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税收法定主义原生于民主并以议会为权力标志决定税赋的取舍与存废,而在均衡与非均衡经济制度迥异的境况下,议会权衡公平与正义之基石如何安放,岂能以泛公平论轻率涵盖之。很显然,我国非均衡经济被植入了解构自然平衡的基因——国家普遍深度干预,以致原生态的均衡经济内在的自然公平状态被打破,加之政府及主管部门干预的恣意与任性,名曰公平税收实乃无意识地借公平之美名而倍行不公平,油门当了刹车踩,势必导致社会财富分配不公的尺蠖效应,在此,理论上深入反思并从实践中强化逆调整,方能在税收衡平与法定之下促成非均衡经济社会的实质公平。  相似文献   

财税是国家治国理政的重要手段,法治财税堪称奠基石,而法治发挥作用的关键是良法善治。财税体制在治国安邦中发挥着基础性、制度性、保障性作用,因此,财税体制改革是立足全局、着眼未来的制度创新,其成功与否将关系到国家的长治久安。财税法律制度建设是新时期财税改革的逻辑前提和制度保障,立法在先,用法制来维护财税改革的合法性、正当性、公平性,使重大改革于法有据,有效推进各项财税改革的顺利进行,最大限度地激发市场活力和社会活力,增进人民福祉,推动国家治理体系和治理能力的长足进步。  相似文献   

In view of the sanctions that may be taken by government agencies against employers, all providers should take their obligations under the Act seriously. The first step for each provider is to determine if it is subject to the Act or to any analogous state statutes. If so, the provider should take steps, if it has not already done so, to comply with the Act or applicable state legislation. While the Act has been criticized as a matter of social policy for not going further to prevent substance abuse in the workplace--by, for example, mandating drug testing or requiring sanctions against employees without the prerequisite of a criminal conviction--there is no question that the penalties it authorizes against employers do go far enough to warrant careful compliance with the Act's provisions.  相似文献   

税收法律行为初论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与税收法律关系同样都为税法学的基本范畴 ,但税收法律行为的研究在传统税法学理论中却付之阙如 ,本文即对此作出了探索性的研究。本文首先界定了税收法律行为的概念 ,并确定了其较为重要的种类划分 ;然后 ,通过对税收法律行为与行政法律行为以及私法法律行为之间关系的分析 ,明确了税收法律行为的公、私法交融的性质特征 ,并着重以契约行为为例加以进一步的说明 ;最终 ,将税收法律行为与税法上的事实行为一起 ,初步构建了税法上行为的体系。  相似文献   

本文以党的十八大以来有关财税改革与财税法治的八个重要政策文件为样本,展现在“全面深化改革”和“全面推进依法治国”的大背景下中央高层是如何高度重视财税改革和财税法治.通过梳理近10年我国财税法学界所提出的“理财治国观”“公共财产法理论”“财政控权理论”“分配正义理论”“税收法定理论”“领域法学理论”等理论主张与中央这些重要政策文件的契合点,进而分析我国新一轮财税体制改革的政策演进及其内含的这些财税法理论的关联性,强调坚持问题导向,理论联系实际,着力发挥财税法理论对财税改革实践的引领、推动和保障作用.  相似文献   

Equity and efficiency are usually regarded as the main objectives of tax policy. Commenting on Dr. Reginald Hansen's doctoral dissertation, the author analyses the meaning of the equity-efficiency trade-off framework in the context of the ongoing debate regarding the reform of the German income-tax system. Schmoller's and Wagner's contrasting conceptions of income taxation are discussed. The role of the tax law as an instrument of interventionism within the framework of the social market economy, especially through the use of tax incentives, is highlighted. Contrary to Dr. Hansen, the author adopts an Austrian viewpoint and argues that both the (catallactic) efficiency and equity of tax incentives are disputable, especially but not uniquely through their (ab)use in tax shelter constructions.  相似文献   

公共财政是构建财税法律制度的基石。公共财政的核心,是满足社会公共之需要,其本质是纳税人有权在国家经济活动中参与决策、参与管理、参与监督。推进和完善财税法律制度建设,应当重视财政民主、财政法定、财政平等、财政健全等原则,从而实现财税法律制度的和谐。  相似文献   

