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为了解广东各高校依法治校、依法治教工作进展以及各高校教职工权益保护的现状,本研究抽样调查了广东11所本科院校1202名教职工。调研显示广东多数高校制定了大学章程,明确了教师享有的权利与义务。虽然高校教职工积极参与学校事务管理,但普遍不熟悉与教师权益相关的法律法规,高校教职工权益仍然无法受到很好保护。文章提出权力制衡的高校治理模式进而有效维护教职工权益。  相似文献   

福建省机械化工矿冶工会工委吴滨来稿,就如何解决行业民主管理工作的瓶颈、焦点问题,进一步推进整体工作,提出以下建议:一、统一思想,加大宣传,深化对行业职代会重要性和必要性的认识。1.行业职代会是中国特色民主管理在新形势下的实践与发展。  相似文献   

现代大学制度架构下高校民主管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国现代大学制度的核心是"党委领导、校长行政、教授治学、民主管理"。民主管理是现代大学制度的根基。高校民主管理通过党委领导下的校长负责制、教授治学、学术权力与行政权力协调、教代会制度等形式实现。  相似文献   

应激管理是现代管理理论中一个新的科学方法。把应激管理引入企业工会维权工作,提高维权能力和水平,在加强企业民主管理、平等协商、集体合同和扶贫解困工作中发挥作用。  相似文献   

以"党委领导、校长行政、教授治学、民主管理"为特征的现代大学制度逐步形成与完善.相应地存在于大学内部的政治权力、行政权力、学术权力、民主管理权力共同作用于大学管理中.应围绕制度建设、创新形式、完善机制和提高能力等方面强化民主管理权力.  相似文献   

让教职工参与学校民主管理是提高高校教学管理水平、加强高校民主政治建设、发挥高校知识分子主人翁精神和责任感的必然要求。为了不断完善民主管理和民主参与机制,北京大学工会在构建和谐校园的进程中开创了“校领导与教职工见面会”制度。这种见面会制度的民主性、互动性、联动性在北京大学的民主管理工作中体现了较强的优势和创新性。  相似文献   

让教职工参与学校民主管理是提高高校教学管理水平、加强高校民主政治建设、发挥高校知识分子主人翁精神和责任感的必然要求。为了不断完善民主管理和民主参与机制,北京大学工会在构建和谐校园的进程中开创了"校领导与教职工见面会"制度。这种见面会制度的民主性、互动性、联动性在北京大学的民主管理工作中体现了较强的优势和创新性。  相似文献   

建立于计划经济时代的民主管理法规,已无法诠释新形势下各种类型的企业在民主管理工作中所遇到的矛盾和问题.因此,学习实践科学发展观活动为建立健全适应新形势的民主管理法律体系带来了机遇.这就要求我们必须审时度势,把握机遇,尽快建立健全新形势下的民主管理法律体系,以更好地推进企业民主建设,协调企业劳动关系.  相似文献   

从我国目前非公有制企业的实践来看,实行民主管理已经成为许多非公有制企业发展的内在需要,非公有制企业民主管理逐渐被提上了重要位置。目前非公企业民主管理立法还存在一些问题,因此,必须对非公企业民主管理立法进行完善。  相似文献   

实行企业民主管理以来 ,总的形势是好的 ,但还存在着认识上的以及与党政关系没有完全理顺等方面的问题 ,需要通过加强和完善法律保障来解决。  相似文献   

激励理论对高校科研量化管理的指导作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
激励促使人的内在需要转化为动机 ,促进目标的实现。激励理论中双因素理论、公平理论和强化理论从不同侧面揭示了影响个体积极性的因素 ,对高校科研量化管理的实践具有启发和指导的作用。认识、重视和运用激励理论 ,有助于促进高校科研实行量化管理 ,并不断完善和成熟。  相似文献   

加强以职代会为基本形式的民主管理制度,保障职工参与管理与监督的民主权利,是贯彻落实党中央和北京市工会十三大会议精神要求,全面促进职工民主参与,寻求"促进企业发展,维护职工权益"让二者互为促进、融合共生的方法和机制,从而探索、构建"职工代表参与"和"职工自主参与"相结合的两条路径。  相似文献   

The paper looks at the notion of womanhood that emerged from the discourse around two laws passed in the first years of the State of Israel: the 1949 “Defense Service Law” and the 1951 “Women's Equal Rights Law.” Law is conceived of as “producing” the cultural meaning of “women” as a social category and defining its relations to the state. My main argument is that in this discourse, the Jewish-Israeli woman is constructed first and foremost as a mother and a wife, and not as an individual or a citizen. The construction of a distinct category of women that emphasizes women's difference takes place within an ideological context of the self-conscious myth of gender-equality. Motherhood is defined as a public role that carries national significance. And it is via this notion of “motherhood as a national mission” that women are incorporated into the state and not through the universal characteristics of citizenship. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, coupled with the central role that the family and the military play within the Israeli culture and society are the major determinants of this specific definition of Jewish-Israeli women's citizenship.  相似文献   

当代大学生存在不同程度的诚信失缺现象。其形成的原因有体制背景,有环境因素,有信用机制不 完善等。解决这一问题的途径,是强化大学生的诚信意识,净化社会环境,形成诚信规范,建立信用机制。  相似文献   


The early 1990s have marked a turning point in the history of the British Federation of University Women (BFUW), which has recently renamed itself the British Federation of Women Graduates, and has had to leave its historic premises in Crosby Hall, Chelsea. This article looks at the origin of the BFUW in the context of feminist concern with women's position in the universities in the first decade of this century. It sketches some of the difficulties faced by the Federation in defining, promoting and defending ‘women's interests’ in the universities and highlights its role in providing a supportive network for women in academic posts.  相似文献   

This study explores intrapsychic structures underlying Marcia's ego identity statuses in terms of separation-individuation patterns. It was hypothesized that achievement and moratorium adolescents would give greater evidence of intrapsychic differentiation on a projective measure of separation anxiety than would foreclosure or diffusion youths. Marcia's Ego Identity Status Interview and Hansburg's Separation Anxiety Test were administered to 80 female and 60 male volunteers at a New Zealand university. All were under 23 years of age. As predicted, high statuses showed less anxiety than secure attachment or detachment. Contrary to expectation, no differences among attachment styles appeared for low statuses. Difficulties in adapting the identity status interview to the New Zealand context may partially explain these results. A measure of intrapsychic differentiation provides a useful supplement to the identity status interview.This research was supported by a grant from the Internal Research Committee, Victoria University of Wellington. Parts of this research were presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, 1985.Received Ph.D in child development from Florida State University in 1977. Current research interest is identity formation from a lifespan perspective.  相似文献   

作为进行终生教育场所的成人高等院校 ,对于学术问题的研究 ,绝不能采取等待和观望的消极态度 ,而应积极开展多层次、多形式、多渠道的科研活动 ,切实改变目前成人院校科研滞后的被动局面。  相似文献   

The opposition of ‘culture’ and ‘rights’ is not uncommon in feminist legal discourse. This article argues that such an approach is fraught with danger as it creates an extremely restrictive framework within which African women can challenge domination; it limits our strategic interventions for transforming society and essentially plays into the hands of those seeking to perpetuate and solidify the existing structures of patriarchy. Drawing examples from a parallel research on Gender, Law and Sexuality, I propose that a more critical and interpretative approach to these two concepts may present a different perspective to portrayals of ‘tradition’ as constraining and/or fixed often displayed in mainstream feminist legal thinking.  相似文献   

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