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AfterthesuccessfulconveningoftheFourthWorldConferenceonWomen熏1995andNon-GovernmentOrganization穴NGO雪ForumonWomen熏Beijing'95熏theissueofwomenhasarousedfurtherconcernfromtheinternationalcommunity.Inthepasteightyears熏theChinesegovernmenthasmadeunremit鄄tingeffortstoimplement″BeijingDeclaration″and″PlatformforAction″tomatchitspromisewithac鄄tion.Asabiggestnon-governmentalwomen'sorga鄄nizationinChina熏theAll-ChinaWomen'sFedera鄄tion穴ACWF雪熏bygivingfullplaytoitsadvantagesoforgani…  相似文献   

Deardistinguishedguests熏Ladiesandgentlemen熏Friends熏Today熏thefemalestatesperson熏expertsandscholarsofChinaandGermanyhappilygatherheretoex鄄changeviewsindepthonwomen'srights熏women'sparticipationindeliberationandadministrationofstateaffairs熏women'sstatusandroleintheeconom鄄icandsocialdevelopment熏women'sliberation熏women'semployment熏protectionofwomen'srightsandinterestsandcooperationbetweenthewomenofChinaandGermanetc.Thisisofimmediatesignifi鄄canceforthepromotionofthefriendshipandfriendl…  相似文献   

FromNov.16-232003adele-gationofGermanHeinrich-BllFoundationledbyMs.BabaraUnmuessigpaidavisittoChinaandattendedtheChina-GermanSeminarinBeijingunderthethemeof″Women'sStatusandRolesintheNewEra″whichwasjointlyheldbytheChineseAsso-ciationforInternationalUnder-standingCAFIUtheHeinrich-BllFoundationandtheInterna-tionalDepartmentofAll-ChinaWomen'sFederation.Mr.ZhuDachengVice-PresidentofCAFIUpresidedovertheopen-ingandclosingceremonies.Mme.LiShuzhengAdvisortoCAFIUdeliveredspeeches…  相似文献   

The 9^th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights cosponsored by China Foundation for Human Rights Development, Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) and Friedrich-Ebert Foundation of Germany opens today. Hereby on behalf of CAFIU, I would like toexpress warm welcome to Mme. Gmelin and all the guests and earnest congratulations on the opening of the seminar.  相似文献   

In constructing China's strategic diplomatic configuration, we often stress -that "major power relations are critical, the surrounding areas are the policy priorities, developing countries are the foundation, and the multilateral relations are important arena". After the CPC 18th National Congress, "public diplomacy" and "global governance" were also defined as the new orientation in China's diplomatic efforts. In designing China's diplomatic strategy, we have always considered the major powers and surrounding areas to be our diplomatic priority. The reality is the same.  相似文献   

<正>I. Features of the post-crisis global security situation 1. Non-traditional threats become more urgent and cooperation for security remains to be the mainstream trend. The international financial crisis has deepened interdependence between  相似文献   

The emergence of well-positioned middle powers is a profound impetus for change within the intemational arena of structure rearrangement, issues replacement, and values reconstruction. In particular, India, Brazil, Turkey and South Africa are middle powers that rose together during the global financial crisis to become a compelling force, each transitioning to active participant rather than follower.' As a result, Chinese diplomatic personnel are in a unique position to capitalize on their newly transformed political and economic influence.  相似文献   

At different stages of historical development in the past 60 years of its foreign relations, China came up with fresh strategic thoughts and concepts of great significance to the international community, such as the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the Three Worlds Theory, the New International Economic and Political Order, and the Concept of Harmonious World. In today's world, the international balance of power has experienced great changes, the prospect of multi-polar system is increasingly clear,  相似文献   

The thirty years of reform and opening-up are an importanthistorical period in China's national rejuvenation. This period has witnessed the triumphant advance and great changes in its foreign relations. For China, the outside world has never been closer. For the world, China is becoming a more and more significant or even indispensable factor.  相似文献   

China is located at the eastern end of Eurasia and on the western side of the Pacific.Since ancient times,China has had both land and sea territory.In addition,China has common land or sea borders with many neighboring countries.So China has always regarded her land and  相似文献   

正Distinguished Vice-President Liu Hongcai,Distinguished Mr.Yoshida Shin,Distinguished guests from China and Japan,Dear friends,Good morning.Many thanks to Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)for inviting me to attend the seminar.I want to talk about youth exchangs which is of vital importance to the future of China-Japan relations.The signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship is a milestone in the history of  相似文献   

Today, friendly people's organizations from China and Japan are gathering here in Tokyo. First of all,please allow me to express our warm congratulations to the successful holding of this rally and heartfelt thanks to Japanese friendly organizations, including Japan-China Friendship Association and JapanChina Association, for their thoughtful arrangements and warm hospitality extended to us.  相似文献   

Since the founding of New China, with tremendous changes in the Chinese society, social productivity and comprehensive national strength have been greatly enhanced, and people's livelihood has also been substantially improved. Great achievements have been made in the aspects of education, sports, medical care and health. For 60 years, the universalization of education in China has come close to the average level in medium income countries;  相似文献   

Over the past thirty years of reform and opening up, China's diplomatic work achievements that has borne rich fruits and made great attract worldwide attention. These are the decades in which China has been advancing from closed and semi-closed state to all-round opening up, and China's relationship with the world has undergone historical changes;  相似文献   

Distinguished Mr. Chairman,Distinguished guests,Today I am very pleased tohave this opportunity to exchangeviews with our German friends onthe current Middle East situationand prospect.The Middle East is a regionof important influence in theworld, as it i…  相似文献   

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