郑文琳 《河北法学》2011,29(5):139-143
衡平税法的逻辑起点在于公平与效率的和谐统一。追求税法上的衡平,必须将公平、效率理念镶嵌于经济生活各个方面。衡平税法的纵向经济维度调整在于社会生产各阶段或不同等级层次之间税负的承担及分配。与之相对应,横向经济维度的调整则在于各个平行主体间税负的重新担待。纵横向经济维度的调整的最终目的是使经济运行在税赋公平的环境中达到效率的目标,从而使社会财富的分配走向良性。  相似文献   

随着中国经济从粗放到集约转型,国家治理正由传统的行政主导模式转向"共治、法治和善治"的现代治理模式。财税不仅要考量社会基础和国家性质,还要尊重市场机制,维持财税的中性特质。也源于此,财税治理必须与公共财政、民主政治与法治理念相适应,既要防范市场失灵,又要防范政府失灵。为此,应从横向层面加强代议制机构的民主职能,实现财税权力的合理配置;纵向方面有必要实行地方自治,推动政府间财政关系的法治化。  相似文献   

Using Alien Tort Claims Act suits against multinational corporations as an immediate context for discussion, this article explores the emerging field of corporate social responsibility. The article argues for an understanding of concrete legal struggles as part of broader competing strategies for regulating corporate obligations to a multitude of stakeholders. By identifying and analyzing the positions of concrete actors who operate in the field, the main thesis of this article is that the field strongly tilts in the direction of voluntary and self-reliant models of corporate responsibility. The article identifies this process as consistent with the privatization of regulative structures in general and with extant modeling of corporate governance in particular, and points at the correlation between these trends and the interests of multinational corporations.  相似文献   

Inherent in false confessions is a person taking responsibility for an act he or she did not commit. The risk of taking such responsibility may be elevated in juveniles. To study possible factors that influence individuals' likelihood for taking responsibility for something they did not do, participants in a laboratory experiment were led to believe they crashed a computer when in fact they had not. Participants from 3 age groups were tested: 12- and 13-year-olds, 15- and 16-year-olds, and young adults. Half of the participants in each age group were presented with false evidence indicating liability. Additionally, suggestibility was investigated as a potential individual-difference factor affecting vulnerability to admissions of guilt. Results showed that younger and more suggestible participants were more likely than older and less suggestible participants to falsely take responsibility. Implications of these findings for juvenile justice are discussed.  相似文献   

我国财税法治建设的破局之路——困境与路径之审思   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘剑文 《现代法学》2013,35(3):65-72
环顾经济、政治现代化的时代背景,财税法治建设是新时期改革进路中的重要环节,也是开创新局面的有效关口。面对着此群体利益与彼群体利益、稳定性与变革性、代议制民主与行政高效率等多重矛盾,难免使我们对前路进行再度审思。要突破僵局,亟需从摆正财税法的性质定位、调整立法主体的结构、加快立法或修法的进度、理顺立法与改革的关系等角度切入,通过整体、全面的路径构建,强化全国人大的税收同意权和预算审批权,进而达致财税法律体系完善、法治观念融贯、法权配置协调的"良法善治"目标。  相似文献   

为确保税收收入的取得 ,国家在征收个人所得税时注重运用他人责任的理论 ,即通过扩大纳税义务承担主体的范围以有效抑制偷税行为的发生 ,因此 ,在纳税人以外衍生出扣缴义务人这一主体。为了防止国家滥用征税权 ,纳税人权利保障的问题日益受到关注。从构建扣缴义务人的还付责任入手 ,不失为保障个人所得税纳税人权利的另一视角。扣缴义务人与纳税人虽同为承担个人所得税纳税义务的主体 ,二者的法律地位毕竟不同 ,二者关系如何界定 ,立法上未有明确的说法 ,理论上的研究亦罕见 ,亟待加强。  相似文献   

The FMLA is a complicated and comprehensive regulatory scheme, and it is impossible to review any but the most basic provisions in this article. The final regulations provide very detailed guidance on such issues as benefits continuation, reinstatement rights, notice requirements, and enforcement measures. Personnel policies and practices must be revised to be consistent with these final regulations, and care must be taken that leave policies do not restrict rights under the FMLA or unintentionally create expanded leave rights. In complying with the FMLA, employers must also keep in mind that there are complex interplays between the federal FMLA, state laws that provide family and medical leave, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and state workers' compensation laws, that can require expert advice depending on the particular circumstances.  相似文献   

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