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“无被害人犯罪”研究——以刑法谦抑性为视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“无被害人犯罪”是指没有具体的被害人,但具有社会危害性的行为。我国传统的刑法理论一直都把“无被害人犯罪”视为规制和惩罚的对象。虽然从我国国情看,不宜贸然对“无被害人犯罪”实现全面的非犯罪化,但是从刑法谦抑性的视角出发,顺应国际刑法理论的发展趋势,我国刑法理论和实践可以尝试对“无被害人犯罪”进行更加精细的分类,对其中危害性较小的“无被害人犯罪”可以实行非犯罪化。  相似文献   

随着刑事法治的文明和人们价值观念不断趋于理性化,刑法谦抑的价值观念,越来越受到中外法学家的重视和倡导,并在刑事制度中逐渐得到体现。本文揭示了刑法谦抑性的内涵和刑法谦抑性的价值蕴涵,并论述了刑法谦抑在我国的表现及我国当前刑事法治中贯彻刑法谦抑性思想的途径。  相似文献   

随着经济体制的改革和市场经济的发展,我国社会处于一个由农业社会向工业社会的转轨期,这也即是现代化进程.而新型犯罪的层出不穷正是现代化进程中必须付出的代价.为了应对这些新型犯罪,我国通过在原刑法典的基础上颁布修正案的方式,以实现抗制犯罪的目的.但是,不断增加的修正案所带来的犯罪圈的无限扩大似乎违背了刑法谦抑性之精神,也与当前提出的构建和谐社会的提法相左.  相似文献   

世界各国在刑法的改革上对人道主义的重视程度逐渐加深,我国的刑法也在时代潮流的推动下朝着这个方向发生着改变。刑法的谦抑性作为刑法的特性之一,在当下我国构建和谐社会的时代背景下,有着其深层次的意义,对刑法谦抑性的认识和了解有着深刻的必要性。刑法谦抑性中的实现途径如非犯罪化、轻刑化也可以现在的案例和立法中可见,深入研究刑法谦抑性问题无疑具有一定的学理价值和实践价值。  相似文献   

刑法的谦抑性并非一种原则而是一种信念,是人们对刑法的解读。在目前的情况下,犯罪圈持续扩大的趋势已经引起了倡导刑法谦抑性的学者的警惕。文章主要介绍了刑法谦抑性的概念和内容,并以《刑法修正案(七)》、《刑法修正案(八)》以及新《刑事诉讼法》关于刑事和解制度为例,着重分析了谦抑性在中国刑法中的具体体现。保持刑法的谦抑性才能正确处理刑法与其他部门法的关系,维持法律体系的统一。  相似文献   

刑法的谦抑性,是指刑法应依据一定的规则控制处罚范围与处罚程度,即凡是适用其他法律足以抑止某种违法行为、足以保护合法权益时,就不要将其规定为犯罪;凡是适用较轻的制裁方法足以抑止某种犯罪行为、足以保护合法权益时,就不要规定较重的制裁方法。①由此可以看出刑法谦抑性的两层含义:一是罪之谦抑,要求严格收缩法定犯罪圈;二是刑之谦抑,要求严格收缩法定刑罚圈。可见,非犯罪化和非刑罚化是刑法谦抑的题中应有之义,也是实现刑法谦抑性的重要实现途径。  相似文献   

刑法的谦抑性是刑法的基本理念之一。本文通过对刑法的谦抑性的定义以及内涵所作基本的阐述来对今后刑法的发展做了一些建议和设想。  相似文献   

“性贿赂罪”之探讨──从刑法的谦抑性论其不足   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刑法的谦抑性要求刑法机制的运作具有有效性、不可替代性和经济性,将性贿赂犯罪化恰恰违反了上述要求,是不可取的。  相似文献   

随着世界文明化的进程不断发展,刑法正在朝着宽容化的大方向逐渐发展,但是由于我国传统刑罚思想的影响,严刑峻法的陈旧思想仍然占据着很多人的思想。随着我国社会的现代化发展不断深入,对刑法也提出了新的要求,刑法需要保持自身的谦抑和宽容已经被越来越多的人所接受。  相似文献   

刑法谦抑性是对刑法适用范围的限制,同时对刑罚的严厉程度进行约束。我国刑法近年来总的趋势是犯罪化。但是在犯罪化的同时要注意刑法的谦抑性。  相似文献   

据信息产业部统计,截止到2004年6月份,我国电信业务收入已经完成了2536.1亿元,比去年同期增长了13.8%,电话用户总数突破了6亿户,达到了6.077亿户,2003年固定用户新增3274.1万户,月均新增545.7万户,全国移动电话用数新增3533万户。可见大陆电信市场前景广阔、利润巨大。中国加入WTO后,根据中央政府对世界贸易组织的承诺,大陆电信市场已经开始逐步对外开放。外资开始进入电信业。2001年的12月份,为了适应电信业对外开放的需要,促进电信业的发展,国务院颁布了《外商投资电信企业的管理规定》。后来又发布了《指导外商投资方向的规定》。在入…  相似文献   

