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Police scholars document that although there is fragmentation of the so‐called “monolithic” police culture, historically consistent features of the occupational culture of police exist. By drawing on ethnographic observations in three U.S. police departments, I describe how one consistent feature of police culture—the preoccupation with danger and potential death—is maintained by the commemoration of officers killed in the line of duty. Through the use of commemorative cultural artifacts, officers and departments construct an organizational memory that locally reflects and reifies the salience of danger and potential death in policing. Furthermore, commemoration of fallen officers is not restricted to a department's own; the dead of other departments are commemorated by distant police organizations and their officers, maintaining broad, occupational assumptions of dangerous and deadly police work that transcend a single department and its localized organizational memory. Implications for the study of police culture, inequalities in policing, and police reform are considered.  相似文献   

Relying on a well‐established theoretical paradigm from organizational psychology, the aim of the current inquiry is to apply a multilevel approach to the study of police culture that identifies workgroups as important entities that influence officers’ occupational outlooks. More specifically, we propose that police culture be assessed in a way similar to concepts in criminology, such as collective efficacy and street culture, whereby the shared features of individuals’ environments are considered. Within this framework, we draw on survey data from five municipal police agencies to examine how strongly officers within 187 separate workgroups share culture, as well as the extent to which culture differs across these workgroups. Collectively, the findings suggest that the workgroup serves as a viable context that patterns culture in police organizations. As such, the study provides a way to move beyond conceptualizations of police culture as either a purely monolithic or an individual‐level phenomenon.  相似文献   

蔡天星  周玲 《政法学刊》2006,23(5):121-123
公安歌曲是以人民警察的工作、生活、心理等领域为题材内容的歌曲。公安歌曲起源于新中国成立之际的公安边防歌曲,在新时期大众文化的影响下发展为影视公安歌曲,20世纪80年代中后期以来公安系统春节晚会和文艺汇演促成了公安歌曲高潮的到来。  相似文献   

This paper examines wellbeing and occupational justice within the police profession. The research presented is based on a preliminary study utilising a qualitative methodology in which 14 in-depth interviews were conducted with rank and file police officers in one state of Australia. The data-set reveals that there are many positive aspects to being a police officer, contrary to the ‘dysfunction’ research that exists concerning the police in which corruption and poor performance prevails. The data analysis supports the notion that the practice of the police can be understood through a framework of wellbeing, occupational justice, and positive psychology. Whilst the research yields strong positive aspects in the work police officers engage in, as well as in their working environment, there are challenges within the profession, namely dealing with traumatic events that can hinder wellbeing and occupational justice. This study offers evidence to reflect on current policies and practices in terms of police recruitment, education and training. The study also offers evidence for improving staff retention by building on the principles of wellbeing and occupational justice within police practice.  相似文献   

陈菲 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):100-102
警察文化是当代人民警察在公安实践中创造的精神和物质成果的总和,是增强人民警察思想政治工作吸引力和感染力的重要载体。大力加强警察文化建设,有助于推进思想政治工作深入化,增强队伍的凝聚力,同时对于树立人民警察的良好形象、进一步密切警民关系也有着十分重要的作用。为此,我们应该提高认识,建构警察文化中的主流文化,在加强警察思想文化建设的同时,努力提高民警的科学文化素质。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):394-420
This study expands the research on public satisfaction with the police by attempting to disentangle the relationships among disorder crime incidents reported to the police, residents' perceptions of disorder, and citizen satisfaction with police performance on order maintenance. The police accountability model and the demographic model are utilized to predict the variation of public satisfaction with police control of disorder (SWPD). The data used in this analysis were derived from a random-sample telephone survey of 1,215 Houston residents. Crime data were provided by the Houston Police Department and further extracted from the area surrounding each individual respondent's residence surveyed by using Geographic Information Systems technology. The main findings are that while the actual incidence of disorder crime had no direct impact on residents' perceptions of police performance on order maintenance, it did have a significant direct impact on their perceptions of disorder. This shows the utility of the accountability model in future research. Moreover, it was found that global satisfaction with police crime prevention was an important predictor of public SWPD in their immediate neighborhood.  相似文献   

警队核心价值观是警察文化软实力的灵魂,是警察文化软实力建设的重点。香港警队自1996年订立和实践其核心价值观以来,在实践理念、教学模式、社会协同、职业价值观测评等方面都有显著的先进性,回顾和总结香港警队在培育和践行核心价值观及其核心价值体系构建中取得的宝贵经验,有助于我们认识广东警队培育和践行核心价值观的现状、特点及成因,并为今后推进广东警队核心价值体系构建提出对策建议。  相似文献   

臧建国 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):119-121
社区警务是当今世界各国广泛流行的一种主流警务思潮和新一轮警务改革的探索模式。公安派出所是市、县级公安机关的派出机构。是集防范、管理、打击、服务多种职能于一体的基层综合性战斗实体。两者之间的关系为:社区警务工作包含了公安派出所工作。社区警务工作是以公安派出所为主要载体展开的。实施社区警务战略决不只是公安派出所一家的事情。  相似文献   

人民警察职业道德中的道德两难问题,主要有执法制度化与人性化的抉择、警察公权力与私权利的抉择、警察法定职责与社会角色泛化的抉择。究其原因,主要在于外部社会环境的复杂性、内部组织管理的缺陷及个体执法素质因素三个方面。解决道德两难问题,必须以法律为底线,具体对策包括推动法律与道德相协调、加强宣传舆论改善执法环境、加强警察执法权益的制度保障、加强警用装备设施建设、减少非警务活动、深化执法规范化建设六个方面。  相似文献   

