that important ambiguities in Jordanian policy during the period under review can only be understood by taking into account King Hussein's dynastic aspirations as a Hashemite. Hussein's skill in intertwining his dynastic objectives with the interests of an emerging Jordanian state identity will be identified as a prominent feature of his statecraft.  相似文献   

伊美娜 《西亚非洲》2012,(4):102-121
突尼斯在保障妇女权益方面有丰富的经验。在维护妇女法律地位方面,突尼斯是非洲和阿拉伯国家中取得最大成就的国家之一。主要原因有三:第一是历史原因,突尼斯改革运动为社会解放和知识分子的意识形态变化奠定了良好基础。"凯鲁万婚约"的适用亦有利于国家独立以后执行一夫一妻制;第二是政治原因,妇女解放是突政府最重要的现代化与发展政策之一;第三是社会原因,20世纪80年代以来突尼斯妇女组织对妇女社会地位提高的推动作用。当前突尼斯面临的经济与社会问题可能对妇女现有地位构成一定的挑战。  相似文献   

At the invitation of Jordan's World Affairs Council (WAC),a six-member CAFIU delegation headed by CAFIU Advisor Mr. Zhang Zhijun paid a friendly visit to Jordan on January 14-15. The Jordanian host attached great importance to and made thoughtful arrangement for the visit. Though having only two-day short stay there,the delegation,accompanied by WAC Secretary-General Mr. Marwan met a broad range of people including the local political figures and other personages from different circles. The visit has further strengthened the mutual understanding and friendship between the two sides.  相似文献   

After winning the 2011 elections, the Ennahda Islamist Party was the majority partner in successive coalition governments, whose poor performance – namely in the economic and security fields – disappointed the people’s high post-revolutionary expectations. Opponents accused Ennahda of incompetence, greed for power and double talk. Many of the Ennahda-led governments’ failures were due to factors beyond their control, but some did indeed depend on Ennahda’s own political weaknesses. Nevertheless, Ennahda contributed positively to the overall development of Tunisia’s political transition thanks to its moderation and pragmatism and its contribution remains paramount for the democratic consolidation of Tunisia and other political Islamic actors.  相似文献   

突尼斯共和国位于非洲北端,面积164150平方公里,人口944.3万,其中90%以上为阿拉伯人;经济以农业为主,但粮食不能自给;工业以石油和磷酸盐开采、制造业和加工工业为主;旅游业较发达,在国民经济中占重要地位,是第一外汇来……  相似文献   

早在15年前美国政治学大师亨廷顿就曾写道:“在一些主要的阿拉伯国家(阿尔及利业、埃及、摩洛哥、叙利亚、突尼斯)20岁出头、寻找工作的青年人数量的扩大将持续到2010年左右……识字人口的迅速增多造成有文化的年轻一代和很大程度上没文化的老一代之间的鸿沟,因此‘知识和权力之间的分离’可能‘会使政治系统处于紧张状态’。”  相似文献   

AttheinvitationofChineseAssociationforInter-nationalUnderstanding,analumnidelegationof12membersfromtheadvancedclassoftheStateAd-ministrationCollegeofTunis(Ecolenationaled'ad-ministrationdetunis),headedbythehonorablepresidentofthecollegeMr.MohamedElJeri,visit-edChinaduringtheperiodofApril19to29of2004.Ihadthehonortokeepthemcompanyforthevisit.ThroughmytwopreviousshortstaysinTunisia,acountryinnorthAfrica,Ihavehadagoodimpressionofitsbeautifulsceneryaswellasthepeopleandtheculture.Thankstothem…  相似文献   

This is one of few known studies on poverty and poverty relatedissues among Palestinian refugees in Jordan. The camp refugeehouseholds identified in this research represent concrete manifestationsof the ways in which the political and historical legacy translatesinto economic hardship today. Poverty among the refugees inJordan represents a legacy of the refugees’ inabilityto generate sufficient income in order to provide for themselvesthe ‘minimum basic needs’. Therefore, poverty shouldbe understood not only in terms of the social and economic circumstancesof Palestinian camp refugees but also as a particular consequenceof various policies pursued by the state over the past fivedecades, including the Jordanization of public and militarysectors of employment, the provision of public services, andwage determination policy. In this context, the paper examinesthe causes of poverty and considers how various ‘implicit’policies contribute towards luring and ‘locking’a large number of camp refugees in poverty.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of NGO professionalisation on the recruitment of NGO staff. Based on an in-depth survey of employees in 20 advocacy NGOs in Jordan, it demonstrates the gendered impact of professionalisation. The majority of NGO employees are highly educated women, often Western-educated, who work in NGOs primarily for career opportunities and because they are attracted by the NGO's goals. In contrast to existing literature, this article argues that gender considerations, such as job flexibility to accommodate household duties, play less of a role in determining the reasons why women seek work in NGOs and their degree of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

侯赛因国王逝世后,约旦和以色列的关系日益冷淡。这是新国王阿布杜拉在国内外各方面压力下,从本国的根本利益出发而作出的必然选择。尽管在中东和平进程不断推进的大局下,约以关系不致有大的倒退,但约以关系的进一步发展主要取决于以色列,看它是否采取积极的措施主动推动两国业已存在的和平关系。  相似文献   

Jordan and Syria, severed parts of the same country, were in many ways ‘siblings’: their systemic situation, as economically weak small states surrounded by more powerful enemies, was similarly vulnerable; their leaders at the time of the Iraq War were of a similar ‘modernising’ generation; the identities of their populations were similarly Arab-Islamic. Yet, they followed diametrically opposite policies toward the invasion of Iraq: Jordan bandwagoning with the United States and Syria defying it. This contrary behaviour is explained by their differential experiences of state formation and the differing social forces incorporated and identities institutionalised in Ba'thist Syria and Hashemite Jordan.  相似文献   

<正>From March 26-27, I had the honor to join an 8-member working team of China NGO Network of International Exchanges (CNIE) to participate in World Social Forum 2013 held in Tunisia. The Forum, already held 12 times since 2001, was initiated by multinational NGOs against Neoliberalism and economic globalization.  相似文献   

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