The use of discourse in criminological thought and writing is touted as though it is a recent event; building off the work of postmodernism In reality, however, the use of discourse in addressing criminological concepts goes back to the earliest works in criminology (although it was not referred to as discourse at that time). This article discusses the history of discourse in criminality, focusing specifically on Beccaria and Lombroso. Application for current use of discourse is suggested as a way of making postmodernist writing perhaps more useful to a wider audience. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Recently there has been much discussion of the prospect of replacing, or supplementing, the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) with a British bill of rights. The Government, opposition Conservative Party and others have published detailed plans and research reports. Whilst there has been some limited examination of the alleged failures of the HRA in providing effective legal protection for human rights, the debate has not been accompanied by a thorough examination of these types of problems with the HRA, free from political criticisms. Drawing on research concerning aspects of the HRA carried out over the past ten years, it is possible to identify concrete problems which have prevented the HRA from meeting the objectives originally set for it. But given the limitations of the present debate, future plans do not adequately address many of these problems making it uncertain how effective any new bill of rights will actually be.  相似文献   

In this article illegal immigrants, a relatively new group of immigrants living at the margins of society, are discussed. The question of the significance of crime for groups that are officially excluded from the formal labour market and public provisions, is presented within the framework of the Unknown City research project, conducted in the four largest Dutch cities (interviews with illegal immigrants; an ethnographic study to determine the extent of support by various ethnic communities; and an examination of the ways in which the restrictive policies towards illegal immigrants were implemented by the police, the Aliens Departments, and by professionals within public or semi-public institutions in the fields of education, healthcare and housing). Both the relatively limited involvement in crime in general and the differences between groups can be explained by the embeddedness of illegal immigrants in the labour sphere and the support by ethnic communities. Attention is paid to the social and legal construction of the illegal immigrant through new legislation and to the observation that illegality is increasingly linked to crime. The majority of illegal immigrants are not criminally active. One exception is the category that is active in the lower levels of the hard drug trade. The authors' analysis suggests that the perception of the criminal illegal immigrant first and foremost reflects the division between wanted and unwanted immigrants, which is the result of the shift towards a restrictive policy.  相似文献   

Lenders in New Jersey have come to understand that they may be exposed to environmental liability for hazardous substances affecting collateral under federal and state law. While initially the parameters of this liability were not clearly understood, the New Jersey legislature and the U.S. Congress have enacted amendments to environmental laws in an attempt to clarify the activities that lenders may undertake to protect their interests while avoiding environmental liability, before making a loan, after making a loan but before foreclosure, and after acquiring title through foreclosure. This article describes how lenders can protect themselves from liability under the New Jersey Spill Compensation and Control Act by availing themselves of the protections of the act's safe harbor provisions.  相似文献   

In 1998, Congress passed the first law protecting the privacy of individuals on the Internet. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) restricts the online collection of personal information from children aged 12 or younger. Under the law, Web sites that maintain chat rooms directed at children must either condition a child's participation on the consent of a parent or guardian or monitor the chat room and censor references to personal information. This article examines whether COPPA's chat room restrictions infringe on the free speech rights of children. The examination finds that aspects of the chat room restrictions are constitutionally suspect because it is questionable whether the parental consent requirement is narrowly tailored.  相似文献   

徐立 《河北法学》2004,22(12):113-115
首先介绍了当前理论界对内外勾结骗取保险金行为定性的几种主要观点,继而对各种观点进行了简要评析,并对内外勾结骗取保险金行为的定性进行了法理分析,最后得出结论:内外勾结骗取保险金的行为应以贪污或职务侵占论处。  相似文献   

朱营周 《犯罪研究》2002,(4):29-31,50
每一个具体的犯罪行为都是某个犯罪个体犯罪经验、犯罪知识、犯罪技能及心理健康等方面水平的综合体现,对犯罪行为不同侧面的分析可以使我们获得有关犯罪人个人方面的大量资料。据此,本文提出了犯罪行为经验性、智能性、变态性特征,试图使侦查人员通过对犯罪行为三个方面特征的归类分析,勾画出犯罪个体的心理特征,为认定犯罪嫌疑提供参考。  相似文献   


Though criminological literature shows that the manifestation of punitiveness in the criminal justice system is complex, it rarely differentiates between responses to different kinds of crimes. This constitutes a significant gap in knowledge, as it is widely believed that white-collar crimes are treated leniently. In light of the “heating up” of political rhetoric, the expansion of federal criminal law, and the increased maximum punishments on conviction, the article aims to explore whether prosecutorial and judicial responses to white-collar crimes have become more punitive, employing rarely used datasets from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) between 1996 and 2014. It is demonstrated that these responses are more complex and less consistently punitive than the rhetoric and policies advanced by politicians. It endeavors to capture the complexity of punitiveness in practice by measuring numerous variables and multiple points in the criminal justice process, studying punitiveness from multiple angles, using prosecution and sentencing data.  相似文献   

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