The notion of a recalcitrant “police subculture” is pervasive in the literature on policing, often invoked to explain many of the ills linked to police misconduct and corruption. This article argues that the failure of reform efforts is the result of interventionist strategies which had sought to change police subculture “head-on” without a corresponding change in the structural conditions in which the policing role is so located, and that these efforts, theoretically, have been informed by a conceptualisation of police subculture as homogenous, monolithic, and static. Using the Bourdieuian concepts of the “habitus” and “field”, the view of a “recalcitrant” subculture will be challenged in this article. Using the Singaporean experience as a case in point, it will be shown how changes in the field of policing can bring about changes, intended or otherwise, in the occupational habitus of the police: refashioning the informal repository of knowledge guiding police work.  相似文献   

肖绮雯 《政法学刊》2011,28(3):123-128
海岩一系列的公安题材小说在当代小说大众通俗文学创作中占有举足轻重的地位,他用"案件+爱情"、"冷艳"复加突破公安题材小说制造英雄呼唤崇高的原有模式,成功制造了一大批英雄民警和爱情英雄,用独特的公安文学视觉用执着的崇高审美开创出"因冷艳显得更浪漫、遇到热辣即回归理智"的题材叙事模式,成为当代文学大众文化中"最不雷同"的成功作家之一。  相似文献   

Police officers are afforded a high degree of discretion in the exercise of their authority, and the control of this discretion is an important issue. While it is assumed that individual officer attitudes and preferences shape their discretionary activity, these officers are also members of a paramilitary organization with leaders over them. The present study explored the influence of both officer attitudes and management influences to explain variation in officer domestic violence arrest rates. Hierarchical linear modeling was used with a sample of 311 patrol officers and 61 supervisors from 23 municipal police agencies across multiple states. Unlike much of the previous literature, the results revealed that officer occupational attitudes had no effect on this particular officer work behavior. Management influences (such as rewards and written policies) significantly influenced officers’ domestic violence arrest behavior. The findings emphasize the complexity involved in the control of officer discretion.  相似文献   

Police investigation units represent a knowledge-intensive and time-critical environment. Knowledge sharing is a key process in investigations. In this paper, we present an empirical study of performance in police investigations. Police investigation units are defined as value shops, where primary detective work is performed. Knowledge sharing is found to have a significant influence on the police investigation value shop. Furthermore, this research suggests that knowledge sharing is influenced by occupational culture. Occupational culture is a reduced, selective, and task-based version of organizational culture that is shaped by the socially relevant worlds of policing occupation. Four dimensions of occupational culture were identified: team culture, planning culture, theoretical culture, and traditional culture. Only the extent of team culture was found to have a significant influence on the extent of knowledge sharing and performance in police investigations.  相似文献   

公安队伍建设长效激励机制建构探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭睿 《政法学刊》2009,26(6):106-110
警察管理是公安队伍建设的核心内容,要素。建构运行高效的公安队伍建设长效激励机制,调动警察的工作积极性是提高公安工作效能的关键有利于加强警察管理,有利于调动警察的工作积极性和提高公安工作效能。针对当前公安队伍建设中存在的问题,应从树立警察正确的需要观、强化警察危机意识、完善榜样激励机制以及培育人文关怀激励机制等方面着手解决。  相似文献   

聂晓英 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):115-118
我国正处于社会转轨时期,警民关系由于社会的转型也出现了一系列问题。从警察文化视角研究警民关系,有利于调整警察的价值观与增强群众的认同感,有利于警察体制的建设和执行,有利于警察形象的建设,有利于解决制度不能解决的问题。并从先进警察文化的内化与警察文化的创新两方面谈了警察文化视角解决警民关系的途径。先进警察文化的内化是营造良好的环境和宣传教育,并通过实践外化警察文化从而增强内化;警察文化的创新是要转变执法思想,加强文化强警的认识,通过制度化来稳固已有先进文化成果。  相似文献   

This article utilizes a longitudinal approach to assess the visibility of women as police officers in primetime crime shows from 1950 to 2008 and compares these numbers for television to actual data on women who work as police officers in the United States. We find that as expected, annual labor force data and crime show data both indicate increases in the number of minorities and women working in the criminal justice system over time. Given the robust literature on the general underrepresentation of women on television, however, we did not expect to uncover that both White and minority women are overrepresented as police officers on television every year compared to the occupational reality. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

潘志锋 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):13-19
"警察权益"问题在20世纪90年代初学界就开始探讨,随着"袭警"事件的不断增多,90年代末这一问题渐成为学术热点。把近二十年来的研究成果作了仔细梳理,从"警察权益"的概念分析、警察权的权变、警察权益受到侵害的原因、警察权益保护的措施等四方面对学界的观点作了概述。  相似文献   

This research examines storytelling and narrative development in police culture related to gendered aspects of policing. Interviews with 28 officers indicates that women are frequently viewed through a gendered lens and that police storytelling appears an important context for understanding police culture. The types of stories explored in this paper–flow of action, war stories, and gender narratives–provide a context for understanding the (re)production of masculinity in policing. By paying close attention to police narratives we can gain insight into the maintenance of masculine police culture. The findings also build on the growing foundation of narrative inquiry in criminology.  相似文献   

社区警务是世界第4次警务革命的产物。我国推行社区和农村警务建设有其时代背景,它是构建社会主义和谐社会、建设社会主义新农村和公安机关开展“三基”工程建设的要求。也是预防、化解社会矛盾纠纷和治安问题的有效手段。加强我国社区和农村警务建设必须通过科学划分警务区、合理配置警力,加强社区和农村警务室的建设。明确社区和驻村民警的条件与要求,强化民警的职责,规范民警的工作方式,加强对民警的管理与考核,提高民警的政治和经济待遇等途径来实现。  相似文献   

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